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Nisam ja hladna osoba. I ja sam osjećajno biće koje voli balet, ruže i izlete. Britni Spirs i Kristinu Agjuliteirnuagiue...

Sjećam se svoje prve ljubavi sa


Svi su mi bili zavidni...



I want to go by the river
And put a blanket on the grass
I'll pour my heart and soul
Into your wine glass

I'll kiss you for an appetizer
And love you for the meal
Then I'll ask for your hand in marriage
As I look up lovingly and kneel

I wanna take you on a picnic
A picnic of love under the blue sky above
Love, Love, Love

Even the ants and the squirrels
They can tell we're in love
My heart soars like
The wing of a dove

We'll take a walk
Through the forests and the trees
And then we'll lie down
With the birds and the bees

I wanna take you on a picnic
A picnic of love under the blue sky above
Love, Love, Love

Post je objavljen 23.07.2005. u 22:26 sati.