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The spavanje

Zašto, ali zašto svako ljeto JA, da JA, moja malenkost, zašto se ja nikada ne naspavam? Cijelu godinu planiram kak oću se lijepo naspavati prek ljeta i sve i na kraju eto prosjek spavanje negdje padne sa nekih 9 sat na nekih 5 sata. Za početak pozdrav svima koji su 06.07. bilio na big step festivaklu u tvornici. Za primjer mog spavanja, došao sam doma u nekih 4 i zaspao u pola pet i probudio se u 7-8. Jako lijepo.
I biti vani svaku večer to je sve super ali zašto se buditi ujutro u 7 samo da odeš na bazen plivati. Pa čovječe toliko o treniranju. ajd kad sam več spomenuo big step, koncert bijaše odličan, iskakali su se ama baš svi. Ja sam došao doma i mogao sam se cijediti koliko sam bio mokar. Zakon koncert. Lijepo je kad se poslije koncerta malo ostane i porazgovara s izvođačima iz npr. amerika. Pa nikad nebi reko da su amerikanci tako zakon, mislim čast izuzecima al ovi su prave face, ma kakve face, LEGENDE. A legenda ću i ja bit kad napokon odem na more, što će bit uskoro, sam da frend završi s praksom pa idemo zajednu u jednu viksu na krk. Ekipica je spremna i ove godine će bit svega. I neznam zašto ali ipak moram podijeliti s vama lyrics jedne od mojih trenutačno najboljih pjesama jer najbolje prikazuje moje raspoloženje ljeti.

SUM 41
Fat Lip"

Storming through the party like my name was El ninio
When I'm hangin' out drinking in the back of an El Camino
As a kid, I was a skid and no one knew me by name.
I trashed my own house party cause no body came.

I know I'm not the one you thought you knew back in high school
Never going, never showing up when we had to.
attention that we crave don't tell us to behave,
I'm sick of always hearing act your age.

I don't want to waste my time
become another casualty of society.
I'll never fall in line
Become another victim of your conformity
And back down.

Because you don't
Know us at all we laugh when old people fall.
But what would you expect with a conscience so small.
Heavy metal and mullets it's how we were raised.
Maiden and priest were the gods that we praised

Cause we like having fun at other peoples expense and,
Cutting people down is just a minor offence then,
It's none of your concern, I guess I'll never learn.
I'm sick of being told to wait my turn.

I don't want to waste my time
become another casualty of society.
I'll never fall in line
Become another victim of your conformity
And back down.

Don't count on me, to let you know when.
Don't count on me, I'll do it again.
Don't count on me, it's the point you're missing.
Don't count on me, cause I'm not listening.

Well I'm a no goodnick lower middle class brat,
Back packed and I don't give a shit about nothing.
You be standing on the corner talking all that kufuffin.
But you don't make sense from all the gas you be huffing.
Then if the egg don't stain you'll be ringing off the hook,
You're on the hit list wanted in the telephone book.
I like songs with distortion, to drink in proportion.
The doctor* said my mom should have had an abortion.

I don't want to waste my time
become another casualty of society.
I'll never fall in line
Become another victim of your conformity
And back down.

Waste my time with them
Casualty of society.
Waste my time again,
Victim of your conformity
And back down.

E i ak netko zna gdje nabavit bilo što od O.C. Supertonesa i Seeker's Planeta nek mi se javi, c ja

Post je objavljen 12.07.2005. u 00:25 sati.