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SOS Children's Villages

SOS Children's Villages

Ja sam jucer postala SOS Family Friend jednog djecjeg sela u Africi i svaki misec ce mi skinit 9$ s kreditne kartice. Toliko ja mogu priustit:

Your donation will help a child grow up in the warmth and security of a family and receive an education or learn a trade which prepares them for an independent life.

Your monthly donation is used to meet expenses such as;

school fees,
medical care, and
the salaries of SOS Mothers.
We will send you a description and photos of the SOS Children's Village in which your SOS family lives. You will also receive an updated report once a year along with your tax creditable receipt.

SOS Children's Villages goes to great lengths to ensure that the maximum amount of every donated dollar goes where it is most needed - the children. 85% of your SOS Family Friend donation goes directly to the children in our care.

Mislim da bi puno pomoglo kad bi svako ko procita ovaj blog ucinija nesto slicno...mozete postati sponzor ili prijatelj familije preko ove, ili neke druge humanitarne organizacije, mozete pomoci nekome u svom susjedstvu za koga znate da je gladan i da nema love, mozete otic u djecji dom i donirat odjecu ili igracke...i ostavite mi komewtar u vezi toga i napisite na svom blogu nesto u vezi toga...

SOS Children's Villages International

Djecje selo Hrvatska

Sponsor a Child

When you become a child sponsor, you help a child to grow up in the warmth and security of a family, to receive an education or to learn a trade and thereby prepare them for an independent life.

Sign Up today, make a difference

Your sponsorship contribution is used to meet expenses such as food, clothing, school fees, medical care for the child and the salary of the SOS mothers. 90% of your contribution goes directly to your child, 10% is used for communications and promotions to help other children.

When sponsoring a child, you will receive;

a letter of welcome,
the life history and a photograph of your sponsored child, and
a detailed description of the country where the SOS Children's Village is situated and of the SOS Children's Village itself.
Twice a year, you will receive;

a progress report on your sponsored child informing you about the latest developments in the child's life as well as a recent photograph.

You will also receive Season's Greetings around Christmas time and a report on the most important events which have taken place at the SOS Children's Village of your sponsored child.

The child is usually chosen from an SOS Children's Village where the need is greatest however, should you have special requests concerning continent, country, SOS Children's Village, language, gender, age, etc. of the child, we will try to meet these requests if possible.

Nadam se da cete mi se pridruziti :-)

Samo da napomenem, da znam da dosta svita u nas nema love i ne mislim, da bi svako trebao obavezno novcano pomoc.
Ima raznih nacina da se pomogne, kao, npr, prikupljanje dobrovoljnih priloga u hrani i odjeci, od susjeda za djecji dom, dakle organiziranje dobortvorne akcije, pomoc starim i nemocnim koji nemaju nikoga s kupovinom ili pri odlasku kod doktora i slicno, dobrovoljno darovanje krvi znam sta jos...dajte vi koju ideju i prijedlog :-)

Post je objavljen 06.07.2005. u 04:49 sati.