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znate li što su kiborzi?
prema popularnoj definiciji, to su bića koja ujedinjuju živi organizam i tehnologiju, i u koja bi mi trebali evoluirati kada tehnologija dovoljno napreduje...
ali neki govore da smo već danas kiborzi.
Evo par paragrafa iz jednog članka koji sam upravo pročitao, a bavi se sličnom temom:

There is a nice book by Andy Clark called Natural Born Cyborgs. He makes an interesting observation that we all are already cyborgs (loosely defined as a fusion of humans and technology). His example is that if I am at your house, I may ask you "Do you know what the word poikilotherm means?". If you don't you would say "No, but we can look it up!". Upon consulting your house dictionary or your ubiquitous wifi connection, you can easily do that.

Now similarly, I might ask "Do you know what time it is?". And, at the very instant of me asking, you may not. However, the common response is to raise your wrist to your face and say "Yeah, its 4:30".

You liar. YOU did not know. Your watch knew but took credit for its perpetual temporal omniscience. I always know what time it is cuz dadburnit - I have a watch! In effect, we have extended our concept of self to include our watches - thus in Dr. Clark's claim we are cyborg.

Post je objavljen 09.06.2005. u 23:57 sati.