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Hey you guys!

Šime iz Kine :), I'm so happy you finally saw my blog :). Kisses to my China girl :). Knowing I can count on you means more than you think to me.

It’s so wonderful to have Internet. You know when you talk to your friends about stuff, there’s always a subject - in which time would you like to live. And you always get answers like, oh the Roman times, or, oh the Baroque times; me, I’d like to live tomorrow!
Just imagine those past times, without Internet or cell phones, without painkillers or proper dentists, without conditioners or proper toilets.
I would never, never want to live in those times.
For one, I would probably never meet any of you, my wonderful people, and even if I did get so lucky to meet you, we could never keep in contact. How long does it take for a letter to reach England? Mexico? China? Japan? France? Any of the places you are right now?
But with my little Blacky attached to a telephone outlet, I connect to you in seconds. You and heaps of other people I talk to but have never met. I can remain your friend even though you’re miles away. I can share your joys and sorrows as if I’m there with you. I can talk to you, laugh with you, have fun with you, even though we’re not in the same place anymore.
I don’t think a physical place matters in today’s world so much; a spiritual place matters. As long as we’re on the same level spiritually you can be on the Moon for all I care, we’re still together.
Unable to quarrel and get on each other’s nerves, bound together by memories, happy when we talk after a long time, in this virtual reality we can be friends and companions forever.
Ah, I love modern times. I would not change all this technology for an extra ten years of my life!

What else is new? Let’s see…

Oh, right, I have classes again this week. It’s economics this time. I tend to drift off during lectures. It’s not that the professor is boring, he’s not, but I can’t seem to concentrate. Maybe it’s a passing thing.
I was never very interested in economics until one college professor, a brilliant guy, made me interested. You know how good he was? He made me sorry I didn’t go off to study economy, that’s how good he was. His lectures were so interesting he could make the worst of us stand to attention.
Of course, that was five years ago and I’ve forgotten just about everything except what GDP is :), but the idea that economics can be fun stayed with me. So I think these classes will go well.

I’m off to feed the cat now. She demands attention again. My god, it must be frightfully hard to have children, if just one kitty takes so much time to look after!
Love to you all from Tiamat!

Post je objavljen 15.12.2004. u 10:41 sati.