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I love my dad.

I really love my dad.

Not just because we're the same horoscope sign :), but because I can talk with him.

I know lots of woman have a great relationship with their mothers and can talk with them about anything, but I never could talk with mine. She was always either too distant or too critical.

When I was in my teens, I’d try and talk with her about something very important to me, but I could never get to her. I still remember one time when I had a big problem and I went to her. She was watching TV. I started to talk (and you who know me, know how hard it so me to talk about my feelings and problems. Very hard. Almost impossible.) , she turned around and said: “Can’t you see I’m watching television? Go away, we’ll talk later.” Of course, being a teenager, full of raw emotions, later, I didn’t want to talk. And so, after a time of her not wanting to listen, or criticizing everything I told her, I didn’t talk to her anymore.

But I could always talk to my dad. He was never too busy to listen, or too impatient to interrupt me, he never jumped to conclusions, and usually had a very sound piece of advice later. So, thank you, daddy.

I’m feeling much better and almost optimistic today. Vin Diesel swung my mood to whatever and a good conversation with my best friend and my father got it all the way to I’m ok, really :).

Today I’m driving again. Yesterday I almost killed us by slamming into a line of really fast moving cars. The guy said, ok, now look over your left shoulder to see if anyone’s coming. I turned my head to the left, and my hands followed :) which got us turning to the left, right into an oncoming line of cars driving about 60 km/h. If he didn’t hit the breaks, we would have been minced meat :). Poor guy, I can see his hair growing grayer already :).

So, good people, kisses to you all, and love from Tiamat.

Post je objavljen 09.12.2004. u 13:19 sati.