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Hey people!

Good morning/evening/day (whatever your timeline is) to you all.

I really have nothing special to retell today – I had a pretty normal, no surprise time since last I wrote.

I went to my classes yesterday and I’m loving it. Right now the professor is a guy who is the ambassador to Sweden, and he’s full of interesting stories and, of course, knowledge. I learned so much from him in this week. Today, we have another test. It’s weird having just one week of class and BUM testing right away, but the last one wasn’t hard so I’m hoping this one won’t be either. Tonight we’re all going out for drinks to get to know each other better. Funny how people always find a common language when drinks are in question :).

You know what I like best about any kind of college? Intelligent people. Sometimes it’s so hard to find intelligent people to talk to. People who can have a conversation with good arguments, people you can learn new stuff from. So far my conversations weren’t too intelligent, but I think they will be – everybody there has some international experience and a college degree. Those two put together in most cases make for interesting people. So I think as this thing progresses, I’ll have a really good time.

In other news… Tomorrow we are going in Graz for shopping time :) yey! Honeybunny, my brother and me. Maybe his girlfriend too, I don’t know.

I have nothing to wear.

You know, I say so too often for anyone to believe me, but honestly I have nothing to wear. I’ve used up all my winter clothes and need a total change of wardrobe. And besides, all the clothes I have are totally informal. If I get to find a job (oh, god pls!), I’ll need some formal clothes – I can’t appear at work in military boots, punkish pants, and an old faded sweater. What kind of statement does that make?

So, I have nothing to wear, even though my I’m full of clothes.

Ah, the cat demands my attention. I’ll go feed her. Kisses to all!

Post je objavljen 03.12.2004. u 12:33 sati.