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So, I drove the car again!

This time, I actually drove in second gear!
And I got the car turned off accidentally only about six times :).
And I parked it :)!
And didn't hit anyone in the process, nor did I run over any pedestrians :)!

Of course, I was late again. I overslept, but the cat woke me up by jumping all over me. She’s very playful in the morning, keeps trying to pick a fight with my right hand. So I got up and blew my nose a few dozen times – I still have a cold. I’ve gone through a whole box of tissues and I sound like Darth Vader having an asthma attack.
Those of you who live in big cities (well, all of you do :) ) wouldn’t be surprised to hear it takes me about 45 minutes to get from my apartment to the place where I drive. I’m still surprised it takes that long. So much time spend trying only to get from one place to another. When will they invent teleportation?
But anyway. I got there 15 minutes late, sat in the drivers seat, turned on the engine and off I went! Or would have if I didn’t take my foot of the clutch too soon so the car stopped :). And after the first circle around the parking lot, the guy says:
- ok, now we’re going to shift to second gear.
- What?! Here, in the middle of the road, with other cars coming my way?
- Yeah, you’ll do fine (he always says that, and strangely, he’s right.)
So I did. Managed to do it without killing the engine. And found out to my surprise there’s no big difference between the two gears. Well, if you hit the gas pedal there probably is, but I’m really not there yet.
I annoyed a few people by giving the signal I’m going to go when I was trying to stop and vice versa, and I think I scared a few pedestrians by running straight at them, but well, beginners mistakes.
All in all I can say that driving a car seems like playing a video game to me. You’ve got to learn which buttons to press and how hard to press them to control your player and achieve victory. Only, if I make a mistake in a game I play it again, but here there is no restart button :).
I’m driving again on Monday and honestly, I can’t wait. It’s such fun!

In other news… Christmas is coming. I became aware of that today when there was feature about what to buy to your dear ones this Christmas.
God, all the stuff is do expensive. Got me depressed in a second. I compared my account balance to the prices of potential presents and concluded that this Christmas I will buy everyone a biiig… merry xmas card. Because it seems that’s about all I can afford.
I hate being moneyless. It frustrates me.

Well, anyway, that’s it for now, kisses to all, love ya.

Post je objavljen 02.12.2004. u 12:03 sati.