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Hey there!

Well, finally, it's back.

The blog pages haven't been working for the past three days, they had problems with god knows what, I certainly don't and they wouldn't tell us.

Honeybunny has gone to Sarajevo on a project. He says it’s below zero there and there’s snow all over the place.

I have been busy busy busy like a little bee this whole week, and I’m so tired, and it’s only Wednesday! I was thinking I’m going to sleep like a baby this weekend and not wake up until noon, but then I remembered – we’re going to Istria, to a famous tradition of ‘kolinje’!

Kolinje – a native Croatian fall custom of slaughtering pigs and making produces such as sausages, pršut (smoked pigs leg), hams, čvarci (melted pigs fat - crunchy), and other yummy foods made from a pig.

I don’t think any of you has grown up in a village with these customs, but I may be wrong. So I hope you stomach isn’t turning right now.

Kolinje is a fun time. In my house it was a time for the family to get together and work together. Everybody does his or her share; you work all day and then eat and drink half the night. If the pig has already been tested to diseases, you eat your first peace of fresh pork from your very own pig. And you’re satisfied by the end of the day, you know you’ve done well, and that the family will have many pork produces to eat throughout the year.

And let me tell you – there’s nothing like homemade sausages, or homemade pršut. The stuff you can buy in the store is never as good or as tasty as your own. Somehow they don’t smoke it as long, or don’t put as good meet in… and don’t even get me started on the difference between homemade kulen and industrial one.

Kulen – a spicy fat sausage-like product made from the finest meat, smoked and then left to ‘ripen’. Very hot, very spicy, and finger-licking good. The specialty of Slavonija.

So, I’m looking forward to this. I know I won’t get much rest, but I think it will be fun.

Now, my friends, I’m off to – diving school!
Today is my first day of driving. I’m going to drive a car. Me.
I wonder how that will turn out :)

I’ll tell you all about it, if the blog page doesn’t collapse :). Again.


Post je objavljen 24.11.2004. u 09:05 sati.