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I'm sitting here in a complete mess of an apartment. The cat isn’t helping improve the situation, attacking the broom every time I try to sweep up the floor. But she’s cute, so I forgive her :).
I’m doing my best not to be a housewife. Housewife lives seem like death to me. What do they do when the laundry has been washed, the house cleaned, the cat fed and the kids sleeping? Where is their life?
My mother, due to unfortunate circumstances and a long illness, is retired and a housewife.
She does nothing. But, I mean, nothing. There are no kids, no cat or dog, my dad works in another town. She sits around all day watching TV.
I would go CRAZY after a month of that. No, after two weeks. Even with cable AND a satellite dish.
When I moved to Zagreb in September, I started looking for work. Of course, I knew I would not get a job in three weeks, but some illogical part of me still hoped I’d get it even sooner than that :). So, when I saw that I will not find a job soon, and that all I can do is answer internet ads and sit on the couch all day watching TV, I knew I had to change something. That kind of monotones life is unacceptable to me. Though I am basically lazy as hell, hate getting out of bed early, still I need flux and change, excitement and intensity of life.
So, I went to driving school and started volunteer work, the only kind of work I could do, given the situation.
And it’s nice. I have something to do, I have new friends and acquaintances, new people, intelligent people with whom I can discuss stuff with.
So, I think that if I had a million dollars, I would still work. Do some stuff that interest me, for which I never had time before.
Now I’m off to do some healthy volunteer work.

Post je objavljen 17.11.2004. u 10:09 sati.