Peaceful mind = Peaceful life

10.12.2022., subota

Soul Deep Sister, have you given yourself permission to dream today?

Have you allowed yourself to seek what is hidden beneath the pain and loss you endured in this life?

If you did not, let today be the day when you set yourself free from all that is holding you back from dreaming and realizing your dreams...

For only when you can Dream you can have a Vision of what is possible to happen in your life...

So take a moment and let it all loose....Step into the land of make-belief and engage your mind in conversing with your heart. The mind can be an ally when we can set our eyes on new ways of seeing the world and our place in it.

I did not know that I am allowed to Dream until few years ago. My upbringing and the environment I grew up in thought me that having a Voice and speaking up is dangerous. So I've learned to hide. I've learned to diminish myself. Afraid of being punished or upsetting others, I've chosen unconsciously to stop dreaming. And I've paid a high price...

Can you relate? Have you disconnected from your heart and soul in order to stay safe? What is the price you paid for trying to fulfill other people's dreams at the cost of your own?

So let us make today the day when we chose to allow ourselves to dream again. Let us make today the day of our freedom. Let us make today the day of our Re-Birth, the day of connecting our Dreams to our Vision.

Take small steps today, beloved. Let your inner child come out and play. If your inner child is still in pain, your dreams will be broken to pieces before they can have a life. So perhaps would be a good idea to spend your day with your young self and ask her/him what it needs. Is it to feel loved and accepted? Is it to be feel appreciated? Is it to be seen and acknowledged? Is it to feel Enough? Is it to feel worthy of happiness? What is it? You fill in the blanks...

So just decide, sister...Decide!!!!! Decide!!!!!

And let your heart be free again. After years of being shackled by the mind that wanted to protect you from pain and suffering, it is time to tell the mind that you are no longer 7 years old. There is no danger in site now. You will no longer upset your mother and father if you chose to be true to yourself.

Choose Freedom today, sister. You and the whole world shall benefit from your Dreams and the Visions that will be born from your ability to create a new reality with your mind's eyes.

Decide, sister! Choose freedom...Allow yourself the freedom to dream and give birth to Visions that make you the Messenger you were meant to be...

Make no mistake! You were born in this trying times to fulfill a mission. You were born called.

Respond to the calling of your heart and all the pains of this life will be secondary to the joy of living a life of purpose.

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