Peaceful mind = Peaceful life

30.06.2022., èetvrtak

Dear self,

Your goal in life
Should not be to be the best at everything
But to be the best version of yourself

To be fully authentic
And embrace your unique way of perceiving, being
And showing up in the world

To approve of yourself
Before seeking the approval of others

To impress yourself
Rather than seeking to impress others

And to build a life that feels good to you
Rather than one that simply looks good to others.

At one point in your life
You learnt to hide and mask certain aspects of yourself
In order to please others

You learnt to suppress who you were
Out of fear of being rejected or harshly judged

And you felt boxed in and limited
By particular traits you possessed
And labels you were given
Feeling that these dictated who you were
And who you were allowed to become

But now you have come to appreciate
That your uniqueness
Is a source of strength

And that you are a multidimensional being
Who is more than a single characteristic or trait that you possess

And that others may try to define you
Label you
And categorise you
But they will fail to capture the entire essence of who you are
As who you are
Is expansive, full of growth and potential
And dynamic and continually unfolding

And you may refuse to allow the world to define you
And instead, choose to define yourself.

Words by Tahlia Hunter

Artwork by the very talented Loui Jover.

- 22:59 - Komentari (0) - Isprintaj - #

She’s finally hit the point where she’s done with it all.

She’s done with people letting her down, trying to disrespect her and hurt her.
No more.
She has been beaten down and hit rock bottom, but she’s not staying there.
She’s been lost for too long and it’s her time now.
She’s rising up from the ashes with the courage of a thousand warriors and the roar of a million lions.
No longer will she accept failure, mistakes and struggle.
She’s been trapped in the fires of life for too long and she’s choosing to become more.
She’s the Phoenix that cannot be stopped and she will rise up above those that would see her fail.
Bruises, dents and scratches won’t dissuade her from pushing forward and rising up.
Her veins are coursing with the fiery passion that fills her spirit and she won’t be denied.
She’s been denied, put off and disregarded for far too long.
She’s turning the page, setting her world ablaze and taking back her life.
Pain from her past is the fuel for her ascent and she’s on fire with an undeniable hunger to rise above, to succeed, to start realizing her dreams.
Those words that used to define her ..”can’t”, “won’t”, “shouldn’t”..those are forgotten, never to be uttered again.
The world has never seen a creature like her, with an indomitable drive to find her wings and fly higher than she ever knew she could.
She’s leaving behind the haters, the jealous, the disbelievers and anyone else that won’t stand by her side as she fights her way to the top.
She knows what she deserves and she’s not settling for anything less than what she wants.
She’s waited her entire life for this one chance to become what she was always meant to be.
No more second guessing, hesitation or questions.
She’s doing what she has to do to push through and fight for her dreams.
It won’t be easy- her life never has been..but this time, she won’t be denied.
She’s more than a warrior, a strong woman or a lioness,
She is a Phoenix rising,
And her time is now.

- 21:40 - Komentari (0) - Isprintaj - #

28.06.2022., utorak

Stop comparing where you’re at with where everyone else is.

It doesn’t move you farther ahead, improve your situation, or help you find peace. It just feeds your shame, fuels your feelings of inadequacy, and ultimately, it keeps you stuck. The reality is that there is no one correct path in life. Everyone has their own unique journey. A path that’s right for someone else won’t necessarily be a path that’s right for you. And that’s okay. Your journey isn’t right or wrong, or good or bad. It’s just different. Your life isn’t meant to look like anyone else’s because you aren’t like anyone else. You’re a person all your own with a unique set of goals, obstacles, dreams, and needs. So stop comparing, and start living. You may not have ended up where you intended to go. But trust, for once, that you have ended up where you needed to be. Trust that you are in the right place at the right time. Trust that your life is enough. Trust that you are enough.

~ Daniell Koepke

Photography: Casa Rosa

- 00:33 - Komentari (0) - Isprintaj - #


Don't ask me for forgiveness,
It isn't mine to give.
Don't suffer with regret,
Your life is yours to live.
Don't worry that you've gone too far,
Distance is a myth.
Don't think you're undeserving
After all the love you give.

Don't think of things as shameful,
You're human, you are flawed.
Don't think of any locks,
My love's an open door.
Don't sit there thinking you deserve
To live this life alone,
Just find me, I am waiting,
For you to come back home.

Don't think you've lost the way,
It's right there in your heart
No need to move a muscle,
Think of me and that's the start.
I never really left you,
You simply thought you'd gone,
So come to where I'm with you;
Come home, where you belong.

Heather Lea

- 00:30 - Komentari (0) - Isprintaj - #

26.06.2022., nedjelja


Before you know kindness as the deepest thing inside,
you must know sorrow as the other deepest thing.

You must wake up with sorrow.

You must speak to it till your voice
catches the thread of all sorrows
and you see the size of the cloth.

Then it is only kindness that makes sense anymore,
only kindness that ties your shoes
and sends you out into the day to gaze at bread
only kindness that raises its head
from the crowd of the world to say
it is I you have been looking for,
and then goes with you everywhere
like a shadow or a friend.
—Naomi Shihab Nye

- 18:07 - Komentari (0) - Isprintaj - #

22.06.2022., srijeda

Do not
be hard on yourself.
Give yourself time to heal
from the difficulties life
had to throw at you.

Do not be hard on yourself.
Give yourself time to grow
from the lessons you had to learn
on the journey called life.

Do not be hard on yourself
Give yourself time to pick
yourself up when life
knocked you to your knees.

Do not be hard on yourself
Give yourself time to mend
from the brokenness
weathered upon you
by the storms of life

But most of all
Be kind to yourself
For the bravery you have shown
in overcoming the adversities
the journey has brought you
But you still walk the path
With courage.

© Sherry Durgapershad

- 22:46 - Komentari (0) - Isprintaj - #

21.06.2022., utorak

If you see life as a competition, you are bound to lose.

There will always be someone faster, smarter, stronger than you, but you must recognize that there will never be anyone like you.

It's time to give up the endless, self-defeating, and pointless pursuit to be better than someone else and focus on becoming a better you.

Stop trying to be the best, and focus more on being and doing your best, and you may end up being the best.

When you stop racing, you end up winning.

Never compare yourself with someone else, you will always lose, only compare who you are today with who you were yesterday, if there is a progress, no matter how little it is, YOU WIN.

There is really no race, unless the one that was given to you by God, that's the only race worth running and it's not usually against someone, but yourself.

Only run the race marked out for you, others races shouldn't define yours, when you let it do, you will run the race, get to the end, even ahead of them, only to find out it wasn't yours to begin with.

Life is in phases, everyone has their own place, occupy your space, fix your gaze, focus only on your race.

You are in a competition with no one else but yourself. The day you stop racing with others is the day you win your race.

- 22:55 - Komentari (0) - Isprintaj - #

I’ve thought a lot on this lately and felt I needed to post.

I’ve heard more times than I can count by multiple people,
“I just speak my mind, if they don’t like it, oh well.” “I’ll say what I want to say and they can just get over it.” “If you don’t like what I said, that’s your problem.”

I want to say, Be Careful with your words, once said, they can only be forgiven, not forgotten.

How you make others feel about themselves with your words, says a lot about you.
Don’t say something permanently hurtful just because you’re temporarily upset.

It only takes a few moments to hurt someone with our words but it can take years to repair the damage.

Be sure to taste your words before you spit them out, think how you would feel if they were said to you.

Don’t mix bad words with your bad mood. You’ll have many opportunities to change a mood, but no opportunity to replace the words you spoke. Speak only when you feel your words are better than your silence.

You never know how long your words will stay with someone, long after you’ve forgotten them.

Just because you’re free to say whatever you want doesn’t mean that you always should!

Lastly, tomorrow you’ll have to live with the things you said.
Think before you speak!

- 22:53 - Komentari (0) - Isprintaj - #

09.06.2022., èetvrtak


Once, I ran from fear
so fear controlled me.
Until I learned to hold fear like a newborn.
Listen to it, but not give in.
Honour it, but not worship it.
Fear could not stop me anymore.
I walked with courage into the storm.
I still have fear,
but it does not have me.

Once, I was ashamed of who I was.
I invited shame into my heart.
I let it burn.
It told me, "I am only trying
to protect your vulnerability".
I thanked shame dearly,
and stepped into life anyway,
unashamed, with shame as a lover.

Once, I had great sadness
buried deep inside.
I invited it to come out and play.
I wept oceans. My tear ducts ran dry.
And I found joy right there.
Right at the core of my sorrow.
It was heartbreak that taught me how to love.

Once, I had anxiety.
A mind that wouldn't stop.
Thoughts that wouldn't be silent.
So I stopped trying to silence them.
And I dropped out of the mind,
and into the Earth.
Into the mud.
Where I was held strong
like a tree, unshakeable, safe.

Once, anger burned in the depths.
I called anger into the light of myself.
I felt its shocking power.
I let my heart pound and my blood boil.
Listened to it, finally.
And it screamed, "Respect yourself fiercely now!".
"Speak your truth with passion!".
"Say no when you mean no!".
"Walk your path with courage!".
"Let no one speak for you!"
Anger became an honest friend.
A truthful guide.
A beautiful WILD child.

Once, loneliness cut deep.
I tried to distract and numb myself.
Ran to people and places and things.
Even pretended I was "happy".
But soon I could not run anymore.
And I tumbled into the heart of loneliness.
And I died and was reborn
into an exquisite solitude and stillness.
That connected me to all things.
So I was not lonely, but alone with All Life.
My heart One with all other hearts.

Once, I ran from difficult feelings.
Now, they are my advisors, confidants, friends,
and they all have a home in me,
and they all belong and have dignity.
I am sensitive, soft, fragile,
my arms wrapped around all my inner children.
And in my sensitivity, power.
In my fragility, an unshakeable Presence.

In the depths of my wounds,
in what I had named “darkness”,
I found a blazing Light
that guides me now in battle.

I became a warrior
when I turned towards myself.

And started listening.

- 20:18 - Komentari (0) - Isprintaj - #

08.06.2022., srijeda

- 16:56 - Komentari (0) - Isprintaj - #

07.06.2022., utorak

You may not always see the results as quickly as you expected, but as long as you are putting in efforts, your harvest will come.

KEEP MAKING PROGRESS, no matter how little, your efforts are not in vain.

- 22:28 - Komentari (0) - Isprintaj - #

06.06.2022., ponedjeljak

- 21:03 - Komentari (0) - Isprintaj - #

You will always have more of what you complain about, and more of what you appreciate.

The principle behind this is, whatever you focus on increases.

I know you want more, but be grateful for the ones you have. Learn to appreciate the things you have before it becomes what you had.

Don't wait to have everything you desire before you become grateful for what you have, rather be grateful for what you have so you can have everything you desire.

Gratitude always leads to abundance, and ingratitude leads to scarcity.

- 20:50 - Komentari (0) - Isprintaj - #

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