
petak, 04.02.2011.

Median income growth vs. GDP growth

So why hasn’t family income tracked rising GDP? It’s partly about price indexes, partly about plutocrats (i.e., rapidly rising incomes at the top). It would be nice if the story were cleaner, but that’s life.

more... Krugman - The Conscience of a Liberal - Prices and Plutocrats

A lot of the difference goes away when you focus on mean rather than median income; this tells you that the gap between economic growth and median incomes has a lot to do with rising inequality. (...) Not that much of a mystery, then — but it remains striking how little of growth has trickled down to the typical family.

more... Krugman - The Conscience of a Liberal - Economic Growth and Household Income

...Median household income
...Mean (statistical)

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