Hrvatska gay bar - Brzog datiranja

nedjelja , 30.12.2018.

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Homosexuality was for the first time in Croatian history criminalized in 1951 while Croatia was a of. It's intended for children of preschool age. The Minister of Administration, , responded that the government would not be changing the law on this point, while giving a reminder that the Constitutional court had made clear that defining marriage as a union between a man and a woman in the Constitution must not have any negative effects on any future laws on recognising same-sex relationships if not marriage. As a result of a , defines marriage solely as a union between a woman and man, effectively prohibiting same-sex marriage.

hrvatska gay bar

Suprotno mišljenju većine, to je, kažu, najmanji problem gay populacije. The publication was intended for informing same-sex partners and LGBT parents and contains a series of informations about life partnership, same-sex couples rights and the possibilities of planning LGBTIQ parenting in Croatia, as well as parenting stories written based on the experience of actual Croatian LGBT parents. On 1 January 2013 new has been introduced with the recognition of a hate crime based on a gender identity.

hrvatska gay bar

- As a result of that cooperation the police have included education about hate crimes against LGBT persons in their training curriculum in 2013.

hrvatska gay bar

Restrictions: Constitution bans same-sex marriage since the. As an individual, Partner-guardianship de facto step-child adoption since 2014 Lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender LGBT rights in Croatia have expanded in recent years but LGBT persons may still face some legal challenges not experienced by non- residents. Homosexuality was for the first time in Croatian history criminalized in 1951 while Croatia was a of. Both male and female same-sex sexual activity was legalized in Croatia in 1977 with the introduction of Croatia's own penal code. The was equalized in 1998. The status of same-sex relationships was first formally recognized in 2003 under a law dealing with unregistered cohabitations. As a result of a , defines marriage solely as a union between a woman and man, effectively prohibiting same-sex marriage. Nevertheless, since the introduction of the Life Partnership Act in 2014, same-sex couples have effectively enjoyed rights equal to heterosexual married couples in everything except adoption rights. Croatia bans all discrimination on the grounds of sexual orientation, gender identity, and gender expression. Centre-left, centre, and green political parties have generally been the main proponents of LGBT rights, while right-wing, centre-right political parties and movements close to the have been in opposition to the extension of rights. In 2015, the ILGA ranked Croatia 5th in terms of LGBT rights out of 49 observed , which represented an improvement compared to the previous year's position of 12th place. Croatia is among 11 member countries that make up a LGBT Core Group at U. Same-sex sexual activity was legalised in 1977 setting the age of consent at 18 for homosexuals and 14 for heterosexuals. The age of consent was then equalised in 1998 when it was set at 14 by the Croatian Penal Code for everyone, and later raised to 15 for both homosexuals and heterosexuals with the introduction of a new on 1 January 2013. There is an exemption to this rule if the age difference between the partners is three years or less. The law granted same-sex partners who have been cohabiting for at least 3 years similar rights to those enjoyed by unmarried cohabiting opposite-sex partners in terms of inheritance and financial support. However, the right to adopt was not included, nor any other rights included under — instead separate legislation has been created to deal with this point. In addition it was not permitted to formally register these same-sex relationships, nor to claim additional rights in terms of tax, joint property, health insurance, pensions etc. Although same-sex marriages have been banned since the , the introduced the Life Partnership act in 2014, which granted same-sex couples the same rights and obligations heterosexual married couples have, excluding the ability to adopt children. Furthermore, an informal life partnership is formed if two partners are in a continuous relationship for three or more years. This type of grants the same rights a provides to unmarried heterosexual couples. Adoption and parenting Main article: Full in Croatia is not legal. However, a life partner may become a partner-guardian over their life partner's child. A single person regardless of sexual orientation is allowed to adopt. Partner-guardianship and parental responsibilities A life partner who is not a biological parent of their partner's child or children can gain parental responsibilities on a temporary or permanent basis. If those rights last beyond 30 days, then the decision must be certified by a notary. In case of a dissolution of a life partnership, the partner who is not the biological parent can maintain a personal relationship with the child provided the court decides it is in the child's best interest. Such a relationship between the non-parent life partner and the child may be continued if the parent-partner dies under the condition that the other parent has also died , is considered unknown, or has lost their parental responsibilities due to child abuse. However, the non-parent life partner can also ask for the establishment of partner-guardianship while the parent-partner is alive under the condition that the other parent is considered unknown or has lost parental responsibilities due to child abuse. The partner-guardian receives full parental responsibility as is the case with step-child adoption, and is registered on the child's birth certificate as their partner-guardian. Partner-guardianship is a permanent next-of-kin relationship with all the rights, responsibilities, and legal standing as that of a parent and a child. The first case of a partner-guardianship was reported in July 2015. Up until June 2013 the change of gender always had to be stated on an individual's birth certificate. However, on 29 May 2012 it was announced that the would take extra steps to protect and people. Under the new rules, the undertaking of no longer has to be stated on an individual's birth certificate, thus ensuring that such information remains private. This is also the case for people who have not formally undergone sex reassignment surgery, but have nevertheless undertaken. The change in the law was proposed by the while they were in in 2010, but was categorically rejected by the ruling at the time. The new law took effect on 29 June 2013. Access to in-vitro fertilisation for same-sex couples The Medically Supported Fertilization Law : Zakon o medicinski pomognutoj oplodnji limits access to to married heterosexual couples and single women whose infertility has been unsuccessfully treated, which effectively excludes same-sex couples. Anti-Discrimination Laws LGBT flags in during the Zagreb Pride Week. The 2008 Anti-Discrimination Law includes , and on the list of protected categories against discrimination when it comes to access to either public and private services, or to access to establishments serving the public. Hate crime legislation Since 2006 the country has had legislation in place which covers sexual orientation. The law was first applied in 2007, when a man who violently attacked the parade using was convicted and sentenced to 14 months in prison. On 1 January 2013 new has been introduced with the recognition of a hate crime based on a gender identity. Cooperation with the police associations Zagreb Pride, Iskorak and Kontra have been cooperating with the police since 2006 when Croatia first recognized hate crimes based on sexual orientation. As a result of that cooperation the police have included education about hate crimes against LGBT persons in their training curriculum in 2013. In April of the same year the Minister of the Interior, , together with officials from his ministry launched a national campaign alongside Iskorak and Kontra to encourage LGBT persons to report hate crimes. The campaign has included city light billboards in four cities , , , and , handing out leaflets to citizens in those four cities, and distributing leaflets within police stations across the country. Blood donation issues See also: LGBT persons are not banned from participation in military service. Some media reports have suggested that most gay men serving in the military generally decide to keep their sexual orientation private, but there have also been reports suggesting that the take discrimination very seriously and will not tolerate homophobia among its personnel. Discrimination affair The only known case of discrimination in the Croatian Army is the 1998 case of recruit Aldin Petrić from. In July 1998, Petrić answered his draft summons and reported to the barracks at where he told to his senior officer in a private conversation that he was gay however that information quickly spread through the barracks which resulted in Petrić being subjected to abuse by his fellow soldiers and other officers. Petrić repeatedly asked to be transferred to another barracks but his requests were not met. Following Petrić's dismissal from Army, his parents found out about his homosexuality and expelled him from home. In October 1998, the Ministry summoned Petrić once again in order for him to complete his military service which he refused fearing for his life. Afterwards Petrić sought and received political asylum in Canada. Summary table Same-sex sexual activity legal Since 1977 Equal age of consent 15; since 1998 Anti-discrimination laws in employment only Since 2003 Anti-discrimination laws in the provision of goods and services Since 2003 Anti-discrimination laws in all other areas incl. The Penal Code established on 27 May 1852 in the the first modern one in did not specify homosexuality as a crime. A subsequent draft of the new Penal Code for 1879 for the suggested male homosexual acts be punished with up to five years of prison, but the draft was never formally adopted. Partisan court martial verdict from 1944: Partisan captain Josip Mardešić found guilty and sentenced to death because of his homosexuality During , while homosexuals were among the , there was no specific legislation enacted by the fascist regime governing the. However, the communist did issue several death sentences during the war against partisans whose homosexuality was revealed. During the period when Croatia was part of the , male homosexual acts were made illegal and punishable with up to two years of prison under the Penal Code of 9 March 1951. However, the repression of homosexuals in Yugoslavia effectively began immediately after the end of the war. This situation changed when Croatia and other republics gained more control over their own legislature. The created its own Code in 1977, and decriminalized homosexual activity. The Croatian Medical Chamber removed homosexuality from its list of mental disorders in 1973 — four years before the introduction of the new Penal Code, and seventeen years before the did the same. Even though being a member of Yugoslavia meant Croatia was a country, it was never under the , thus making it a relatively open country that was influenced by social changes in the wider developed world. The 1980s brought more visibility to LGBT people. In 1985, Toni Marošević became the first openly gay media person, and briefly hosted a radio show on the radio station that dealt with marginal socio-political issues. He later revealed that he had been asked on several occasions by the to form a LGBT faction of the party. Post-communist era The 1990s brought a slowdown in terms of the progression of LGBT rights mainly as a result of the followed by the when many Croatian LGBT people, then involved in various feminist, peace and green organizations, joined the anti-war campaign within Croatia. Following Croatian independence, in 1992 the first LGBT association under the name of LIGMA was officially formed. This only lasted until 1997 as the socio-political climate of the time proved hostile to the advancement of gay rights. The most significant event that occurred in the 1990s was the equalization of the for all sexual activity in 1998 both heterosexual and homosexual. The situation stagnated until 2000 when a new government , consisting mainly of parties of the centre-left and led by , took power from the after their ten-year rule. The new government coalition brought attention to rights of LGBT citizens of Croatia with the introduction of the Same-sex community law in 2003. The 2000s proved a turning point for LGBT history in Croatia with the formation of several LGBT associations with the -based lesbian organisation LORI in 2000 and ISKORAK in 2002 being among the first ; the introduction of ; the outlawing of all anti-LGBT discrimination including recognition of hate-crime based on sexual orientation and gender identity ; and the first in 2002 during which a group of extremists attacked a number of marchers. Despite that, later marches drew thousands of participants without incidents. Several political parties as well as both national presidents elected in 2000s have shown public support for LGBT rights, with some politicians even actively participating in events on a regular basis. In early 2005 the rejected a registered partnerships proposal put forward by Šime Lučin SDP and the Ivo Banac. However, the medical and physical professions, and the media more generally rejected these statements in opposition, warning that all the members of the had a duty to vote according to the which bans discrimination on the grounds of sexual orientation. In 2009, the governing HDZ party passed a controversial law restricting access to IVF solely to married couples and heterosexual couples who could prove that they had been cohabitating for at least three years. HDZ initially attempted to pass the law restricting access to IVF solely to married couples, but due to strong public pressure HDZ amended the proposed law to allow access to IVF for non-married heterosexual couples as well. The actively supported the first legislative proposal, arguing that access to IVF should only be granted to married couples. As HDZ is a self-declared party, the then Minister of Health and Social Welfare, , indicated that the government took the Church's position on the matter seriously. In 2009, the European Committee on Social Rights found several discriminatory statements in a biology course text-book mandatory in Croatian schools. It ruled that the statements violated Croatia's obligations under the. The 2010s have been marked with a second annual event in Croatia in the city of , a third in , and the return in 2011 of the sympathetic to gay rights after the eight-year rule by the conservative-led coalition. The Croatian Government also introduced a Life Partnership Act which makes same-sex couples effectively equal to married couples in everything except full adoption rights. In November 2010, the European Commission's annual progress report on Croatia's candidacy to the EU stated the number of homophobic incidents in Croatia provided concern, and that further effort had to be made in combating hate crime. In December 2011, the newly elected government announced that the modernisation of the IVF law would be one of its first priorities. Proposed changes to the law would allow single women, whose infertility was treated unsuccessfully, access to IVF as well. Other changes were also proposed concerning the freezing of embryos and the fertilization of eggs. The Catholic Church immediately indicated its public oppositions to these changes, stating that they had not been involved in the discussions as much as they should like to have been. The Church subsequently initiated a petition against the legislation, but the Minister of Health, , announced that the law would be going ahead with no compromises. A number of MPs who are also members of the ruling coalition wanted lesbian couples to be included in the legal change as well, and expressed disappointment that their amendment was not ultimately accepted. Since the new law only allowed access to IVF to women who were either married or single and infertile, the law excluded lesbian couples. However, the government justified the exclusion by arguing that the legislative change was only intended to deal with the issue of infertility. In July 2012, the Municipal Court in dealt with a case of discrimination and harassment on the grounds of sexual orientation against a professor at the Faculty of Organization and Informatics at the. The case was the first report of discrimination based on sexual orientation in accordance with the Anti-Discrimination Act. Subsequently, a national was held on 1 December 2013 where voters approved the change. He wanted to especially target books religious education in Croatian schools is an optional course. On 11 May 2012, Milanović announced a further expansion to the rights of same-sex couples through a new law which would replace the existing unregistered cohabitation legislation. This law effectively made same-sex couples equal to heterosexual married couples in everything except adoption rights. In March 2014, it was announced that Croatia had granted asylum for the first time to a person persecuted on the basis of their sexual orientation — a young man from Uganda who had fled the country as a result of the. The first life partnership in Croatia took place in on September 5, 2014 between two men. Within a year of the Sabor passing the law 80 life partnerships were conducted. By the end of 2016 that number had risen to 174. The publication was intended for informing same-sex partners and LGBT parents and contains a series of informations about life partnership, same-sex couples rights and the possibilities of planning LGBTIQ parenting in Croatia, as well as parenting stories written based on the experience of actual Croatian LGBT parents. The publication was financed by the and the. It provides insight into the types and characteristics of family communities, the quality of parenting, family climate and quality of relationships, a psychosocial adaptation of children, as well as experiences of stigmatization and discrimination and support in the contemporary Croatian society. The organization Rainbow Families : Dugine obitelji gathers LGBT couples and individuals who have or want to have children. It was organized by Zagreb Pride in 2011 as an informal group for psychosocial support led by psychologists Iskra Pejić and Mateja Popov. It was formally registered with the in 2017. In 2018, it gathered around 20 LGBT families with children. It was authored by Maja Škvorc and Ivo Šegota, and illustrated by Borna Nikola Žeželj. The picture book depicts thumbnails from the lives of two children girl Ana, who has two dads, and boy Roko, who has two mothers. The aim of the picture book was to strengthen the social integration of children with same-sex parents and to promote tolerance and respect for diversity. It's intended for children of preschool age. The first edition of 500 copies was printed with the financial support of the French Embassy to Croatia and distributed for free to interested citizens and organizations. Since the entire first edition was distributed almost immediately, the organization started a with an intention to collect funds for publishing 1000 new free hardback copies in both Croatian and English, as well as 1000 copies of a new coloring book. A poll in June 2011 showed that 38. However, a majority 51. A June 2013 opinion poll suggested that 55. However, in the event, almost 40% of the national population decided not to participate in the referendum. A poll from November 2013 revealed that 59% of Croats think that marriage should be constitutionally defined as a union between a man and a woman, while 31% do not agree with the idea. After the Life Partnership Act was passed, the opposition and groups opposed to LGBT rights claimed many registrars will wish to be exempted from performing life partnerships at registrars offices, and that private businesses such as florists, bakers or wedding planners will be forced to provide services to gay and lesbian couples. The deputy head of Zagreb City Office for General Administration Dragica Kovačić claimed no cases of registrars wishing to be exempted is known. There are 30 registrars in the in charge of marriages and life partnerships, and at the registrars' meeting nobody raised an issue. Additionally, a survey was conducted in which private businesses were randomly phoned, asking whether they would refuse to provide services to gay and lesbian couples. Every business surveyed stated they would offer their services to those couples. A small survey of 1000 people conducted in 2014 showed that 45. A survey conducted during the presidential campaign in December 2014 by the daily newspaper found that 50. Discrimination in the EU in 2015 report concluded the following: 48% of people in Croatia believe that gay, lesbian, and bisexual people should have the same rights as heterosexual people, and 37% of them believe same-sex marriages should be allowed throughout Europe. When asked about having a gay, lesbian or bisexual person in the highest elected political position results were as follows: 40% of the respondents were comfortable with the idea, 13% moderately comfortable, 6% indifferent, 38% uncomfortable, and 3% didn't know. When asked the same question about transgender or transsexual person results were as follows: 33% were comfortable with the idea, 15% moderately comfortable, 40% uncomfortable, 6% indifferent, and 5% didn't know. Furthermore, when asked how they would feel if one of their colleagues at work were gay, lesbian or bisexual results were as follows: 48% respondents felt comfortable about the idea, 11% moderately comfortable, 31% uncomfortable, 5% indifferent, 4% said it depends, and 1% didn't know. When it comes to working with a transgender or transsexual person results were as follows: 44% felt comfortable with the idea, 12% moderately comfortable, 31% uncomfortable, 6% were indifferent, 3% it would depend, and 4% didn't know. That a transgender or transsexual person should be able to change their civil documents to match their inner gender identity was agreeable to 44%, disagreeable to 39%, and 17% didn't know. In May 2016 published a survey about attitudes towards LGBT people conducted in 53 members 12 of those were European countries, including Croatia. When asked whether homosexuality should be a crime, 68% of people in Croatia strongly disagreed with that second highest percentage after the where 70% of people strongly disagreed , 4% somewhat disagreed, 19% were neutral, 4% somewhat agreed, and 5% strongly agreed the lowest percentage of people who strongly agreed among European countries included in the survey. Furthermore, when asked whether they would be concerned about having a LGBT neighbor, 75% of people said they would have no concerns, 15% would be somewhat uncomfortable, and 10% very uncomfortable. The most recent poll by published in May 2017 suggests that 31% of Croatians are in favor of same-sex marriage, while 64% oppose the idea. Support was higher among non-religious people 61% than among Catholics 29%. Younger people are more likely than their elders to favor legal gay marriage 33% vs. The capital city is home to the biggest gay scene, including and bars, plus many other places frequently advertised as. Croatia's second LGBT centre was officially opened in on 24 May 2014, and the third one in on 16 October 2014 called LGBTIQ+ Druga Rijeka. Other places that host LGBT parties, and are home to gay-friendly places such as bars, clubs, and beaches are , , , , , etc. LGBT prides and other marches Main article: The first pride in Croatia took place on 29 June 2002 in the capital city of. Public support is growing and number of participants is also increasing rapidly year after year, but the marches have also experienced violent public opposition. In 2006, the march had a regional character, aimed at supporting those coming from countries where such manifestations are expressly forbidden by the authorities. The 2011 manifestation was the biggest Pride rally in Croatia at the time, and took place without any violent incidents. It was also reported that the number of policemen providing security at the event was lower than had been the case in previous years. As of January 2018, the 2013 event was the biggest one so far, with 15,000 participants. Split Pride Main article: The first LGBT pride in took place on 11 June 2011. However, the march proved problematic as official security was not strong enough to prevent serious incidents, as a result of which LGBT attendees had to be led to safety. Several hundred anti-gay protesters were arrested, and the event was eventually cancelled. On 9 June 2012, several hundred participants marched in , the third largest city in Croatia. The march was organised to support. A second attempt at holding an event in 2012 was more successful, after receiving public support from the Croatian media, national celebrities, and politicians. Five ministers from the and other public figures participated. In 2013, the march went ahead without a single incident, and it was the first time in Croatia that the mayor of the city participated. Osijek Pride Main article: The first LGBT pride march in took place on 6 September 2014. It was organized by the Osijek LGBT association LiberOs. There were no incidents, and over 300 people attended. The Minister of the Economy, as well as Serbian and Greek LGBT activists attended. Other marches On 27 May 2013, around 1,500 participants in Zagreb marched in support of marriage equality from the park of to , the seat of the , , and the. On 30 November 2013, one day before the took place, around a thousand people marched in the city of Zagreb in support of marriage equality. Marches of support also took place in , Split, and Rijeka gathering together hundreds of people. A rainbow coloured pedestrian crossing in on the occasion of 2014. The former Croatian , , has given strong support to full LGBT rights, along with several other popular celebrities and centre-left political parties such as the SDP , the HNS , the HSLS , , and the. After Josipović was elected, he met with LGBT associations several times. On 1 June 2012, he published a video message giving support to the 2012 Split Pride and the further expansion of LGBT rights. He also condemned the violence at the 2011 Split Pride, calling it unacceptable and arguing that the next Split Pride should not experience the same scenario. In October 2013 at a reception at the Presidential Palace he welcomed the newly appointed Finnish ambassador and his life partner to Croatia. She has been active in improving LGBT rights while being a member of successive governments. A former member of the , current president of and a former Minister for Environment and Nature Protection in the has also been a notable long-time supporter of LGBT rights, and has participated in every LGBT Pride event so far. Other supporters of LGBT rights in Croatia are , , , , , , , Nevena Rendeli, Šime Lučin, , Furio Radin, , Iva Prpić, , Drago Pilsel, , , Nina Violić, former Prime Minister widow Dijana Pleština, Maja Vučić, Gordana Lukač-Koritnik, etc. Damir Hršak, a member of the , who has publicly spoken about his sexual orientation and has been involved in LGBT activism for years, is the first openly gay politician to become an official candidate for the first in Croatia, held in April 2013. He had criticized the for not doing enough for the LGBT community, and said that his party would not make concessions, and is in favour of same-sex marriage. Conservatives such as have also indicated that same-sex couples should have some legal rights. The while against same-sex marriage, did indicate her support for the Life Partnership Act praising it as a good compromise. She also included sexual minorities in her inaugural speech, and said she would support her son if he was gay. During the , the conservative former Prime Minister, , voted in favour of presenting the issue before the Constitutional Court, and against the proposed Constitutional change. She also supported the Life Partnership Act. On 16 June 2011, 73 professors and associates of signed a statement initiated by the professor Mihajlo Dika, in which they expressed their full support for 2011 , and their support for the authorities in preventing and sanctioning behavior endangering equality and fundamental rights and freedoms of Croatian citizens effectively and responsibly. They also condemned hooligans that attacked the participants of the 2011. You don't want to be next. The largest conservative party in Croatia, the HDZ , remains opposed to LGBT rights. HDZ MPs voted against the proposed law on unregistered cohabitations, and against the Life Partnership Act. Since Croatian independence, HDZ has managed to form a majority in the on its own or with coalition partners in 6 out of 8 , , , , ,. The party has, nevertheless, enacted several laws that ban discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation and gender identity as part of the negotiation process prior to the. The HDSSB , a and party formed in 2006 is also opposed to LGBT rights. HDSSB MPs supported the 2013 referendum by having the word FOR on top of their laptops in Parliament. Contrary to that, the president of HDSSB expressed his support for equal rights for same-sex couples in everything except adoption during the campaign. Her former deputy from the , Pero Kovačević, said that the 19th century Croatian politician after whom the party has been named would not have opposed LGBT rights, and would have supported same-sex marriage. This was said in response to the youth-wing of the party organizing an anti-gay protest. The group later published an official letter expressing outrage to Kovačević's opposition to the protest. The Roman Catholic Church in Croatia has also been an influential and vocal opponent to the extension of LGBT rights in the country. After the first LGBT Pride in Split in 2011 some Catholic clergy even attempted to explain and justify the violence that had occurred during the Pride march. Meanwhile, Ante Mateljan, a professor in the Catholic Theology College, openly called for the lynching of LGBT marchers. The Catholic Church has also engaged at a political level, notably in providing public and vocal support for the 2013 referendum to define marriage in Croatia and thus effectively reinforcing the existing prohibition on marriage between two people of the same gender. It was actively involved in collecting signatures for the petition to force a constitutional change. Cardinal encouraged support for the proposed constitutional amendment in a letter read out in all churches where he singled out heterosexual marriage as being the only union capable of biologically producing children, and thus worthy to be recognised. The group opposes same-sex marriage, and any other form of recognition for same-sex unions. The most prominent member of the group, Željka Markić, opposed the Life Partnership Act claiming it was same-sex marriage under a different name, and thus a violation of the Constitution. She argued that the partner-guardianship institution proved most problematic under law. The Minister of Administration, , responded that the government would not be changing the law on this point, while giving a reminder that the Constitutional court had made clear that defining marriage as a union between a man and a woman in the Constitution must not have any negative effects on any future laws on recognising same-sex relationships if not marriage. See also: Croatia is a major tourist centre. Destinations such as , , , , , and are advertised as. The city of has been a popular destination among gay tourists since the 1980s, and in 2011 it has officially become the first gay-friendly destination to advertise itself as such in Croatia. Nothing negative will happen to you on this island, and you will be happy. In June 2012, the Croatian Minister of Tourism welcomed all gay tourists to Croatia, and supported. On the Gay European Tourism Association GETA website there are more than 50 gay and gay-friendly hotels and destinations in Croatia. Archived from on 24 July 2012. Retrieved 24 July 2012. Archived from on 2013-09-26. Retrieved 13 February 2014. Retrieved 31 May 2012. Retrieved 29 May 2015. Retrieved 31 May 2012. Retrieved 28 March 2008. Archived from on 2016-01-11. Archived from on 2 December 2013. Narodne novine in Croatian. Retrieved 31 May 2012. Archived from on 7 December 2009. Retrieved 31 May 2012. Retrieved 31 May 2012. Archived from on 2 June 2012. Retrieved 31 May 2012. Retrieved 31 May 2012. Retrieved 31 May 2012. Retrieved 31 May 2012. Retrieved 31 May 2012. Novi list in Croatian. Retrieved 1 February 2018. Retrieved 31 May 2012. Archived from on 14 June 2012. Retrieved 31 May 2012. Retrieved 1 February 2017. Retrieved 31 May 2012. Retrieved 31 May 2012. Retrieved 2 July 2015. Retrieved 29 June 2015. Archived from on 2014-07-29. Archived from on 2014-06-20. Institut društvenih znanosti Ivo Pilar. Retrieved 14 August 2014. Retrieved 11 May 2017. Retrieved 15 May 2017. Archived from on 2014-10-18. Archived from on 2014-05-26. Archived from on 4 September 2013. Archived from on 14 October 2013. Archived from on 2013-07-15. Archived from on 6 April 2012. Retrieved 31 May 2012. Retrieved 31 May 2012. Archived from on 14 June 2012. Retrieved 11 June 2012. Archived from on 5 December 2013. Archived from on 2013-07-08. Archived from on 2013-12-03. Archived from on 2 January 2014. Archived from on 16 March 2012. Retrieved 31 May 2012. Archived from on 2015-07-04. Retrieved 31 May 2012. Archived from on 1 July 2011. Archived from on 2014-03-06. Archived from on 8 March 2011. Archived from on 2013-12-06.

Razbijanje gej parade u Beogradu - Belgrade - 2001 - BKTV
On 1 January 2013 new has been introduced with the recognition of a hate crime based on a gender identity. Destinations such as , , , , , and are advertised as. Otok Krk je jedan od ljepših Hrvatskih otoka i što je najbitnije jako je blizu iz Zagreba. A poll from November 2013 revealed that 59% of Croats think that marriage should be constitutionally defined as a union between a man and a woman, while 31% do not agree with the idea. Still, it is a religious nation so gay or straight, keep PDA to a minimum. The change in the law was proposed by the while they were in in 2010, but was categorically rejected by the ruling at the time. In July 1998, Petrić answered his draft summons and reported to the barracks at where he told to his senior officer in a private conversation that he was gay however that information quickly spread through the barracks which resulted in Petrić being subjected to abuse by his fellow soldiers and other officers. Archived from on 2014-10-18. The Church subsequently initiated a petition against the legislation, but the Minister of Health, , announced that the law would be going ahead with no compromises. However, a majority 51.

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Lični Oglasi


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Evo, kraj je godine, a nama je lepo kao i prvog dana. Na pravom ste mestu! Od neznosti do slatke grubosti mali je korak...... Ovo su provereni oglasi!


Srbija upoznavanje licni oglasi po gradovima: - Opis: Iskrena sam i dobrodušna. Na pravom ste mestu!


Htela bih da upoznam još drugova i drugarica. Opis: Prijatna, druželjubiva i vesela. Ako si za upoznavanje i dopisivanje, pošalji mi SMS! Ukucaj u svoj mobilni telefon: VIP ANJA Poruku koju želiš i pošalji na broj 6292 Luda i blesava. Volim da se zabavljam i ludujem Korisničko ime: VIOLETA Godište: 1990 Grad: Zaječar Opredeljenje: Strejt Tražim: Prvenstveno dobru zabavu. Možda upoznam i nekog simpatičnog i zabavnog momka, nekog dovoljno ludog poput mene. Volim da se dopisujem! Opis: Luda i blesava. Volim da se zabavljam i ludujem. Ako si za želiš poznanstvo sa mnom… Ukucaj u svoj mobilni telefon: VIP VIOLETA Poruku koju želiš i pošalji na broj 6292 Uvek spremna za nova upoznavanja Korisničko ime: MARIJANA Godište: 1990 Grad: Valjevo Opredeljenje: Strejt Tražim: Društvo. Uživam da se dopisujem sa momcima i devojkama širom Srbije. Već imam dosta prijatelja. U stvari nikad nije dosta pravih i iskrenih prijatelja! Opis: Kažu da sam OK devojka. Fina, komunikativna, zabavna, uvek spremna za nova upoznavanja… Tražiš poznanstva sa zabavnim devojkama? Ukucaj u svoj mobilni telefon: VIP MARIJANA Poruku koju želiš i pošalji na broj 6292 Tražim mušku osobu za druženje Korisničko ime: IZNEVERENA Godište: 1968 Grad: Futog okolina Novog Sada Opredeljenje: Strejt Tražim: Osobu za druženje. Možda se desi i nešto više od prijateljstva. Ko zna… Opis: Teško je sebe opisivati. Ukratko, iskrena, osetljiva, umerena… Mogu da kažem da sam trenutno prilično usamljena i da mi treba društvo. Ako si za upoznavanje sa zgodnim ženama… Ukucaj u svoj mobilni telefon: VIP IZNEVERENA Poruku koju želiš i pošalji na broj 6292 Ako si za upoznavanje i dopisivanje Korisničko ime: ISIDORA Godište: 1987 Grad: Jagodina Opredeljenje: Strejt Tražim: Teško je naći kvalitetnu osobu pa sam pomislila da bih je ovde mogla naći. Opis: Interesuje me umetnost, priroda, ljudi… U stvari, prilično sam radoznala osoba koja ne voli monotoniju. Ako si za upoznavanje i dopisivanje, pošalji mi SMS! Ukucaj u svoj mobilni telefon: VIP ISIDORA Poruku koju želiš i pošalji na broj 6292 Najlepše je putovati sa nekim Korisničko ime: DRAGICA Godište: 1962 Grad: Leskovac Opredeljenje: Strejt Tražim: Nemam puno društva ni obaveza, a sama sam. Prijavila sam se da se malo razonodim, možda bude i zanimljivo. Opis: Iskrena sam i dobrodušna. Volim prirodu i putovanja, a najlepše je putovati sa nekim. Ako si za upoznavanje sa starijim ženama… Ukucaj u svoj mobilni telefon: VIP DRAGICA Poruku koju želiš i pošalji na broj 6292 Ne drže me pričice o budućnosti, veza Korisničko ime: LJILJA Godište: 1979 Grad: Novi Sad Opredeljenje: Strejt Tražim: Nemam dečka već neko vreme, ne drži me to: veza, duge šetnjice, pričice o budućnosti. Ja sam brza i volim avanture. Prijavila sam se u nadi da ću naići na nekog sličnog. Opis: U najkraćim crtama — hrabra, smela, otvorena i uporna. Ako si za upoznavanje i dopisivanje, pošalji mi SMS! Ukucaj u svoj mobilni telefon: VIP LJILJA Poruku koju želiš i pošalji na broj 6292 Volim da sklapam nova prijateljstva Korisničko ime: LUJKA Godište: 1964 Grad: Svrljig Opredeljenje: Strejt Tražim: Nekog zgodnog mladića. Šta ću kad volim mlađe Volim da se družim i ima me svuda. Volim da sklapam nova prijateljstva i da izlazim. Prijatelji me zovu Lujka, ne znam zašto, tako da sam i ovde izabrala baš taj nadimak hahaha Opis: Ja sam žena koja voli društvo, izlaske, nova poznanstva. Ako si za upoznavanje sa starijim ženama… Ukucaj u svoj mobilni telefon: VIP LUJKA Poruku koju želiš i pošalji na broj 6292 Tražim poznanstvo sa zanimljivim frajerom Korisničko ime: JACA Godište: 1987 Grad: Beograd Opredeljenje: Strejt Tražim: Poznanstvo sa nekim zanimljivim frajerom, a najopuštenije mi je preko poruka. Opis: Vrela i uvek spremna na avanturice. Naravno da to ne znači da ću uskočiti u krevet sa prvim momkom koji mi pošalje poruku. Otkrij šta volim i … dogovorićemo se već Ako želiš novo poznanstvo, pošalji mi SMS! Ukucaj u svoj mobilni telefon: VIP JACA Poruku koju želiš i pošalji na broj 6292 Volim zabavu, smeh, društvo Korisničko ime: KATARINA Godište: 1969 Grad: Apatin Opredeljenje: Strejt Tražim: Poznanstvo sa nekim zanimljivim i mističnim gospodinom koji zna za šta živi. Nekog romantičnog ali muževnog muškarca. Opis: Pozitivna i uvek raspoložena. Volim zabavu, smeh, društvo. Veoma sam komunikativna i spontana. Ukucaj u svoj mobilni telefon: VIP KATARINA Poruku koju želiš i pošalji na broj 6292 Prijavila sam se radi druženja Korisničko ime: OLJA Godište: 1972 Grad: Užice Opredeljenje: Strejt Tražim: Već duže vreme tražim muškarca koji će me razumeti, slobodnog i otvorenog, druželjubivog i prijatnog… Da ne dužim, prijavila sam se radi druženja, možda i nečeg više! Opis: Prava sam koketa, ali dobrodušna i čistog srca. Nisam stidljiva što se može i primetiti iz mojih fotografija. Inače sam jako ponosna na svoju guzu i volim da je slikam. Da li se i tebi sviđa moja guza? Ako si za upoznavanje i dopisivanje, pošalji mi SMS! Ukucaj u svoj mobilni telefon: VIP OLJA Poruku koju želiš i pošalji na broj 6292 Volim dopisivanje sa poznanicima Korisničko ime: MILANA Godište: 1987 Grad: Vranje Opredeljenje: Strejt Tražim: Poznanstvo sa prijatnim i duhovitim momcima koji vole druženje i dopisivanje. Opis: Volim zezanje i dopisivanje sa poznanicima. Veoma sam iskrena i otvorena, što očekujem i od sagovornika. Ako si za druženje i dopisivanje, pošalji mi SMS! Ukucaj u svoj mobilni telefon: VIP MILANA Poruku koju želiš i pošalji na broj 6292 Volim vruće flert porukice Korisničko ime: VOLIMZIVOT Godište: 1966 Grad: Čačak Opredeljenje: Strejt Tražim: Dobar provod, malo vrućih flert porukica i… Opis: Ja sam žena modernih shvatanja. Pokušavam da izvučem od života ono najbolje i najvrednije. Ako si za muvanje i upoznavanje, pošalji mi SMS! Ukucaj u svoj mobilni telefon: VIP VOLIMZIVOT Poruku koju želiš i pošalji na broj 6292 Volim da upoznajem nove ljude Korisničko ime: BECA Godište: 1982 Grad: Subotica Opredeljenje: Strejt Tražim: Zaintrigirao me je ovaj sajt. Pošto volim da upoznajem nove ljude a preko poruka je je to nekako najlakše, odlučila sam da se prijavim ovde. Tražim partnera za malo grublju igru Opis: Hmmmm, teško da mogu sebe da opišem u par reči pa ću to ostaviti za chat. Nešto ipak možete da dokučite iz slika. Želiš poznanstvo sa mnom? Ukucaj u svoj mobilni telefon: VIP BECA Poruku koju želiš i pošalji na broj 6292 Želela bih da upoznam pravog muškarca Korisničko ime: SREMICA Godište: 1964 Grad: Inđija Opredeljenje: Strejt Tražim: Davnih dana sam se razvela i postala sam već usamljena. Želela bih da upoznam pravog muškarca, vrednog, pametnog i koji zna da voli. Opis: Ukratko… Nežna, dobrodušna, skromna, iskrena… Ako si za upoznavanje i dopisivanje, pošalji mi SMS! Ukucaj u svoj mobilni telefon: VIP SREMICA Poruku koju želiš i pošalji na broj 6292 Ako tražiš upoznavanje uživo Korisničko ime: MIRKA Godište: 1976 Grad: Kraljevo Opredeljenje: Strejt Tražim: Nekog opuštenog momka za chat. Ukoliko postoji mogućnost za upoznavanje uživo ne bih imala ništa protiv toga. Opis: Prilično sam stidljiva pa je jedan od razloga prijavljivanja ovde da pobedim taj strah. Inače sam veoma prijatna osoba i volim društvo. Ako si za upoznavanje i dopisivanje, pošalji mi SMS! Ukucaj u svoj mobilni telefon: VIP MIRKA Poruku koju želiš i pošalji na broj 6292 Volim hot sms chat Korisničko ime: GOGA Godište: 1983 Grad: Beograd Opredeljenje: Strejt Tražim: Društvo za dopisivanje. Volim hot sms chat pa očekujem da mi se jave maštoviti muškarci koji će me zagrejati. Opis: Otvorena i slobodnog duha. Ako si za upoznavanje i dopisivanje, pošalji mi SMS! Ukucaj u svoj mobilni telefon: VIP GOGA Poruku koju želiš i pošalji na broj 6292 Prava sam nimfomanka Korisničko ime: LIDIJA Godište: 1973 Grad: Žagubica Opredeljenje: Strejt Tražim: Ovde je život prilično monoton. Opis: Divlja i neumerena u svemu. Što se seksa tiče prava sam nimfomanka Ako si za upoznavanje sa iskusnim ženama… Ukucaj u svoj mobilni telefon: VIP LIDIJA Poruku koju želiš i pošalji na broj 6292 Obožavam SMS porukice Korisničko ime: STOJA Godište: 1971 Grad: Brus Opredeljenje: Strejt Tražim: Već duže vreme mi se ništa ne dešava u braku. E zato sam se prijavila ovde. Opis: Nemirnog sam duha, volim da švrljam, izlazim, upoznajem nove ljude. Pošalji koju Ako si za upoznavanje i dopisivanje, pošalji mi SMS! Ukucaj u svoj mobilni telefon: VIP STOJA Poruku koju želiš i pošalji na broj 6292 Sviđa mi se ovaj način upoznavanja Korisničko ime: JECA Godište: 1965 Grad: Kruševac Opredeljenje: Strejt Tražim: Srodnu dušu. Nekog ko će me uvek saslušati i razumeti. Opis: Ja sam nežna i romantična duša. Ako si za romantično upoznavanje, pošalji mi SMS! One su ostavile svoj licni oglas a na tebi je da izaberes!!! And he just bought me lunch since I found it for him smile So let me rephrase that Thank you for lunch! Whenever you have an efficient government you have a dictatorship.

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Anonimnost i diskrecija je 100% zagarantovana, sve dok Vi ne odlučite drugačije. Ponuda i potražnja stanova kuća, lokala. Licni oglasi preko sms-a tina osjetio probadanje panike pomesti kroz nju, te je o to predati u nju, kad ju je učitelj govorio opet. Volim zabavu, smeh, društvo. Vaš oglas će biti istaknut na početnoj strani sajta kao i u vašoj kategoriji u kojoj dajete oglas. Nešto ipak možete da dokučite iz slika. Nekog romantičnog ali muževnog muškarca.

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Naime, prva scena filma je krupan, vrlo krupan kadar ginekološkog pregleda i Kloine vagine. Kako bi osvežili vezu, rešili su — što da ne? Drugim rečima, publika je navikla da svašta vidi sa velikih ekrana ovog festivala, ali 70.

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Posle 10 godina braka i dvoje dece, njihovom ljubavnom žaru bila je potrebna iskra podsticaja. Bračni par želi da začini svoj seksualni život snimanjem seksa. Nakon ovakvog početka, svi kasniji prizori, uključujući i dvojicu Žeremija Renijea u trojci, kao i scena sa seks igračkom, nisu više praćeni šokantnim reakcijama već oduševljenim odobravanjem.

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Bračni par želi da začini svoj seksualni život snimanjem seksa. Nakon njegovog gledanja odlučuju ipak da ga obrišu, ali umesto da se to dogodi biva upload-ovan na internet i tada počinju njihove nevolje jer pokušavaju na sve moguće načine da ga uklone i spreče njegovo širenje. Da li će u tome uspeti, ostaje da se vidi u filmu. A do tada pogledajte titlovani trejler filma koji nam stiže na leto u domaće bioskope posredstvom Tuck-a. Posle 10 godina braka i dvoje dece, njihovom ljubavnom žaru bila je potrebna iskra podsticaja. Kako bi osvežili vezu, rešili su — što da ne? Na prvi pogled, to je odlična ideja, a onda su shvatili da njihov najprivatniji snimak, više nije privatan. Svesni da ih samo jedan klik deli da budu ogoljeni pred svima, ulaze u trku sa vremenom, kako bi povratili svoj video snimak. A on će otkriti mnogo više nego što su mislili da mogu da podnesu. Biće to noć, koju nikada neće zaboraviti.

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Kako bi osvežili vezu, rešili su — što da ne? Kan je ipak uspeo da još jednom šokira. Posle 10 godina braka i dvoje dece, njihovom ljubavnom žaru bila je potrebna iskra podsticaja. Osim autentičnog snošaja i nekoliko scena oralnog seksa, film je poznat po prizoru stavljanja jaja u vaginu i seksualnog kontakta između žene i maloletnika. Na prvi pogled, to je odlična ideja, a onda su shvatili da njihov najprivatniji snimak, više nije privatan. Bračni par želi da začini svoj seksualni život snimanjem seksa. Biće to noć, koju nikada neće zaboraviti. Svesni da ih samo jedan klik deli da budu ogoljeni pred svima, ulaze u trku sa vremenom, kako bi povratili svoj video snimak. Naime, prva scena filma je krupan, vrlo krupan kadar ginekološkog pregleda i Kloine vagine.

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Click here: Upoznavanje online podgorica

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Ozbiljna sam zena, svoj muzu odana, vjerna i postena, sve dok mi ne dosadi da izigravam kaludjericu, i tada se pretvaram u djavolicu. A, ta pretvorba se kod mene desava, nekoliko puta na dan, svaki dan! Volim duge predigre sa plasticnim, a moze i gumenim, i vrlo intimnim, prijateljima…. Sa mnom se nikad ne zna đe ću do kraja večeri da završim. Voljela bih da se dopisujem sa momcima do 30-35 godina iz cijele Crne Gore. Neka mi se jave dobri tipovi, gay i ostala sranja stop. Ovim putm prvo želim da pozdravim sve moje zemljake i zemljakinje iz lijepog ali previše dalekog Pariza. Ja sam Sanja, imam 31 godinu, sviježe razvedena, i stvarno nostalgična za našom lijepom Crnom Gorom. Ovdje sam se prijavila da ubijem tu nostalgiju, pa momci ne budite srca kruta već se javite jednoj Crnogorki na privremenom radu u Francusku. Željna dopisivanja, svima odmah odgovaram.

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Pronađi osobe sličnih interesovanja i fantazija i ostvarite sve vaše želje zajedno. Za pocetak druzenje i upoznavanje,parovi i muskarci stop. Ja imam 22 i nevin sam. Napisala sam oglas promišljeno. Ukoliko nije tako, imate razloga za sumnju. Javite se momci iz CG i inostranstva. I onda kada ste sigurni da ste našli osobu koju želite da upoznate i uživo, taj deo je bar lak i sigurni smo da ćete biti zadovoljni.

[Sex sms poruke|Iskustva sa oglasima osobna poznanstva|Veze i brak burza]

Oznake: upoznavanje, Podgorica

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