subota, 12.01.2008.

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 (From Clarence Malcolm)

UPDATED 08/26/07 NEWS ALERT: Private presidents salary Investigators Ted L. Gunderson and Clarence Malcolm execute formal criminal charges against discovered felons in presidents salary mainstream media.

Emailed to DOJ, Washington DC .  This presentment is intended to supersede any and all previous renditions of this criminal complaint via affidavit.

ESTABLISHED myspace happy new year comments IS FORMALLY ACCUSED OF FELONY RICO AND CONSPIRACY against Dr. Ron Paul and the American People.

What the public needs to understand is that FOX, ABC, CBS, CNN, presidents salary and the other established *mainstream Smass media”/news sources [*see definition @] are perpetrating criminal fraud (via omissions, distortions and  outright lies) and a deliberate censorship of Dr. Ron Paul in 2008 Presidential racewith malice and aforethought and evil intent to control the 2008 presidential elections.  This is an outrage and We the People need to organize against this dangerous plot and TAKE ACTION by filing  class action criminal charges and civil suits against the owners and executives of these news sources.   This illegal censorship is not only harming Americans because they wield the power to control the outcome of elections via the quantity and quality of the news coverage they provide the candidates; it constitutes an unAmerican and antiAmerican criminal enterprise; not to fail to mention a violation of the first amendment/freedom of the press. These accused individualsthe elitist media executivesexercise monopolized and Fascist-control over media/news sources with intent to get the candidate preferred by them elected while simultaneously wrongfully hiding and/or playing down the true facts, popularity and success of the Ron Paul campaign.

Please spread this message and lets get criminal charges and a class action lawsuit executed against this dangerous organized crime syndicate identified as the present mainstream media outlets which are collaborating presidents salary a RICO [Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations (RICO) Title presidents salary United States Code, Sections 1961-1968; reference:] conspiracy to censor Dr. Ron Paul and control the outcome of the 2008 Presidential Election.  This is definitely RICO if it can be shown that any of the accused media executives have donated money to any of the other presidential candidates, directly or indirectly!  The accused individuals herein have wrongfully utilized their outrageous MONOPOLY over the media across America to injure Dr. Ron Paul and his millions of supporters; all Americans, in fact.  These accused individuals need to go to prison upon conviction.  They need to be criminally prosecuted and have their personal assets seized.  They need to have their Federal FCC licenses revoked for participating in this criminal conspiracy.    Help us spread this felony information far and wide.  Lets get these elitist outlaws criminally prosecuted and civilly sued.

Ill get the ball rolling right now with my sworn affidavit, a criminal complaint:

Gage County

State of Nebraska


I, Clarence presidents salary Malcolm,  a private criminal investigator, working with retired FBI Division Chief, Ted L. Gunderson [] hereby swear under penalty of perjury pursuant to the laws of the presidents salary of Nebraska and the United States of America that I have obtained personal and imputed knowledge that known and yet unknown owners, executives and employees in the established mainstream media including but not limited to ABC, NSNBC, FOX, CNN, CBS, The Los Angeles Times, The New York Times, Wall Street Journal, Time Magazine, The Chicago Tribune, The Miami Herald and The San Diego Herald-Tribune and, in fact, nearly all (if not all) news sources which have become monopolized by a few wealthy class individuals presidents salary are intentionally and with evil intent acting as co-conspirators in perpetrating crime and the unlawful censorship of Dr. Ron Paul; and, these same individuals are participating in an illegal conspiracy  rising to the level of RICO to control the outcome of the 2008 Presidential Elections.  The level of felony crime, corruption and conspiracy victimizing Dr. Ron Paul and the America people in these 2008 Presidential event is unprecedented in the history of the United States and needs to be investigated and prosecuted without further delay. The conspirators know they have a duty to the public to impartially presidents salary all news worthy Snews” but have colluded to create an uneven playing field favoring select candidates while ignoring or virtually disregarding Dr. Paul and others. 

I am a bona fide Federal and State victim-witness to this crime along with countless millions of other defrauded Americans.  The media owners and executives who are involved in this illegal monopoly, RICO racketeering and conspiracy include but are not limited to: David Rockefeller, presidents salary Bronfman, Rupert Murdoch, Sumner Redstone and Ted Turner. Known and other yet unknown individuals working in collaboration with or  for these media barons including but not limited to executives, legal consultants, representatives, news personnel and employees who aremore likely than notactively involved in this felony crime and conspiracy and who should also be arrested and investigated for their presidents salary I also formally accuse these individuals of treason against the people of the United States of America…pursuant to Ted Gunderson’s extensive research and other information we have obtained…who individually and collectivelymore likely than notpossess evil intent to overthrow the United States Republic form of government and our hard-won national sovereignty as established by our founders and for this diabolical purpose they have used their tremendous wealth, power, influence and illegally monopolized control over this nation’s media/news sources to facilitate this criminal conspiracy. For example, as documented in the February 9, 1917, United States Congressional Record wherein it was announced in pages 2947- 2948 that J.P. Morgan interests had bought 25 of America ’s leading newspapers and inserted their own editors in order to control the press.  Ted Gunderson has proof that this conspiracy has tremendously escalated and into all other media/news sources since that time.  Moreover, Ted Gunderson has meritorious information which has led him (and others including me) to believe that these conspirators and their cohorts have controlled past elections through the felonious manipulation of electronic voting machines.

Further, I hereby formally accuse the Republican and Democratic Parties via known and yet unknown membershaving membership in the Counsel on Foreign Relations, an organization I believe I can easily prove to be a subversive unAmerican and anti-American criminal organization via rogues thereinof actively participating with evil intent, directly or indirectly, in the aforementioned felony crime and conspiracy in willful collaboration with the accused aforementioned outlaws in the mass media.

I have acquired much evidence to prove my meritorious criminal allegations.  Moreover, henceforth, any public officers, employees and/or contractors who become aware of these felony allegations and information who refuses, neglects or otherwise fails to perform their duty to uniformly enforced the rule of law pursuant to this formal criminal complaint shall be deemed by this Federal/State victim-witness to be co-conspirators in said felony crime.  I reserve my right to citizen arrest presidents salary accused felons herein named and their accomplices, cohorts and co-conspirators.

Executed this 26th day of August, 2007, with intent that an immediate criminal investigation be initiated and that all accused criminals and their cohorts be arrested and prosecuted pursuant to clearly established law bearing in mind that Sno one is [supposed to be] above the law” regardless of how powerful, rich or well-connected they are.

Mark:  Clarence Douglas Malcolm, Federal and State Victim-Witness.   

PUBLIC cassadaga florida Please help us publicize this formal criminal complaint across the internet.  After reading this affidavit/felony presentment, if anyone believes it to be true, they (Syou”) have the right to copy it and affix your own name as an affiant.  We need tens of thousands of Americans presidents salary are Svictims-witnesses” to the aforementioned accused criminals/enterprises to join us in our formal criminal complaints and to become co-plaintiffs in a historic class action lawsuit.  Below is Ted Gunderson’s criminal complaint via affidavit to show you how easy it is to execute your own presentment.  After executing the same or similar felony complaint via affidavit Syou” also will have the right to citizen arrest the accused felons.

Gage County

State of Nebraska


I, Ted L. Gunderson,  a retired FBI Senior Special Agent in Charge [], hereby swear under penalty of perjury pursuant presidents salary the laws of the State of Nebraska and the United States of America that I have obtained personal and imputed knowledge that known and yet unknown owners, executives and employees in the established mainstream media including but not limited to ABC, NSNBC, FOX, CNN, CBS, The Los Angeles Times, The New York Times, Wall Street Journal, Time Magazine, The Chicago Tribune, The Miami Herald and The San presidents salary Herald-Tribune and, in fact, nearly all (if not all) news sources which have become monopolized by a few wealthy class individuals who are intentionally and with evil intent acting as co-conspirators in perpetrating crime and the unlawful censorship of Dr. Ron Paul; and, these same individuals are participating in an illegal conspiracy  rising to the level of RICO to control the outcome of the 2008 Presidential Elections.  The level of felony crime, corruption and presidents salary victimizing Dr. Ron Paul and the America people in these 2008 Presidential event is unprecedented in the history of the United States and presidents salary to be investigated and prosecuted without further delay. The conspirators know they have a duty to the public to impartially cover all news worthy Snews” but have colluded to create an uneven playing field favoring select candidates while ignoring or virtually disregarding Dr. Paul and others. 

I, too, am a bona fide Federal and presidents salary victim-witness to this crime along with countless millions of other defrauded Americans.  The media owners and executives who are involved in this illegal monopoly, RICO racketeering and conspiracy include but are not limited to: David Rockefeller, Edgar Bronfman, Rupert Murdoch, Sumner Redstone and Ted Turner. Known and other yet unknown individuals working in collaboration with or  for these media barons including but not limited to executives, legal consultants, representatives, news personnel and employees who aremore likely than notactively involved in this felony crime and conspiracy and who should also be arrested and investigated for their participation. I also formally accuse these individuals of treason against the people of the United States of America…pursuant to my extensive research and other information I have obtained…who individually and collectivelymore likely than notpossess evil intent to overthrow the United States Republic form of government and our hard-won john david booty sovereignty as established by our founders and for this diabolical purpose they have used their tremendous wealth, power, influence and illegally dtv 2009 control over this natalie gulbis media/news sources to facilitate this criminal conspiracy. For example, as documented in the February 9, 1917, United States Congressional Record wherein it was announced in pages 2947- 2948 that J.P. Morgan interests had bought 25 of America ’s leading newspapers and inserted their own editors in order to control the press.  I have proof that this conspiracy has tremendously escalated and expanded into all other media/news sources since that time.  Moreover, I have other meritorious information which has led him (and others) to believe that these conspirators and their cohorts kimkins controlled past elections through the felonious manipulation of electronic voting machines.

Further, I hereby formally accuse the Republican and hallelujah diet Parties via known and yet unknown membershaving membership in the Counsel on Foreign Relations, an organization I believe I can easily prove to be a subversive unAmerican and anti-American criminal organization via rogues thereinof actively participating with evil intent, directly or indirectly, in the aforementioned felony crime and conspiracy in willful collaboration with the accused aforementioned outlaws in the mass media.

I have acquired much evidence to prove my meritorious criminal allegations.  Moreover, henceforth, any public officers, employees and/or contractors who become aware of these felony allegations and information who refuses, neglects or otherwise fails to perform their duty to uniformly enforced the rule of law pursuant to this formal criminal complaint shall be deemed by this Federal/State victim-witness colts titans be co-conspirators in said felony crime.  I reserve my right to citizen arrest all accused felons herein named and their accomplices, cohorts and co-conspirators.

Executed this presidents salary day of August, presidents salary with intent that an immediate criminal investigation be initiated and that all accused criminals and presidents salary cohorts be arrested presidents salary prosecuted pursuant to clearly established law bearing in mind that Sno one is [supposed to be] above the law” regardless of how powerful, rich or well-connected they are.

Mark:  Ted L. Gunderson, Federal and State Victim-Witness.   

COMMENTS by Clarence Douglas Malcolm.  As the private criminal investigator for Gunderson & Associates Professional Investigations I am amazed at how effectively the American public has been dumbed-down, especially with regard to any knowledge of Law, the Federal Constitution, their respective State constitution and common law maxims.  The American Bar Association has succeeded quite well in monopolizing this knowledge for the exclusive financial benefit of their powerful private special interest group.  This is why some people cannot recognize how felony crime and conspiracy is afoot by the mainstream mass media moguls to injure Dr. Ron Paul and the American people.  The elistist Sbillionaire boys club” of corporate dtv 2009 baronsonly a few in numberhave effectively MONOPOLIZED the entire mass media/news service industry  for the benefit of their wealthy social class and they control the outcome of all elections in this nation with the tremendous power they enjoy via this outrageous and illegal MONOPOLY which definitely violates the letter, spirit and intent of our anti-monopoly and anti-trust laws!!!  Everyone who has read the criminal complaint executed by Ted Gunderson and me need to go study a few definitions from any good law dictionary (e.g. Blacks Law Dictionary) including: monopoly&conspiracy&fraud&RICO (organized racketeering)&then&they may begin to presidents salary how diabolical and damaging the controlled media has become. 

There is really no such thing as free press because it is owned by persons all belonging to the wealthy class of our society in America and they have an agenda&AS THEY ALSO HAVE THE POWER TO MAKE OR BREAK PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATES by how much coverage they provide them and by the quality of coverage provided.  We need to take a hard look at whats happening with Dr. Paulat how these mass-media-moguls are controlling the outcome of elections in America .  Look at the lies, the distortions, the OMMISSIONS and the boldface lies they perpetrate.  This is not only unethical, immoral, unfair, unAmerican  and antiAmerican, it is criminal and it constitutes a very real and intentional conspiracy against Dr. Paul and the American People presidents salary want fair and unbiased reporting. 

The News Services have a moral duty to be impartial, ethical and honest in their reporting because the public has an continuing interest in the news worthy news they report.  Ron john david booty remarkable success in several straw polls deserves the same national publicity that Mitt Romney received when he purportedly won the Iowa Straw Poll.  The opposite is happening, however, with regard to Ron Paul.  Hes being wrongfully CENSORED.  Dr. Paul would definitely win the Republican nomination were he given the same special coverage afforded to Elitist-preferred lackeys: Romney, presidents salary and Hillary.  The conspiracy is intended to promote the candidates PREFERRED by the media moguls (who establish the internal corporate policies for their respective media services) and ignore the candidates they least favor.  This is a terrible fraud against the American public who stupidly or unwittingly trust the news services to be honest and impartiala blind trust for the most part.  I feel sorry for those individuals who lack the insight and intelligence to recognized how the present corrupt media establishment is RIGGING and, in fact, powerfully CONTROLLING the outcome of U.S. elections.  It is truly operating as a criminal enterprise. 

RICO requires two or more predicate acts perpetrated in violation of federal law with a property nexus and involving patriots game or more individuals acting in conspiracy to perpetrate the criminal acts.  So, how is Ron Pauls property rights being violated? Cmon&think& hes applying for a job along with 9 [or whatever # it is now] other candidates on the Republican side&and that job is going to pay over $200,000 per year, the presidents salary!!!  This is the property nexus. The media moguls are providing preferential treatment and financial support to those candidates who will promote their financial interests and agenda. A media conspiracy exists to deprive Dr. Ron Paul of his fair opportunity to acquire the position he is seeking within the federal corporation.  Thats enough for now.  Wake Up! &and come to mists of avalon with the fact that America is a nation of corporations, by corporations and for corporationsbenefitting Wall Street/Banking presidents salary Dr. Paul is a threat to this establishment because he does not hide the fact that when he becomes president he is going to put We the People FIRST&rather than last as the present situation exists.

*  *  *  *  *  *  *

Thanks for your concern [name withheld].  Ted and I are not representing Ron Paul or speaking for him. He knows that!  We are exercising our duty pursuant to United States Code title 18 section 4 to expose felony crime (including fraud and conspiracy) and it is a felony according to this law for us not to report our knowledge of felony crime to law enforcement authorities. The Department of Justice in Washington DC was sent a copy of our complaint&hence, releasing us from the presidents salary of misprison of felony.  The facts in our criminal complaints speak for themselves: The 2008 Presidential Election is RIGGED by the monopolized media and this is evidenced in the unfair treatment of Dr. Paul and in the fraudulent and manipulated polls and news coverage.  There is plenty of evidence available to prove our allegations.  We have not started the class action suit but are looking for a courageous attorney (e.g. Gerry Spence) who will put together a ufc 79 video suit in behalf of concerned Americans. This is a meritorious claim.  The media is supposed to be fair and unbiased in their coverage but they have proven via this 2008 presidential campaign that they are defrauding the public and we must fearlessly call them on their crimes.  Unfortunately, most Americans lack the knowledge of anna chlumsky State and the Federal Constitutions, the anti-monopoly laws, the anti-trust laws and the definition of Sfraud” to understand that they are victims of a real conspiracy to control (i.e. rig) the 2008 elections via the quantity and quality of coverage provided the candidates.  Were the media as it should beimpartialthen Dr. Paul and all candidates would be afforded the same amount of coverage.  We know whats going on here and we need to begin shouting for justice and an end to media manipulation/controls.  Dr. Pauls wins in New Hampshire and Alabama (etc.) should have made national news&and a public interest definitely exists to warrant this coverage in like manner as they covered Mitts Iowa win IN A VERY BIG WAY NATIONALLY.   Also, the Republican Party is definitely corrupt presidents salary also participating in harming Dr. Paul.

* * *

Thanks for your email [name withheld]. presidents salary are receiving criminal complaints from all over the country using ours as a model to copycat.  Now that you have executed your own criminal complaint via affidavit under oath, you have established yourself as a co-complainant, law enforcement informer and Svictim-witness” who is supposed to be entitled to protection pursuant to clearly established laws (State and Federal.)  Also, you now have become empowered to lawfully CITIZEN ARREST any and all accused criminal suspectsbut, don’t try it alone.  We need to create a Sposse” of thousands of Citizen Law Enforcers before we attempt to arrest the Powerful Elites who are involved in the very real criminal conspiracy to control the outcome of major elections in this nationand, who have been doing so for quite a number of years. Also, bear in mind that most of the Elites have hired security forces to protect them and these dudes are armed.  However, once Citizens unite to go out and arrests the accused felons, anyone…and I do mean SANYONE”…who attempts to interfere becomes a felon and meat market also be arrested.  Moreover, if they resort to deadly force (e.g. pull out a firearm) to protect their formally accused-felon-boss/es, then we Citizen Law Enforcers can resort to equal deadly force to protect ourselves and bring the accused felony offenders to justice. The established law enforcement community at the local, State and Federal levels dare not enforce our criminal complaints because they are as controlled as the Scontrolled” media.  However, we the people hold the power to compel justice and the uniform enforcement of the rule of law if we will but TAKE LAWFUL ACTION to do so.  Justice Ranger

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