
16.05.2006., utorak

Biografija...od koga ?pa NARGAROTHA!!!!!!!!!!

Status: Aktivan
Država: Njemačka
Aktivni od: 1989-
Rod: Black ili Crni Metal
Stil: Sirow
Službeni Site: Nepoznat

Nargaroth je počeo 1989 bez imena. Bili su u vrlo prvim početcima ništa nego aktivnost u slobodnom vremenu tinejđera. Kanwulf je probao svirati staru raštimanu bass gitaru i vrištao je svoje tekstove da izrazi sebe u tim zbunjujućim trenutcima za mladog čovjeka. Nikada nije tražio nove glazbenike jer je njegov izbor bio da stoji-sam. Taj je izbor potrajao 'do danas! NARGAROTH je još uvijek solo projekt!!
Kanwulf je snimio instrumentalni demo ''ORKE(Orka=Kit?) (ogr. na 150 kopija). Nažalost nije imao opremu da snimi vokale.
Kasnije je Kanwulf našao za vrijeme svog zbunjujućeg razdoblja u svojoj zbunjenoj glavi ime NARGAROTH. Od tog dana pa na dalje to je njegov identitet. Kanwulf je u Listopadu '93 u svojoj kuhinji (zato ima K. –za probe u knjižici od Herdstleyd CD-a) snimio demo ''Herbstleyd''. Bio je ograničen na 200 kopija, i bilo je nekoliko kopija ostalo ali ih Kanwulf kao prava faca nije htio dati drugim ljudima jer ih nisu vrijedni.Jer nikada nije na sceni opet našao dečke koji bi za njega vrijedili dovoljno da posjeduju tu vrpcu!!
Kasnije se jedini prijatelj u Kanwulfovom' životu ubio užetom. To i stanje na BM sceni je bio šok za njega pa je Kanwulf pao u izolaciju. Kasnije je dečko iz BEZ BOJA došao u kontakt sa Kanwulfom i svidio mu se Nargaroth-stil. I nakon mnogo moljenja sa njegove strane Kanwulf je odlučio da 1998 ponovo snimi ''Herbstleyd''. ''Amarok'' CD je pušten sa starim i nepuštenim stvarima. I nije baš bilo potrebno da ga se objavi.
Onda je Kanwulf napravio novu demo vrpcu nazvanu ''Odjebi današnji Black (Crni) Metalu'' (aha!) ogr. na 333 (opa?333+333=? hihi) kopija vrpce i 100 kopija na ploči. Objavljena je u kolovozu 2000 i rasprodana. Razlog za rađenje kaseti pokraj njegovog CD ugovora sa Bez Boja je, da Kanwulf ne voli CD i stvari previše. Da sebe bolje izrazi treba zvuk reh. kaseta. LP verzija sadrži bonus Izlaz i u svakoj pojedinoj kopiji je dio orginalne vrpce iz pjesme ''A BM (CM) pjesma, samo za BM (CM) manijake'' koje su bile na svakoj demo vrpci sa neparnim brojem (1, 3, 5...299, 301, 333).
U Studenom/Prosincu 2000 Kanwulf je snimio novi album ‘’Crni Metal Je Krieg(Rat) – Posvećeni Spomenik’’
U ovom trenutku Kanwulf priprema svoj dio Splita LP sa germanskom hordom MjesečevaKrv na SOMBRE REC:..Zove se ‘’Rasluka (? - ne razumijem Norveški) – Dio 1’’. To je prvi od 3 dijela.
Dakle, uskoro će biti DLP-Književno izdanje, koje je ograničeno na 99 ujedinjenja kao ploča i 666 ujedinjenja na Vrpci samo. Kanwulf odlučuje tko će ih dobiti. To za sigurno ništa posebno. U prošlosti mnogo bendova odlučivalo je da će dati svoja izdanja samo nekolicini ljudi koje znaju. Ali to su sve bili Demoi bez velikih troškova, napravljeni od skoro nepopularnih bendova. Ali ovo izdavanje košta mnogo studijskih troškova i to je službeno izdanje od NARGAROTHA. U toj kutiji je majica, ogr. na 99 također, numerirana i nešto privatnih stvari. Privatne stvari su drukčije u svakoj kutiji. Ovisi o osobi koja će kutiju dobiti. (hihihihihi) Kanwulf mora sve to raditi da zadovolji demone u svojoj glavi. Svaka osoba koja hoće tu kutiju mora učiniti neku posebnu radnju koju će mu Kanwulf odrediti. (hihihihi) Kanwulf hoće da ljudi nešto naprave za ta izdanja. Ne samo da ih kupe!
AJd ljudi živjeli !!! SLAVA !!! BLACK METAL IST FUCKING KRIEGGGG!!!!!!!!!! - Free Image Picture Photo Hosting Service - Free Image Picture Photo Hosting Service
Vidi nacista na bijelom poniju muahhahaha !!

- 14:39 - Komentari (24) - Isprintaj - #

09.05.2006., utorak

Tolkien stvoritelj Arde

Evo ljudi javljam se opet...Neču ni o jednom bendu jer vidim da vas ne zanima baš namcor .A evo uhvatio sam se teme o Tolkienu...oni koji ne znaju pisac trilogije gospodar prstenova.Evo nakon što sam po 2. put pročito njegovu knjigu Silmarillion htio bih da pročitate jedan meni odličan dio...evo uživajte slava!Pozorno čitajte riječi napisane u pjesmi.

...Tako je došlo do slavnog sukoba Saurona i Felagunda.Jer je Felagund se natjecao sa Sauronom u pjesmama moći,a kraljeva je moć bila vrlo velika;no prevladao je Sauro,kako kazujr Spjev o Leithianu:

On zapjeva pjesmu o čaroliji,
O prodoru,otvoru,o izdaji
Al umah mu Felagund odgovori
Pa zapjeva pjesmu o potpori,
Odupiranju,protiv sila boju,
Čuvanju tajni,poput kula soju,
Neslomljivoj vjeri,slobodi,spasenju,
O mijenjanju lika,novom otkrivenju,
Osujećenoj osveti,bijegu iz stupice,
O pucanju lanca,otvaranju tamnice.
Naprijed i nazad pjesma se valjala,
Sve više,sve dublje,uzdizala,ponirala.
Napjev je jačao,Felagund bojovao
Čaroliju svaku i moći dozivao
Iz Vilin-zemlje u riječi svoje.
Kroz noć tiho ptice gdjeno poje.

U Nargothrondu čuli su dalekom,
I uzdahe Mora za velikom rijekom,
Za zapadnim svijetom,gdjeno se pjeni
Na pijesku od biserja u Vilin-zemlji.
Tad mrak sve prekri i tmica se ovi
Nad Valinorom;krv se crvena proli
Kraj Mora,gdje ono Noldori Umoriše
Jahače na pjeni i kradom odvukoše
Brodovlje bijelo i bijela im jedra
Iz blistavih luka.Jauci vjetra
I vučji urlici.Gavrana bijeg.
Nad zaljevom morskim škripavi snijeg.
U Angbandu sužnji nabrajaju jade
Gromovi tutnje,ognjevi kade-
A s prijestolja Finrod na zemlju pade. - Free Image Picture Photo Hosting Service
- 22:46 - Komentari (13) - Isprintaj - #

05.05.2006., petak

A evo da neš napišem...

Evo ljudi u zadnje vrijeme idem po tuđim blogovima i ustanovio sam da je svaki drugi blog o tokio hotelu...Šta se desilo ovom svijetu da nitko ne zna prepoznat kvalitetu muzike(premda ja mislim da oni svi slušaju taj hotel zato kaj su se zaljubile u onog pjevača).Sve te cure si neš zabrijavaju da če one bit s njim nek se suoče s činjenicom da on vjerovatno ima curu a i još je iz Njemačke"!!!!!A najviše me živcira to što neki kvalitetni bendovi moraju godinama svirat da se bar malo čuje za njih,a ovaj tokio hotel su se nakon prvog albuma probili pa zašto!!!!!!Evo ljudi želio bi da sam prepoznate kvalitetu vi kaj slušate hotel ne govorim da se sada mora slušat metal al ima drugih odličnih stilova...klasika,rock...Evo to je bilo jedno moje mišljenje ajd ljudi uživajte !!!! - Free Image Picture Photo Hosting Service
- 10:51 - Komentari (23) - Isprintaj - #

02.05.2006., utorak

Nordisches Blut

Nordisches Blut je pagan BM bend iz njemačke u kojem svira Von List... inače Nordisches Blut je one-man band... Von List svira i u one-man Raw BM bendu Vargsang iako se tamo predstavlja kao vargsang.... nabavio sam si Nordisches Blut i još neke pagan BM bendove i ovaj mi je najbolji.ima samo jedan album i jedan - Free Image Picture Photo Hosting Service
moje mišljenje : Our Banners Will Rise je jedan od najboljih pagan albuma koje sam čuo iako slušam malo pagan bandova.... Von List a.k.a. Vargsang ima pre jeben dar u stvaranju pre dobre mjuze i ako izda nove albume u bendu Nordisches Blut definitivno ču ih nabavit
- 13:24 - Komentari (2) - Isprintaj - #

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Kratko o meni:
Imam 13 god,živim u Zagrebu-Črnomerec idem u Oš Ivana Cankara -6.b,razredVolim:thrash,black metal,fantastiku (tolkiena,williamsa...),
igrat nogomet,volim Norvešku,Warcraft uglavnom to...

Ne volim:laž,forsere,umišljate i bahate ljude,
(ponekad školu),razmaženu djecu i štrebere.

Javit me se možete

Blogove koje citam-svi su legende i postujem ih:
Nisgaroth-covjek zbog kojeg danas slusam blek SLAVA CARE!
Legenda lik,prelijepo pise-care Slava!
Trrn-The Pagan Warrior-Car lik bleker s ribnjaka care Slava!
Moonsorrow-E ova vam je zena legenda zasluzuje postovanje carice Slava!
Shagrathica-Zena isto legenda i carica blog joj je odlican kao i ona sama Slava!
Tony-Ma moj istomišljenjik napokon netko mojih godina a da slusa blek ma care Slava!

Najdraže starnice:

Meni 5 najboljih black metal albuma:
Graveland-Thousand Swords
Bathory-Under The Sign Of The Black Mark
Mayhem-De Mysteriis Dom Sathanas

MoonBlood-Blut & Krieg

Najdraži bend mi je BATHORY-SLAVA QUORTHONU!!!

Moja playlista
Abyssic Hate
Carpathian Forest
Cirith Gorgor
Det Hedenske Folk
Gontyna kry
Judas Iscariot
May Result
Noktural Mortum
Satanic Warmaster
Sin Origin
The Stone
Vlad Tepes

I jos mnogo toga... - Free Image Picture Photo Hosting Service - Free Image Picture Photo Hosting Service - Free Image Picture Photo Hosting Service - Free Image Picture Photo Hosting Service - Free Image Picture Photo Hosting Service - Free Image Picture Photo Hosting Service - Free Image Picture Photo Hosting Service - Free Image Picture Photo Hosting Service - Free Image Picture Photo Hosting Service - Free Image Picture Photo Hosting Service - Free Image Picture Photo Hosting Service - Free Image Picture Photo Hosting Service - Free Image Picture Photo Hosting Service - Free Image Picture P</div>

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	<h4> Burzum</h4>
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Beholding The Daughters Of The Firmament (Erblicket die Töchter des Firmaments)

I wonder how winter will be
with a spring that I shall never see
I wonder how night will be
with a day that I shall never see
I wonder how life will be
with a light I shall never see
I wonder how life will be
with a pain that lasts eternally

In every night there's a different black
in every night I wish that I was back
to the time when I rode
through the forests of old

In every winter there's a different cold
in every winter I feel so old
so very old as the night
so very old as the dreadful cold

I wonder how life will be
with a death that I shall never see
I wonder why life must be
a life that lasts eternally
I wonder how life will be
with a death that I shall never see
I wonder why life must be
a life that lasts eternally - Free Image Picture Photo Hosting Service

6. The Day Burzum Killed Mayhem
a year of misery?
Darkness fills the sky.
I hear the warriors cry.
The legend tells a story
From a Viking from the north,
Who met a Death Warrior
Black Metal was never really the same.
The legend call it murder
And the Viking had survived.
But the eyes of the Death Warrior
Never saw again the sun upon the sky.
And the quintessence:
Everyone recognized war,
That Black Metal isn't just
Entertainment anymore.
I can still remember
My emotions so confused.
My soul was seeking answers.
No knife I let unused.
So many questions
I had to satisfy.
My soul was under torture,
But I knew my way was right
I see a cemetery fall asleep under fog
And I know the old days will never come
1993, this year of misery was the knife
which split the Black Metal scene apart.
Since that mighty day Black metal split his Way,
And the unity was never the same again.
Lies, rumors and hate. Moneymaking, sadness
And shame
And all this by, the Day as Burzum Killed Mayhem.
Remember this day! Remember this way!
That you never betray, what here leads you
On your way!
And I never will forget
The day as this both warriors met.
The blood was hot the moon was red
And Black Metal created his own grave.
And I dream from days before
Black Metal Maniacs, no whore,
In the legions of war
The demons in our heads the law.
So I summon you once again,
We should never forget the pain
From older days in our veins
We now cut of that it can flow like rain.
Arrghh, this was the legend from
The Day as Burzum killed Mayhem. - Free Image Picture Photo Hosting Service


Transilvanian Hunger

Transilvanian Hunger...cold..soul
Your hands are haunt

the mountains are cold...soul...soul...
careful..pale...forever at Night

Take me...can't you feel the Call
Embrace Me Eternally in your daylight slumber

To be Draped by the Shadow of your Morbid Palace
ohh, Hate Living...The only heat is warm blood

So Pure... So Cold
Transilvanian Hunger

Hail to the True, intense vampires
A story made for Divine fulfillment

To be the ones breathing a Wind of Sorrow
Sorrow and fright the dearest catharsis

Beautiful Evil Self to be the Morbid Count
A part of a Pact that is delightfully immortal

Feel the call freeze you with the uppermost desire
Transilvanian mountain is cold

So Pure... Evil, Cold
Transilvanian Hunger - Free Image Picture Photo Hosting Service


Mother north - how can they sleep while their beds are burning?
Mother north - your fields are bleeding

Memories... The invisible wounds
Pictures that enshrine your throne (gone?)

A Future benighted still they are blind
Pigeonhearted beings of flesh and blood
Keeps closing their eyes for the dangers that threat... ourselves and our nature
And that is why
They all enrage me

Sometimes in the dead of the night I mesmerize my soul
Sights and visions prophecies and horror
They all come in one

Mother north - united we stand (together we walk)
Phantom north - I'll be there when you hunt them down - Free Image Picture Photo Hosting Service

Now that the wind called my name
And my star had faded now hardly a glimpse up in the empty space
And the wise one-eyed great father in the sky stilled my flame

For the ones who stood me near
And you few who were me dear
I ask of thee to have no doubts and no fears

For when the great clouds fills the air
And the thunder roars from o, so far away up in the sky
Then for sure you will know that I have reached the joyous hall up high

With my bloodbrothers at side
All sons of father with one eye
We were all born in the land of the blood on ice

And now you all who might hear my song
Brought to you by the northern wind have no fear
Though the night may seem so everlasting and forever dark

There will come a golden dawn
At ends of nights for all yee on whom
Upon the northstar always shines

The vast gates to hall up high
Shall stand open wide and welcome you with all its within
And Oden shall hail us bearers of a pounding hammerheart - Free Image Picture Photo Hosting Service

Graveland-Thousand Swords
We attacked with thousand swords
Our banners were streaming under clouds
At the gates of christian capital
the wide river of blood was flowing
we attacked with hate in our eyes

Their request for mercy was nothing for us,
they had no respect for our ancestors
today is not a day for mercy.
We attacked and golden palaces collapsed.
Christ's elected ones paradise was burning
their golden bells were tolling the last hour
the last hour of christian rulers in pagan europe
We are just blessed soldiers
from the depths of unbaptized forests
barbarian in the wolfish skins
And we had pleasure to burn the vatican!
Gods returned and now they are with us
Spirit of war possessed our souls
Our swords want to fight with our moves
Its a great feeling to spill the blood in the basilica
Hers of ravens fly between the clouds
They'll come to the earth, when we go away
They'll eat food we prepared
They'll drink blood we have spilled
Epilogue : the vengeance will be cruel
blessed by gods and spirits
In self defence of fatherland
Vengeance done by our hands
bringing cruel death for enemies. - Free Image Picture Photo Hosting Service

Emperor-I Am The Black Wizards
Mightiest am I,
but I am not alone in this cosmos of mine.
For the black hills consists of black souls,
souls that already dies one thousand deaths.
Behind the stone walls (of centuries) they breed their black art.
Boiling their spells in cauldrons of black gold.

Far up in the mountains,
where the rain fall not far,
yet the Sun cannot reach.
The wizards, my servants,

summon the souls of macrocosm.
No age will escape my wrath.
I travel through time and I return to the future.
I gather wisdom now lost.
I visit again the eternally ancient caves,
before a mighty Emperor thereupon came.
Watching the mortals "discovering" my chronicles, guarded
by the old demons, even unknown to me.

Once destroyed their souls are being summoned
to my timeless prison of hate.
It is delightful to feast upon the screaming souls
that were destroyed in my future.

How many wizards that serve me with evil, I know not.
My empires has no limits.

From the never ending mountains black, to the bottomless lakes.
I am the ruler and has been for eternities long.
I am them.

(I am them.)
(I am them.)

From the never ending mountains black, to the bottomless lakes.
I am the ruler and has been for eternities long.
My wizards are many, but their essence is mine.
Forever they are in the hills in their stone homes of grief.
Because I am the spirit of their existence.
I am them.

I am them.
I am them. - Free Image Picture Photo Hosting Service

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