Concept art: Dida Pizdun
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Pizdunski ratovi

04.04.2006., utorak


Kopo ja malo ašovom po kompjuteru i pronaso ovaj textic u jednom od hrpe word dokumenata. To sam naime napiso prije 4-5 mjeseci za password na jedan wow server (Server je bio engleski tako da je text na engleskom). I sad gledam i cini mi se donekle zanimljiv ali nemam ideje kako da nastavim. Pa evo postam ovdje da ako vas zanima da procitate i malo prokomentirate kako bi se prica trebala nastaviti. pa evo sljedi text:

- What? Where am I? Oh my head! - You yell in pain!
- Oh! You are finally awake?! - Shadowed figure sitting next to you speak!
- Who are you? Come closer so I can see you? - you whisper wile trying to get up. But you are too weak, and in too much pain. You Collapse, and once again you find your self in pile of dirt.
- Come on! You don’t have to breathe anymore. - says the figure while walking towards you.
- Stop! Who are you?
- Nobody, just like you. At least for now! - you notice a grim on his face.

Finally he comes so close to you, and you see what he is. Rotten meat hangs of his bones, partially covered with scraps of what looks like leather armour. You jump backward full of fear.

- Stand back! One more step and I will smite you! - you yell preparing your hands to cast the Smite spell.

But he does not stop. He just laughs out loud and says:

- Look at you. You are not what you used to be.
- Silent, you cursed being! - while shouting you try to cast the Smite, but nothing happens.
- You really don’t understand?! Just remember. What is the last thing you remember?
- What!
- Just think. What was the last thing you were doing?
- I was on a field..... There was my companion... We were in a fight...... I got hit in my head with an arrow... I should be dead?
- Well... You are. In a way. You were dead but faith sometimes plays a cruel game. You have become the thing you have hunted for all those years of loyal service to the alliance. You have become the undead.
- Why do I feel like an elf? Why do I remember the things I have done?
- With you something went wrong..... terribly wrong. I assume that while we tried to resurrect you, one of your friends tried the same thing. That is why you are trapped of knowing your past but having totally different future.
- I will not accept that! I am proud member of Darnasus guards and that is what I will stay.

Suddenly you jump up and with rage take the mace that was laying around and hit the cursed being you were talking with right in the head. You here the sound of bones crushing. You start to run, but your legs give you up. You fall. Then you notice. There is a Bat handler outside, and where is he there are bats. You crawl to the exit and see your worst nightmare. City of the dead. Wherever you look, rotting carcasses walking around. But there on the left you see a bat tied to the fence. You try to walk to it without being noticed.

- Hey you! - man shouts toward you.
- Who me?
- Yes. Where do you think you are going? You have to be recruited.

You pay no attention to him and just starts to run toward the bat. You grab some ones dagger and cut the string that bat was tied with. You sat on his back and fly away. But this will not be so easy. Two guards took the rest of the bats and started to go after you. You go through your mind, where is the first alliance city. Ah yes. Ironforge. You set your course towards Ironforge. After some tight turns in the forest you lose them, and slowly slow down. You land near Ironforge and go up to hill to its entrance. After 2 minutes of hiking you reach the Ironforge gates. From inside you hear a lot of sound. From all of those sound you hear your name. You go closer. You hear the whole conversation. But you don’t understand.

- Guys! It is me! I am back! - You yell, but they don’t understand. All they hear is just rubbish coming out of your mouth. Horde rubbish.

- Ifshgioza (Lets say that is attack. Ok? :) - yells one of them.

- No! Stop! It is me!

But before you could turn around you get hit by dozen of spells and you drop dead.

You wake up with a headache.
- Where am I?
- Welcome back. - says a man. You recognise the voice. It’s the undead guard. - Seize him! Too bad boy. You could fight with your comrades against those foul humans, dwarfs and even dirty little gnomes. But no. You choose to spent your eternity in a prison. Get him away from my sight!
- NOOOOOO!!!!!

- 22:13 - Komentari (1) - Isprintaj - #

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