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ponedjeljak, 29.01.2007.


Znam, niš vam nerpišemo, nije da smo baš raspoložene, al kaj češ...ubiti, misla sam ovak malo da vas zabavim, da imate kaj za citat, objavit jedan zapravo istinit horoskop, bar neke osobe prepoznajem u njemu..mozda i vi koga prepoznate:
( dosta rijeci je skraceno pa je mozda malo teze za citat)

AQUARIUS-----u hav a inventive mind and r progressive. u lie a great deal.u make the same mistakes repeatebly because you r stupid. every1 thnks ur a fucking jerk.you also enjoy sucking cock.

PISCES-----u hav a vivid imagination and r often thinking tht u r being followd by the FBI or CIA. you hav a minor influence or ur friends and ppl resent u for flauting wht u mistake as power. u lack confidence and r a general dipshit.

ARIES-----u r a pioneer type and thnk most people r dikheads. u r quik to reprimand, impatient and scornful of advice. u do nothing but piss off evry1 u come into contact with. u r a prick!

TAURUS-----u r practical and persistant. u hav a dogged determination and stick-to-it attitude bcoz u neva do anythng rite 2 first tym. most ppl thnk u r stubborn and bull headed. u r nothing but a fuking asshole.

GEMINI-----u r a quik and intelligent thnker. ppl lyk u bcoz ur bisexual. u r inclined to except too mch for too little.this means ur a cheap bastard. geminis r notorious for thriving on inecents!.

CANCER-----u r sympathetic and understanding 2 other ppls problems whch makes u a sucker. u always keep putting things off. this is y u wil always b on welfare and wnt b worth sht!.evrybody in prison is a cancer.

LEO-----u concider urself a born leader evry1 thnks u r and idiot. most leos bully.u r vain and cannot tolerate honest criticism.u r arrogant and discusting. leos r thieving mother fuckers and enjoy masturbating more thn sex.

VIRGO-----u r logical type and h8 ppl wit disorders. ur sht-picking attititude is sickening to ur co-workers.u r cold and unemotional and often fall asleep whiel fucking.virgos mak gud bus drivers and pimps.

LIBRA-----u r the artistic type and hav difficult tym with reality. if u r male u r QUEER!. changes for employment and monetary gain nill. most libra woman r whores. all libras will die of sexually trasmitted diseases.

SCORPIO-----the worst of the lot!!!!!!u r shrewd in business and cannot b trusted. u shall achieve the pinnacle of success bcoz of ur total lackof ethics. u r the perfect son of a bitch. most scorpios r murdered!!.

SAGITTARIUS-----u r optimistic and enthusiastic.u hav a reckless tendancy to rely on luck since uu hav no talent. the majority of sagitarius's r drunk hobos.u r indeed a worthless piece of sht!.

CAPRICORN-----u r conserrvative and r afraid of taking risks. coz ur basically chicken sht!.ther has neva been a capricorn of any importance.u shld end it now and kill urself.

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