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Hearts Glitters

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Schreit dein Herz

Wieder stehst du hier
So reglos, jeden Tag
Und nichts geschieht um dich herum
Alles schweigt um dich herum

Der Regen stört dich nicht
Dein Blick bleibt stumm und leer
Und du suchst nach der Erinnerung
Doch was bringt dir die Erinnerung

Der Krieg in deinem Kopf
Erreicht dich längst nicht mehr
Denn du weisst, wer hier Verlierer ist
Wieder mal Verlierer ist

Unverändert stehst du hier
Seit viel zu langer Zeit
Und die Erde dreht sich ohne dich
Die Welt bewegt sich ohne dich

Schreit dein Herz
Konntest du es je verstehen
Hast du dich gesehen
Schreit dein Herz
Kannst du nicht mehr weitergehen
Hast du dich

Be my rain

When you fell into my arms
Appearing so frail, if you ever were
And you told me a thousand things
I've never dreamt about
When your eyes fell grey
Could it be I made them shine for awhile?
Now you're gone, as if you ever meant to stay
Be my rain
To wash the pain and the truth away
Be my rain
Embrace my world, everlasting
We were talking through the night
No one could say a word
Of what had passed or should be said
As if time stood silent,
The dawn never came
And the skies are empty
Since we stopped
Far away,
We cannot share the love within us
You're far away,
And rising up to start


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Catch me as I fall
Say you're here and it's all over now
Speaking to the atmosphere
No one's here and I fall into myself
This truth drives me
Into madness
I know I can stop the pain
If I will it all away

Don't turn away
Don't try to hide
Don't close your eyes
Don't turn out the light

I'm frightened by what I see
But somehow I know
That there's much more to come
Immobilized by my fear
And soon to be
Blinded by tears
I can stop the pain
If I will it all away

Fallen angels at my feet
Whispered voices at my ear
Death before my eyes
Lying next to me I fear
She beckons me
Shall I give in
Upon my end shall I begin
Forsaking all I've fallen for
I rise to meet the end


Hearts Glitters