God Damned Angel Whore

28.07.2005., četvrtak

angels cry blood

NA 3 TJ.


''When Angels Cry Blood On Flowers
Of Evil In Bloom ,
The Funeral Of Hearts And Plea For
Mercy When Love Is a Gun
Separating Me From You''

- 08:06 - Whisper (46) - Save me - #

27.07.2005., srijeda

evil never dies

sjecam se. pila sam taj put pivo iz case i pisala pjesmu. toliko sam se smijala da sam skoro prolila pivo po tipkovnici. (sotona mi je sacuvao tastaturu od tekucine,ipak,bila mi je potrebna za pisanje). sada pjesmu o droljici gledam sa smjeskom (iskrenim)...
- 17:58 - Whisper (7) - Save me - #


sam da se javim,da bit cu online ja mislim cjeli dan.. e moram vam ispricat sta je jucer bilo.
idem vam ja znate,na yahoo chat. i tak ono,ne sudjelujem u public,tj nisam ni bila za kompom,sam cekam da mi se neko sa chata javi. a ja mrzim one ljude,pol ih je iz turske i onda imaju kreteni webcam i tak valjda cjeli dan drkaju pred webcamom.. meni se okrece zeludac pa onak ignoriram ih. dobro da ne duljim,kako vec je poznato,ima svakakvih ljudi,tako i jedan moron onak pocne meni srat cek sad cu vam citirat ''hey dude,i would like to tie u on bed so i can fuck u and i would enjoy in ur scream cause i know that ur bf cant make u happy as i can'' u boze,odem se ja zrigat i tip mi jos sere tam,boze,necu ni spominjat...ja to no way pricam decku,sta cu ga jos uznemiravat...ma boli me za te ljude..
e da i ja nisam skuzila ajvar.pa boze,zato sto mi je mozda glazba na prvom mjestu,nisam opsjednuta a i ako neko slusa metal,to ne znaci samoubojstvo...
dobro,znam neki ce ovo sve krivo shvatit al boli me
- 13:01 - Whisper (8) - Save me - #

26.07.2005., utorak

paster of muppets & alcohollica-drink em all

e,ljudi sam se javljam da necu bit bas online danas,idem nekam(kazem danas)...
joj bas sam sretna,malo sam razpizdila decka,kuzite,ono pita me kaj radim a ja njemu ''cuttin my veins''
i raspizdio se...hahaha...kako je bilo zabavno...posle sam mu naravno rekla da mi je bilo dosadno pa sam ga zajebala malo...hehehehehe,trebali ste ga vidit :))
nemojte mi sam slike spominjat,boze,pa nemam vremena se bavit s tim,evo danas navecer bum probala

ljudi,da,i moram vas pitat nekaj,recimo sta bi na rapidshareu?
children of bodom
iron maiden
judas priest
cradle of filth
lamb of god
black sabbath
britney spears(to sigurno)

- 13:50 - Whisper (27) - Save me - #

25.07.2005., ponedjeljak

ja imam dosta mali mozak,pa mi treba duze da skontam...hvala na razumjevanju(sala!!!)

dragi ljudi,
danas cu cjeli dan zrtvovati stavljanju slika na moj blogic... sam da vam se javim da mi puno znacite i da vas sve volim(hahahaha) i nemojte se brinuti,ja sam oke...
e da sam da kazem,aces high,bodomi s maiden coverom,nejde mi iz glave,zakon pjesmica,stavit cu vam i rapidshare da si ju downloadate...

rolling,turning,diving,going in again
run,live to fly,fly to live,do or die
run,live to fly,fly to live,ACES HIGH....

e,ima ljudi kaj pisu al fakat svasta i ono,znaju te ponekad tooolko nasmijat da to je bolesno,al ono,okej je this blogto vam je ono kaj sam nes limune spominjala u komentaru, a razlog promjene nadimka iz rock princess u nymphetamine666girl pogledate isto tamo(rolajte malo prema dole,bute vidli)
- 08:35 - Whisper (8) - Save me - #

24.07.2005., nedjelja

anything but ordinary,again...

sup ppls,just to know,i just woke up so im bored...and guess wat else,lol i bought myself a tooth paste(yeaaa),yep,its a big deal cause i didnt brush my teeth 4 a 2days and it was damned gross,lol...
no matter,i have still that taste of beer in my mouth...
last night i saw the exorcist and i cant stop laughin...ummm...its a better version of life & satana...
wow i hardly ate fish 4 lunch and now,2 minutes after,im dieing 4 ice cream...
lol,sorry cause im writin shits,but thats the way of this blog...
im just listenin to ramones... my brain is hanging upside down...

i really miss my bf cause he has no time much...4 a 7 day has a concert with his band and they have to pratice alot...
anyways,he rulez

- 15:20 - Whisper (0) - Save me - #


ljudi,bum uredila blog danas navecer,boze,tu nes drkam po blogu pa pogle boxove,loooool
da i btw nisam spavala pa sad idem al ono,krevet mi je mokar,idioti prolili mi pivo po krevetu sad kreteni spavaju u tom...e mogu se i ubit sto se mene tice...
p.s. morat cu pocet malo na engleskom pisat jer ima ljudi da me citaju i neznaju hr pa me onda ne skuze ;)
grrrr....kako su neki ljudi jadni i prejadni...e da i dark beauty,procitaj si post FAKE(e da i ono je bilo nisko kaj si napisala u komentaru,ono zadnje kod mm girl)

- 10:11 - Whisper (5) - Save me - #

23.07.2005., subota

you wanna hate me now

yeah,this song is dedicated
to every kid who ever got picked last in gym class
(you know what I'm saying)
to every kid who never had a date to no school dance
(this is 4 u)
to everyone who's ever been called a freak
(yall know what I'm sayin')


like the time in school when we got free lunch and the cool kids beat us up
(reduced lunch)
and the rich kids had convertables,and wa had to ride the bus
like the time we made the baseball team but they still lauged us
(you still suck)
like the time that boy broke up with me cause I wasnt cool enough...

- 13:18 - Whisper (2) - Save me - #

22.07.2005., petak

take me away

every night I'm so alone,and even it's summer,to me,it's so cold...

written by: me
- 21:58 - Whisper (5) - Save me - #

19.07.2005., utorak

Is baseball still buzzin?Searches on the sport are flat but the All-Star Game is still hot

Popular baseball searches

1. Derek Jeter 3. Jhonny Damon

2. New York Yankees 4. Boston Red Sox
- 10:01 - Whisper (0) - Save me - #

05.07.2005., utorak


napisala sam pjesmu o jednoj....

lana je cura laka
koja vara svojeg decka maka
a on joj to dozvoli
jer je jako voli
ona voli u mochvaru* ici
jer ce se tamo na nju svakom dici
ona britney slusat voli
za nju se svaku vecer moli
svoje macke uvijek tuce
i za rep ih cesto vuce
al one joj se ipak vrate
jer ih na cesti jos bolje namlate
roditelji ju bas ne vole
poljubio ju je jole
al onda ju ipak mole
da im se vrati
jer im nema ko za ves prati
ljudi kazu da je prosta
jer joj nikad niceg nije dosta
takva vam je nasa lana
sva je puna glupih mana
a ja se snjom ne druzim
al joj zato kroz pjesmu slavu pruzim

*mochvara je super mjesto i zao mi je kaj sam ju morala popljuvat s ovom curom al nisam znala kaj drugo da napisem,prvo mi je palo na pamet

- 19:08 - Whisper (8) - Save me - #

04.07.2005., ponedjeljak


moj decko je ovisan o anti depresivima,nekakvim tabletama jos,travi i to... uzaaaaaaaaaaaaaaas
- 21:35 - Whisper (5) - Save me - #

Slobodna veza

mislim nisam bas skuzila kaj je to al mi neki frend kaze da ima slobodnu vezu.znaci kako kaze,to je recimo imas sad curu al ipak mozes spavati i s drugim curama i to... pa ak ti je to veza..svaka cast...mislim kao nemas obaveze i to..pa veza znaci recimo da povezuje dvoje osoba.a ak te vec povezuje,zasto to neki krse? dobro sad je to druga tema ali mislim,tako i onako si slobodan ako nisi u vezi a ista je stvar ako si u slobodnoj vezi,mislim ista ti je definicija. al dobro,mislim ak mu tak odgovara..i nisam bas to skuzila al pisem jer dugo nisam pa ocu sam rec da slobodna veza=isto ko da i nisi u vezi. eto toliko o glupostima...
pa stvarno neznam sta da pisem.ak neko ima neki prjedlog ili komentar nek javi jer mi je uzasno dosadno u zagrebu.
- 21:28 - Whisper (0) - Save me - #

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Eyes in silence
Eyes in the dark
A life in patience
To survive and surrender
Whatever I feel
Whatever I see is just
A sign of hope
A reflection of my memories
Words covered with dust
In a book to my left
An urge to read
No permission
Helpless eyes
Voices fading
I regret
I regret
I tilt my head
I close my eyes
Voice - louder
Temptation rising
I shiver
I'm a stranger in my own skin
I'll survive
But for how long?
And silence still remains

Whatever my belief and identity will offer
I can never purify my thoughts

And still
I linger in temptation
Still not daring to reach out
The book
My dreams
Written out in words that I can't read
My fingers write
What my mind is not capable to think of
And silence still remains
I'm a stranger in my own skin
But I'll survive
My fingers write
What my mind is not capable to think of
But I'll survive

But for how long...?

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+ me +
About me

name: ana
destription: long black straight hair,167cm,54kg,i worship music,singing,hating school....

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fav music: AC/DC,Aerosmith,Atrocity,
Audioslave,Black Sabbath,Burzum,Cradle Of Filth,
Children Of BodomCarcass,Epica,
Enslaved,Finntroll,Fear Factory,Godsmack,
Guns n' Roses,
Iron Maiden,Incubus,In Flames,HIM,Katatonia,
KoRn,Lacuna Coil,Limbonic Art,Misfits,
My Dying Bride,Pantera,Poison The Well,
Disturbed,Seether,Sex Pistols,Slayer,
Slipknot,Soulfly,The Sins of Thy Beloved,
Within Temptation...

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cool link: ~Orphaned Land~
cool link2: ~Metal Archives~
cool link3: Gothic Industrial Culture Vampirefreaks.com
cool link4: KoRn

cool blogs:
Andreas Kisser
Gothic Dreams
Fakr Madr
Child Of Bodom
Sale D Himica
Gothic Angel
...Want to be Pretty...
Son of Svarog
My Bad Angel
dobro..nije cool al ide samnom u razred.

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makes me sick: Ruzni Oliver


I stand, looking at my hands
I talk with these lines
That's not the answer
I cry and now I know
looking the sky
I search an answer
So free, free to be
I'm not another liar
I just want to be myself... myself

And now the beat inside me
is a sort of a cold breeze and I've
never any feeling inside
around me...
bring my body
carry it into another world
I know I live... but like a stone I'm falling down

Damned, looking into the sky
I can feel this rain
right now it's falling on me
fly, I just want to fly
life is all mine
some days I cry alone,
but I know I'm not the only one
I see that another day is gone
I don't wanna die...
Please be here when I arrive, don't die... please

By: Lacuna Coil

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Staring across the void, seeing eye to eye in folded space
I see you with the colours and frenzy of the sacred rooms
We've met in those dreams, ice blue water ran towards the green sky
The gods spoke to us, in their infancy
Suns waiting for us to smitten them with the flames of our disease
And we did so, laughing, giving birth to sunrises in our wake

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I'll dream in the deserts
And comfort the thirst for seeing
The violet dawn in the distance
Beckons me to steal its light

I'll wait for you here

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Shocking white pulsar radiant dreams drawn in night sky
Ice-glazed branches undead by rays from an impossible sun
Crystallized pathways towards runic chambers concealed within the microcosmos
Revert away from the predicament, flee across the abyss

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O'Darkness my master and mentor.
Witness the blood I shed.
Victorious dreamlike death I enter.
Floating the streams so red.

Destruction is the jewel of the black heart.
To treat life as nothing holy.
Hatred is the diamond in blasphemous art.
As death you kiss infernally.

Stare into the face of the creation of pain.
Electric storming through the brain.
Blackout, drift away and you'll see.
Night's divine anarchy.

In death's eternal spell you'll be.
Awake in lucid intervals from insanity.

Bury the life deep down in the darkness.
Extinction of lifeforce is a worship of death.
Suicide is true cultivation of evil.
As the phantom of the soul is obsessed.

Ultimate Death Worship

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Wandering on Horizon Road
Following the trail of tears

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Tonovi akorda na gitari
x dur:1,3,5
x mol:1,-3,5
x dur7*(tonovi dura+cista septima):1,3,5,7
x maj7(tonovi dura+umanjena septima):1,-3,5,-7
x mol(tonovi mola+umanjena septima):1,-3,5,-7
x dur7/9(tonovi dura+umanjena septima):1,3,5,-7,9
x mol7/6:1,-3,-7,9
x sus:1,3,4
x dur+5:1,3,+5
x mol-5:1,3,-5

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"The Moon, she hangs like a cruel portrait
soft winds whisper the bidding of trees
as this tragedy starts with a shattered glass heart
and the Midnightmare trampling of dreams
But no, no tears please
Fear and pain may accompany Death
But it is desire that shepherds it's certainty
as We shall see..."

She was divinity's creature
That kissed in cold mirrors
A Queen of Snow
Far beyond compare
Lips attuned to symmetry
Sought Her everywhere
Dark liqoured eyes
An Arabian nightmare...

She shone on watercolours
Of my pondlife as pearl
Until those who couldn't have Her
Cut Her free of this World

That fateful Eve when...
The trees stank of sunset and camphor
Their lanterns chased phantoms and threw
An inquisitive glance, like the shadows they cast
On my love picking rue by the light of the moon

Putting reason to flight
Or to death as their way
They crept through woods mesmerized
By the taffeta Ley
Of Her hips that held sway
Over all they surveyed
Save a mist on the rise
(A deadly blessing to hide)
Her ghost in the fog

They raped left...
(Five men of God)
...Her ghost in the fog

Dawn discovered Her there
Beneath the Cedar's stare
Silk dress torn, Her raven hair
Flown to gown Her beauty bared
Was starred with frost, I knew Her lost
I wept 'til tears crept back to prayer

She'd sworn Me vows in fragrant blood
"Never to part
Lest jealous Heaven stole our hearts"

Then this I screamed:
"Come back to Me for
I was born in love with thee
So why should fate stand inbetween?"

And as I drowned Her gentle curves
With dreams unsaid and final words
I espied a gleam trodden to earth
The Church bell tower key...

The village mourned her by the by
For She'd been a witch
their Men had longed to try
And I broke under Christ seeking guilty signs
My tortured soul on ice

A Queen of snow
Far beyond compare
Lips attuned to symmetry
Sought Her everywhere
Trappistine eyes
An Arabian nightmare...

She was Ersulie possessed
Of a milky white skin
My porcelain Yin
A graceful Angel of Sin

And so for Her...
The breeze stank of sunset and camphor
My lantern chased Her phantom and blew
Their Chapel ablaze and all locked in to a pain
Best reserved for judgement that their bible construed...

Putting reason to flight
Or to flame unashamed
I swept form cries
By the taffeta Ley
Or Her hips that held sway
Over all those at bay
Save a mist on the rise
A final blessing to hide
Her ghost in the fog

And I embraced
Where lovers rot...
Her ghost in the fog

Her ghost in the fog

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