Lass uns laufen bis die Nacht sich erhellt und bis der letzte Regen der Welt über uns zerfällt


Selimo se na Mars, zemlja je preblizu za nas

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- Zovite me Ana
- Music/internet/drawing addicted
- 15
- 2.r Opće Gimnazije Beli Manastir
- Baranja

I aint gonna do what I don't want to,
Im gonna live my life.
Shining like a diamond, rolling with the dice,
Standing on the ledge, show the wind how to fly

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Believe that the sun will shine tomorrow
And that your saints and sinners bleed
We weren't born to follow

You gotta stand up

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First you need
That's what you get for falling in love
Then you bleed
You get a little but it's never enough
On your knees
That's what you get for falling in love
And now this boy's addicted cause your kiss is the drug

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Tell the sun don't fall, so we'll never forget.
Heaven forbid, well aware of your sins.
In the wake I'll be just like the rest.

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Wir bleiben immer, schreiben uns in die Ewigkeit.
Ich weiss das immer, irgendwo was bleibt.
Wir fühlen, wir sind fürs Ende nicht bereit.
Wir sterben niemals aus, Ihr tragt uns bis in alle Zeit

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20.02.2010. , subota , 14:08
_Im safe up high nothing can touch me_

heii :D
ev mal mi dosadno pa da se javim...
vikend... napokon..
al ne idem van -.- frendica ima puno
za učit pa nece ic, a glupo mi ic sam sa deckima.
inace idemo van u drugi grad... a 10-15 minuta nam
je udaljen pa...
ee da.. htjela sam pokazat neke slikice...
inače igra uz koju sam potrošila najviše sati života
su simsi . obožavam
tu igru :DD
evo vam par slikica iz mog virtualnog života

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ovo sam ja :D

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Bill cerek

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Tom cerek

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ja i Bill cerek

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Tom razvaljuje na gitari

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Tom bari neku curu xD

aj dosta slika xD

I don't know if I can yell any louder
How many time I've kicked you outta here?
Or said something insulting?
I can be so mean when I wanna be
I am capable of really anything
I can cut you into pieces

you're my perfect little punching bag

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bilo bi dosta.


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