Lass uns laufen bis die Nacht sich erhellt und bis der letzte Regen der Welt über uns zerfällt


Selimo se na Mars, zemlja je preblizu za nas

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- Zovite me Ana
- Music/internet/drawing addicted
- 15
- 2.r Opće Gimnazije Beli Manastir
- Baranja

I aint gonna do what I don't want to,
Im gonna live my life.
Shining like a diamond, rolling with the dice,
Standing on the ledge, show the wind how to fly

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Believe that the sun will shine tomorrow
And that your saints and sinners bleed
We weren't born to follow

You gotta stand up

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First you need
That's what you get for falling in love
Then you bleed
You get a little but it's never enough
On your knees
That's what you get for falling in love
And now this boy's addicted cause your kiss is the drug

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Tell the sun don't fall, so we'll never forget.
Heaven forbid, well aware of your sins.
In the wake I'll be just like the rest.

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Wir bleiben immer, schreiben uns in die Ewigkeit.
Ich weiss das immer, irgendwo was bleibt.
Wir fühlen, wir sind fürs Ende nicht bereit.
Wir sterben niemals aus, Ihr tragt uns bis in alle Zeit

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15.02.2010. , ponedjeljak , 22:08
all I feel is strange in your perfect world

hej ljudi.
imam puno obavjesti.
Deana tj. Dea kako ju vi poznate s
ovog bloga je jako zauzeta. Pa je rekla
kako bi htjela da joj JA pišem
blog. [kao moji blogovi izgledaju super. aj hvala dea :D]
ehm. sad se sigurno pitate od kud se mi znamo.
pa naši se starci poznaju. tako da se mi znamo
od malena.
oo da. rekla je da vam kažem što je
bilo s onim dečkom.
pa et koliko sam ja upućena.
dodala ga je na msn. i dop su se samo
onako u grpunom razgovoru. jedan tjedan
ju je pozdravljajo svaki dan i od tada više ne.
kako ne volim takve dečke -.-
ehm da.
jučer je bilo valentinovo, meni ko svaki drugi dan tuzan
samo su me se sjetila dva prijatelja.
što se mene tiće LOVE BITES
sutra maškare. jeej :D
moj razred će biti hippiji. našla sam savršenu kombinaciju :D
onak žuta majica, preko toga neka zelena karirana košulja,
hlače sa ogrooomnim zvonom. žute starke i traku oko glave.
smrznut ću se ko govno, al nema veze xD
ev da ne mijenjam neke stvari previše nastavit ću pisat u
Deinom stilu postove.

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Freak of nature stuck in reality
I don't fit the picture
I'm not what you want me to be
Under the radar out of the system
Caught in the spotlight that's my existence
You want me to change but all I feel is
Strange strange
In your perfect world so
Strange strange
I feel so absurd in this life
Don't come closer in my arms forever you'll be
Strange strange

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Pozz vas sad. zzz

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