nedjelja, 29.01.2006.

Pregled za prošlu subotu(jučer)

Pa...ovak...bil je Šepecov,Mickov i Preprojev ročkas...I ono,bilo je dost ljudi
...i bilo je puno litri vina kad velim puno i
mislim puno. kak sam došla do hollywooda
ni kak sam
došla doma ni niš...
sjećam se ko me pazil...zato jako
pozdravljam ljude koji su
budnim okom samo
mene gledali i nosili i sve...
Pancer,Anjči,Larić,Anja Geršić...i neznam ko
sve ne...e da Polo,
Nikol....i neznam...neka Ema...falla toj ženski,nisam ju nikad vidla ;)...ccc...
i svima falla koji su me pazili,više se ni ne sjećam...uglavnom...bilo je
Nezaboravno i najjebezovniji rođendan ikad dosad...
imala sam napornu noć...i onak,bilo je prilično bolesno...
al ipak super!!! Neznam kaj da više govorim...i
mam par slikica prije nego kaj smo išli van...
pa evo ih...nisam nekaj ispala,al ok...pozdraf ljudi...
nisam pričljiva danas...tam di smo smo Anjić i ja...

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Ovo smo Štefica i ja na ročkasu u Domu železničara...
(već sam lagano napušena i pijana...)

ROŠTILJ-HLADNO PIVO (upravo tak smo se ja i Anja jučer osjećale ;))

Sunce piči mi roštiljamo,
cure gule krumpir u hladovini,
nedjeljom se mi planiramo,
utapamo u harmoniji...

Mi znamo sve već u životu,
i što ti meni imaš pričati,
koliko trošim benzina u zimskim uvjetima,
i koji je limar najjeftiniji...

Divlje izlaske u grad,zamijenio je sad,
lagano dvokorak uz puni želudac,
a sada zreli i debeli,iscrpljenoj ženi,
u prolazu dijelimo poljubac...

A na roštilju zna se,
ćevapi i kobase,derbi sezone dreši na radiju,
sa škembom naprijed i brade masne,
jurimo ka trećem izlasku...

Divlje izlaske u grad...

Za kraj...moja omiljena pjesma od Peppersa...Scar tissues

| 15:31 | Komentiraj (51) | Print this! | #

četvrtak, 26.01.2006.

Post za mog Laljeka

Ey ljudi...Odmah jurite na Laljekov blog (ovaj gore link) i recite da slučajno ne briše blog(bum te zbila Laljek)...Ajde,pošto se Laljek(dark powerslave) srdi kaj nisam njega pozdravila u prošlom postu,sad mu budem cijeli post posvetila,jer znam da mi bu sral u školi....Dakle...Laljek je jedan moj jako super frend...sjedimo skupa na većini satova...a najviše se zajebavamo pod engleskim...On nebi imal 5 iz engleskog...DA NE SJEDI KRAJ MENE!!! Svaki jebeni test,diktat,zadaćnica,usmeno ispitivanje...sve prepiše od mene,il mu ja šapć dok meni nekaj treba onda on otvori knjigu i iz nje mi šapće...Super je on...Trebate ga čut kak se to su komedije...ja padnem sa stolca dok se on počne trebate čuti...bwuahahahha...Još nikog nisam tak upoznala...Ajde nekad zna malo biti škrti...ko one sličice za hrvatski...jelda tommy? Al zato dok mi da jednu lizaljku,ja mu uzmem još dvije....i onda mi on obeća da mi više nebu dal,dok si ih bu kupil 20....i onda si ih kupi,i ja opet žicam i opet mi da ;)...valjda imam zavodljiv osmijeh il kaj...ccc...Dok se vidimo vani...odma cijeli svijet zna,da smo si onak...ko prst i nokat...počnemo vikat u hollywoodu...grlimo se...pjevamo...ko najveći pijanci...on mi je jedan od very best čak mi i je naj frend...s njim se mogu zajebavat nego s većinom frendica...fakat je za zabavu stvoren...a kak nam je bilo skupa na maturalcu se pamti za sva vremena...Laljek jes ti gay???ccc...kaj oćeš piti...č još bi puno mogla pisat o njemu...jer fakat je...ono...zakon i JAKO GA VOLIM...i uvijek ga budem,mada on misli da se više nebudemo vidli u takva prijateljstva nikad ne izumru...Imam puno zajedničkih slika...od mene i stavila budem samo par...jer FAKAT IMAM JAKO PUNO NAŠIH SLIKA...evo prvo samo njegove di je sam...E,da...imam jako puno njegovih stvari...medeka,lančića,narukvice...i još imam od 5. razreda kaj mi je za valentinovo dal nekog dečka i curu na klupici sjede i ljube se...ccc...pozdraf sad...

Ajoj...tu je ok ispal...malo smiješno...

Ova slika je moje remek djelo...ja ga slikah...i on mene u sličnoj nije za javnost...volimo se zajebavat kao što rekoh u postu...

Ja u njegovom krilu...pajkilo mi se...

I opet...išli smo doma s maturalca...

Kako Ana kaž u busu...

I opet ja i on...

I legendarnom engleskom...opet ja i on (u 7. razredu)...

Imam još slika,al neda mi se stavljat...nekaj mi komp šteka otkad imam adsl...evo moje i laljekove pjesme usput...koju stalno,al stalno pjevamo....kiss i pozdraf svima....i malima i velikima...


Why do they always send the poor?

Barbarisms by Barbara
With pointed heels
Victorious victorious kneel
brand new spankin' deals

Marching forward hypocritic and hypnotic computers
You depend on our protection
Yet you feed us lies from the tablecloth
La la la la la la la la la oh

Everybody's going to the party have a real good time
Dancing in the desert blowing up the sunshine

Kneeling roses disappearing into moses' dry mouth
Breaking into Fort Knox stealing our intentions
Hangers sitting dripped in oil crying freedom
Handed to obsoletion
Still you feed us lies from the tablecloth
La la la la la la la la la oh

Everybody's going to the party have a real good time
Dancing in the desert blowing up the sunshine

Everybody's going to the party have a real good time
Dancing in the desert blowing up the sunshine

Blast off, it's party time, and we don't live in a fascist nation. Blast off, it's party time, and where the fuck are you?

Where the fuck are you?
Where the fuck are you?
Why don't presidents fight the war?
Why do they always send the poor?
Why don't presidents fight the war?
Why do they always send the poor?
Why do they always send the poor?
Why do they always send the poor?
Why do they always send the poor?

Kneeling roses disappearing into moses' dry mouth
Breaking into Fort Knox stealing our intentions
Hangers sitting dripped in oil crying freedom
Handed to obsoletion,
Still you feed us lies from the tablecloth
La la la la la la la la la oh oh

Everybody's going to the party have a real good time
Dancing in the desert blowing up the sunshine

Everybody's going to the party have a real good time
Dancing in the desert blowing up the sun

Where the fuck are you?
Where the fuck are you?
Why don't presidents fight the war?
Why do they always send the poor?
Why don't presidents fight the war?
Why do they always send the poor?
Why do they always send the poor?
Why do they always send the poor?

Why do they always send the poor?
Why do they always send the poor?
Why do they always send the poor?
They always send the poor
They always send the poor

I za kraj....ofkorz... Image Hosted by

Glitter Graphics, MySpace Graphics, MySpace Codes, MySpace layouts, Doll Codes from

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| 11:56 | Komentiraj (28) | Print this! | #

utorak, 24.01.2006.

No name...

Ovak...neznam kaj da pišem...pošto Iva hoće novi post...i sad ja radim novi post neznajući o čemu da pišem,al ok...ja pišem ovak kasno samo za IVU...days go by...ja niš ne radim...glavno da se skičem po i to je ok...zakaj pišem post?...Aha...IVAAAAA...uglavnom...slušama sam SYSTEM-A...Chopsuey...i kaj se dogodi? Slušala sam do daske pojač i uvijek..i kad je došlo do WHEN ANGELS DESERVE TO DIE(najboljeg dijela)...zvučnici su krepali!!!! Moreš vjerovat??? Krepali!!!!!!!! Samo čuješ onak...biiiiip...kšljkršedkjj...i nema više moje chopsuey...i sad ja više niš nemrem slušat,a baš sam dobila nove stvari...the bloodhung gang,mudhoney,the melvins i kupim nove il...još bolje...DA MEĐA OPET IMA POSLA S MOJIM KOMPOM...OTPELAM NJEMU I OPET BU ŠIZIL JER NIKAK DA POPRAVI!!! CCC...MEĐA...ČEKAJ ME!!!Evo...sad ću ja stavit riječi pjesme mog Kreša(frend) ;)...jer on voli tu pjesmu jako i on svira gitaru...i on voli žicat čike,a ja mu uvijek dam...i mi jepo poslije vjeronauka i Mise idemo na bašću(neka livada,tak nekaj...s bregićima) i tam pušimo i pričamo o suboti... ;)...jelda Kreš? I super je on meni...idem sad fakat...Pozdraf Šarkoju(koji se ošišal...),Krešu,Ani,Ivi,Lari,Mađeru...Panceru koji nekaj zamišlja kaj nije!!!! Pancer...razgovarat ćemo mi još o kaja znam...Jeleni...Štiriju(Dariju)...Anji,Lari M. Antoneli...lalala...Karli...joj mogla bi do sutra...pusek njima i svima...inače...život ide prema nubilla phoebus(na latinskom)...poslije kiše uvijek dolazi sunce...aj mada je vani da se smrzneš...čovječe,kak je polo rekel...pingvini skaču s krovova..heh... idem sad fakat...

I have a problem that I cannot explain,
I have no reason why it should have been so plain,
Have no questions but I sure have excuse,
I lack the reason why I should be so confused,

I know, how I feel when I'm around you,
I don't know, how I feel when I'm around you,
Around you,

Left a message but it ain't a bit of use,
I have the pictures, the wild might be the deuce,
Today you called, you saw me, you explained,
Playing the show and running down the plane,

I know, how I feel when I'm around you,
I don't know, how I feel when I'm around you,
I know, how I feel when I'm around you,
I don't know, how I feel when I'm around you,
Around you, Around you, Around you...

| 23:30 | Komentiraj (13) | Print this! | #

subota, 21.01.2006.

Koji je smisao života??? Opet ja filozofiram...

Koji je smisao života? Zašto ja živim? Kako sam nastala(mislim...znam da su me tata i mama napravili...ali...idemo u malo dublje vode)...Zašto ja postojim? To su neka od brojnih pitanja koja si postavljamo kad smo zbedirani...većinom...kaj ne? Svaki put kad te netko raživcira,uvijek nekamo sjedneš...zaplačeš i duboko u sebi poželiš da se nikad nisi ni rodio...Svi mi kažu da sam se u zadnje vrijeme jako,ali jakoooo promijenila...možda jesam,možda ne...ima i razlog zašto se nitko ga nezna...svi me lagano počnu živcirati...JEBEŠ PRIJATELJE!!! Pogotovo one koji su uvijek uz tebe...jer oni te najprije odjebu...barem je kod mene tak bilo...tražila sam pomoć...nitko mi nije htio pomoći,a dok nekom treba moja pomoć...uvijek sam tu...kak je moja frendica napisala-citiram: "...Nelica bi za sve nas(misli se na društvo) srce rasjekla..."al nekima ni moje prijateljstvo nije dovoljno...jedina cura koja me utješila kad mi je fakat bilo onak loše,bila je Tamara Kalinić...e sad,neki ju poznaju,neki ne...nikad nisam imala neko mišljenje o njoj,al cura je fakat je u bedu već 5 mj.baš ko i ja...neću sad razloge njene reć kad sam nekog najviše trebala,ona je bila tu...ONA!!! A ne Violeta,koja mi je bila najbolja ni itko drugi,nego Tamara koja mi nikad nije čak ni frendica bila...evo kaj su frendovi onda...SMISAO ŽIVOTA JE ŽIVJETI ZA SMRT!!! To je moje mišljenje...Jer cijeli život samo ljenčariš,bediraš se do 20-nekoje...i onda ti počne život,al začas se oženiš,dobiš djecu,postaješ star i umreš...kak jadno...kažu da je pubertetsko doba najljepše...možda je i slažem se s u tom dobu kad bi se treali najviše zabavljat.onda mi moramo u školu...u srednjoj se moraš učit ko neznam dobro,i to se treba preživjet...koji je najviši cilj koji možemo postići u životu??? Evo...Neznam fakat kaj da velim,samo hoću reć da bu ovaj cijeli svijet jednog dana otišel kvragu...svi ga uništavaju...ljudi su gorši od životinja...svi gledaju kak bu kome ko bolje napakostil...svi su postali egoistični...u kaj se pretvaramo? Od čega smo nastali??? Kak je nastala zemlja? Jer postojao Isus i hoće li se vratiti da spasi Zemlju? Hoćemo li ga mi opet razapeti? Hoće li mu tko vjerovat? Možda je Bog među nama? Šta je Bog? Da li on uopće postoji? Sva ta pitanja su najveći kisteriji ove Zemlje,koje nitko nikad neće otkriti...možda u nekoj daljoj budućnosti...samo hoću reć,da kako god se mi trudili izmijeniti sudbinu...nikad nećemo moći pobjeći smrti...Jer mi živimo za smrt i smrt nas željno čeka s vilicom i nožom u ruci i još se k tome oblizava i lupa s priborom za jelo po stolu vičući: ŽELIM VAS!!!! BWUAHAHAHAHAHA....ok,možda sam malo pretjerala...idem sad...pozdraf...ove dvije pjesme me najviše opisuju...

Metallica-Fade to black

Life it seems will fade away
Drifting further everyday
Getting lost within myself
Nothing matters no one else
I have lost the will to live Simply nothing more to give
There is nothing more for me
Need the end to set me free

Things not what they used to be Missing one inside of me
Deadly loss this cant be real
Cannot stand this hell i feel
Emptiness is filling me To the point of agony
Growing darkness taking dawn
I was me but now, hes gone

No one but me can save myself, but its too late
Now i cant think, think why i should even try

Yesterday seems as though it never existed
Death greets me warm, now i will just say goodbye

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I can't remember anything
Can't tell if this is true or dream
Deep down inside i feel to scream
This terrible silence stops me

Now that the war is through with me
I'm waking up i can not see
That there is not much left of me
Nothing is real but pain now

Hold my breath as i wish for death
Oh please god,wake me

Back in the womb its much too real
In pumps life that i must feel
But can't look forward to reveal
Look to the time when i'll live

Fed through the tube that sticks in me
Just like a wartime novelty
Tied to machines that make me be
Cut this life off from me

Hold my breath as i wish for death
Oh please god,wake me
Now the world is gone i'm just one
Oh god,help me hold my breath as i wish for death
Oh please god help me

Darkness imprisoning me
All that i see
Absolute horror
I cannot live
I cannot die
Trapped in myself
Body my holding cell

Landmine has taken my sight
Taken my speech
Taken my hearing
Taken my arms
Taken my legs
Taken my soul
Left me with life in hell

| 17:26 | Komentiraj (48) | Print this! | #

četvrtak, 19.01.2006.

Evo najnovijih vijesti o novom nadolazećem albumu Stadium Arcadium...samo za fanove RHCP-a

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Initially, Stadium Arcadium, the Red Hot Chili Peppers' forthcoming ninth studio album, was going to be released in three separate parts. Frontman Anthony Kiedis was keen on the idea — and championed it — until he realized the
third installment of the trilogy wouldn't surface for almost two years.

"That notion, I couldn't handle," he said. "In a year and a half, I know we'll be writing new music and then it will be time for that. In the end, [these songs] seemed like a body of music that needed to be heard as one body."

So Kiedis and the Chilis suffered through the "heart-wrenching" process of cutting down the 38 tracks they'd recorded with longtime friend and producer Rick Rubin to the 25 featured on the Stadium Arcadium double LP. "Slow Cheetah," "Storm in a Tea Cup," "Hard to Concentrate," "C'mon Girl," "Ready Made" and "Desecration Smile" are just a handful of the tracks that survived the process and will make the record's track list.

"I think we always [approach the songwriting process] with this mindset that this time, we're going to write the perfect 11 songs and just put out 11 songs like they used to do in the days of Buddy Holly and the Beatles," Kiedis said. "Those early records were so short and sweet, and had this kind of lasting profound impact on the world because they're very memorable and digestible and, I don't know, maybe it just takes less energy or effort to connect with smaller collections. But as has been the case with every single time we've tried to do that, we end up with 30 some-odd songs. The difference this time was we ended up liking all of those songs and finishing all of those songs and it actually became a very difficult process to even just whittle it down to 25. I think it's sort of the best thing that we've ever done, and I just want to get it out there on the airwaves and in the earholes of the world."

Stadium Arcadium's first single will be "Danni California." Kiedis said the band plans to shoot a video for the track soon with Tony Kaye, who directed "American History X." The performance-based clip will boast an underlying story about a character that's appeared on the band's previous two discs.

"The spirit of Danni was evoked in the song 'Californication,' and it talks about a pregnant teenager. And then she sort of comes to fruition in a song called 'By the Way,' where she is actually mentioned by name," he said. "This song's the final chapter of Danni." Kiedis wouldn't elaborate further on the video's treatment, but did say Danni's "an amalgamation of lots of things and people — she's not really based on one person but a collective of probably every girl I've ever met."

As for Stadium Arcadium's sound, Kiedis said the writing process was aided this time around by the fact that "everybody was in good moods. There was very little tension, very little anxiety, very little weirdness going on and every day we showed up to this funky room in the Valley where we write music, and everyone felt more comfortable than ever bringing in their ideas."

Every idea was used to create those 38 tracks. "There is a weird thread that connects back to our first three records," Kiedis added. "There's this weird kind of sublime, subliminal undercurrent that is suggestive, in a spirited way, of our earliest records. There's some retardedly painful funk on this record. There are a few songs that are just straight-up dirty funk, and beyond that, there's this ongoing progression of everything else that has been slowly happening between Californication and By the Way, with harmonies and textures. [Guitarist] John [Frusciante] has really fallen in love with the art of treating sounds. [The album's] layered, but not in a heavy-handed way. John's work is definitely of the masterpiece quality, as a guitar player and sound treatment-ist. He has certainly gone to some weird über-level of hearing some Beethoven-sized symphony sh-- in his head. He really shines on this record."

The 13 tracks that didn't make it onto the final product might wind up surfacing commercially, after all, because "I'd be crushed if they didn't get heard," Kiedis said. But it won't be cheap for the truest of the band's fans to get them all. The singer said the idea is to release different versions of the album through different retail outlets, each with a unique bonus track. So fans who download Stadium Arcadium using iTunes would get one bonus track — say "Especially in Michigan" — while those who picked up their copy at Target would get a different bonus song — like "Mercy, Mercy."

"We're going to try and do that with the independent record stores across America, and for all the monster chains," he explained. "We'll service everybody with a different bonus track, because we have them."

Stadium Arcadium is due May 9, according to the band's management.

I jedna pjesma koju sam našla na Tejinom blogu...s tog albuma


I'm alone, i'm by myself,I
Love a girl, bad for my health
Seems in love to someone else,and I

(Love a girl bad for my heath)

Celebrated but undisturbed, about
Serenated by the terrible, and I
Sounds obscene and he's never heard, am I
(Serenated by the terrible)

A life of crime with a newlife style
Desecration smile, desecration
Someone begs you got to be yourself
Desecration smile, desecration smile

Disintegrated by the rising sun
Rolling back another oblivion, and I
Like to think that I'm the number one, but I
(Rolling back another oblivion)

I want to leave but I just can't stop
Broken wrecked, only love I got
Heavy metal playing in your truck, for you
(Broken wreckage only love I got)

A life of crime with a newlife style
Desecration smile, desecration
Someone begs you got to be yourself
Desecration smile, desecration

Been in love, smiling struggle, hard to know your beautiful it comes to you
Wind is blowing, down my throat, I really find just what you...

I´ve been here waiting for the part
Quick to finish but i'm slow to start
Love you better than the mellow dark
(Quick to finish but i'm slow to start)

A life of crime with a newlife style
Desecration smile, desecration
Someone begs you got to be yourself
Desecration smile, desecration
Speak your line with newlife style.

| 17:27 | Komentiraj (140) | Print this! | #

srijeda, 18.01.2006.

Budi moja voda,ja sam sada vatra,izgorjet ću,prolij se po meni,budi sve šta želim,ja živjet ću...

Počela je škola...beeeee...AJ hajt skul!!!! Naslov nema veze s je pjesma od Laufera,al pretpostavljam da ste to znali...e,ljudi jer mi ide box prek posta???? Ja imam mozillu pa mi je sve normalno...neznam...e ko zna stavit dva boxa,nek se javi u komentarima...znač,post,box...hmda...još malo pa mi bu blogu godinu 6.2. bude godina...još malo pa Valentinovo...mrzim Valentinovo...svi su tak cakani,sljatki...svi se is in the mi na živce ide...svi si pisamca š daj ljudi...dan ko svaki drugi...uglavnom mrzim ga...sve je premedeno...njanjanja...kiss,kisss...bljak :(...jaj,drugi tjedan me već hrvatski pita...Tak..ak nekomu trebaju neki lyricsi nek mi napiše komentar,pa ću je to...pozdraf ljudi...ovo je jedna meni super pjesma,onak za zajebanciju...

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Alien Ant Farm-Smooth Criminal

As he came into the window
Was a sound of a crescendo
He came into her apartment
He left the bloodstains on the carpet
She was sitting at the table
He could see she was unable
So she ran into the bedroom
She was struck down
It was her doom

Annie, are you OK
Are you OK
Are you OK, Annie
Annie, are you OK
You OK
Are you OK, Annie
Annie, are you OK
You OK
You OK, Annie
Annie, are you OK
You OK
Are you OK, Annie

Annie, are you OK
Will you tell us that you’re OK
There’s a sign at the window
That he struck you
A crescendo, Annie
He came into your apartment
He left the bloodstains on the carpet
Then you ran into the bedroom
You were struck down
It was your doom

Annie, are you OK
You OK
Are you OK, Annie
Annie, are you OK
You OK
Are you OK, Annie
Annie, are you OK
You OK
Are you OK, Annie
You’ve been hit by
You’ve been struck by
A smooth criminal

So they came into the outway
It was Sunday
What a black day
I could feel your salutation
Sounding heartbeats

Annie, are you OK
You OK
Are you OK, Annie
Annie, are you OK
You OK
Are you OK, Annie
Annie, are you OK
You OK
Are you OK, Annie
Annie, are you OK
You OK
Are you OK, Annie

Annie, are you OK
Will you tell us that you’re OK
There’s a sign at the window
That he struck you
A crescendo, Annie
He came into your apartment
He left the bloodstains on the carpet
Then you ran into the bedroom
You were struck down
It was your doom

Annie, are you OK
You OK
Are you OK, Annie
You’ve been hit by
You’ve been struck by
A smooth criminal

Annie, are you OK
Will you tell us that you’re OK
There’s a sign at the window
That he struck you
A crescendo, Annie
He came into your apartment
He left the bloodstains on the carpet
Then you ran into the bedroom
You were struck down
It was your doom

Annie, are you OK
You OK
Are you OK, Annie
Annie, are you OK
You OK
Are you OK, Annie
Annie, are you OK
You OK
Are you OK, Annie
Annie, are you OK
You OK
Are you OK, Annie

| 14:43 | Komentiraj (41) | Print this! | #

utorak, 17.01.2006.

Evo vam...zabavljajte se slagajući...

| 21:56 | Komentiraj (15) | Print this! | #

subota, 14.01.2006.

ČN...ŽBLJ jebote...

E kak me vužge dok netko veli XD...what the fuck???? Whatever...neznam...doznala sam kaje to...jučer dok sam pitala jednu žensku na chatu......ili onaj jebeni LOL...ločina...lolč koji...e...uuuf...zato ja odlučih,da dok me netko nasmije,da ću reć Č napisat..ČN ;)...jer neznam...sam me vužge tak...samo sam to htjel napisat...uuu još malo pa godinu dana mom blogu...i onda ću ga izbrisat i napravit nikom neću reć da je to moj blog...njanjanjanjanja...ČN ;)...I kakvi su planovi za danas? Kam svi idete van? Ne morate odgovarat na pitanja,jer neznam kaj da napišem,ne...evo,ja se mislim naroljati...i ne znati za sebe...jer ipak...preksutra je naša draga školica...koju jednostavno obožavam i nemogu bez nje...MOŠ SI MISLIT!!! Tak...kaj da pišem??? Neznam...idem malo bloga uređivat...pozdraf...

| 15:39 | Komentiraj (76) | Print this! | #

četvrtak, 12.01.2006.


YEEEEYYYY...i ja dobih max adsl!!!!! konaaačno!!!! godinu dana smo čekali...di je njima pamet(ovi kaj nameću taj adsl)...i konačno dojde danas k meni tipac...postavi i ja odma po blogovima...svee...kak lepo...tak brzo očitava bjutiful....nema niš novog...mislim neda mi se pričati...nisam pričljiva baš trenutno....samo da se javim,tak da znate da vas nisam zaboravila...MOŠ MISLIT!!! hehhe....idem si kosu oprat i idem malo van..i NADAM SE,nadam se...da opet nebudem vidla pijanu Ivu u JC-u....koja mi se vješala oko vrata čim sam došla...i ovim putem ju naravno POZDRAVLJAM...ajajaja...njanjanja...čn...dobro je...tak...ovo je bilo samo tolko da popunim blog malo...idem...pozzz

| 17:28 | Komentiraj (23) | Print this! | #

ponedjeljak, 02.01.2006.


Traži se netko ko bu sviral bas gitaru u našem bendu....pjevača imamo,bubnjeve imamo i 1 el.gitaru imamo,ak hoće još netko svirat el.gitaru nek se javi na blogu...sviralo se bude: gorhic metal,black,death i power metal(za power možda)...JAVITE SE NA BLOGU!!! Naravno traže se ljudi koji bi svirali na području ko voli takvu vrstu muzike,slobodno se javi i na moj mail... ili ... pozdrav ljudi,samo sam to htjela objaviti

| 22:23 | Komentiraj (31) | Print this! | #

nedjelja, 01.01.2006.

†Večer s Marilyn-om Mansonom...njami.... ;)...i Novogodišnji izlazak...†

Da...slušam Mansona,pregledavam blogove,čekam frenda da dođe do mene,riješavam kvizove...i opet...slušam Mansona.... ;)...Tak mi je žal kaj nisam išla na njegov koncertino :(....pošizila bum...trebala sam ić sa burazom,al nije mogel dobiti godišnji pa niš...a već sam si sve spremila kaj bi obukla,ma sveeeee...užas....i onda meni buraz u zadnji čas veli da nemre ić daaaaaj...uglavnom ovaj post prije kaj sam napisala...nit se ne sjećam da sam ga napisala ;)....bokte....kak sam opće došla do kompa...neam blage...Novu Godinu sam provela tak fenomenalno,da bolje jednostavno nije moglo biti...MOJA SIMPATIJA ZA KOJU SE ZANIMAM VEĆ JEBENE 3 GODINE(OTPRILIKE) MI JE ČESTITALA NOVU I PUSE NARAVNO DALA,KISS KISSS...HEH...KAK SAM JEBENO SRETNA,CIJELU VEČER MI JE ULJEPŠAL,ONAK GA VIDIM...A SVE CURE ODMAH...AJDE NELČI,AJDE ODI MU ČESTITAJ...i ja nekak hrabra onak...dam mu 2 puse,on gleda i da mi još dvije...ja si mislim: ak baš oš...dam ti ih ja 150 i više od pusa ti dam ;)....heh....znate ono...KAKVA TI JE NOVOGODIŠNJA VEČER TAKVA ĆE TI BITI CIJELA GODINA,a pošto sam ja imala fenomenalnu nezaboravnu večer i još simpa...uuu...godina bi trebala biti i više nego super...bilo bi još bolje da u jebenom Hollywoodu nisu puštali NARODNJAKEEEEE!!!!! u pola noći sam otišla do centra,tam su svirali Rolling Stonese-Satisfaction,Prljavce-Marina,Previše suza u mom pivu i još neke,onda...ono kak se mi je godina,još se nisam sam se rock n' rolla za cijeli život...e,da a prije svega,dok sam se šetala po gradu...vidim ja požar u kontenjeru za plastične boce onaj ne...i idemo ja i frendica snijegom to gasiti...zgađamo se mi s snijegom...cijeli grad je tak jebeno po plastici smrdel...i dim onak totalno u mene puhne,ja sam dolje opala...mislila sam da ću se zadušit...užas...frendica zove vatrogasce...ovi dođu i policija s njima,nisam znala zakaj su droti došli,al nema veze...uglavnom,ja velim frendici: daj idemo jebote,imam punu torbu petardi,još mene okrive...i špura mi dalje,droti nas jebeš njih...samo smo pokušali ugasiti i niš više...i onda smo ne do centra došli i sve ovo opisano gore,tak je bilo...i sad idemo mi do Hollywooda(disco-za one koji neznaju)...i kaj me dočeka??? SVE JE ONA MENI!!!! ĐIZSSSS...ONDA ONO...Bijela golubica,koji,pa daleko,daleko iza 9 sela....topmson,škoro,uglavnom smeće....jebote,nisam mogla vjerovat...frendica i ja smo otišle dj-u gore i stale tam na pult di dj je i ste trebali vidjet...ove neke ženske se tam trgaju od mahanja guzica i neznam kaj,a mi stojimo držimo se za ruke i jedna drugu tješimo i grlimo se...ajaj,larica moja...imaš mene,zapamti to,ja te nikad nebudem ostavila...Lara je inače jedna jako super cura,mirna,zgodna,slatka,zmotana,al fakat zlato od cure....-ovo vam je Lara iza mene,ja imam Metallica majcu,a Lara je ova hipi ;) cura iza...jako je draga...jako je osjećajna i lako se rasplač jako ju volim,fakat je posebna,i ono...žrtvovala bi se za nju(već jesam po ljeti....bilo je fajta)...onda su bijelo dugme puštali...ono lipe cvatu,sve je isto ko i jedino kaje bilo dobro je bilo...uzalud vam trud svirači-od prljavci...jebote,šećeš po hollywoodu,samo te neki frikovi prime,šlataju...užaaas...ja opadnem,ovaj me neki primi,kud ćeš mala,i počne me dirat....aaaa...mrzim to...onda idem dalje,pa me ovaj primi za my ass i počne plesat...idem dalje,ovaj neki me počne grliti i za my boobs primat....đizs...fuck off od mene...onda sam pošizila i sjela i gledala kak se svi guraju,jer je takva jbena gužva bila da to fakat nije bilo normalno...ajde,nekim dečkima sam popustila pa smo plesali,al ko pretjeruje,taj fakat pretjeruje...Antonela se bude složila s menom ;)...jer je bila s menom...da nisam imala tak jebeno društvo,vjerojatno se nebi tak zabavila...moram pozdraviti Vanju,Dodoja,My imenjakinju-Nelu(zihericu),Tikyicu,Husu,Među,neke dečke koje ne poznam,al su bili među mojem društvu,Anju,Laru,Antonelu,Igora,Jelenčicu,Nikol,Helenu,Vonchicu,Juliju,Ines,dečke iz Novigrada,i još puno ljudi...Pancera,Mađera,Ančicu,Laru,Mariju, hard feelings za one koje nisam spomenula...e,da i obavezno Ivu,Larisu,a najviše od svih pozdravljam Mireka-kiss njemu...Evo...došla sam doma mrtva umorna,noge me bole kaj hodati nemrem...sad tu s frendom igram super maria iz zajebancije...hehehe...e tak...Od Nove Godine sam prestala puš bum dok spušim ovu kutiju kaj mi je ostalo...i onda više nebudem,moram prestat,kašljem ko konj,pluća me bole,a i dosta mi je već...nemam ni neku želju više za čikima...evo,to bi bilo to,ak sam kaj zaboravila,poslije budem napisala...pozzz ljudi i Sretna Nova po 3. put za one kojima nisam čestitala...ajde bok...evo par pjesmi od Mansona-meni najboljih...

Marilyn Manson-Tainted Love

Sometimes i feel i've got 2 run away,ive got 2 get away from the pain u drive in the heart of me, the love we share seems 2 go nowhere, i've lost my life i toss and turn i can't sleep at night,once i've ran 2 u now i run from u this tained love u given i give u all a boy can give u take my tears and thats not nearly ow. Tainted Love, tainted love
now i know i've got 2 run away, i've got 2 get away, don't really want anymore from me 2 make things right need sum1 2 hold u tight just think close 2 tay, i'm sorry i don't railway.
once i've ran 2 u now i run from u this tained love u given i give u all a boy can give u take my tears and thats not nearly ow. Tainted Love, tainted love.
Don't touch me plz i can't stand the way u tease i look 4 (i don't know this bit) sow now i'll pack my things and go.
Sexy baby tainted love sexy baby tainted love sexy baby tainted love sexy baby tainted love.
once i've ran 2 u now i run from u this tained love u given i give u all a boy can give u take my tears and thats not nearly ow. Tainted Love, tainted love, tainted love, tainted love.

Fundamentally Loathsome - Marilyn Manson

I want to wake up in your
White, white sun
And I want to wake up in your world
With no pain
But I'll just suffer in a hope to die someday
While you are numb all of the way
When I hate it I know I can feel but
When you love you know it's not real
And I am resigned to this wicked fucking world
On its way to hell
The living are dead and
I hope to join them too
I know what to do and I do it well...
When I hate it I know I can feel but
When you love you know it's not real
Shoot myself to love you
If I loved myself I'd be shooting you

Evo i nekog kviza:

Take the quiz:
What Would The Title Of Your Book Be?

Everlast Darkness
Dark, pure darkness. A goth like me. People have accused you of being a satan worshiper beacuse of how you are. Comes as depressed and evil to some. Me, I would get along great with you. You'r not evil you just like to creep people out a little bit.

Quizzes by -- the World's Biggest Yearbook!

Take the quiz:
Which Shakespeare play are you?

Romeo and Juliet
Your play is Romeo and Juliet. A play about true love and bitter losses.

Quizzes by -- the World's Biggest Yearbook!

Take the quiz:
What kind of Fairy are you?

Air Fairy
You are an Air Fairy! You are peaceful and Calm. You are the most beautiful of all of the Fairies. You are popular and have good friends. You may not always be the most kind but your good intentions make up for it.

Quizzes by -- the World's Biggest Yearbook!

Take the quiz:
Which Famous Novel Are You? (Pictures)

Pet Semetary
(By: Stephen King) you are a dark but interesting person that loves to be scared as much as you love to scare others.

Quizzes by -- the World's Biggest Yearbook!

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Black Rose
Mala Rokerica
Hollow dreams
Wait and Bleed
Hillel Slovak
Metalac 666
Another frishki metalac

Kljiknite na ovaj kviz i riješite ga obavezno!!!!!!!!

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Upravo slušate: Nymphetamine Fix - Cradle of filth

Naj pjesme:

Blue Orchid,Seven nation army(The white stripes

Sentimental journey(Flogging Molly)

The straight,Hardon for war,Freak momma,
Touch me,i'm sick(Mudhoney)

Enterfaith,Seek n strike,Prophecy(Soulfly)

Shit Storm(Melvins)

Song 2(Blur)

Panasonic youth,43 percent burn
(Dillinger Escape Plan)

Zombie(The Cranberries)

Atwa,BYOB,Toxicity,Chop suey,
Aerials,Question,Spiders (System of a down)

One,Nothing else matters,
The unforgiven,Master of puppets,
Fade to black,One,Loverman (Metallica)

Do Nothing-Bitchslap,slipknot,
wait and bleed,7426700007,
opium of the people (Slipknot)

Blood sugar sex magik,out in L.A.,
Dosed,By The way,Californication,
get up and jump...sve uglavnom

Don't cry,Sweet child o' mine,
Don't damn me,November rain
Knock on heaven's door,
Paradise city (Guns n' roses)

Keine lust,Ohne dich (Rammstein)

Power,Mission Motherland (Helloween)

Fear of the dark (Iron Maiden)

The only (Static x)

Freak on a leash (Korn)

Sve od Nirvane

Dig,Determined (Mudvayne)

Floods,Hollow,Planet Caravan,
Suicide note,Cemetery gates,
25 years (Pantera)

Light my fire,
riders on the storm (The Doors)

Fundamentally loathsome,Tainted Love (Marilyn Manson)

Just one fix,No W,Burning Inside (Ministry)

Pussy eater,doctor's tune,
una morbida muchacha (Overflow)

Love to hate (Slayer)

Jail (Down)

Killing in the name (Rage against the machine)

Untitled (Deftones)

Lobotomy (Sepultura)


lunar phases

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