Little...Miss...Strange:) mi je dala zadatak, a kako već dugo ne imah nikakvu štafetu, s guštom ga obavljam :))
zadatak: staviti 5 meni dragih filmića sa jubito-a, ili linkove do njih :))
pa da vidimo...
oneTreeHill -da,da, ja sam jedna od onih koje su opsjednute tree hillom :) pa što onda, baš volim tu seriju:) a ovaj filmić se sastoji od puno puno poljubaca i zato mi je presladak ;)
StepUp -trailer, mmm, dodatna objašnjenja nepotrebna, i loove this movie!!
TakeTheLead -trailer, da, ples, opet, pa to je meni skroz hebeno :P
DoveEvolution -svi znamo za ovu šokantnu minutu i po, zar ne? fascinira me ta preobrazba i to koliko mediji imaju utjecaja na nas... true beauty is more valuable!
leParkour -prehebeno nešto za gledat, još kad lijepo namontiraju uz dobru glazbu... ovaj mi je drag. inače parkour je nešto poput adrenalinskog trčanja, urbanog, preskakanje, izvođenje gluposti, sve uz pomoć naseljenog mjesta i svega što se u njemu nađe, very nice
:)) trebala bih to kao proslijediti na sljedeće tri 'žrtve', pa evo, iako naravno ako ne žele, ne moraju, a tko god želi, slobodno, još bolje ;)
a troje ljudi čiji me filmići zanimaju su: kenya, portret ljeta, eek
Find Me Here
Speak To Me
I want to feel you
I need to hear you
You are the light
That's leading me
To the place where I find peace again.
You are the strength, that keeps me walking.
You are the hope, that keeps me trusting.
You are the light to my soul.
You are my're everything.
How can I stand here with you and not be moved by you?
Would you tell me how could it be any better than this?
You calm the storms, and you give me rest.
You hold me in your hands, you won't let me fall.
You steal my heart, and you take my breath away.
Would you take me in? Take me deeper now?
How can I stand here with you and not be moved by you?
Would you tell me how could it be any better than this?
And how can I stand here with you and not be moved by you?
Would you tell me how could it be any better than this?
Cause you're all I want, You're all I need
You're everything,everything
You're all I want your all I need
You're everything, everything.
You're all I want you're all I need.
You're everything, everything
You're all I want you're all I need, you're everything, everything.
And How can I stand here with you and not be moved by you?
Would you tell me how could it be any better than this?
How can I stand here with you and not be moved by you?
Would you tell me how could it be any better than this?
How can I stand here with you and not be moved by you?
Would you tell me how could it be any better than this?
Would you tell me how could it be any better than this?
Koje sam ja drvo? :)) -po datumu rođenja: 6.listopada
Musmula (Čulnost) - šarmantni, veseli, daju sve od sebe a pri tome nisu egoisti, vole biti zapaženi, vole život, kretanje, nemir, čak i krize, istovremeno zavisni i nezavisni, dobrog ukusa, umjetnici, strastveni, naglašenih emocija, dobri pratioci, ne predaju se.