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31.12.2006., nedjelja

sretna nova

- 13:13 - Komentari (5) - Isprintaj - #

30.12.2006., subota

[najava] hell yeah!

Barrakuda svira u Mochvari 27. 01. 2007.

ko ih nije slušal, brzo ih čekirajte na

- 16:45 - Komentari (0) - Isprintaj - #

[lyrics] Saddam song

Garotos Podres - Sadam Hussein is Rock'n'Roll

Sadam Hussein is Rock’n’Roll
Rock’n’Roll, Rock’n’Roll
Sadam Hussein is love and soul
love and soul, love and soul
Sadam Hussein is our god
and god es zilla.

Mostard gas make my mind
I get crazy, crazy, crazy
I wanna drink of oil
to fart chemical gas.

I wanna bombing Washington
with a Scud full of shit
I wanna put "Al Hussein" missil
up George Butcher’s ass.

Patriot is asshole missil
"Al Hussein Scud" is nice
in the east or west
"Al Hussein" is the best.
- 14:41 - Komentari (1) - Isprintaj - #

28.12.2006., četvrtak

[stats] popularnost na djelu

Broj postova u zadnjih 30 dana: 28
Broj postova u tekućem mjesecu: 26
Prosjek komentara po postu: 1

popravil se prosijek smijeh

otkud si
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ie sucks yes konačno se ljudi opametili

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- 12:30 - Komentari (7) - Isprintaj - #

[mp3] Bérurier Noir 2006

Bérurier Noir - Invisible (2006)

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najnoviji album francuskih šašavaca lud smijeh party thumbup

- 00:13 - Komentari (2) - Isprintaj - #

27.12.2006., srijeda

[brrr] mazi by jova zmaj

Zimska pesma Image Hosted by ImageShack.us

Zima, zima, - e, pa šta je?
Ako j' zima, nije lav!
Zima, zima, - pa neka je,
ne boji se ko je zdrav!

Hajd' napolje momak ko je,
tamo veje krupan sneg,
vidiš onde navejo je
čitav bedem, čitav breg.

A šta može zima meni,
šta mi može, šta mi sme?!
Nek mi nosić pocrveni,
eto to je, to je sve.

Seka Zorka, nemoj stati,
tvoj nek bude prvi red;
sad ćemo se zagrejati, -
čučni samo na taj led!

Gle sad žive železnice, -
to je trka, to je let.
Zbogom, ptice krilatice,
naš je sada ceo svet!

Jovan Jovanović Zmaj
- 11:32 - Komentari (1) - Isprintaj - #

26.12.2006., utorak

[mp3] Bérurier Noir

Bérurier Noir - Macadam Massacre


Free Image Hosting at www.ImageShack.us

Free Image Hosting at www.ImageShack.us

Free Image Hosting at www.ImageShack.us

20 tracks in playlist, average track length: 2:09
Playlist length: 43 minutes 8 seconds

Playlist files:

1. Bérurier Noir - Macadam Massacre (4:00)
2. Bérurier Noir - Baston (2:12)
3. Bérurier Noir - Elsa Je T'aime (1:18)
4. Bérurier Noir - Chromosome Y (2:24)
5. Bérurier Noir - La Nuit Noire (1:40)
6. Bérurier Noir - Johnny Revient D'la Guerre (1:32)
7. Bérurier Noir - Freres D'armes! (3:20)
8. Bérurier Noir - J'ai Peur (2:28)
9. Bérurier Noir - Manifeste (2:11)
10. Bérurier Noir - Noir Les Horreurs (2:41)
11. Bérurier Noir - La Mort Au Choix (1:48)
12. Bérurier Noir - Nada 1 (0:40)
13. Bérurier Noir - Bucherons (2:47)
14. Bérurier Noir - Nada 2 (0:56)
15. Bérurier Noir - Amputé (1:55)
16. Bérurier Noir - Nada 3 (1:21)
17. Bérurier Noir - Manifeste (2) (2:22)
18. Bérurier Noir - Hopital Lobotomie (2:35)
19. Bérurier Noir - Nada (2:01)
20. Bérurier Noir - Manifeste 2 (Le Noir Les Horreurs) (2:57)

btw ima i ljepi skenirani buklet smijeh
- 11:23 - Komentari (2) - Isprintaj - #

24.12.2006., nedjelja

[mp3] sretan božić i nova 2007. godina!

punkrock christmas compilation

20 tracks in playlist, average track length: 2:39
Playlist length: 53 minutes 11 seconds

Playlist files:

01. The Ravers - Punk Rock Christmas (3:35)
02. The Dickies - Silent Night (2:20)
03. Sloppy Seconds - Hooray for Santa Claus (1:42)
04. Fear - Fuck Christmas (0:47)
05. The Greedies - A Merry Jingle (3:08)
06. The Damned - There Ain't No Sanity Claus (2:30)
07. Pansy Division - Homo Christmas (2:32)
08. Bouquet of Veal - It's Christmas (1:23)
09. The Celibate Rifles - Merry Xmas Blues (3:55)
10. The Ramones - Merry Christmas (2:38)
11. smetal Mike, Alison & Julia - Deck The Halls (1:22)
12. El Vez - Feliz Navi-Nada (2:58)
13. The Humpers - Run, Run Rudolph (3:25)
14. TVTV$ - Daddy Drank Our Xmas Money (2:47)
15. The Frogs - Here Comes Santa's Pussy (2:56)
16. Mojo Nixon - Christmas, Christmas (3:14)
17. D.I. - Mr Grinch (3:52)
18. Stiff Little Fingers - White Christmas (2:02)
+ bonus
19. Diletanti - Božić dolazi (2:59)
20. Ko
- 14:06 - Komentari (0) - Isprintaj - #

22.12.2006., petak

[samba] userbar

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- 06:20 - Komentari (0) - Isprintaj - #

21.12.2006., četvrtak

[mp3] zli karibi

mal caribe - tropiezo & la armada roja split

Free Image Hosting at www.ImageShack.us

Free Image Hosting at www.ImageShack.us

Free Image Hosting at www.ImageShack.us

prejebeni oldschool hardcore thumbupnjamicerek

- 17:05 - Komentari (1) - Isprintaj - #

20.12.2006., srijeda


Z.R.M. - lap , zagreb 24-02-1987 [MF]

14 tracks in playlist, average track length: 3:07
Playlist length: 43 minutes 44 seconds

Playlist files:

01. Z.R.M. - Grobar (3:57)
02. Z.R.M. - Jurim Te (2:05)
03. Z.R.M. - Let's Dance (2:09)
04. Z.R.M. - Coca-Cola (2:45)
05. Z.R.M. - Kriza (3:34)
06. Z.R.M. - Teroristi (2:39)
07. Z.R.M. - Gloria (2:58)
08. Z.R.M. - Public Life (2:58)
09. Z.R.M. - Lazno Lice (5:00)
10. Z.R.M. - Jaci Pokret (4:01)
11. Z.R.M. - Isti San (2:52)
12. Z.R.M. - The Kkk Took My Baby Away (3:24)
13. Z.R.M. - Ja (2:03)
14. Z.R.M. - Ovo Je Kraj (3:19)

edited : 28.6.2011

- 07:25 - Komentari (1) - Isprintaj - #

[mp3] zg oldschool pank

Sköl - Čista Perverzija (1989)

12 tracks in playlist, average track length: 2:39
Playlist length: 31 minutes 55 seconds

Playlist files:

01. Sköl - Noc (2:14)
02. Sköl - Covjek (2:43)
03. Sköl - Ona (2:06)
04. Sköl - Jurica (1:37)
05. Sköl - Kako bih (3:07)
06. Sköl - Ravno se drzi (4:08)
07. Sköl - Stvarnost (3:17)
08. Sköl - Lica (1:52)
09. Sköl - On (2:46)
10. Sköl - Heroji (2:12)
11. Sköl - Svjetlost (3:08)
12. Sköl - Zagreb (2:45)

- 05:26 - Komentari (0) - Isprintaj - #

18.12.2006., ponedjeljak

[mp3] inadaptats - S.O.S.

Inadaptats - S.O.S.

Image Hosted by ImageShack.us

5 tracks in playlist, average track length: 2:54
Playlist length: 14 minutes 33 seconds

Playlist files:

1. Inadaptats - Prou especulació (2:45)
2. Inadaptats - Ciutat podrida (2:29)
3. Inadaptats - Cançons lliures (3:02)
4. Inadaptats - Violació de drets (1:55)
5. Inadaptats - Ikasle gaua (4:22)

cerek njami thumbup party yes *samba*
- 02:40 - Komentari (4) - Isprintaj - #

16.12.2006., subota

[mp3] croatian antifa songs

Name: croantifa.rar
Size: 50MB
Description: croatian antifa bands

The download link is: http://www.sendspace.com/file/taaixw

21 tracks in playlist, average track length: 2:18
Playlist length: 48 minutes 36 seconds

Playlist files:

01. protest mozga - nazi svinje (0:22)
02. Razlog Za - Jedinstvo,Prijateljstvo,Snaga (2:17)
03. REDSKADRILA - vaša demokracija (live) (3:15)
04. S.P.K. - fuck white power (3:10)
05. Šabani - Večernja škola (0:58)
06. Senata Fox - Nazi Punks Fuck Off! (1:01)
07. stronghold - differences (feat. edo maajka) (3:15)
08. Z.R.M. - teroristi (2:51)
09. ak47 - kontra busha (2:03)
10. ATENTAT - Kill nazy sympathy (1:18)
11. Demant - Antifašistička borba (2:53)
12. Fakofbolan - Neznani junaci (3:41)
13. Hladno Pivo - Frizerska Pjesma (2:38)
14. Kud Idijoti - Bandiera Rossa (6:53)
15. Kud Idijoti - Bella Ciao (2:00)
16. Kud Idijoti - Jebem Ti Rat (1:19)
17. Kurac Od Ovce - Balkanska Filharmonija (1:55)
18. NULA - Ljubava pjesma '92 (3:08)
19. NULA - Nazi ragazzi - SCUM (1:24)
20. Nulla Osta - Kolonije kapitalizma (1:00)
21. Protest mozga - nazi scum (1:15)
- 15:07 - Komentari (3) - Isprintaj - #

15.12.2006., petak

[mp3] grup del País Valencia

Obrint Pas - En Moviment

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En Moviment (2005) is a Live album with many collaborations such as Alex from Inadaptats cerek, Fermin Muguruza, All Tall... It was recorded in a tributing gig to Ovidi Montllor in Valencia ten years after his death. This work reached the TOP 20 most sold albums in Spain (The only group singing in Catalan).

Obrint Pas Wiki

- 18:38 - Komentari (0) - Isprintaj - #

14.12.2006., četvrtak

[mp3] combat punk rock

Argies - al limite de las utopias (2005)

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a kaj da velim, skinite njami
- 20:59 - Komentari (1) - Isprintaj - #

[mp3] streetpunk

antifa streetpunk iz philadelphije thumbup

cranked up! - this is a weapon (2005)

Image Hosted by ImageShack.us

cranked up! myspace
- 20:51 - Komentari (1) - Isprintaj - #

12.12.2006., utorak



- 16:47 - Komentari (2) - Isprintaj - #

ihha it's hattrick time

Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

povijesni uspjeh brawa bOy!sa yes prvi smo u najjachoj 4. ligi na hattrick.org smokin
(jest da ću bit sam ovaj tjedan, al bolmekurac) rofl mah

#######plaćeni oglas ############# rolleyes

Hattrick je najveća i najpopularnija online menadžerska nogometna igra.

I potpuno je besplatna!

U svijetu Hattricka upravljate vlastitim nogometnim klubom i natječete se s 919 581 drugih korisnika iz čitavog svijeta. Sve što vam je potrebno za igru jest Internet preglednik. Utakmice se odigravaju u realnom vremenu nekoliko puta u tjednu. Na stranicu se možete se prijaviti u bilo koje vrijeme i provjeriti stanje vaše momčadi, izdati naredbe za trening, trgovati igračima ili jednostavno provoditi vrijeme u komunikaciji s drugim korisnicima.


prijashnji postovi o HT *nerd* lud
- 01:34 - Komentari (0) - Isprintaj - #

11.12.2006., ponedjeljak

Aktivna Propaganda - Jedinstvo, Prijateljstvo, Snaga

Aktivna Propaganda (Slo) performing a Razlog Za cover ("Jedinstvo, Prijateljstvo, Snaga") in ZG-Skvot.

jedinstvo, prijateljstvo, snaga oioioi party cerek yes
- 23:09 - Komentari (2) - Isprintaj - #

10.12.2006., nedjelja

Turbonegro -I Got Erection (St.Pauli version).mp3

Turbonegro - I Got Erection (St.Pauli version).mp3 cerek party thumbup

"Hansa Rostock ?! they are pussies, hevymetal pussies"
- 23:01 - Komentari (4) - Isprintaj - #

09.12.2006., subota

kalashnikov mp3

covers yes

- 19:53 - Komentari (0) - Isprintaj - #

08.12.2006., petak


Dekubitus - Zlo je pobijedilo

Cult croatian band Dekubitus performing live in Ljubljana at Gromka club, 2005.

- 13:32 - Komentari (1) - Isprintaj - #

06.12.2006., srijeda

zakon 'igrica'

Line Rider - beta by *fsk on deviantART
- 22:20 - Komentari (0) - Isprintaj - #

05.12.2006., utorak

[reminder] još živi linkovi

Used disk-space: 734.87 MB with 35 files
shteta da propadnu smijeh

pjesmice / songs

zhuga loneli_dubrava.mp3 rofl


raznorazne bella ciao obrade -> click here / klikni ovdje

albumi / albums













cinkushi - zeleni kadar.rar



- 23:47 - Komentari (2) - Isprintaj - #

04.12.2006., ponedjeljak


prejeben mi je novi album thumbup party cerek


Two years after "Tutti Assolti", Talco come back with a new record, called "Combat Circus": 12 patchanka ska-punk songs - with politically committed attitude - that sound like Mano Negra, Banda Bassotti, Ska-p and Clash.

The album starts with "Tortuga", a song about people that wake up in their own land, degenerated in a really blind indifference. "La Sedia Vuota" tells about history and ideals of Ernesto Che Guevara, that still moves the consciences of many people with his exemplary life. "Il Passo del Caciurdo" has been written against racism and intolerance caused by the disinterest of Italians (made inert by Berlusconi’s power) and the indifference of those parties that call themselves "left-winger", but are too far from the "streets" to understand the real matter of new xenophobia, that rise up dangerously in the streets (with neo-nazi and neo-fascist organizations) and on Parliament (with parties like Lega Nord, Forza Italia, Alleanza Nazionale, ecc.). The evil of new xenophobia is not only in Italy, but everywhere ignorance marches with people indifference.

After two instrumental songs ("Combat Circus" and "Venghino Signori Venghino"), "La Carovana" speaks about all the land that has been outraged by stupid wars and terrorism, where, everyday, great non-government humanitarian organizations fight against every economic abuse of power of the arrogant West.

"Testamento di un buffone" exhort people to never drop their own ideals for futile compromises, as our institutional Left-parties are doing in these years. While politicians take care of their power, people of the streets fight with their own values and ideas.

And here is another song written against economic wars: "Oro Nero" make us think about USA work against the rest of the world.

And while the international "Bella Ciao" commemorates all partisans that fought and still fight against every kind of discrimination and oppression, "La Fabbrica del dissenso" walks with the most numerous and oppressed People: the world of suburbs.

The last song is a ballad, "Diari perduti", ispired by "la Notte dei Lapis", not to forget the history of desaparecidos and all the atrocities committed by USA in Latin America.

Talco are back with their anti-fascist and anti-racists patchanka ska punk…The "combat Circus" has been opened…

par postova nizhe ima link za skinut mah

- 22:40 - Komentari (0) - Isprintaj - #

03.12.2006., nedjelja


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fankicajt jebeni skapank album thumbup
- 13:00 - Komentari (0) - Isprintaj - #

02.12.2006., subota

zagorje zelene

konachno izbavil neke slike iz fotića lud

Free Image Hosting at www.ImageShack.us



marija bistrica

- 15:32 - Komentari (2) - Isprintaj - #

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