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31.10.2004., nedjelja

nogometni vikend : 2/3 uspijeh....

AS Livorno - Brescia 2 - 1
Bolton W. - Newcastle United 2 - 1
Dinamo - Pula 3-0

- 20:55 - Komentari (0) - Isprintaj - #

28.10.2004., četvrtak

ljudi odlaze....

i dolaze...

prvo kamijondzhija, pa sad Zdenko Runjić.. who's next?! probaj pogodit, nemresh fulat! svi che jednog dana 'prdnut na rosu' :-)

disklejmer! o mrtvima sve naj! shatro ;-)

Now playing : Rebelde - Vaffanculo (Erode cover) Oy!

- 02:14 - Komentari (1) - Isprintaj - #

25.10.2004., ponedjeljak



Priča o ovom više nego legendarnom bendu započinje još davne 1979. godine. Nakon 5 godina rada izbacuju singl "Nellie The Elephant" koji je prodan u preko 500 000 kopija u Velikoj Britaniji te je zauzeo 4. mjesto na ljestvicama. Kasnije kreću s turnejama i izbacivanjem kako singlova tako i "full lenght" albuma na Volume a kasnije NIT Records. The Toy Dolls slove kao jedan od najzabavnijih UK punk bendova, a uz njihovu muziku mora se spomenuti i nezaboravni live nastup.
Ova turneja promovira njihov novi album nazvan "Our last album" izdan na Secret Records (The Selecter, Sham 69, The Buzzcocks, The Dickies, Stiff Little Fingers, U.K. Subs su neka od imena na Secret Records). Ako vas zanima kako izgleda bend koji ima preko 24 godine iskustva, preko 10 albuma i nebrojeno mnogo live nastupa i turneja nemate ni sekunde za izgubiti. Krenite ravno po vašu kartu.

U utorak, 02.11., u Močvari bit ćete presretni što pred sobom vidite legende THE TOY DOLLS!
upad u pretprodaji: 80 KN, na dan koncerta na blagajni kluba 100 KN

- 22:36 - Komentari (5) - Isprintaj - #

lud dan!

jebiga fakat sam dosadan s tim futballskim rezultatima, al nemrem si pomochi, kad je to jache od mene

Newcastle United 4 - 3 Manchester C.
infarktna tekma,pobjedonosni gol u 89 minuti jedva chekam da vidim golove (na www.toongolas.tk). poshto je jebeni hrt unishtio peticu, vishe nemam prilike vidit moje 'ljubimce' na tvu

AS Livorno 1 - 0 Bologna
prva pobjeda Livorna u serie A nakon 55 godina. bravo dechki i nedajte se! HASTA LA VICTORIA SIEMPRE!

btw ubol sam si kartu za toydolsiche

Now playing : Spitfires United - Hooligans

- 00:39 - Komentari (2) - Isprintaj - #

17.10.2004., nedjelja

josh jedan vikend

josh problema i poraza!

FT.....Charlton Athletic..[1 - 1]..Newcastle United
39'....[0 - 1].........................C. Bellamy
51'....[1 - 1]........K. Lisbie

FT.....AS Livorno..[0 - 2]..AS Roma
30'....[0 - 1].........................F. Totti
68'....[0 - 2].........................V. Montella

FT.....Dinamo Zagreb..[1 - 2]..Slaven Belupo
26'....[0 - 1].........................Karabatic
83'....[0 - 2].........................Karabogdan
90'....[1 - 2]........Karic
- 21:01 - Komentari (1) - Isprintaj - #

12.10.2004., utorak


jedan od meni najdrazhih bendova dolaze u Zagreb!!! joj jedva chekam, moram shto prije ubost kartu da nebi sluchajno ostal bez nje. al nadam se na bu ih bilo dosta malo bumo se tiskali, al nekak bumo valda zdrzhali

2 November Croatia Zagreb Club Tvornika;-)



Now playing : Toy Dolls - Geordie's Gone To Jail

- 00:24 - Komentari (1) - Isprintaj - #

04.10.2004., ponedjeljak

najava koncerta

SUBOTA 9.10. • V 21:00 K 22:00

Postfestivalsko HCPUNK druženje

Domaću scenu predstavljaju (abecednim redom):

DISASTER (Šibenik)
(sexy grind core bend iz undergradine, u očekivanju prvog izdanja, na tragu heroja žanra: Assuck, Cripple Bastards, Gride,..., ekipu u bendu čine organizatori “Jadrija/Martinska festivala”)

(nakon melodičnije oldschool faze, sa promjenom basiste i dodavanjem druge gitare, bend porpima mračniju HC harmoniju. Trash HC sa dozom balkanske emocije aktivizma. Članovi su dio “LA Bean” ekipe i organizatori labinskog “Everything is disco but punk is more fun” festivala)

(bend koji uzorno nastavlja “pulapunk” tradiciju, njegovanu pod okriljem kolektiva “N.I.P. - Novo Istarsko Podzemlje”, i još uvijek najvećeg domaćeg “Monte Paradiso” hcpunk festivala.)

uz posebne goste:

(political punk bend iz Bostona koji je na evropskoj turneji, predvođen kolumnisticom Maximum R'n'R-a Erikom Ranson (Discography CD objavljen za Evropu na Active distribution)
prije, između i poslije video projekcije i slideovi fotografija sa navedenih ovogodišnjih festivala

100% HCpunk slušaona + punk buvljak
upad: 30 KN

Now playing : Goblini - Punk's not dead Oi!

- 00:32 - Komentari (1) - Isprintaj - #

03.10.2004., nedjelja


THE PROFIT$ @ www.theprofits.org

su DIY punk band iz Bostona (Massachusetts, SAD).

We are pissed that the elite business bastards of the world are stealing our lives, our planet, our cultures and our future. We cheer on those who protest, who organize, who speak out, and resist oppression in all its forms.

(Resistance is a daily act. Even taking back the space and power of your own mind, taking back hope, joy and meaning in your life, and helping others to do the same, is critical--it's Critical Resistance. These are not easy things in this capitalist, commercial game.)

We are musicians who sing about what's on our minds, what's in our hearts, what makes us feel like singing.

It's not about making money, being on the radio.
It's not about being "political." We're just being ourselves. And that is enough. Success is the satisfaction of a rockin' song and connections of solidarity.

Bend chine:
Erika Ransom- vocals and guitar
Filthy Rich- drums
Brian- bass
Adam $- vocals and guitar
skini mp3-je (sejv target as) i uzhivaj ;-)

U.S. Atrocity.mp3

A bit of herstory:

The Profits formed in fall of 1999 with Rich, Brian, Erika and Adam. All four had been playing music for some time, and came together to create something new.

Brian and Adam had been in the August Spies, a long-running Boston punk band that regularly played the infamous Rat in Kenmore Square during the late 90s. Erika had been in two Boston bands, the anti-capitalist absurdist panty vigilante band the Fuck Tubes, and the fast hardcore attack of the Baby Shakers. The three friends teamed up with Rich, who had been playing drums with the classic rock meets punk band SWAT.

The Profits' first record, a full length CD, "Profit Over People" was recorded during the Spring of 2000 and was put out by Rodent Popsicle Records, a small diy label run by our friend Bill Toxic. That summer, the Profits went on their first tour, going from Boston to as far west as Chicago, down south to St. Louis and back home in two weeks. Although we had all been in bands for years, none of us had gone on tour so it was a complete blast. The Profits' didn't own a van yet, so we rented a cargo van for the trip. In the back, two people sat on a love seat bought at the Salvation Army the night before we left for tour! It was grand.

The Profits' second release "Dying for Dollars" was recorded in the bitter cold of January 2001. 1,000 were pressed on black vinyl and 200 have yellow covers, and the 7" was once again on Rodent Popsicle Records. The Profits second tour, in the summer of 2001, went as far west as Minneapolis, and added more cities than the year before. Once again, we toured in a rented white cargo van! This tour was the first time Erika brought along her slide projector. During the Profits' set, a slide show of images of repression and resistance were shown behind the band.

After tour, Brian left the band for about a year and took a break from playing in a punk band. During that time, some wonderful people filled in on bass for us. Thank you so much to Jeff Hall from Disaster Strikes, and Mary. Notably, Jeff played both CBGBs and ABCNoRio with us. Mary recorded with us, and went on our 2002 US tour. Brian came back to the Profits in the fall of 2002, reforming the original line-up.

2002 was a good year for the Profits. "Propaganda Machine" was recorded in April and came out that summer. The Profits bought a cool black Dodge '96 8 passenger van, and completed their first full US tour. The Profits saw the Pacific for the first time, and toured the west coast with Toxic Narcotic. It was amazing fun and great shows.

During the spring of 2003, the Profits' recorded another 7" entitled, "US Atrocities" about the US invasion of Iraq. We are also gearing up for our longest US tour in June.

The band continues to work hard and have fun, creating music that-for us-has meaning, energy and feeling. We have played all over the United States at some of the most well-known punk venues including CBGBs and Gilman St., as well as garages, diy spaces, warehouses and basements. We still practice twice a week and do everything for the band ourselves. We all have jobs and chip in to press the Profits records. One of the best things is all of the friends we've made on the road, especially in NYC (hope and martin and all the punks!).

- 23:36 - Komentari (0) - Isprintaj - #

02.10.2004., subota

zanimljivi link

- 00:43 - Komentari (0) - Isprintaj - #

01.10.2004., petak

nufc 16. na svijetu !!!

NUFC's World Ranking: 16th

1. (5.) Real Madrid CF Espańa/4 289,0
2. (3.) Valencia CF Espańa/4 284,0
3. (7.) Manchester United FC England/4 277,0
4. (2.) Săo Paulo FC Brasil/4 270,0
5. (14.) AS de Monaco France/4 255,0
6. (9.) Arsenal FC London England/4 252,0
7. (6.) FC do Porto Portugal/3 250,0
8. (12.) CA River Plate Buenos Aires Argentina/4 248,0
9. (10.) CA Boca Juniors Buenos Aires Argentina/4 246,0
(15.) FC Juventus Torino Italia/4 246,0
11. (4.) Milan AC Italia/4 244,0
12. (10.) Santos FC Brasil/4 238,0
13. (8.) Chelsea FC London England/4 230,0
(1.) Glasgow Celtic FC Scotland/3 230,0
15. (16.) Real Club Deportivo de La Coruńa Espańa/4 221,0
(13.) Newcastle United FC England/4 221,0

- 19:49 - Komentari (1) - Isprintaj - #

josh jedna pobjeda!

ovaj put u upu uefa na slabashnim izraelskim klubom.

FT...Bnei Sachnin....[1 - 5]...Newcastle U. (Eng)

09'.....[0 - 1].................P. Kluivert
13'.....[1 - 1]..A. Masudi
38'.....[1 - 2]................. A. Shearer
42'.....[1 - 3]..................P. Kluivert
52'.....[1 - 4]..................A. Shearer (pen.)
90'.....[1 - 5]................. A. Shearer

Now playing : Cockney Rejects - you gotta have it Oi!

- 01:33 - Komentari (1) - Isprintaj - #

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