MKS/ papercut9

utorak, 06.06.2006.

06.06.06. - new post

Kao prvo, moram se isprièati svima koji me èitaju što toliko dugo nisam objavila post... naime, nisam imala vremena, a ni vijesti nije bilo baš previše... no, evo da vam se odužim...slijedi jedan malo duži post...a i ovaj datum mi se jako sviða tako da sam post odluèila napisati baš danas wink
LPU Chat s Bradom
02.06.06. (petak) u 20:00h održan je Chat s Bradom Delsonom yes ...Pitanja su se kretala oko novog albuma, a chat je trajao nažalost samo 31 min (obièno traje sat vremena)...Bradu se oèito jako žurilo natrag u studio... jao, kako jedva èekam novi album!!!

LPU Chat with Brad
Video Download: Fort Minor na Jay Leno
Fort Minor je odsvirao 'Where'd You Go' na Jay Leno, 24.05.2006., a oni koji su bili prisutni oduševili su se nastupom (naravno :) ... tako da to svakako provjerite ovdje.
I evo što Mike kaže o svemu tome...

leno / tonight show
what up! just got back from taping the tonight show. which means you all should be seeing it this was a fun performance.

i think beatdown and holly would agree with me that doing a performance like this is like a bad rollercoaster (i'm not making fun of the show, hear me out). here's why: we get to the studio at like 11am. soundcheck and go over the performance and sound over and over. wait around a lot too. lunch, then more rehearsals (this time for cameras). make up. more waiting. then, finally, sometime after 5pm we play, and the whole thing is over in four minutes. it's like a bad rollercoaster where you spend the whole time riding up the hill, building up for the big thing, and the downhill fun part part is so short, you hardly get to take it all in. ha (?)

it's always fun, though. the tonight show, in particular, is one of the most professional shows in my opinion, so you never have to worry about how it will sound, how it will look, anything. you just get on the stage and enjoy the performance, even if it is short. anyway, tune in and enjoy the song (thanks again for keeping it up on the charts and whatnot).

have a good one

PS - we got to pet one of the tigers backstage. wow

Video Download: Mike and Chester na Tattoo Stories
Fuse TV emitirao je emisiju Tattoo Stories na kojem su Mike i Chester prièali o tetovažama, o tome zašto Brad i Rob nikad neæe imati tetovaže, Mike takoðer nema ni jednu, dok samo Chaz i Phoenix imaju tetovaže...
Download clip ovdje wink

tattoo stories
Joe je bio na Typhoon premjeri na ArcLight Theatre u L.A. 18.05.2006.

joe joe
Mike-ov post za FMM fanove ... >_< WEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!! ...

- yes, there is exclusive new music if you're a FORT MINOR MILITIA member--already a handful of songs are up. i know you can get it from a friend, but your pimp status is much higher if you're a card-carrying member. plus you get the songs first. and when you meet me at a meet and greet, you can say "i'm a member" and i'll take extra time and care signing your stuff because i feel the love.

Na LPU je stiglo novih 20 slika iz studia O_o ...tako da ih sada imam 40...
Na FMM je stigla nova FM pjesma (ovaj mjesec je to Mike-ov club remix pjesme 'Belive Me' – ne moram ni spominjat da je FENOMENALAN!!! sad je objavljeno 6 pjesama: 01. Do What We Did, 02. Kenji Interview, 03. Tools Of The Trade, 04.Where You Joe – Clean (Joe-v remix Where'd You Go') 05. Strange Things, 06. Belive Me club remix ...koje stižu na FMM svakog 1. u mjesecu...

Mike FMM
- 00:00 - .komentari. (18) - .print. - .#.

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