05.02.2007., ponedjeljak

hrvatska kultura

jedemo ko srbi.pricamo ko srbi.slusamo muziku ko srbi.i pricamo o nekom patriotizmu?zalosno je rijecki nazi "skinsi" nemaju pojma o skinhead pokretu i briju na patriotizam.zbog vise razloga...briju na "obitelj,vjera i domovina"...vecina njih je izbacena iz kuce jer su kreteni,il su pobjegli,u crkvi nisu bili nikad i nemaju pojma o nicemu sto je vezano s bogom a o domovini znaju ko ja o mozartovim simfonijama...i slusaju cajke...ovo necu komentirat jer je ZALOSNO da hrvati slusaju muziku koju su cetnici slusali dok su bombardirali hrvatske gradove...toliko o njihovom "patriotizmu"...kad tako gledate na stvari;di je razlika izmedu nas i srba? ovo je srbija a mi smo smo svi ocito srbi...zalosno...pank je nenadjebiv...pozdravljam sve neuljude iz rijeke i zelim nam jos tisuce litara alkohola i panka...88
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karlo i ja
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jakša,tarzan,ja i andro
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tarzan i ja
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kmile i ja
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govna koja citam



I don't wanna live
to be thirty-four
I don't wanna die
in a nuclear war

go on out
get some more
go on out
to the bar, the market or the liquor store

I don't wanna live
to be fourthy-three
I don't like
what i see going on around me

go on out
get some more
go on out
get fucked up and pass out on the floor
go on out
get some more
go on out
to your favorite liquor store
go on out
don't worry about it any more
go on out
get fucked up
i don't know what for

I don't wanna live
to be fifty-seven
I'm living in hell
is there a heaven?

live fast, die young!
live fast, die young!
live fast, die young!
live fast, die young!


I don't like papers and reading books
Gettin' bored now, thinkin' it sucks
I don't wanna listen to another word
I'm so bleedin' bored


I'm anti-social



I hate the world

I don't wanna go to work another day

I wanna be somebody

I don't wanna wear no dinner suit

I don't wanna family

I'm anti-social



I hate the world

I ain't gonna be no rich man's tool
I ain't gonna cut my hair
Gonna wear boots and a short-haired crop
Watch the train

I'm anti-social



I hate the world

Walking 'round the streets and wondering what to do
( ? )
I ain't got no money or a set of wheels
It's such a drag
Lookin' at the posers and their flashy cars
I'm just walkin' round
Their gonna ( ? ) have some kids
I ain't gonna settle down

I'm anti-social



I hate the world


I am governor Jerry Brown
My aura smiles and never frowns
Soon I will be president
Carter power will soon go away
I will be Fuhrer one day
I will command all of you
Your kids will meditate in school
Your kids will meditate in school
California Uber alles
California Uber alles
Uber alles California
Uber alles California

Zen fascists will control you
Hundred percent natural
You will jog for the master race
And alway wear the happy face
Close your eyes, can't happen here
Big bro' on white horse is near
The hippies won't come back you say
Mellow out or you will pay
Mellow out or you will pay

California Uber alles
California Uber alles
Uber alles California
Uber alles California

Now it is 1984
Knock knock at your front door
It's the suede denim secret police
They have come for your uncool niece
Come quietly to the camp
You'd look nice as a drawstring lamp
Don't you worry it's only a shower
For your clothes here's a pretty flower
Die on organic poison gas
Serpents eggs already hatched
You will croak you little clown
When you mess with president Brown
When you mess with president Brown

California Uber alles
California Uber alles
Uber alles California
Uber alles California


Cujem kako djete place
tamo negde iza zida
zasto place sto li mu je ?
ko li njemu nerve kida?
Cujem kocnicu gdje skripi
tamo negdje iza zida
djete vise i ne place
zasto,zasto majka pita
Ranjeni otac pusku uzima
dolazi u ocaju bjesa
otkopava grob sina mrtvog
mahne sjekirom krhka ljesa
bludno vristi od nepravde ljute
novac uzima djecu bez osude
tvoje ce djete drznik zgaziti
place i ubija metak pogodi


Twisted words what do I get?
The end of another gun butt
Thatcher, you're so full of crap
Smash to fuck the fuckin' system
They're always there with restrictions
Always there to put you down
Anarchy's your solution now
Smash to fuck the fuckin' system
Twisted words what do I get?
The end of another gun butt
Thatcher, you're so full of crap
Smash to fuck the fuckin' system
They're always there with restrictions
Always there to put you down
Anarchy's your solution now
Smash to fuck the fuckin' system


Swallow the energy pill
Just to have a good time
Harmony in the head
Feeling so fine
Nothing really matters
Got nothing to create
When this peace and love drugs
Have killed the fucking hate
As far as I can see
Ecstasy killed the anarchy
Dancing around
Like a happy spastic
You got no morals
Or are they just plastic?
Are you using drugs?
Or are they using you?
You don't really know
Cos you ain't got a clue
Take a look at the filth and the
Starving families stuck in a recession
Talk about your summer of love
I don't need it, no way, go away
Fuck off
Right now
Rave on
Now you're all quiet
Run away from riot
Lost all your fight
A zombie in the night
By the day dehydrated
Feeling sad, so frustrated
Your body's a walking chemistry
Got no chemical energy


You'll never change just stay the same
Play the same old fucking game
Won't let go of yesterday
Cause you're not ready to accept a
Negative Approach
Negative Approach
Risks you take are calculated
Thoughts you think are all outdated
You've done nothing but make me laugh
Cause you're not ready to accept a
Negative Approach
Negative Approach
Negative Approach
Negative Approach