'Her Ghost In The Fog' by: Cradle Of Filth

"The Moon, she hangs
like a cruel portrait
soft winds whisper
the bidding of trees
as this tragedy starts
with a shattered glass heart
and the Midnightmare
trampling of dreams
But on, no tears please
Fear and pain
may accompany Death
But it is desire
that shepherds it's certainty
as We shall see..."

She was divinity's creature
That kissed in cold mirrors
A Queen of Snow
Far beyond compare
Lips attuned to symmetry
Sought Her everywhere
Dark liqoured eyes
An Arabian nightmare...

She shone on watercolours
Of my pondlife as pearl
Until those who couldn't have Her
Cut Her free of this World

That fateful Eve when...
The trees stank of
sunset and camphor
Their lanterns chased
phantoms and threw
An imquisitive glance,
like the shadows they cast
On my love picking rue
by the light of the moon

Putting reason to flight
Or to death as their way
They crept through
woods mesmerized
By the taffeta Ley
Of Her hips that held sway
Over all they surveyed
Save a mist on the rise
(A deadly blessing to hide)
Her ghost in the fog

They raped left...
(Five men of God)
...Her ghost in the fog

Dawn discovered Her there
Beneath the Cedar's stare
Silk dress torn, Her raven hair
Flown to gown Her beauty bared
Was starred with frost,
I knew Her lost
I wept 'til tears crept
back to prayer

She'd sworn Me vows i
n fragrant blood
"Never to part
Lest jealous Heaven
stole our hearts"

Then this I screamed:
"Come back to Me
I was born in love with thee
So why should fate
stand inbetween?"

And as I drowned Her gentle curves
With dreams unsaid and final words
I espied a gleam trodden to earth
The Church bell tower key...

The village mourned her
by the by
For She'd been a witch
their Men had longed to try
And I broke under Christ
seeking guilty signs
My tortured soul on ice

A Queen of snow
Far beyond compare
Lips attuned to symmetry
Sought Her everywhere
Trappistine eyes
An Arabian nightmare...

She was Ersulie possessed
Of a milky white skin
My porcelain Yin
A graceful Angel of Sin

And so for Her...
The breeze stank of
sunset and camphor
My lantern chased Her
phantom and blew
Their Chapel ablaze
and all locked in to a pain
Best reserved for judgement
that their bible construed...

Putting reason to flight
Or to flame unashamed
I swept form cries
By the taffeta Ley
Or Her hips that held sway
Over all those at bay
Save a mist on the rise
A final blessing to hide
Her ghost in the fog

And I embraced
Where lovers rot...
Her ghost in the fog

Her ghost in the fog

When dealing with the insane, the best method is to pretend to be sane. ** *** Hermann Hesse
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Always forgive your enemies-nothing annoys them so much. *** *** *** Oscar Wilde

The talent for being happy is appreciating and liking what you have, instead of what you don't have. ******Woody Allen

The secret of life is honesty and fair dealing. If you can fake that, you've got it made. *** *** *** Groucho Marx

Wise men talk because they have something to say; fools, because they have to say something. *** *** *** Plato

My opinions may have changed, but not the fact that I'm right. *** *** *** Ashleigh Brilliant
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subota, 20.05.2006.


Danas je jedan od onih dana... Nesto cudno je u zraku. Tup osjecaj besmisla. Bez kraja... Beskraja?

Ne znam... Danas sam stvarno nesretna. Vec posljednjih nekoliko dana. Cak i mjeseci. Prozima me osjecaj beskrajne usamljenosti - u gomili ljudi. Kao da me vise nista ne ispunja. U centru Disney Worlda sva magija je nestala. Vec odavno.
Pa, da pricam o svojim problemima? Nema se sto reci. Zapravo valjda i nema problema.

Ali igrom slucaja nista ne funkcionira. Cijeli moj zivot je u kvaru. Kao da sam zakljucana unutar same sebe i cak i disanje me gusi. Klima u mojoj glavi je potpuno neprilagodljiva. Vjecna susa. Kao Sahara. Misli su mi postale najgori neprijatelj. Izvor tuge. I bijesa. I tupila - najcesce.
Zalosno, ali kao da niti ne zelim izaci iz tog transa. Ne, ne uzivam u vlastitom jadu. Dapace, mrzim samosazaljevanje. Ali nista vise nije dovoljno jako da me odrzi na nivou prosjecne srece. Ni muz, ni posao, ni psi (iako, oni najcesce jer su tako malecki i bespomocni)... Ni glazba. Nista.

Nikad niskim ne razgovaram o tome. Samo se pustim. I sutim. Jako dugo sutim. U tim trenucima me bilo kakvi osjecaji jednostavno izbace iz takta. Ne zelim dodir, niti rijec, niti pogled. Samo samocu. Samoca je nesto najljepse u mom zivotu. No onda dodju misli... A misli su neprijatelj. I sve u krug. No, da nema muza, niti posla, ni psica... Misli bi mozda oklijevale. A ja bih tako lijepo uzivala u samoci. I tisini. Mozda bi se poneka misao i primakla. Mozda bi. Dotakla me po ramenu s pitanjem: "Smetam li - ne zelim smetati, tek da vidim kako ide..." - "Pa dobro, svrati, da popijemo kavicu..." I tako.

Glupo... Proci ce. Uvijek prodje.
Jebo Ameriku.

- 01:02 - Komentari (5) - Isprintaj - #

subota, 06.05.2006.

The End...

This is the end
Beautiful friend
This is the end
My only friend, the end

Of our elaborate plans, the end
Of everything that stands, the end
No safety or surprise, the end
I'll never look into your eyes...again

Can you picture what will be
So limitless and free
Desperately in need...of some...stranger's hand
In a...desperate land

Lost in a roman...wilderness of pain
And all the children are insane
All the children are insane
Waiting for the summer rain, yeah

There's danger on the edge of town
Ride the king's highway, baby
Weird scenes inside the gold mine
Ride the highway west, baby

Ride the snake, ride the snake
To the lake, the ancient lake, baby
The snake is long, seven miles
Ride the snake...he's old, and his skin is cold

The west is the best
The west is the best
Get here, and we'll do the rest

The blue bus is callin' us
The blue bus is callin' us
Driver, where you taken' us

The killer awoke before dawn, he put his boots on
He took a face from the ancient gallery
And he walked on down the hall
He went into the room where his sister lived, and...then he
Paid a visit to his brother, and then he
He walked on down the hall, and
And he came to a door...and he looked inside
Father, yes son, I want to kill you
Mother...i want to...fuck you

C'mon baby, take a chance with us
C'mon baby, take a chance with us
C'mon baby, take a chance with us
And meet me at the back of the blue bus
Doin' a blue rock
On a blue bus
Doin' a blue rock
C'mon, yeah

Kill, kill, kill, kill, kill, kill

This is the end
Beautiful friend
This is the end
My only friend, the end

It hurts to set you free
But you'll never follow me
The end of laughter and soft lies
The end of nights we tried to die

This is the end

Nesto je trulo u drzavi... Danskoj???

- 04:19 - Komentari (5) - Isprintaj - #

petak, 05.05.2006.

I'm back....

Ono, i ne bas back, nego cisto tako - veceras... Da se podsjetim...
Nego, kao neka tlaka. Ili nesto. Cudno neko vrijeme. Preblizu ljetu. U zraku se vec osjecaju naznake paklene floridske vrucine...
Tocno je ponoc a meni tlaka ici u krevet. A jos mi je veca tlaka ne ici kad samo pomislim na 10-tak sati posla koji me cekaju sutra. Pa opet u subotu. 'bem ti 'meriku!!!

Pa kenova??? Kome? Ma, sto ima veze - pa bilo kome! Svima. Kenova svima! I upitnik isto. ? Svima. Sto? A nista.
Pa, je li se sto dogadja? Pije li tko? Ja nista u zadnje. Sve se nista ne dogadja. Oh, pa ima nesto. Onako po filozofski;
Po onom nekom jeli metodoloskom procesu doslo se do nekih zakljucaka u zadnje. Hmmm.... Pa eto, spomenuh negdje dolje u pastu; ja sam vegetarijanac. Vec godinu dana. Ono, cisto izborom; postalo mi tlaka jesti meso. Bez nekog preseravanja; bas mi je u neko doba dopizdilo. Samo tako. (haj' da promijenim paragraf - iz fore, ljepse izgleda!)

A onda... Ono ko kad si na dijeti. Pa se sav onako stavis na zdravu najzdraviju prehranu. I zajunis se ko budala; nema - smrsavit cu pa taman da krepam odma poslije toga! I gym, i juhice, i salatice... I eto ga na; Skines nekih 4-5 kila. Ludilo!! Koja heb'na sreca! Pa, stari nemres bilivit!!! Uspijeh nad uspjesima!
I koji je logicni najlogicniji nastavak price??? Vrijeme je da se proslavi gubitak kila - uz hamburger, cokoladu i pivu (nigdje bez pive!).

Nemam pojma sta mi bi. Godinu dana veggie. I neko vece poslije posla ja i muzek-puzek stopamo kraj Publixa po neki tuna ili salmon steak i neke side veggies. I kupimo mi to sve, platimo... Izadjemo, pa laganini prema autu... Kaze on; "jebote sto dobro mirise ona piletina". Reko' ja "e, fakat". I jebo te led!!! On, ja, Boo, Kiki i ta ptichica... Pa stari moj... Ne znam sto bih rekla. Nakon godine dana, ocekivala sam dvije krajnosti. Either/or. Ili da ce me takva mucnina ulovit da cu se izrigat k'o pas; ili da ce me takav blazen osjecaj strefit da cu naprosto dozivjet nirvanu (Unplugged). NISTA. Nista, hebote!!! Pa da sam barem proljev dobila! Nista. I sto sad???!!! Pa, opet nista. Odo' ja po starom, riba i soja.
A, jada...

Idem spavat. Zove T. Aj' bogen. Mozda se uskoro opet vratim... A mozda i ne. A mozda... I pade joj klavir na glavu!!!

- 05:56 - Komentari (2) - Isprintaj - #

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Speed of Pain

They slit our throats
Like we were flowers
And our milk has been

When you want it
It goes away too fast
Times u hate it
It always seems to last
But just remember
When you think you're free
The crack inside your
Fucking heart is me

I wanna outrace
the speed of pain
for another day

I wish I could sleep
But I can't lay on my back
Because ther's a knife
For everyday that
I've known you

When you want it
It goes away yoo fast
Times u hate it
It always seems to last
But just remember
when you think you're free
The crack inside your
fucking heart is me

I wanna outrace
the speed of pain
for another day

Lie to me,
cry to me,
give to me
I would
Lie with me,
die with me,
give to me
I would
Keep all your secrets
wrapped in dead hair
I hope at least
we die holding hands
for always
'Say Just Words' by: Paradise Lost

You get high,
with your destructive instinct
You get high,
with your corrosive instinct
Where can I go,
to escape your foul mind tricks
You're trying it more,
but you will never break me

'Cause you presume the winner is you,
but that's not true,
so say just words to me

Unreal what your hate's providing,
say just words to me
Your talk is always contradiction,
say just words to me
You won't feel the warmth
of friends around you,
say just words to me
Is it true that there is
worth inside
so say just words to me

Your designs,
all the worse from power craving
Your desires,
only where there's fire burning
I'll show you the way,
a pleasure that's for the taking
You're trying it more,
but you won't get satisfaction

'Cause you presume the winner is you,
but that's not true,
so say just words to me

Unreal what your hate's providing,
say just words to me
Your talk is always contradiction,
say just words to me
You won't feel the warmth
of friends around you,
say just words to me
Is it true that there is
worth inside
so say just words to me......

Egoism is the Very Essence of a Noble Soul *** *** Friedrich Nietzsche

Everything becomes a little different as soon as it is spoken out loud. *** *** Hermann Hesse

Morality is simply the attitude we adopt towards people whom we personally dislike. *** Oscar Wilde

It is hard enough to remember my opinions, without also remembering my reasons for them! **** ** Friedrich Nietzsche

I was thrown out of college for cheating on the metaphysics exam; I looked into the soul of the boy sitting next to me. ** Woody Allen

I don't know why we are here, but I'm pretty sure that it is not in order to enjoy ourselves.*** *** *** - Ludwig Wittgenstein

Whenever people agree with me I always feel I must be wrong. *** *** *** Oscar Wilde

I don't want to achieve immortality through my work. I want to achieve it through not dying. *** *** Woody Allen

I never know what I think about something until I read what I've written on it.*** *** William Faulkner

You know quite well, deep within you, that there is only a single magic, single power, a single salvation... and that is called loving. Well, then, love your suffering. Do not resist it, do not flee from it. It is your aversion that hurts, nothing else. *** *** Hermann Hesse

I choose my friends for their good looks, my acquaintances for their good characters, and my enemies for their intellects. A man cannot be too careful in the choice of his enemies. *** *** Oscar Wilde

In the End, we will remember not the words of our enemies, but the silence of our friends. *** *** *** - Martin Luther King Jr