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Opis bloga

evo i ja imam blog...hehe...dosadno mi je pod praznicima
a sad mali opis...zakaj se blog zove pandora box...
pretpostavljam da znate mit o pandorinoj kutiji...ako ne znate ko vam je kriv,hehe
no evo malog podsjetnika...pandora je bila najradoznalija žena na svijetu,neprestano je nešto zapitkivala i zabadala nos u tuđe stvari...jednog je dana pronašla prekrasnu kutiju koju joj je muž zabranio da znatiželja je pobijedila...otvorila je kutiju iz koje su izašle zavist,pohlepa,ljubomora i ljutnja...a na samom dnu kutije je ostala nada...
e pa ja se nadam da ćete i vi biti znatiželjni i posjećivati često ovaj blog...jer nada umire zadnja...hehe


fićo-moj simpatičan i ludi frend,ali njega se treba doživetithumbup

luca-mala,brbljiva,...cura koja je pobegla iz crtićayes

nelos-cura koja sedi ispred mene i GLASNO se smijedead

saša + 2 psa-zaaakoon cura koja ide s menom na engdead

mirnek-cura je viša od mene hehecoolsmijeh

denis domenis-ide s menom na eng,ima super blog,voli zmišljati nove eng riječi tipa slaywina(čitaj slejvina,u prevodu slavina)deadzujo

bojan-u jednoj zimskoj noći, tam gdje je visok brijeg,smrznuo se potočić i pokrio ga snijeg...a jedan mali bojan taj potok traži svud,gdje je kud je nestao to njemu tišti grudsmijeh

smuc-mr.prezident 1.b zujo

matijac-razredni papa i međimurec,pater noster qui es in coelis,sanctificetur nomen tuum;adveniat regnum tuum,fiat voluntas tua, sicut in coelo et in terra

banac-luđak iz bivšeg 8.asmijeh

ljuba-smešna simpa curica koja voli piti hehesmijeh

riža-fora tip,upoznali smo se na lucinom rođendanuyes

monika-ok cura,išla je prije s menom u razzujo

ana šerdoner-fora cura koju sam upoznala na moruyes

šebijan-išel je prije s menom u raz...i često od mene prepisival na testulud

kika-ivekova sestra...fora cura

nelica-simpa curičak s koim se dopisujem prek msn-asmijeh

anita-frendica iz zg...nažalost se ne vidimo čestono

nekaj o meni...hehe

zovem se etelka,idem na 1.gimnaziju,u 1.b razred koji jako volimyes
bavim se suvremenim plesom
volim slušati glazbu(rock i glazbu iz filmova,malo čudno ali to sam ja hehe)
volim zvjezdice,pjevati,čitati,školu,
smijati se,plesati...
ma ne da mi se nabrajt...pitajte moje frendove,hehe...smijeh


vragova... that's me...yes


zvjezdica,weeeeee =)

evo vam vurica...tek tolko da se znate orijentiratizujosmijeh

pjesmice koje slušam dok mi puhne...


Here's a thought for every man
Who tries to understand what is in his hands
He walks along the open road of Love & Life
surviving if he can

Bound with all the weight of all the words he tried to say
Chained to all the places that he never wished to say
Bound with all the weight of all the words he tried to say
and as faced the sun he cast no shadow

As they took his soul they stole his pride
As they took his soul they stole his pride
As they took his soul they stole his pride

Here's a thought for every man
Who tries to understand what is in his hands
He walks along the open road of Love & Life
surviving if he can

Bound with all the weight of all the words he tried to say
Chained to all the places that he never wished to say
Bound with all the weight of all the words he tried to say
and as faced the sun he cast no shadow

As they took his soul they stole his pride
As they took his soul they stole his pride
As they took his soul they stole his pride

And as he faced the sun he cast no shadow thumbupyes


Hey jude, dont make it bad.
Take a sad song and make it better.
Remember to let her into your heart,
Then you can start to make it better.yes

Hey jude, dont be afraid.
You were made to go out and get her.
The minute you let her under your skin,
Then you begin to make it better.

And anytime you feel the pain, hey jude, refrain,
Dont carry the world upon your
For well you know that its a fool who plays it cool
By making his world a little colder.

Hey jude, dont let me down.
You have found her, now go and get her.
Remember to let her into your heart,
Then you can start to make it better.kiss

So let it out and let it in, hey jude, begin,
Youre waiting for someone to perform with.
And dont you know that its just you, hey jude, youll do,
The movement you need is on your shoulder.yes

Hey jude, dont make it bad.
Take a sad song and make it better.
Remember to let her under your skin,
Then youll begin to make it
Better better better better better better, oh.

Na na na na na ,na na na, hey jude..


Gettin' born in the state of Mississippi
Poppa was a copper and momma was a hippie
In Alabama she was swinging hammer
Price you gotta pay when you break the panorama
She never knew that there was anything more than poor
What in the world does your company take me for?no

Black bandana, sweet Louisiana
Robbin'on a bank in the state of Indiana
She's a runner, rebel and a stunner
On her merry way saying baby what you gonna
Lookin' down the barrel of a hot metal .45
Just another way to survivewink


California rest in peace
Simultaneous release
California show your teethmouthwash
She's my priestess, I'm your priest
Yeah, yeah

She's a lover, baby and a fighter
Should've seen her coming when it got a little brighter
With a name like Dani California
Day was gonna come when I was gonna mourn ya
A little loaded she was stealing another breath
I love my baby to deathcerek


California rest in peace
Simultaneous release
California show your teeth
She's my priestess, I'm your priestdead
Yeah, yeah

Who knew the other side of you
Who knew what others died to prove
Too true to say goodbye to youmah
Too true, too say say say

Push the fader, gifted animator
One for the now and eleven for the later
Never made it, Up to Minnesota
North Dakota man was a gunnin' for the quota
Down in the badlands she was saving the best for last
it only hurts when I laughrofl
Gone too fast


California rest in peace
Simultaneous release
California show your teeth
She's my priestess, I'm your priest
Yeah, yeah

California rest in peace
Simultaneous release
California show your teeth
She's my priestess, I'm your priestgreedy
Yeah, yeah


Samozvan mini bog
polira geste vadi slog
No spontan za
humor a delno tog
Nekaterim nekaterim
proda nasvet za
lep izgled
Masterotip gleda te

A dela dih
dela gen za ples fatal
A zgleda to
kar delajo čista

Zanimiv je zalet
ko izpod krila vidi
Zanimivo kako ga jebe led
Stoje smeje gladijo noge
aristocrack jih

Prevara bi elito napolnila z afero
Mi rajenamcor
dame sanj zlate piccole amore
Prevara bi eliti zaplavala v
Zadeli bomo sami naše piccole amore

Kriv je
um kriv je hrup
Dolg je obračun
Trden led je vedno
bolj segret
Krila vsa strgana
Kriza žge pepel
so popadale na tla

Prevara bi elito napolnila z
Mi raje dame sanj zlate piccole amore
Prevara bi
eliti zaplavala v žrelo
Zadeli bomo sami naše piccolegreedy


Jaz ne morem več v temi živeti,
jaz bi hodil na soncu,yes
jaz bi hotel tebe imet.
Zdaj ne rabim već ostalih stvari,
Samo še svoje sanje
In človeka kot si ti.

Mislim da sem videl že ogromno lepih slik,
A podvomil sem vase,
Nehal trest mi je kosti,bang
Zdaj počivam na otoku,
In si zidam gradove,
Onih srečo

Ker ne verjamem v telo,yes
Rad bi te videl v srce.
Jaz ne verjamem v telo,
Rad bi te videl v srce.kiss

Kot da bi videl svojo dramo vnaprej
Iz nje sem brisal žalost
In dodajal svoj nasmeh.
Vsako dušo, ki me gleda v oči,greedy
Sem povabil zraven,
Naj še ona to doživi.
Preden svoj obraz v solze potopim,
Zlate solze sreče,
Preden od dobrega znorim,
Rad bi videl, da še ti greš z nami,
Skupaj bomo videli,
Kaj pomeni adrenalin.zujo

Ker ne verjamem v telo,
Rad bi te videl v srce...


They come from every state to find
Some dreams were meant to be declined
Tell the man what did you have in mind
What have you come to do

No turning water into wine
No learning while you're in the line
I'll take you to the broken sign
You see the lights are blue greedy

Come and get it
Lost it at the city limit
Say goodbye mah
Cause they will find a way to trim it
Lookin' for a silly gimmick
Gotta get away
Can't take it for another minute

This town is made of many things
Just look at what the current brings
So high it's only promising
This place was made on you cool

Tell me baby what's your story
Where you come from
And where you wanna go this time yes
Tell me lover are you lonely
The thing we need is
Never all that hard to find
Tell me baby what's your story
Where do you come from
And where you wanna go this time
Your so lovely are you lonely dead
Giving up on the innocence you left behind

Some claim to have the fortitude
To shrewd to blow the interlude
Sustaining pain to set a mood
Step out to be renewed

I'll move you like a baritone
Jungle brothers on the microphone
Getting over with an undertone
It's time to turn to stone lud

Chitty chitty baby
When your nose is in the nitty gritty
Life could be a little sweet thumbup
But life could be a little shitty
What a pity
Boston and a kansas city
Looking for a hundred
But you only ever found a fitty

Three fingers in the honeycomb
You ring just like a xylophone
Devoted to the chromosome cool
The day that you left home

utorak, 26.12.2006.

Evo i mene

evo i ja sam odlučila napraviti blog jer mi je pod praznicima dosadnosmijeh
iako nam je trebal odmor...yes
nadam se da bum pisala posteve redovito..smijeh
pozdravljam 1.b,nemani,sašu,tina,fićija,vjeru,anu i sve koji me poznaju

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