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Travanj 2008 (4)


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Ugly Kid Joe - Cats in the cradle

Bloody Hand
_ _ _ _ _

Let me tell you about my life...
Let me tell you about my dreams...
Let me tell you about the things that happen...
Always real to me...

Let me tell you of my hope...
Of my need to reach the sky...
Let me take you on an awkward journey...
Let me tell you why...
Let me tell you why...

O njoj...

†Ime: Mateja
†Prezime: _ _ _ _ _ _ _
†Nadimci: Scooby, Kushek, Skočko
†Razred: 8. :(
†Datum rođenja: 26.10.1993.
†Živim u: Velikoj Vesi, mjesto pokraj Krapine
†Slušam: Metal i Rock
†Bendovi koje slušam : Sonata Arctica, Nightwish, My Chemical Romance, Him, Iron Maiden, Metallica, The Rasmus, Children Of Bodom, Cradle Of Filth, Helloween, Iced Earth, Korn, System Of A Down, Static-X i još dosta njih al mi se sad već ne da pisati...
. . .
Neznam dalje... -_-"
Al uglavnom ak vas nekaj još zanima ovo vam moj MSN:
Slobodno me dodajte... =)

_ _ _ _ _

Heh, to sam ja... =)

brain dead

_ _ _ _ _


_ _ _ _ _

Digni me visoko

Uzmi me sa sobom i povedi me
I povedi me, i povedi me
Digni me visoko da ti ispričam
Svoje snove sve, svoje snove sve.

Odvedi me do mora gdje su djevojke
Gdje su djevojke, gdje su djevojke
Koje nikad nikom nisu rekle ne
Nisu rekle ne, nisu rekle ne.

Al' ja ipak nisam luda
Koja vjeruje u čuda
Što se kriju iza mora
I gora dalekih.

Spusti me na zamlju, ali oprezno
Ali oprezno, ali oprezno
Hrabar sam, ali neću izazivat zlo
Izazivat zlo, izazivat zlo.

Možda jednog dana ipak uspijem
Ipak uspijem ipak uspijem
Samo ako prije se ne napijem
Se ne napijem, se ne napijem.

Jer ja ipak nisam luda
Koja vjeruje u čuda
Što se kriju iza mora
I gora dalekih...

_ _ _ _ _

A good friend will come bail you out of jail... A true friend will be sitting next to you saying : "Damn ... We fucked up..."

. . .

I hope you CHOKE on every word you spoke when you were screaming at me...

. . .

Dare to be different...

. . .

The worst way to miss someone is to be sitting right beside them and knowing you can`t have them...

. . .

People who think pink is the new black have mental problems...

. . .

I don`t need sex... Life fucks me whenever it can...

. . .

It doesn`t hurt to dream... It hurts more to wake up....

. . .

I`m not crazy... My reality is just different than yours....

. . .

I stoped fighting my inner demons, we`re on the same side now...

. . .

Hate is easy... Love takes courage...

. . .

You cry.. I cry...
You laugh.. I laugh...
You jump off a clip.. I laugh...
Even harder...

. . .

It`s a beautiful day... Now watch some asshole fuck it up...

. . .

Alcohol: Some of the best times you`ll never remember...

. . .

You can not kill what you did not creat!

. . .

I`d tell you to go to hell but I work there and I don`t want to see you every day...

. . .

So if I like black? It doesn`t make me a bad person..

. . .

I`m only wearing black until they make something darker...

. . .

Things to do today:
1. Get up
2. Survive
3. Go back to bed

. . .

Shit happens mostly to me so don`t worry...

. . .

It`s not easy being a psychopath...

. . .

I`m not alway right.. But I`m never wrong...

. . .

You suck and that's sad...

. . .

Boys lie & kind of stink...

. . .

Wow your music sucks hard

. . .

Braindead and happy...

. . .

I'm not an alcoholic, I'm a drunk and enjoying it!

. . .

I don't discriminate. I hate everyone!

. . .

333 - Halfway to Hell

. . .

Školu - odjebi...
Starc - zajebi...
Dečka - pojebi...
Život - razjebi...
I bit češ happy...!

. . .

little eMo

Lyrics and music

Sonata Arctica
Don't Say A Word

I am your poison candygram,
the love that's meant to fade away
Vade retro, alter ego, move aside, I'm choking on this life
I think I tolerate your hate, as long as you're afraid
All I wanted was to be with you and suffer every day...

Under the moon I hold a wake for a promise torn
Mortally wounded, feelings sheltered me
Once again my shadow will enter your life
Time to walk with me the last mile...

I read a book about a man, a love, a woman, how they died
How I was waved aside, listen how the headless doves cry
I truly see a madman in the mirror when I'm weak
I spent a year in love before I realized it's me

Open your blue eyes, tell me that you love me, whore
Make me believe it, oh I know you're lying
Broke the vow I thought you made, my angel, why...
Could I let you wait out the night?

Mother always said "my son, do the noble thing..."
You have to finish what you started, no matter what,
Now, sit, watch and learn...
"It's not how long you live, but what your morals say"
Cannot keep your part of the deal
So don't say a word... don't say a word

It won't be long now, love, like mist I slowly fill the room
I place a black candle on your chest,
The path of night is manifest
I never wanted us to end up in this catatonic phase
It wasn't me who ran away, you made me stray...

Open your blue eyes, tell me that you love me, whore
Make me believe it, oh I know you lie
Broke the vow I thought you made, my angel, why...
Settling the score, we pass the twilight...

Mother always said "my son, do the noble thing..."
You have to finish what you started, no matter what,
Now, sit, watch and learn...
"It's not how long you live, but what your morals say"
Cannot keep your part of the deal
So don't say a word... don't say a word

Strawberry blonde, your stranglehold
on my heart is bound to end
I suppose, life sometimes,
it doesn't go the way it was meant
Though you never were a believer,
I assure you: I won't die before you
You read the book now,
The part "ashes to ashes, dust to dust"

Short is the flight of this little starling
Love sounds familiar, but the emotion escapes me
I will carpe the diem while it's still here,
And see how the fear of death becomes her

We had it all so sweet
Made for me, you, indeed...
Big secret, small the lie
Don't cry for me, oh, argentite

No word you say tonight
Can make this be alright
I'll help you follow through
Remember this?: Pacta sunt servanda

... The wounds are too deep,
I need to keep the scars
To prove there was a time
When I loved something more than life

Unlike the last time here,
I now have the means and a will sincere
Your knight is nowhere near
Unfortunate for you, this makes me your God...


Closing your eyes, don't ever say you love me, whore
You never meant a word, I know you lied
When there is life, there is despair, indulge me now
And stay alive this night... I promise you the end before the first light arrives...

Mother always said "my son, do the noble thing..."
You have to finish what you started, no matter what,
Now, sit, watch and learn...
"It's not how long you live, but what your morals say"
Cannot keep your part of the deal
So don't say a word... don't say...

Mother always said "my son, do the noble thing..."
You have to finish what you started, no matter what,
Now, sit, watch and learn...
"It's not how long you live, but what your morals say"
Cannot keep your part of the deal
So don't say a word... Don't Say A Word
_ _ _ _ _

Bury me deep inside your heart

Let me wake up in your arms
Hear you say it's not alright
Let me be so dead and gone
So far away from life
Close my eyes
Hold me tight
And bury me deep inside your heart

All I ever wanted was you, my love
You're all I ever wanted is you, my love
Your're all I ever wanted, just you

Let me never see the sun
And never see you smile
Let us be so dead and so gone
So far away from life
Just close my eyes
Hold me tight
And bury me deep inside your heart

All I ever wanted was you, my love
You're all I ever wanted is you, my love
You're all I ever wanted, you, oh my love
You're all I ever wanted, you, my love

That's the way it's always been
My heart stops beating only for you Baby
Only for your loving

All I ever wanted was you, my love
You're all I ever wanted is you, my love
You're all I ever wanted, you, my love
You're all I ever wanted, you, my love
_ _ _ _ _

Sonata Arctica
Still Loving You

Time, it needs time
To win back your love again
I will be there, I will be there
Love, only love
Can bring back your love someday
I will be there, I will be there

I'll fight, babe, I'll fight
To win back your love again
I will be there, I will be there
Love, only love
Can break down the walls someday
I will be there, I will be there

If we'd go again
All the way from the start
I would try to change
The things that killed our love
Your pride has built a wall so strong
That I can't get through
Is there really no chance
To start once again
I'm loving you

Try, baby, try
To trust in my love again
I will be there, I will be there
Love, our love
Just shouldn't be thrown away
I will be there, I will be there
If we'd go again

All the way from the start
I would try to change
The things that killed our love
Yes, I've hurt your pride and I know
What you've been through
You should give me a chance
This can't be the end
I'm still loving you

I'm still loving,
I need your love
I'm still loving you
_ _ _ _ _

People like you
You live in a dream world
You despise the outside
And you feel it burn!

It's in your dream
There's just one question
Should I kill?
Or should I be left behind?

Sick and tired
Of all your complaints
This is the hour
We bring it down

I've come to realise
Every little glimpse, you fade
I was told that I could fly
When least expected,
Cloud Connected

You seem to be
So introverted
How come we fail
With all that is given?

You crossed the line
You remember my name
Time runs backwards
As we're heading that way

I've come to realise
Every little glimpse, you fade
I was told that I could fly
When least expected,
Cloud Connected

(Cloud Connected)

I've come to realise
Every little glimpse, you fade
I was told that I could fly
When least expected,
Cloud Connected!

I've come to realise
Every little glimpse, you fade
I was told that I could fly
When least expected,
Cloud Connected!
_ _ _ _ _

četvrtak, 10.04.2008.

Look who`s back... It`s me!

Evo ljudovi...I ja sam se sjetila da bi mogla opet otvoriti ovaj blog...:]

Did you miss me . . . ?

Hehe,vjerojatno niste,možda neki i jesu...Pitate se kak to da opet pišem?
Pa da razmislimo..Neznam...Došlo mi da napišem post...Pa sam, eto,odlučila sam opet pisati.. =)
Blog je sad u stanju renoviranja pa je još uvijek dosta prazni...Heh,a kaj sad...Bude bolje,uskoro...Sad neznam kaj da uopće stavim u boxeve...Al budem ja nekaj smislila...

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

Kaj ima kod vas? Kod mene se puuuno toga dogodilo kad sam prestala pisati...Bila u depri,sad sam bolje,prešlo me...Bilo je i vrijeme,depra me držala dobrih mjesec dana ak ne već...Jbg...Još uvijek imam zabranu izlaski al me to ne spriječava da se napijem...Škola je ide na bolje,nadam se...

U šestom mjesecu idem(o) u Beč!!! Yeah..!
Ko hoće iti iz osmih razreda more iti al nije obavezno,ali ja definitivno idem...Trebam još samo putovnicu...Heh,al okay,idem drugi tjedan dati ju napraviti...Jao,jedva čekam...

Moram objaviti svoje zaruke..Da,dobro se čuli(u biti pročitali al isto) zaručila sam se...LoL...U utorak na likovnom me Karlo zaposil...Hehe...Vjenčanje je za 2 mjeseca pa ko hoče nek dođe...Jurica mi je kum,a Tamara kuma...
(al to sve iz šale,da ne shvatite za oziljno)

Kataraina ima rođendan uskoro,u subotu trebam dojti k njoj na tortu,a u ponedjeljak(kad joj je pravi rođendan)bude donesla nekaj alkohola...Weee..!Al neznam kaj da joj kupim...I to joj još sutra moram nekaj kupiti,al neznam kaj..Ma budem nekaj smislila ko i uvijek...I pile budemo....Hehe,moram i s njom jedanput piti,s skoro svim ostalima jesam samo s njom nisam pa budemu subotu onda...Lijepo...

A drugu srijedu idemo u kazalište..I to navečer...Hmm...Neznam,baš mi se i ne da iti...Jbg...Al idem,možda neko uzme nekaj za piti...Nikad se nezna...

Kako je ova učiteljica iz geografije glupa!Ja sam danas imala majcu od Maidena za školu i pod geografiju dok sam se selila na drugo mjesto ona meni : "Kako se ne splašiš te majce kad ju vidiš,užaš!" . . .Uvijek mora komentirati majce koje nosim,koji to nju kurac briga?Kak se ona ne splaši kad se vidi ujutro u ogledalu,beee...

I danas se naša škola službeno pretvorila u zatvor...Postavili su kamere,danas su ih postavili u wc.ima(jer neki tam pušiju pa kao da vidiju ko puši,a i prošle se godine neko pokušal ubiti),a sad budeju i kamere postavili i u učionice tak da nebudemo već mogli prepisivati,slati papiriće i ostale gluposti...Sad još više mrzim iti u školu neg prije...

Hmm..Mislim da sam dosta napisala za početak...


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