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30.06.2010., srijeda

1. Svevideće oko i piramida

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Novčanica od jednog američkog dolara (naših 5 kuna).Dobro pogledajte na lijevu.. vidite piramidu, vidite oko...

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Piramida je službeni znak Iluminata.Točnije predstavlja piramidu na čijem se vrhu nalazi tkv. svevideće oko okruženo svjetlosnim zrakama.

Svevideće oko (eng.all-seeing-eye, ili horusovo oko) simbolizira duhovnost (više znanje,sveznanje),vizionarstvo, moć intuitivnog viđenja itd., a zrake koje ga okružuju daju mu dodatnu simboliku primjerice prosvijetljenje ili budnost.

Image and video hosting by TinyPic Horusovo oko (Oko proviđenja)

A najednostavnije,simbolizira apsolutni razum.Po tome možemo zaključiti da apsolutni razum tj. oko koje sve vidi vladati putem kontrole,strogog nadzora,pod oštrim okom… (uglavnom, shvaća se, da sad ne nabrajam raznolike aluzije na tu temu...)

Ostalo (Kod glazbe) - Svevideće oko

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Lady Gaga
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Image and video hosting by TinyPic (Bad Romance)

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Image and video hosting by TinyPic Primjetite imitaciju Horusovog oka

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Desno oko - kraljevski leptir, pogađate - simbol Monarch programiranja

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Britney Spears
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Miley Cyrus
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Justin Bieber
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Taylor Swift
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Nelly Furtado
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Robert Pattinson
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Kirsten Stewart (Twilight)
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Drew Barrymore
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...s njegovom vjernom družicom - Beyonce
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Nelly Furtado
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Televizija (TV KANALI) -
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Nickelodeon - Spužva Bob Skockani,Jimmy Neutron, Dora istražuje itd.

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- CBS - Oprah show,CSI: Miami,NY,Kako sam upoznao vašu majku,Letterman show,Big Brother,Mentalist,
Zaboravljeni slučaj itd.


Image and video hosting by TinyPic Lara Croft Tomb Radier

Image and video hosting by TinyPic Dobro došli,gospodine Chance

Image and video hosting by TinyPic Čitač Tmine

Image and video hosting by TinyPic Nacionalno Blago

Image and video hosting by TinyPic Zanimljivi isječak iz Nacionalnog blaga

Image and video hosting by TinyPic Sluškinjina priča (Na lijevu!)

Image and video hosting by TinyPic Oko koje sve vidi...

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Image and video hosting by TinyPic South park

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