my osmrtnica..rofl

*IME* anna
*NADIMAK* uzor / anne
*DI ME MOS NAC?* u splitu
*GOVORE MI DA SAN* tvrdoglava, pametna, lina, pricljiva...ono dalje san izbrisalarofllud
*GODINE* trinestrolleyesrofl
*SLUSAN* neznan ni sama..asti..lud
~my friends
~ljude kao ja
~jednog lipog deckaaacerek
~kad doden na msn i nikog nijema..cry
~skooluu..., itdd....
*BRACNI STATUS* rastavljena..hihi..
*MSN* onaj mi se pokvarija...sad iman drugi..bitnije osobe sad add..ako os dat cu ti ga, samo pitaj il davaj svoj



sta znas o meni

*ne ne..samo nemoj tu klikat!

nesto nekad citan...

*maja/jope....(o one dvi....cerek)
*ivona from brda(tek se upoznale...ludlo..)
*makaranka..maria (zakon..rofl)
*a sore bona...(a sore moja...roflkraljica...luda skroz...=) )
*sole.. ( tu zensku se cokac more oslonit..a ja se pitan zasto ima puuuno prijatelja?!)
*luce.. (luda za avril..)
*karmela.. ( shakiron..(= )
*girlfriend117... (ej reci mi ime..da te stavin ko cokca..)
*lena.. (super...)
*make...drugarca moa (pokvarilo jon se nesta...)
*makaranka...maya.. (ćuper..)
*nasi osmasi..( nije da bas obajvljuvju postove cesto...a nisu niti nema veze to je nas 8aaa)
jbt..vise nikog bas ne znan!


*luda..PTSP je u pitanju.. (hehehehhe..)
*uci engleski (prejaka je!)
*luda..raspjevusena (necu nista rec...)

evo ko ce vas izresetat...


nesritan ribar...

kako neki ljudi vole plesat...


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...komentari .... vidish/nevidish....

design: × BloG MasteR ×

font: cheri

slike: deviantArt


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posjetioca je malo...malo...bang

na ti becka!


Yeah, bringing you another disturbing creation
from the mind of one sick animal who can't tell the difference
and gets stupified

I've been waiting my whole life for just one fuck
And all I needed was just one fuck
How can you say that you don't give a fuck
I find myself stupified, coming back again
All I wanted was just one fuck
One tiny little innocent fuck
And when I feel like I'm shit out of luck
I find my stupified, coming back again

Why, do you like playing around with
My, narrow scope of reality
I, can feel it all start slipping
I think I'm breaking down

Why, do you like playing around with
My, narrow scope of reality
I, can feel it all start slipping away
See but I don't get it
Don't you think maybe we could put it on credit
Don't you think it can take control when I don't let it
I get stupified
It's all the same you say
Live with it

But I don't get it
Don't you think maybe we could put it on credit
Don't you think it can take control when I don't let it
I get stupified [x2]

All the people in the left wing rock
And all the people in the right wing rock
And all the people in the underground rock
I find myself stupified, coming back again
All the people in the high rise rock
And all the people in the projects rock
And all la gente in the barrio rock
I find myself stupified, coming back again

Why, do you like playing around with
My, narrow scope of reality
I, can feel it all start slipping
I think I'm breaking down

Why, do you like playing around with
My, narrow scope of reality
I, can feel it all start slipping away
See but I don't get it
Don't you think maybe we could put it on credit
Don't you think it can take control when I don't let it
I get stupified
It's all the same you say
Live with it

But I don't get it
Don't you think maybe we could put it on credit
Don't you think it can take control when I don't let it
I get stupified [x2]

[Hebrew:] Mefached
[English translation: "Scared" or "Afraid"]

And don't deny me
No baby now, don't deny me
And darlin' don't be afraid...

But I don't get it
Don't you think maybe we could put it on credit
Don't you think it can take control when I don't let it
I get stupified

Look in my face, stare in my soul
I begin to stupify. Ah! [x4]
Look in my face, step in my soul [x4]
Look in my face! [x3]
I begin to stupify! Ah!

¨na ti becka!


Crawling in my skin
These wounds they will not heal
Fear is how I fall
Confusing what is real

There's something inside me that pulls beneath the surface
This lack of self-control I fear is never ending
Controlling/I can't seem

To find myself again
My walls are closing in
(without a sense of confidence and I'm convinced that there's just too much pressure to take)
I've felt this way before
So insecure


Discomfort,endlessly has pulled itself upon me
Against my will I stand beside my own reflection
It's haunting how I can't seem...




četvrtak, 13.03.2008.

konacno se javljan...

e ljudi moji...reku malo van se javit...samo si skroz blog ja san luuuuda...neka sizofremija...hahahahh

da malo prokomentiramo...

~recite mi jeste li ikad vidili neku predobre traperice, a nemozete si ih priustiti??

~ili ste vidili da van prija ima presavrsenu majcu, i ona se tako pravi vazna zbog nje??

niti se nemora pravit vazna, al vi svejedno kuhate od je ljubomora...zavist kako li vec..(=
no, s druge strane znamo da ima i pametnih ljudi...a oni znaju lijecit to..tu ljubomoru...i sad se vi, ako ovo citate...dakle mislite..odnosno se pitate kako je to moguce?
pa ovako...jeste li ikad u zivotu bili u fotokopirnici..oli trafici u kojoj ima kopir aparat..jeste??
pa da..ko nije??

a poglejte vi ovo cudo tehnike..
da da...u pravu ste..ova kuja ima neku super stvar...
ovo kopiranje odjece...

~ste to vidli ikad??


i sta da van jos kazen...malo cu minjat blog..nemojte se pripast ako ga vidite slucajno cilog ga uredujen bidnog...(=

aj vise neznan sta bi rekla...stavit cu svoju sliku, istu al uredenu...itd..
i ocekujte nastavaj vil bi veriiii suuuuuun...
i ka sta vidite...jbg ja se moran svakome prilagodavat pa san bar malo crnine stavla na blog..ah...blabla

butte pozdravljeniwave

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