pa evo..škola je počela..praznici su završili..a tak je lepo bilo..
a dobro..
sad jedva čekam ljetne praznike..jupii..
budući da dugo nisam pisala..sad bum napisala podugački postić..
ali pošto baš nemam za pisati previše stvari..
bum opet neke porukice stavila..tak malo bezveze..
Run when you need to!!!
Give lots of kisses.
Meet new people, even if they look different to you.
Love your friends, no matter who they are.
Don't waste food.
Take an occasional risk.
Try to have a little fun each day...
Say, "I Love You" often.
Express yourself creatively.
Be conscious of your appearance.
Always be up for surprises.
Love someone with all of your heart.
Share with friends.
It will get better.
There is always someone, who Loves you more than you know.
Exercise to keep fit.
Hold On To Good Friends, They Are Few and Far Between!!!
Indulge in the things you truly love.
Cherish every Sunday!!!
At the end of the day... "PRAY."
And Close Your Eyes and "Smile" At Least Once a Day!!!
Have a Wonderful Day!!!
uff..namučila sam se s tim slikicama..i zato uživajte..
pusa ..