Suze i ruže...

srijeda, 15.03.2006.

are you looking for your missing piece?

Na početku stvaranja, muškarci i žene nisu bili isti kao danas; postojalo je samo jedno biće koje je bilo nisko, s jednim tijelom i vratom, no glava mu je imala dva lica, a svako je gledalo na svoju stranu. Međutim, grčki bogovi su bili ljubomorni, jer su uvidjeli da stvorenje s četiri ruke više radi, dva lica uvijek su sve vidjela i nisu ga mogli napasti ni prevariti, a s četiri noge nije bilo tako teško stajati ni dugo hodati. Tada reče Zeus, najviši bog na Olimpu: "Imam plan kako će ti smrtnici izgubiti snagu." I munjom prepolovi stvorenje na dvoje, stvorivši tako muškarca i ženu. To je uvelike povećalo stanovništvo svijeta, no istodobno ih zbunilo i oslabilo- jer su sada morali ponovo tražiti svoj izgubljeni dio....
(kaže Platon...)

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  • lacrima=suza

Dragi mi ljudovi...


  • Fix You - Coldplay
    When you try your best but you don't succeed
    When you get what you want but not what you need
    When you feel so tired but you can't sleep
    Stuck in reverse

    And the tears come streaming down your face
    When you lose something you can't replace
    when you love some one but it goes to waste
    could it be worse?

    Lights will guide you home
    And ignite your bones
    And I will try to fix you

    high up above or down below
    When you're too in love to let it go
    But if you never try you'll never know
    Just what you're worth

    Lights will guide you home
    And ignite your bones
    And I will try to fix you

    Tears stream down your face
    When you lose something you cannot replace
    Tears stream down your face
    And I

    Tears stream down your face
    I promise you I will learn from my mistakes
    Tears stream down your face
    And I

    Lights will guide you home
    And ignite your bones
    And I will try to fix you.

    Rolling Stones- Angie
    Angie, Angie, when will those clouds all disappear?
    Angie, Angie, where will it lead us from here?
    With no loving in our souls and no money in our coats
    You can't say we're satisfied
    But Angie, Angie, you can't say we never tried
    Angie, you're beautiful, but ain't it time we said good-bye?
    Angie, I still love you, remember all those nights we cried?
    All the dreams we held so close seemed to all go up in smoke
    Let me whisper in your ear:
    Angie, Angie, where will it lead us from here?

    Oh, Angie, don't you weep, all your kisses still taste sweet
    I hate that sadness in your eyes
    But Angie, Angie, ain't it time we said good-bye?
    With no loving in our souls and no money in our coats
    You can't say we're satisfied
    But Angie, I still love you, baby
    Ev'rywhere I look I see your eyes
    There ain't a woman that comes close to you
    Come on Baby, dry your eyes
    But Angie, Angie, ain't it good to be alive?
    Angie, Angie, they can't say we never tried

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    U2- One
    Is it getting better?
    Or do you feel the same?
    Will it make it easier on you now?
    You got someone to blame
    You say
    One love
    One life
    When it's one need
    In the night
    One love
    We get to share it
    Leaves you baby if you
    Don't care for it

    Did I disappoint you?
    Or leave a bad taste in your mouth?
    You act like you never had love
    And you want me to go without
    Well it's

    Too late
    To drag the past out into the light
    We're one, but we're not the same
    We get to
    carry each other
    carry each other

    Have you come here for forgiveness?
    Have you come to raise the dead?
    Have you come here to play Jesus?
    To the lepers in your head

    Did I ask too much?
    More than a lot.
    You gave me nothing,
    Now it's all I've got
    We're one
    But we're not the same
    Well we
    Hurt each other
    Then we do it again
    You say
    Love is a temple
    Love the higher law
    Love is a temple
    Love the higher law
    You ask me to enter
    But then You make me crawl
    And I can't be holding on
    To what You got
    When all You've got is hurt

    One love
    One blood
    One life
    You got to do what you should
    One life
    With each other
    One life
    But we're not the same
    We get to
    Carry each other
    Carry each other


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    Guns 'n' Roses- November Rain

    When I look into your eyes
    I can see a love restrained
    But darlin' when I hold you
    Don't you know I feel the same
    'Cause nothin' lasts forever
    And we both know hearts can change
    And it's hard to hold a candle
    In the cold November rain
    We've been through this such a long long time
    Just tryin' to kill the pain
    But lovers always come and lovers always go
    An no one's really sure who's lettin' go today
    Walking away
    If we could take the time to lay it on the line
    I could rest my head
    Just knowin' that you were mine
    All mine
    So if you want to love me
    then darlin' don't refrain
    Or I'll just end up walkin'
    In the cold November rain

    Do you need some time...on your own
    Do you need some time...all alone
    Everybody needs some time...on their own
    Don't you know you need some time...all alone
    I know it's hard to keep an open heart
    When even friends seem out to harm you
    But if you could heal a broken heart
    Wouldn't time be out to charm you

    Sometimes I need some time...on my
    own Sometimes I need some time...all alone
    Everybody needs some time...on their own
    Don't you know you need some time...all alone

    And when your fears subside
    And shadows still remain, ohhh yeahhh
    I know that you can love me
    When there's no one left to blame
    So never mind the darkness
    We still can find a way
    'Cause nothin' lasts forever
    Even cold November rain

    Don't ya think that you need somebody
    Don't ya think that you need someone
    Everybody needs somebody
    You're not the only one
    You're not the only one

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    Opća Opasnost- Jednom kad noć
    Jednom kad noc
    Ukrade nebu
    Sve sto si voljela na njemu
    Bit ce ti zao, bit ce ti zao
    Sto nisi tu,
    Ruke pamte samo ljubav najbolju.

    Jednom kad usne
    Ne bude htjele
    U stranicu utjehu traziti,
    Suze ce srcu sapnuti da je pogrijesilo
    Jer nije ostalo tamo
    Gdje je jedno voljelo.

    Kada tuga jednom
    Na vrata dode,
    A samoca zaboli,
    Hoces li moci ime moje
    Sa usana svojih skloniti?

    Bili smo jednom najbolji,
    O nama su price pricali.
    I sada kad se sjetis
    Htjela bi vrijeme vratiti,
    Poslije mene su ti lade slomile
    Bure i vjetrovi.

    Parni Valjak-...a gdje je ljubav?

    Danima već kiša
    ja iz dura opet prelazim u mol
    i ne znam više kako
    od srca se ne smijem predugo.

    Krivi svijet i vrijeme za mene
    prelazim bez potrebe.
    Nisu šanse svima jednake
    ne možeš od istine.

    Oprostite na smetnji
    i ja bih rado nešto veselo.

    Al nema dobrih vijesti
    gorko valjda traži lagano.

    Sasvim krivo vrijeme za mene
    prolazim bez potrebe.
    Sve su boje sivo-srebrne,
    čekaš ljeto, a već zima je.

    ...a gdje je ljubav?

    Slažem dane, tugo
    ti si moja vjerna pratilja.
    A nema tome dugo
    još je bilo svjetla ispred nas.

    Tražim ljude, slabo pogađam
    čuvaj leđa svašta se događa.
    Sve su boje sivo-srebrne,
    čekaš ljeto, a već zima je.

    ...a gdje je ljubav?

    Parni Valjak- Malena
    Zašto pitaš: "Kako si?"
    Znaš da ću ti lagati.
    Čovjek teško priznaje
    svoje poraze.

    Ne, nisi dobro vidjela,
    to nisu suze u očima,
    Samo vjetar, samo vjetar.

    Malena, znam da nisi tako naivna,
    Malena, znam da pamtiš što si mi učinila,
    valjda ne očekuješ da ti priznam sve -
    koliko boli kad te vidim,
    koliko mi nedostaješ...
    Idi s mirom, svojim putem,
    pusti me...

    Nije da mi cvatu ruže,
    ne mogu rec' da uživam,
    ipak trajem, guram sam...

    Ne, nisi dobro vidjela,
    to nisu suze u očima,
    samo vjetar, samo vjetar.

    Malena, znam da nisi tako naivna,
    malena, znam da pamtiš što si mi učinila,
    valjda ne očekuješ da ti priznam sve -
    koliko boli kad te vidim,
    koliko mi nedostaješ...
    Idi s mirom, svojim putem,
    pusti me...