
29.03.2006., srijeda

Jamaican Poetry


As my eyes water
My dreams of love, turn to fear
The closer we get, the farther I want to be
I can't take a chance of being hurt again

I am not that strong
When I fall in love, I give you my heart to hold
I leave myself vulnerible, trust I depend on you
If you ever let go, I will be lifeless

You say you love me
I believe you do, but not as much as I need
I can't share your love, I'm not that giving
I think you know that you want it to end

I can't give you what you want
You ask for so much, you know I don't have it
I wish you didn't need it, it hurts to say no
I've ruined your dreams and mine

You want me to marry you
But to commit, I expect more
The longer I've known you, the more mysterious you've become
Those nights, those calls, I wish I knew of
Honesty just lost its meaning

You tell me to believe you
I know what I've heard, but you tell me different
I've seen proof, you say I'm crazy
I can't take a chance with my heart

I will be losing the most incredible woman
A Jamaican queen, reggae's finest dancer
Rastamen's delight, a Asian man's angel
She is more than I can handle

I wish I could take the chance
To ask you for your hand
I'm too careful, too used
Old men have hearts still, you know?


As the wind blows thru my dreadlocks
Caressing my Jamaican face
De-ja vu feelings take me back
To a distant time and place

To a time of Rastafari
And Iya-binghi chants
A time of ital living
Before my heart transplant

Before I fled to Babylon
To chase an American dream
Before I lost my passion
My youth and self-esteem

Back then I was a warrior
Proud, fierce and strong
Relentless in my struggles
A righteous Rasta man

I remember Rasta brethren
Youth and elder dreads
And Rastafari sisters
In colorful tie-heads

Going to Rasta meetings
Dreads stuffed under tams
Rasta celebrations
JahLoveMuzik jams

Back then things were cheaper
But funds were always low
Still we dressed so regal
You would never know

Yes those were the lean years
When I ‘n I was poor
But idrin shared with idrin
And no one kept a score

Some would have a spliff to share
Some a chalice load
Some ital food or change to spare
Before man hit the road

Now those days are far long gone
And the ways we used to live
And a different struggle pushes me on
In a land that don’t forgive

I struggle now with paying rent
A phone bill and car note
Winter’s high utility rates
And wifey’s new fur coat

Times and places all have changed
But memories still remain
Of Rasta vibes and Rasta lives
That I’ll never see again

Yes, as a cool breeze filters through
My graying natty dread
I glimpse a life that I once knew
And a Rasta tear is shed.

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