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Hilary Duff
Someone once said; "It's the good girls who keep diaries. The bad girls never have the time." Me? I just wanna live a life I'm gonna remember, even if I don't write it down.
-It's always gonna be there, isn't it? You and me.
- Moj blog je kreiran 24. 1. 2009. godine
-Ime:... MAIDA
-Prezime: .....
-Godina: 14
-Razred: 7
-Volim: Avril, Rihannu, One Tree Hill, svoj blogach, komove
-Ne volim: Paris Hilton, kad mi ne vracaju komove, svadju
-Naj film: A Cinderella story i The Notebook
-ko zeli msn nek javi u komovima
-Po mom blogu nema sranja....
-Znaci ak vam se ne svidja izadjite.....
-Komajte mi
-Sve komove vracam
-Ko ostavi vise od 10 komova ide u linkove
-Komati mogu i anonimni
-Desni klik ne pokusavajte...nazalost
-Muziku mozete pauzirati ak vam se ne slusa
-Novi post obicno pisem nakon 150 komova
-...........Dobru zabavu.......
* *sumrakica * *
WeLComE To. My BLOg!!
[ = ..!!!...LuDa...MaLa..!!!... = ]
što sve moj um može stvoriti...
:::°°MaLlA SlLaTkIcAa°°:::»-(`v´)-»...
----ČUDO STE------
......LUCASOVI CITATI.........
-It's always gonna be there, isn't it? You and me.
-Remember tonight, for it is the beginning of always.
A promise. Like a reward for persisting through life so long alone.
A belief in each other and the possibility of love.
A decision to ignore, simply rise above the pain of the past.
A covenant, which at once binds two souls and yet severs prior ties.
A celebration of the chance taken and the challenge that lies ahead.
For two will always be stronger than one, like a team braced against the tempest civil world.
And love will always be the guiding force in our lives. For tonight is mere formality.
Only an announcement to the world of feelings long held. Promises made long ago.
-Who knows where life will take you, the road is long and in the end the journey is the destination.
-Happiness comes in many forms.
In the company of good friends,
in the feeling you get when you make someone else’s dreams come true,or in a promise of hope renewed.
It’s ok to let yourself be happy,
because you never know how great that happiness might be.
Sometimes pain becomes such a huge part of your life,
that you expect it to always be there,
because you can’t remember a time in your life when it wasn’t.
But then one day you feel something else.
Something that feels wrong only because it’s so unfamiliar,
and in that moment you realize you’re happy.
.....BROOKINI CITATI.............
-And once you lose yourself, you have two choices: find the person you used to be... or lose that person completely...
-Someone once said; "It's the good girls who keep diaries. The bad girls never have the time." Me? I just wanna live a life I'm gonna remember, even if I don't write it down.
-I wanted you to fight for me. And tell me that you would rather be alone than with anyone else!
-People who are meant to be together always find a way to each other.
-Girls just want someone who wants them back, At least thats what I want
-Your I love you’s send people to their graves
-The truth is, I don't really like to think about college. Cause that means high school's over.
After graduation, everyone will probably go play basketball. Or sing or start record labels, -and I'll have to start all over. Alone. I'm sure I'll be fine. But like I said, I don't like to think about it.
-You're either on 'Team Brooke' or 'Team Peyton' and nobody wants to be on 'Team Peyton' because their captain is a big whore!
Don't you dare! Don't you dare try and twist my words around and make yourself seem like you not a backstabbing two-bitch Peyton, because you are. And you know it!"
.......MOJI STIHOVI.....
---- Voljela sam tebe tada vise nego zivot svoj
al sudbina je, duso, htjela da ne budes vise moj...
I sad kad te ugledam, srce mi se slama....
Onda cujem onaj glas iz glavi:
"Sad ostala si sama"
---- Nemojte se cuditi sto mi
od njegovog odlaska lose ide....
Bio je razlog mog zivljenja,
a on ne zivi vise.....
---- Ja sam od onih sto vole do bola
i ne ponosim se time....
Mislis li da mi je drago znati
da volim te sve vise....
a da se ti od mene udaljavas sve tise,
i sto mi u ljubavi padaju kise...
I sto mi, umjesto ruke tvoje, moja suze brise.
I sto sam sama, neshvacena, tuzna.
A najvise od svega toga mi najteze pada,
sto se moje sve jos tvojoj ljubavi nada....
---- Ja te znam, andjele, najbolje od svih...
Znam kad govoris, sta ustvari mislis...
Znam gdje si, kad i s kim...
Znam i kad si s drugom...
A to mi smeta,
ne mogu podnijeti to sto znam
da si mogao sad biti sa mnom
a ne s njom.......
--- Zemljo, otvori se, primi me k sebi
ja znam da njemu falila ne bi
On ima cura da dosadu skrati...
A ne vidi mene sto za njim patim....
Rastali smo se, a jos ga volim
Sta mi vrijedi zivot, ja necu da molim
Mozda kad me ne bude vise
shvati koliko gubi......
I da nije trebao drugu da ljubi....
Da imao je sve sto mu treba.....
Al ipak zemljo ja cuvat cu ga s neba....
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Ey ljudi hwala swima na komachima.....
Bit ce jos nagradnih igara....nadam se uskoro....
Ne znam ni ja kad ce to biti....jer skola je i to znate vec kak ide....
Pobjednica owe nagradne igre je Luda Mala imam je u linkovima....ostavila je najvise komova u zadanom vremenu.....
Vidjela sam da ce na hrt2 prije tree hilla biti i hannah montana...ona serija gdje glumi Miley Cyrus....Ne zanm hocu li je gledati...vidjet cu kakva bude....serija je mi Miley kao celebrity ide na zivce....samo mi je dobra njena pjesma 7 things...... ViDjEt cEmO
MALO SAM GOOGLALA I NAISLA NA PODATAK DA CE U 5.sezoni umrijet dvoje ljudi?…
Na veliko iznenađenje UMIRE PEYTON!!!!!!!!!!!…..
koliko je istina ne youtube se swasa mota i po googlu. Nadam se da nije istina.....
Navodno će imati rak dojke kao i njena majka. Za drugu osobu ne znam ali neki kažu da je to Dan a neki da je Karen. Sigurno se pitate što će sada bit sa Lucasom kad Peyton umre…
E pa na moju radost Lucas i Brooke će se VJENČATI!!!! BRUCAS AGAIN.......
LOL LOL jedwa cekam epizodu mi je zao PEYTON....smrc smrc
Mogu mislit kak im je to bilo snimati vjencanje, a razveli se u stvarnom zivotu!!!!
do sljedeceg posta bye....ak imate pitanja u vezi posta....pitajte...rado cu odgoworiti(ak znam naravno odgowor )