not learning your lesson the first time
History repeats itself
In a seven year cycle,
I was promised new cells
And in my new cells,
I got you all over them,
The same events
The same dates
The same moments
And everything else
repeating itself
at a seven year span,
have I gotten nowhere?
“Passion”, you called it
I thought “yes”, silently,
Then you called it “love”
After a few days I responded
“I love you back”
And we loved,
the dark,
the coffee,
the obscure brunches,
park moments,
car moments,
garden moments,
but the truth is
if at forty you have no place to go,
most likely
there is a reason for it.
We repeated the reasons,
For two months
Like seven years back
Thinking time hasn’t passed
Thinking we were the same
And we were
The same
And everything was the same
And our confusion of love and passion
Hadn’t changed,
Such a linguistical mistake
But the ending was the same,
Quick and Abrupt,
If only
we could only forget our immediate history
As we can the distant one.
I fear of the years to come
If nothing is to change.
And whose fault is that?
poredak ljubavi
bježim, bježim, bježim,
i tek otkrivam koliko brzo mogu da trčim,
da pomišljam da se bavim joggingom.
monkey mind, zvao ga je satya-sai,
okupira me u potpunosti.
stalno za njim brzam
i vrištim: preeeeestaniiiiii!!!
pojest će me, vlastita razmišljanja.
a posvuda me dočekuje riječ: meditacija.
podsjetnici su inače ovaj put strašni,
tako jebeno očiti.
pokušavam uhvatiti tko donosi dileme,
ali one se jednostavno pojave,
ne mogu vjerovati. ne mogu.
treba mi nešto pod prstima. riječ.
bježim, i znam da je to uzorak.
bježim, i ne znam kako protiv njega.
i čini mi se da bolje ne znam.