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OH...NAKON VREMENA I VREMENA I VREMENA PRIMILA ME NOSTALGIJA I SAD SAM OVDJE - ...:::broken hearts and torn up letters,girl you just can't dance forever,if you wanna make it better times like these won't last forever:::... -
o meni :) - Myspace Layouts, Myspace Icons, Myspace Backgrounds!

VOLIM : nutellu na žlicu,izgubljene (omg obožavam),ljeto,patike,hello kitty,prijatelje,fiziku i kad odem na more
MRZIM:roditeljske,tjelesni,večinu profača na školi,matematiku i idijote
SLUŠAM:mamu pod obavezno

NAJVEČA ŽELJA:upoznati johnnya=)!!!¤

Samo ja.Sve učim iz svojih pogreška prošlosti.Imam dana kad sam sretna.I onda volim sve oko sebe.Ima dana kad pošizim.Sjetim se te prošlosti i pitam se dali je bilo vrijedno mojih suza?Imala sam se...Nekad davno.sve sam izgubila.Al to me ne spriječava da idem dalje.:)
Voljela sam. Voljela sma prejako. dala sam sve od sebe samo da ON bude kraj mene.nije...nije.volim ga još i sad...kad ga gledam dok hoda hoču ja hodati kraj njega.kad JU grli srce mi se para jer htjela bi da grli mene...
Jednoga dana I JA BUDEM SRETNA....
Moja najbolja prijateljica na icq says:
slušaj me sad dobro...dijete moje drago daj malo živosti!...gledaj,koliko god on dobar bio i savršen i ne znam šta,a da te na kraju povrijedi,nijedan,ali ponavljam NIJEDAN dečko nije vrijedan da se jedna od mojih best frendica,koju volim puno puno,toliko živcira i pati...i ovo kaj govoriš da ces biti sama?...dijete pa imaš toliko frendica i frendova koji nece dopustit da sama lutaš gradom i smrzavaš no...necu ti JA to dopustit..a na kraju možda shvati kolko je dragocijeno blogo izgubio.... i možda se bude zbog toga kaj ti je napravi kajal...uostalom tko zna,do tada veè možda cete upravo ti i On šetat zagrljeni gradom...zajedno u borbi protiv hladnoce...iskreno se nadam..
p.s. nismo nikad

hopeless romatic
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I hope you are happy
They may be just words
But I really mean them
I hope that you never think of me
But when you do,
Make it just a moment

I hope you are satisfied
This girl you chose over me
Must be really something
This girl who cost you
She cost you our friendship

But don't let that stop you
I want you to be happy with her
Spend your lives together
Just the way she planned
Make her feel special

Just promise me one thing
Don't think of me

Feel the pain I'm feeling
do you hear me crying?
i didn't wanna do it
i had to from your lieing

i said goodbye once
and ill say it again
it rips me up inside
when i hear your name

see you face in dreams
and feel you in my heart
never wanted to see that day
that we had to grow apart. . . - Myspace Layouts, Myspace Icons, Myspace Backgrounds!

She bows her head,
in disappointment
remembering all the
things she said.

A tear drops from her eye,
slowly wipes it away
as she starts to cry.

Flowing so freely, working at a
never ending pace,
as if its their job,
to flow so fast from her face.

Remembering past mistakes,
only living for yesterday,
there was only so much she could take.

Broken Hearts, Broken Life's,
Broken dreams.
Ready to move on,
and stitch the torn seams.

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No longer will i wait for you
no longer will i cry
no longer will i keep this pain
locked up on the inside

You said you cared for me
and i really cared for you
I really wanted to believe
but not all of it was true

Everything started out great
it was all going fine
then i had to stop and wait
and see if it was really mine

I still have feelings for you
and u might still have some for me
but i really dont know what to do
cuz your not who you use to be

I will always love you
and will always care
no matter what you do
i will always be there

Waiting For You !


Crying at
night is what
she does best.

cutting into her
wrist deeper then
the rest.

depression seeps
out of her veins.

this the only way she
can even get rid of her
lonely pains.

no one wants to be
with this stain in love anyway.

so here she sways and dances
with death and her knife.

forever prepared to take
last breath and end her
lonely life

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Life has no purpose,
Hearts fall apart.

Words have no meaning,
Love does not take part.

Souls die, needing,
Sounds aren't worth hearing.

Spirits are in hiding,
Touch has no feeling.

Whispers aren't silent,
Eyes can only cry.

Laughs are forbidden.
Without you,
I shall die.. - Myspace Layouts, Myspace Icons, Myspace Backgrounds!

Every Second
Takes me away
takes me a mile
From your I Love you Smile
Another second
that could have been used
ItA?´s true what they say
Love is made for two
The seconds without you
Seem like years
Years that get longer
But my love never fades.

Without You
By my side
I wanna cry
Forget my pride
Even without you
our love is strong
ItA?´s our L-O-V-E
that keeps me going
Keeps me going
Just one more second
But itA?´s another second
Without You

The way that your eyes
Shine like
the sun in the sky.
The way that you walk
the way that you talk.
The way that you smile
It takes me miles
Miles from the place
I knew before
Before I knew you
Before the happiness
you bring
The without you
nothingness I felt
Before I loved you.

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Onto the sea
I sailed my boat
And prayed that it
Would stay afloat

From dawn til dusk
From dusk til dawn
In search of love
I drifted on

What happened then
I don't recall
I think it was
A sudden squall

For when I awoke
I thought I died
At the sight of an angel
At my side

But lucky for me
That was not true
For I found love
And love was you.

...:::broken hearts and torn up letters,girl you just can't dance forever,if you wanna make it better times like these won't last forever:::...

četvrtak, 05.04.2007.


promjenilo se sve.da:) od zadnjeg javljanja.znam.nije bilo dizajna niste mogi čitat moja miš evo me.nisam sigurna da budem pisala ko inač jednostavno primila me nostalgija za blogom.ipak,na njemu sam pisala sve događaje.i prije više od godinu dana,kad sam bila najsretnija dijelila sam svoju sreću sa vama.Pa..od kuda da krenemo.
Evo me tu sa slomljenom bilo je veselo ja sam pretjerala i ode mi ligament.šit hepens.i dalje imam svoje curke koje volim.e,da največa novost je trojka s matematike :P
I nije više moja ljubav onaj koji je bil.ah.bilo prošlo.i sadsam tak uzbuđena da opet pišem blog,da mi ništ ne pada na pamet :) i da promjenila sam frisku,namjeravam nabaciti još koji pirsač,al još uvjek volim svoje slipsice haha.i gerarda naravno.ipak to je ljubav koja traje vječ se čujemo.onak :D

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Opis blogača

¤blog mi nebreju komentirati oni koji nemaju svoj,oni koji ne ukucaju link¤

blog o jednom malo hopeless romanticu,malo izgubljenom i zmotanom.koji je zapravo sretan,al opet ne :( al 16 mu je godina tek.

mali crnušni romantičar (ya)

jedna za dvije :/

i love you my emo boy :( i made this!

tonka i ja (ona je u CRVENOME)

ome kao djete (1. razred)


for my broken heart

Can my life get better?
Or is it gonna stay?
Can I start again?
Or will it go away?
Can I ask you something?
Why did God choose me?
Can I take I back?
Or will it always be?
Can I find my mummy?
But why?d she leave me here?
Can I stop this hurting?
Who?ll wipe away my tear?
Can you make me happy?
Then why am I so sad?
Can you tell me exactly why?
Why were you so mad?
Can you take my life?
Cause I don?t want to live
Can you tell me why you left?
I have my life to give
Can you tell my daddy
That it?ll be ok,
I?ll be waiting for him
And I?ll see him soon.. one day
Can?t somebody hear me,
Promise you won?t cry?
Cause it was my decision
It was my choice to die
Can you promise something?
Please smile when I go
I should?ve told my love my heart
I guess he?ll never know
Can you understand me?
I?m sorry but it?s true
I couldn?t handle all the shit
That I was going through
My spirit inside, was captured
But I?ve just set it free
Tell everyone I?m sorry
But if you would only see
Abuse is really painful
I couldn?t take the pain
Don?t forget I?ll wait right here
To see you once again
I love you for your friendship
Promise not to cry,
I?ll see you in another life
I love you?..and goodbye

Standing here all on my own,
watching life go by,
taking in those dreadful words,
...a tear drops from my eye,
I stood there as i watched you run,
and waited for the pain,
love can be a painful thing,
you used my love in vain,
Why'd you leave me here to cry?,
our love had felt so...right,
why'd you go and break my heart,
just like you did that night,
let me kiss your lips once more,
so I can see it's true,
help me see your love is gone,
that I can't be with you,
don't leave me here to fall apart,
to watch you fade away,
tell me how you really feel,
and why you just won't stay,
I never thought I'd cry so much,
I want to see this through...
although you'll never feel for me.....
I always will love you.

Dreaming about you and me,
waking up and knowing itll never be.
You are always in my dreams,
I dont know why, or what it means.
My dreams are filled with thoughts of you,
Us together, someday two.