Filmovi erotski - Pravi datiranje

subota , 12.01.2019.

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Click here: Filmovi erotski

Monamur …………2005 Tinto Brass 4. Daneel otkriva da je odrastao u obliznjem sirotistu i odvodi Sophie na malo ostrvo usred Crnog MOra. Njeno prijateljstvo sa prijate... Istina je da Aini klijenti od nje očekuju da im ispunjava različite seksualne fantazije, ali ovo je pre svega priča o dehumanizovanom društvu, o mraku u kojem se baš nigde ne nazire trag svetlosti — o usamljenosti, na kraju, i na početku!

filmovi erotski

Prica o zivotu penzionisanog porno glumca koji dobija iznenadni poziv da za ve... Upravo takve smo i izdvojili. U 60-ima pojavila su se tri filmska naslova erotskog predznaka — Diplomac 1967.

filmovi erotski

Kategorija - erotski - Film će svoju premijeru imati u Srbiji na FEST-u 5.

filmovi erotski

Glumacku ekipu cine hrvatski glumci mlade generacije, a film se sastoji od sedam erotskih novela snimljenih u jednom kadru, koje su duhovite i gorke, a obiluju scenama eksp... Dok ona spava pod dejstvom sedativa, muskarci sa njom zadovoljavaju svoje erotske fantazije. Ona se nakon budje... Film je radjen u 3D tehnologij... Magija, fantazija i keltska mitologija, susrele su se u ovom ostvarenje koje pleni svojom lepotom i plemenitioscu. Film govori o posledicama rata, o onom iracinalnom sto ra... S istim sarmom, duhovitoscu i duhom originalnih prica, ovaj novi film ce ponovo ujediniti publiku s fi... Ovaj put, Crvenkapa je pozvana da istrazi nestanak dvoje neduzne dece - Ivice i Marice. Njih je otela opaka vestica, koja ne preza ni od najgnusnijih 3D zlodela d... Prica o zivotu penzionisanog porno glumca koji dobija iznenadni poziv da za ve... Film prikazije godinu dana koju su Dzanger i Heterington proveli... U filmu FROZEN, proročanstvo će okovati kraljevstvo večnom zimom, zbog čega će Ana morati da se udruži sa Kristofom, odvažnim planinskim čovekom i k... Budući da je Driss iz radničke obitelji i nedavno pušten iz zatvora, on je, ukratko, najman... Nakon što Neđa umre i njihova egzistencija biva ozbiljno ugrožena, glava porodi... Zajedno sa profesionalnim instruktorom nastoji da spremi tinejdžere za predstojeće v... Radnja se desava u Parizu 1910. Marsupilami je simpatična egzotična životinja tačkasto žutog krzna i dugačkog repa,... Kada Drakula vodi hotel, u goste mu dolaze Frankenstein i vukodlaci, a glavna smetnja su - obicni ljudi! Tada u Zemljinu orbitu dospeva cudna materija, koja potice iz 11. Jedan covek cini sve sto moze da zastiti svoju trudnu zenu od inficiranih komsija u izolovanoj zgradi. U zelji da razume sinovljev p... Ovaj 3D animirani crtani prati cudno sumsko bice koje zeli da pomogne jednom decaku da osvoji devojcicu u koju je zaljubljen. Radnja se desava za vreme kratkog rata izmedju Rusije i Dzordzije. U medjuvremenu, policijski transport zatvorenika pod nadzorom Interpola krece ka Beogradu. Glume Liam Nison, Bruklin Deker, Piter Sarsgard, Rihana. Pomorske snage SAD nailaze na vanzemaljski brod cija j... Brat i sestra kriju mracnu tajnu, tu su i ljubazni sumski rendzer sa svojim starim psom, kao i cetiri igraca tenisa koje prate lokalni policajci... Radnja filma je smestena u feudalno doba Japana i predstavlja pravo osvezenje za ljubitelej filmova sa borilackim vesti... Daneel otkriva da je odrastao u obliznjem sirotistu i odvodi Sophie na malo ostrvo usred Crnog MOra. Tu pocinju da im se desavaju neobjasnjiv... Kada njegov zet upadne u los dil sa lokalnim kriminalcima New Orleansa, on mora da otplati njegov dug kako... Prica o otpadnicima koji zive kao bube i postaju heroji snimljena po scenariju Dimitrija Vojnova, Nikole Pejakovica i Pe... Film postavlja pitanje da li su jedinstvene sposobnosti naše rase opasnost za svet. Usput, devojčica saznaje pravu istinu o američkom društvu, kao i opasnostima koje nosi njena na... Siroce koje zivi na zeleznickoj stanici otkriva da je njegov pokojni otac ostavio tajni izum za sobom. Film prati grupu gej aktivista koji pokusavaju da organizuju Paradu ponosa u Beogradu. Kada policija odbije da obezbedjuje skup, oni se obracaju Limunu Kojo , vlasni... Oni su bili među prvim doseljenicima na teritoriji današnje Vojvodine, da bi kasnije, posle Drugog svetskog rata, bili proterani o... Nobelov testament mediji iz više razloga nazivaju novom trilogijom Milenijum. Kao i Milenijum, ovaj film nastao je prema... Radnja se odvija u ruralnoj Engleskoj i Evropi za vreme Prvog Svetskog rata. Ovo je epska drama za gledaoce svih uzra... Godine 1945, u tajnoj bazi na Antartiku, nacisti su lansirali svemirske brodove da bi napravili bazu na tamnoj strani Meseca. Tamo su izgradili snaznu invazionu flotu... Dokumentarac Dušana Čavića i Dušana Šaponje, poznatih Duće i Duće - autor... On se bavi pitanjem Afrike i šta sve može da se kupi kada ste belac, pa još diplomata. To je režirani dokumentarac koji prati Joea Garnera koji je odlučio da preživi samo uz pomoć najveće baze oglasa u... Mocna transkontinentalna zeleznicka tajkunka, Degni Tagart, bori se da odrzi svoj posao u zivotu, dok se drustvene... Preizveli tinejdzeri ponov pokusavaju da prevare smrt. Radnja filma prati Rebeku, mladu devojku koju progoni očevo samoubistvo. Njeno prijateljstvo sa prijate... Na rusevinama Severne Amerike, nalazi se zemlja Panem, sa blistavim glavnim gradom Kapitolom i 12 distrikta. Jugoslovenski svemirski program, kako se navodi u filmu, poceo je 1948. CIA otkrila tajne planove Jugoslavije da osvoji svemir. Mladi advokat Arthur Kipps odlazi u jedno mestašce kako bi prodao kuću jedne udovice. Već pri samom dolasku u to mesto oseća... Da li ce priroda ostati ziva i zdrava ili ce je zlo... Kimberli se godinama bori protiv neplodnosti dok joj tim naucnika ne pomogne tako sto joj usade embrion - klon Isusa Hrista. Emily, kćerka bogatog biznismena dolazi u Miami kako bi postala profesionalna plesačica, ali se ubrzo zaljubljuje u Seana, mladića koji predvodi plesnu... Prema romanu Dzona le Karea scenario je napisao Piter Morgan, a film je rezir... On tumaci lik Carlija Kentona... Film je podeljen na vise poglavlja, i u svakom se razjasnjava kako svet funkcionise. Scotta Fitzgeralda Veliki Getsbi u režiji Baza Luhrmanna će biti premijerno prikazana na Božić 2012. U filmu glavnu ulogu, tajkuna Jaya Gatsbyja igra Leonardo DiCaprio, dok se... Joe: Odmazda, u kome glavnu ulogu glumi Brus Vilis.

Erotski Film katarina
Marsupilami je simpatična egzotična životinja tačkasto žutog krzna i dugačkog repa,... I da bi pokazali da ne mora sve na planu seksualnosti da bude vulgarno. Film o ljudima koje vode osnovne ljudske potrebe — instinkti, opsesije, ambicije, strahovi i frustracije. S istim sarmom, duhovitoscu i duhom originalnih prica, ovaj novi film ce ponovo ujediniti publiku s fi... Otac joj ima teško oboljenje u poodmakloj fazi.

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Oznake: porno, filmovi, besplatni

Bijela rotkva kolac - Brzog datiranja

Kalorijska vrijednost obroka

Click here: Bijela rotkva kolac

PRELOM — nekog ekstremiteta — ohladite malo, da niste preterali PREMIJA — u dobrom ste društvu pa uspeh neće izostati PRENEMAGATI SE — obratite pažnju na ponašanje da ne izgubite nekog vrednog i dragog prijatelja PRESELITI SE — poslovni uspeh, nagrada za dobro urađen posao i sl. Svakodnevno vježbajte sporo, duboko disanje. Jede se kad je potpuno zreo i tvrd, prerađuje se u brašno, a prženi i mljeveni rogač izvrsna je zamjena za kavu ili kakkao, ili kao dodatak kavi od cikorije tzv.

bijela rotkva kolac

Zbog antiseptičkog djelovanja pučka medicina smokvu rabi za početne upale grla i pluća, a kao vermifug za liječenje nametnika i parazita u crijevima. Upotrebljava se za topla jela.

bijela rotkva kolac

Pronađi namirnicu - Po konturama zaključio sam da je u pitanju muškarac.

bijela rotkva kolac

Prije nekoliko godina kupila sam smreku s korijenom koja je poslužila kao božićno drvce nekoliko godina. Nakon kićenja iznosila sam je na dvorište gdje je uza sjeverni zid kuće boravila sve do idućih blagdana. Nekoliko dana prije kićenja drvce bih unijela u hladan hodnik da u dnevnoj sobi ne doživi toplotni šok zbog centralna grijanja. Isto tako bih postupila i prije iznošenja biljke natrag na dvorište da ne strada pri nagloj promjeni temperature. Stablo jele ili smreke u loncu, posebice srednje visoke četinjače, kao što je stupolika smreka uske krošnje, korejska jela s tamnozelenom pravilnom krošnjom ili vitka i elegantna omorika, kao blagdanski ures može poslužiti nekoliko godina. Dakako, samo ako je posađeno u dovoljno velik lonac u mješavinu vrtne zemlje i komposta i ako ga redovito zalijevate. Kad biljka postane prebujna i korijenje posve ispuni lonac, posadite je u pogodan dio vrta, gdje će imati dovoljno prostora i godinama biti lijep ukras. Kupljenoj jeli ili smreki u loncu dobro provjerite korijen. Ako je neposredno prije prodaje izvađena iz rasadnika i ugurana u lonac, najčešće je vidljivo samo snažno glavno korijenje, a sitnog je vlaknastog korijenja malo. Takvo se drvce lako može osušiti poslije sadnje. Za sadnju u vrt ili za daljnji uzgoj u loncu izabrati valja samo one biljke koje su i u rasadniku bile uzgajane u loncu, pa im je korijenova bala čvrsta, puna sitnog korijenja, koje posve ispunjava supstrat. Takvo će drvce uz redovito i obilno zalijevanje lakše podnijeti topao i suh zrak, osobito u prostorijama s centralnim grijanjem, no ne dulje od desetak dana. Mnogo je bolje ako je smješteno u hladnijoj prostoriji u kojoj je zrak dovoljno vlažan. Poslije blagdana drvce pažljivo raskitite i što prije iznesite van da se ne probudi iz zimskog mirovanja pa ga, bude li moguće, odmah posadite. Ako padne snijeg ili tlo bude smrznuto, lonac omotajte kartonom ili jutenom vrećom, iznesite ga na zaštićenu terasu ili balkon, u hladno svijetlo spremište ili garažu, gdje može nekoliko tjedana pričekati povoljno vrijeme za sadnju. Čim bude moguće drvce posadite u pripremljenu jamu, tako duboko kao u loncu, dodajući na dno jame i oko korijenja mješavinu zemlje i treseta ili zrela komposta. Zemlju oko korijenove bale dobro utisnite i zalijte. Uz stabalce ukoso zabodite kolac za učvršćenje debla i zaštitu od jakih zimskih vjetrova, a na mjestu veza oko debla omotajte komad jutene vreće ili sličnog debelog platna da se ne ošteti kora. Pišem o biljkama koje rastu u našim vrtovima, bilo da su ukrasne ili korisne, poželjne ili nepoželjne. Biljke koje uzgajamo u posudama na dvorištu, na balkonu, na terasi i u kući, također su dio naših vrtova pa pišem i o njima. No jedan vrt ne čine samo biljke, tu su i mikroorganizmi, gljive i životinje pa ćemo i njih povremeno spomenuti. Pišem i o tome kako oblikovati pojedine dijelove vrta te o radovima koje tijekom godine, mjesec po mjesec, u svakom vrtu valja obaviti. Osim vrtlarskog podsjetnika, alata i pribora i digitalac mi je uvijek pri ruci pa uz tekstove koje čitate možete vidjeti i moje fotografije. Pišem i o lijepim i zanimljivim biljkama koje sam zapazila i fotografirala u prirodi i u gradskim parkovima, a voljela bih da se nađu i u mom vrtu. Nadam se da će upute i savjeti što ih objavljujem na ovom blogu i novim i starim vrtlarima bar malo pomoći pri oblikovanju vrta i uzgoju što ukusnijeg i kvalitetnijeg povrća i voća te prelijepoga mirisnog cvijeća.

Zrna kafe - Recept
Mnogo stolaca i inventara trebalo je biti pospremljeno; zaključio sam da neću leći prije tri ujutro. Mješavinu većine ovih biljaka kuhajte u velikom loncu na laganoj vatri, i dobit ćete biljnu juhu koja posjeduje sva potrebna dobra svojstva. Domaćica mora imati dovoljan broj posluge koja učestvuje u svemu tome. Zbog arome začine i aromatično bilje treba stavljati na kraju kuvanja, ali ne u svakom slučaju. Neka lagano vrije u pokrivenoj posudi deset minuta. Chillyji ---------------- čili su sveže ili sušene paprike. To rade da bih zaštitili meso , a pri tome uviđavaju da je meso ukusnije.

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Oznake: pronaći, namirnicu

Moj telenor portal - Datiranje za seks

MOJ SBB - Više brzih informacija i rešenja za vas

Click here: Moj telenor portal

Zbog trenutnih ograničenja funcionalnosti se razlikuju u odnosu na zemlju u kojoj se aplikacija koristi: Telenor Srbija Bilo da ste pripejd ili postpejd korisnik, sada u svakom trenutku imate jednostavan pregled i mogućnost aktivacije dodataka i aktuelnih kampanja koji vas zanimaju. Ako ste do sada koristili aplikaciju 111 Meni jednostavnim ažuriranjem aplikacije dobićete novu aplikaciju koja je u pogledu strukture i funkcionalnosti usaglašena sa korisničkim portalom Moj Telenor.

moj telenor portal

Odlikuju je novi, moderni dizajn, novo korisničko iskustvo i nove funkcionalnosti. Telenor Srbija i Telenor Crna Gora Moj Telenor je naslednica aplikacija 111 Meni i 123 Meni.

moj telenor portal

MOJ SBB - Više brzih informacija i rešenja za vas - Ukoliko se korisnik nalazi u Telenor mreži, neće se naplaćivati internet saobraćaj koji nastane korišćenjem aplikacije ukoliko ste prepaid korisnik Telenora Srbija i imate aktiviranu uslugu Telenor Klik, internet saobraćaj ostvaren korišćenjem aplikacije oduzeće se od besplatnih megabajta u okviru te usluge.

moj telenor portal

Moj Telenor je zvanična aplikacija Telenor d. Telenor Srbija i Telenor Crna Gora Moj Telenor je naslednica aplikacija 111 Meni i 123 Meni. Odlikuju je novi, moderni dizajn, novo korisničko iskustvo i nove funkcionalnosti. Ako ste do sada koristili aplikaciju 111 Meni jednostavnim ažuriranjem aplikacije dobićete novu aplikaciju koja je u pogledu strukture i funkcionalnosti usaglašena sa korisničkim portalom Moj Telenor. Korisnici Telenora Crna Gora je potrebno da instaliraju aplikaciju Moj Telenor kao novu aplikaciju. Zbog trenutnih ograničenja funcionalnosti se razlikuju u odnosu na zemlju u kojoj se aplikacija koristi: Telenor Srbija Bilo da ste pripejd ili postpejd korisnik, sada u svakom trenutku imate jednostavan pregled i mogućnost aktivacije dodataka i aktuelnih kampanja koji vas zanimaju. Pored toga, tu su i sve informacije o stanju vašeg računa, odnosno iznosu kredita i dopuna, kao i grafički prikaz preostalih minuta, poruka i megabajta, grafički prikaz računa za šest meseci unazad i prikaz mesečne potrošnje. Telenor Crna Gora Bilo da ste pripejd ili postpejd korisnik, sada u svakom trenutku imate jednostavan pregled i mogućnost aktivacije dodataka i aktuelnih kampanja koji vas zanimaju. Pored toga, tu su i sve informacije o stanju vašeg računa, odnosno iznosu kredita i dopuna, kao i grafički prikaz preostalih minuta, poruka i megabajta. Ukoliko koristite neki od novih Play+ paketa, Moj Telenor aplikacija sadrži funkcionalnost za upravljanje digitalnim servisima u okviru vašeg paketa. Aplikaciji možete pristupati preko Telenor GPRS mreže ili WiFi mreže. Na samom početku je neophodno da povežete svoj broj sa aplikacijom nakon čega je možete nesmetano koristiti. Ukoliko se korisnik nalazi u Telenor mreži, neće se naplaćivati internet saobraćaj koji nastane korišćenjem aplikacije ukoliko ste prepaid korisnik Telenora Srbija i imate aktiviranu uslugu Telenor Klik, internet saobraćaj ostvaren korišćenjem aplikacije oduzeće se od besplatnih megabajta u okviru te usluge. Protok podataka nastao korišćenjem aplikacije u romingu naplaćivaće se po važećim cenama za prenos podataka u romingu. Moj Telenor je jedina zvanična Telenor aplikacija. Telenor ne snosni nikakvu odgovornost ukoliko korisnik instalira i koristi bilo koju drugu aplikaciju sličnih funkcionalnosti. Telenor ne savetuje svojim korisnicima ostavljanje svog korisničkog imena i šifre za pristup portalu Moj Telenor aplikacijama koje je razvila treća strana. Ukoliko korisnik ipak to uradi, čini to na sopstvenu odgovornost, rizikujući zloupotrebu ličnih podataka, i nastanak štete za korisnike i Telenor. Nekoliko komentara: - Ukoliko je aktiviran PIN, prilikom pokretanja aplikacije bi bilo dobro da se odmah pojavi tastatura za unos kao na staroj aplikaciji , umesto da prvo mora da se klikne na kruzice.

Moj Telenor aplikacija - Zaštita od isključenja
Telenor Srbija i Telenor Crna Gora Moj Telenor je naslednica aplikacija 111 Meni i 123 Meni. Smatramo da samo zajedničkim snagama i umrežavanjem svih učesnika na tržištu možemo da pomerimo granice, pratimo trendove, odolimo izazovima, razvijemo zdravu konkurenciju, unapredimo poslovanje i položaj struke. Ako ste do sada koristili aplikaciju 111 Meni jednostavnim ažuriranjem aplikacije dobićete novu aplikaciju koja je u pogledu strukture i funkcionalnosti usaglašena sa korisničkim portalom Moj Telenor. Moj Telenor je zvanična aplikacija Telenor d. Radi se o portalu dostupnom u web i mobilnoj varijanti, koji vam nakon registracije nudi mogućnost personalizovanja izgleda portala, izdvajanja vama važnih stvari od onih manje bitnih, postavljanja novih i premeštanja postojećih vidžeta. Zbog trenutnih ograničenja funcionalnosti se razlikuju u odnosu na zemlju u kojoj se aplikacija koristi: Telenor Srbija Bilo da ste pripejd ili postpejd korisnik, sada u svakom trenutku imate jednostavan pregled i mogućnost aktivacije dodataka i aktuelnih kampanja koji vas zanimaju. Ukoliko korisnik ipak to uradi, čini to na sopstvenu odgovornost, rizikujući zloupotrebu ličnih podataka, i nastanak štete za korisnike i Telenor. Zbog trenutnih ograničenja funcionalnosti se razlikuju u odnosu na zemlju u kojoj se aplikacija koristi: Telenor Srbija Bilo da ste pripejd ili postpejd korisnik, sada u svakom trenutku imate jednostavan pregled i mogućnost aktivacije dodataka i aktuelnih kampanja koji vas zanimaju.

[Faks za dopisivanje s curama|Vesna rivas gola|Aktivnosti za upoznavanje]

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Mladi decko i starija zena - Pronađi pratnju

Starija žena i mlađi muškarac – dobitna kombinacija?

Click here: Mladi decko i starija zena

Polako raste nasa rublika legende jer kad se sjetimo ti nasih dragih prijatelja zajebancijama nikad kraja. Pika Tacić je stanovao u Gospodskoj ulici. Mi djeca svi zapanjeni, gledamo u nase idole,nemozemo govoriti. Ukoliko od te veze nastane intenzivna fizička afera, to je nešto u čemu će žena uživati i što će joj pomoći prebroditi stare osjećaje.

mladi decko i starija zena

I on i ekipa med. Dobar koncert nije nikad na odmet, samo sto je to bilo pa proslo. Mlađa žena možda ima čvršće tijelo, ali starija žena svome će mlađem ljubavniku znati priuštiti nenadmašno seksualno iskustvo.

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Forum - Prije 2 dana pocela je njena Evropska turneja u Mancesteru pa cemo jos vidjeti.

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Od tada, žene su daleko dogurale, a današnja seksualna revolucija vezana je za moć i povjerenje. Danas žene znaju što žele, ne brine ih što njihov frajer misli i konačno mogu u potpunosti same odlučivati što je dobro, a što loše za njih. A s modernom seksualnom revolucijom javlja se sve više žena koje svoj emotivni i seksualni život dijele sa mnogo mlađim muškarcem. Pume su žene koje imaju dečka najmanje osam godina mlađeg od sebe, najčešće 15 godina ili više. One su uspješne, seksi i u punom naponu snage, znaju što žele i kako to žele i ne treba im nitko tko će im pokušavati upravljati životom. Ona ima životno iskustvo, educirana je i sofisticirana — tri osobine kojima se muškarci dive. Danas, žene su financijski uspješnije nego ikad, a ovaj preokret je promijenio i ono što mnogi muškarci žele od partnerice. Dečke često privlači, prije svega, samostalnost žene, njen jasan smjer u životu i uspjeh u poslu. Privlačnost mlađih muškaraca Žene u tim odnosima također ubiru koristi. Budući da mlađi dečki još možda nemaju odabranu karijeru s puno vremena, oni su često bezbrižniji, opušteniji i uvijek spremni za što god im se predloži — što može biti dobrodošla promjena za žene koje su bile u vezama sa svojim zahtjevnijim vršnjacima koji su stalno pod stresom. A važan dio priče je i podizanje ega! Osim toga, mlađi muškarci često svoje starije djevojke uzdižu na pijedestal i lakše ih je impresionirati postignućima negoli starije muškarce. A tko to ne bi volio? Kao što to starije žene u vezi s mlađim muškarcem već znaju, kad jednog uhvatite ili on uhvati vas, svejedno je to je kao da ste dobili na seksualnoj lutriji - i ne samo zato što su žene u vrhuncu spolne moći mnogo kasnije od muškaraca. Žena u tridesetima je jako seksualno kompatibilna sa muškarcem u ranim ili srednjim dvadesetima, tvrdi Linda Banner, dr. A to samopouzdanje vrlo je privlačno mlađim muškarcima. A ako imate oboje, još bolje! Prigrlite pumu u sebi Nemojte se fokusirati na godine. Ako je odlučio viđati se s vama, znači da njemu godine ne znače ništa, pa nemojte dodatnu pozornost na to svraćati pošalicama ili komentarima jer ćete samo ispasti nesigurni. Radije, se opustite, pokažite mu sve svoje čari i što sve prava žena nudi. Pozovite ga na otvorenje izložbe slika, skuhajte mu egzotičnu večeri, uživajte u degustiranju vina. Dozvolite mu da plati večeru. Iako vjerojatno vi zarađujete više, nemojte uvijek platiti račun. Bez obzira na godine, on mora osjetiti da doprinosi u vezi. Pokažite mu kako se to radi u krevetu. Vi već imate iskustvo, pa ga podijelite s njim. Osim toga jedna od povlastica hodanja s mlađim muškarcem: Njihov je cilj da vam ugode u krevetu. Žene se često osjećaju stidljivo i ne žele reći kada im nešto ne odgovara, ali mlađi dečki žele smjernice! Ne samo da su željni naučiti nove tehnike, već će ih uzbuđenje što vas mogu zadovoljiti natjerati da se i dalje trude! Ona je moja mama bila puma, i to još 60-ih godina. Dok sam bila klinka, mislila sam da se zbog toga trebam sramiti, ali što sam bila starija, to mi je to bilo normalnije. Dakle, mama je osam godina starija od tate. I kad gledam sliku s njihovog vjenčanja, razlika se uopće ne vidi. Mm je četiri godine stariji od mene, kad smo prohodali bilo mi je 17. Znam dosta parova naše generacije, a i mlađih, gdje su žene starije dvije do pet godina i super funkcioniraju. Mi se tu čudimo brakovima gdje supružnici imaju više od 10 godina razlike, a prije 100tinjak godina kad su postojali kombinirani brakovi normalno je bilo da se što mlađe djevojke udaju za starije i naravno bogate muškarce. To je tada bio interes obitelji, ali nije bilo čak ni tako davno. Dobro, skrenula sam ja malo sa tebe, no ne vidim čemu toliko čuđenja. Ako je ljudima dobro, nek uživaju.

Mina Kostić - Stariji Čovek
Ovim se spontanim dogadjajem sjetim moga jarana Lule,koji sada silom prilika zivi u Sanskom Mostu,kao i Herc i jos mnogo nase prave raje. Fadilovi komentari su na mjestu umjereno, normalno nase Banjalucki, zna sve bandit........... I Adi i Huso. Pita ga Željo ima li šta para da se utale i igraju protiv mene Željo dobar igrac, ja koka... I evo ovaj zadnji utorak gledam i ZZ-TOP na prepunom stadionu,boze ta braca i gitare,a tek fazonske brade,isto kao i prije dvadesetak godina,ma jos bolje! Mladost mozes produzivat, al nema rucne koju mozes povuc da zaustavis sve. Ne merem i gotovo!!! Nego ta sevdalinka SWEET HOME ALABAMA je moja omiljena uz generala LEE-a! Jaranice i kolegice s posla su joj mojih godina i malo starije.

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This has enhanced the commuting opportunities across the city. In 1997, the City of Zagreb itself was given special County status, separating it from Zagreb County, although it remains the of both. II 42: rex diuina gratia inspirante...

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Souvenirs and gastronomy , a popular souvenir Numerous shops, boutiques, store houses and offer a variety of quality clothing. City of Sarajevo 2001—2008. The first horse-drawn was used in 1891.

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Pišite nam - Recreational Jarun, situated on in the southwest of the city, has fine shingle beaches, a world-class course, a lane around the lake, several restaurants, many and a.

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It is located in the northwest of the country, along the river, at the southern slopes of the mountain. Zagreb lies at an elevation of approximately 122 m 400 ft. The estimated population of the city in 2018 is 809,932. The population of Zagreb urban agglomeration is slightly above 1. Zagreb is a city with a rich history dating from the times to the present day. The oldest settlement located in the vicinity of the city was the Roman , in today's. Zagreb became a in 1242. In 1851 Zagreb had its ,. Zagreb is the 4th largest city in Southeast Europe by population, but it is 2nd largest city in Southeast Europe by area. Zagreb has a special status in the 's administrative division and is a consolidated city-county but separated from , and is administratively subdivided into. Most of them are at a low elevation along the river , whereas northern and northeastern city districts, such as and districts are situated in the foothills of the mountain, making the city's geographical image rather diverse. The city extends over 30 kilometres 19 miles east-west and around 20 kilometres 12 miles north-south. The transport connections, concentration of industry, scientific, and research institutions and industrial tradition underlie its leading economic position in Croatia. Zagreb is the seat of the , , and almost all. Almost all of the , , and scientific institutions have their headquarters in the city. Zagreb is the most important transport hub in Croatia where , the and meet, making the Zagreb area the centre of the road, rail and air networks of Croatia. It is a city known for its diverse , high quality of living, , sporting, and entertainment events. Its main branches of economy are industries and the. The , whereby King Béla IV proclaimed a The etymology of the name Zagreb is unclear. It was used of the united city only from 1852, but it had been in use as the name of the since the 12th century, and was increasingly used of the city in the 17th century. The name is first recorded in a charter by Felician, dated 1134, mentioned as Zagrabiensem episcopatum. The older form of the name is Zagrab. The modern Croatian form Zagreb is first recorded in a 1689 map by. An even older form is reflected in Hungarian Zabrag recorded from c. For this, Desy 1990 proposes the etymology of Chabrag, a well-attested of the name. The same form is reflected in a number of Hungarian toponyms, such as. The name might be derived from Proto-Slavic word which means hill, uplift. And Old Croatian reconstructed name is manifested through the German name of the city Agram. In and , Zagreb is known as Agranum the name of an unrelated Arabian city in , Zagrabia or Mons Graecensis also Mons Crecensis, in reference to. One folk legend illustrating this derivation ties the name to a drought of the early 14th century, during which c. The first recorded appearance of the name Zagreb is dated to 1094, at which time the city existed as two different city centres: the smaller, eastern , inhabited mainly by and housing , and the larger, western , inhabited mainly by craftsmen and merchants. Gradec and Kaptol were united in 1851 by , who was credited for this, with the naming the main city square, in his honour. During the period of , Zagreb remained an important economic centre of the country, and was the second largest city. After from Yugoslavia, Zagreb was proclaimed its capital. Early Zagreb The history of Zagreb dates as far back as 1094 A. Alongside the bishop's , the canonical settlement developed north of , as did the fortified settlement on the neighbouring hill; the border between the two being the Medveščak stream. Today the latter is Zagreb's Upper Town and is one of the best preserved urban nuclei in. Both settlements came under attack in 1242. As a sign of gratitude for offering him a safe haven from the the Croatian and Hungarian bestowed Gradec with a , which offered its citizens exemption from county rule and autonomy, as well as its own. Zagreb was chosen as the seat of the in 1621 under ban. At the invitation of the , the came to Zagreb and built the first , the Church and monastery. In 1669, they founded an academy where philosophy, theology and law were taught, the forerunner of today's. During the 17th and 18th centuries, Zagreb was badly devastated by fire and. In 1776, the royal council government moved from to Zagreb and during the reign of Zagreb became the headquarters of the and general command. In 1850, the town was united under its first —. The first line to connect Zagreb with and was opened in 1862 and in 1863 Zagreb received a. The Zagreb was opened in 1878. After the , up to the 1914 outbreak of , development flourished and the town received the characteristic layout which it has today. The first horse-drawn was used in 1891. The construction of the lines enabled the old suburbs to merge gradually into , characterised by a regular block pattern that prevails in cities. This bustling core hosts many imposing buildings, monuments, and parks as well as a multitude of museums, theatres and cinemas. An was built in 1907. Since 1 January 1877, the is fired daily from the on to mark midday. The first half of the 20th century saw a considerable expansion of Zagreb. Before World War I, the city expanded and neighbourhoods like in the east and in the west were created. After the war, districts such as emerged between the railway and the , whereas the construction of residential districts on the hills of the southern slopes of was completed. In the 1920s, the population of Zagreb increased by 70 percent — the largest demographic boom in the history of the town. In 1926, the first in the region began broadcasting out of Zagreb, and in 1947 the was opened. During , Zagreb became the capital of the , which was backed by the and. The history of became rife with incidents of regime terror and resistance sabotages, and the regime had thousands of people executed during the war in and near the city. The city was liberated by the at the end of the war. From 1945 until 1990, Zagreb was the capital of the , one of the six constituent socialist republics of the. Modern Zagreb The area between the railway and the river witnessed a new construction boom after. Today Novi Zagreb is divided in two : and The city also expanded westward and eastward, incorporating , Podsused, , and other settlements. The cargo railway hub and the were built south of the river. The largest Žitnjak in the south-eastern part of the city represents an extension of the industrial zones on the eastern outskirts of the city, between the and the Prigorje region. Zagreb also hosted the in 1987. During the 1991—1995 , it was a scene of some sporadic fighting surrounding its , but escaped major damage. In May 1995, it was targeted by Serb in two which killed seven civilians. An urbanised area connects Zagreb with the surrounding towns of , , and. Sesvete was the first and the closest area to become a part of the and is already included in the City of Zagreb for administrative purposes and now forms the easternmost city district. Area and population development Year Area km 2 Population within city limits at that time Population within today's city limits 1368 2,810 1742 5,600 1805 7,706 1850 16,036 1857 16,657 48,266 1869 19,857 54,761 1880 30,830 67,188 1890 3. The climate of Zagreb is classified as an Cfb in , near the boundary of the. Zagreb has four separate. Summers are warm, at the end of May the temperatures start rising and it is often pleasant with occasional thunderstorms. Heatwaves can occur but are short-lived. Temperatures rise above 30 °C 86 °F on an average 14. Rainfall is abundant in the summertime and it continues to be in autumn as well. Zagreb is Europe's 9th wettest capital, behind Luxembourg and ahead of Brussels, Belgium. Morning is common from mid-October to January with northern city districts at the foothills of the mountain as well as those along the river being more prone to all-day fog accumulation. Winters are cold with a precipitation decrease pattern. Even though there is no discernible , February is the driest month with 39 mm of precipitation. On average there are 29 days with snowfall with first snow falling in early November. Springs are generally mild and pleasant with frequent weather changes and are windier than other seasons. Sometimes cold spells can occur, mostly in its early stages. The average daily mean temperature in the winter is around 1 °C 34 °F from December to February and the average temperature in the summer is 22. Highest recorded temperature ever was 40. Climate data for Zagreb 1971—2000, extremes 1949—2014 Month Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Year Record high °C °F 19. The most important historical constructions are on , 1987 and 1976 on Savska Street, in Travno district, built in 1974 and on built in 1973. In the 2000s, the City Assembly approved a new plan that allowed for the many recent high-rise buildings in Zagreb, such as the Almeria Tower, , , and one of the tallest skyscrapers. In , the neighbourhoods of and expanded significantly, including the and the adjoining business centre. Due to a long-standing restriction that forbade the construction of 10-story or higher buildings, most of Zagreb's high-rise buildings date from the 1970s and 1980s and new on the outskirts of the city are usually 4—8 floors tall. Exceptions to the restriction have been made in recent years, such as permitting the construction of high-rise buildings in Lanište or Kajzerica. Picturesque former villages on the slopes of Medvednica, Šestine, Gračani and Remete, maintain their rich , including folk costumes, Šestine umbrellas, and products. To the north is the Mountain : Zagrebačka gora , with its highest peak 1,035 m , where one of the tallest structures in Croatia, is located. The Sava and the valleys are to the south of Zagreb, and the region of is located on the other northern side of the Medvednica hill. In mid-January 2005, Sljeme held its first. From the summit, weather permitting, the vista reaches as far as Range along Croatia's rocky northern coast, as well as the snow-capped peaks of the towering in neighbouring. There are several lodging villages, offering accommodation and restaurants for hikers. Skiers visit Sljeme, which has four ski-runs, three ski-lifts and a chairlift. The old , a recently restored medieval was built in the 13th century on Medvednica hill. It overlooks the western part of the city and also hosts the Shrine of the Homeland, a memorial with an , where Croatia pays reverence to all its heroes fallen for in its history, customarily on. The ruined medieval fortress is located on far-western side of Medvednica hill. It has been abandoned since the early 17th century, but it is visited during the year. Zagreb occasionally experiences earthquakes, due to the proximity of - fault zone. It's classified as an area of high seismic activity. The area around Medvednica was the epicentre of the magnitude 6. The proximity of strong seismic sources presents a real danger of strong earthquakes. Croatian Chief of Pavle Kalinić stated Zagreb experiences around 400 earthquakes a year, most of them being imperceptible. However, in case of a strong earthquake, it's expected that 3,000 people would die and up to 15,000 would be wounded. Demographics in local committee area , an apartment complex built in 1974 as the Croatian version of the , largest building by volume in Zagreb and in Zagreb is by far the largest city in in terms of area and population. The official counted 792,325 residents, although due to a influx the number of people residing in the city is much higher. Zagreb population is slightly above 1. Zagreb metropolitan area makes approximately a quarter of a total. In 1997, the City of Zagreb itself was given special County status, separating it from Zagreb County, although it remains the of both. The majority of its citizens are making up 93% of the city's population 2011 census. The same census records around 55,000 residents belonging to : 17,526 2. City districts Main article: Since 14 December 1999 City of Zagreb is divided in 17 gradska četvrt, pl. He was confirmed as mayor on 4 June 2017 , second round. Two deputy mayors vice mayoresses are Jelena Pavičić-Vukičević and Olivera Jurković-Majić. The is composed of 51 representatives. Last elections were held on 21 May 2017. The current structure of the city assembly by party lines is as follows 2 December 2017 : Political party No. In addition, 1 SDP councilor left the party and joined BM 365 in August 2017. As such, Zagreb performs public affairs of both and. It is also the seat of the which encircles Zagreb. The city administration bodies are the Gradska skupština Grada Zagreba as the representative body and the Gradonačelnik Grada Zagreba who is the executive head of the city. The City Assembly is the representative body of the citizens of the City of Zagreb elected for a four-year term on the basis of in by using with in a manner specified by law. There are 51 representatives in the City Assembly, among them president and vicepresidents of the assembly are elected by the representatives. Zagreb City Administration Prior to 2009, the mayor was elected by the City Assembly. It was changed to direct elections by in 2009. The mayor with the deputies may be recalled by a referendum according to law not less than 20% of all electors in the City of Zagreb or not less than two-thirds of the city deputies have the right to initiate a regarding recalling of the mayor; when a majority of voters taking part in the referendum vote in favour of the recall, provided that majority includes not less than one third of all persons entitled to vote in the City of Zagreb, i. City administration offices, institutions and services 18 , 1 or and 2 have been founded for performing activities within the self-administrative sphere and activities entrusted by the state administration. The city administrative bodies are managed by the principals appointed by the mayor for a four-year term of office, may be appointed again to the same duty. The City Assembly Professional Service is managed by the secretary of the City Assembly appointed by the Assembly. Local government is organised in 17 or represented by City District Councils. Residents of districts elect members of councils. Tourism Zagreb is an important tourist centre, not only in terms of passengers travelling from the rest of Europe to the Adriatic Sea, but also as a travel destination itself. Since the end of the , it has attracted close to a million visitors annually, mainly from , and. However, the city has even greater potential as many tourists that visit Croatia skip Zagreb in order to visit the beaches along the Croatian coast and old historic cities such as , , and. There are many interesting things for tourists in Zagreb, for example, the two statues of Saint George, one at the , the other at , where the image of Virgin Mary is said to be only thing that hasn't burned in the 17th-century fire. Also, there is an art installation starting in Bogovićeva street, called. The historic district can be reached on foot, starting from , the centre of Zagreb, or by a on nearby Tomićeva Street. Each Saturday, from April till the end of September , on in the , tourists can meet members of the Order of The Silver Dragon Red Srebrnog Zmaja , who reenact famous historical conflicts between and. It's a great opportunity for all visitors to take photographs of authentic and fully functional historical replicas of medieval armour. In 2010 more than 600,000 tourists visited the city, with a 10% increase seen in 2011. In 2012 a total of 675 707 tourists visited the city. The record number of tourists visited Zagreb in 2017. Souvenirs and gastronomy , a popular souvenir Numerous shops, boutiques, store houses and offer a variety of quality clothing. There are about fourteen big shopping centres in Zagreb. Zagreb's offerings include , and , or baskets, and top-quality Croatian and products. Notable Zagreb souvenirs are the or cravat, an accessory named after Croats who wore characteristic scarves around their necks in the in the 17th century and the , a tool developed from the inventions by , an inventor and a citizen of Zagreb. Many Zagreb restaurants offer various specialties of and. Domestic products which deserve to be tasted include , or with a kind of , štrukli cottage cheese , sir i vrhnje with cream , kremšnite slices in flaky pastry , and orehnjača traditional roll. Museums Zagreb's numerous reflect the history, art and culture not only of Zagreb and Croatia, but also of Europe and the world. Around thirty collections in museums and galleries comprise more than 3. The 19 Square collections, today consisting of nearly 450,000 varied artefacts and monuments, have been gathered over the years from many different sources. These holdings include evidence of Croatian presence in the area. The most famous are the Egyptian collection, the and bandages with the oldest inscription in the world Zagrabiensis , as well as the collection. The collection numbers more than 10,000 works of art, housed since 1934 in the historic Vranyczany Palace in the centre of Zageb, overlooking the Zrinjevac Park. A secondary gallery is the Josip Račić Studio at Margaretska 3. These are the remains, stone weapons and tools of prehistoric man. The holdings of the Croatian Natural History Museum comprise more than 250,000 specimens distributed among various collections. The museum exhibits numerous historic aircraft, cars, machinery and equipment. There are some distinct sections in the museum: the Planetarium, the Apisarium, the Mine model of mines for coal, iron and , about 300 m 980 ft long , and the study. It is located in a restored monumental complex Popov toranj, the Observatory, Zakmardi Granary of the former Convent of the , of 1650. The Museum deals with topics from the cultural, artistic, economic and of the city spanning from Roman finds to the. The holdings comprise over 80,000 items arranged systematically into collections of artistic and mundane objects characteristic of the city and its history. With its 160,000 exhibits, the Arts and Crafts Museum is a national-level museum for artistic production and the history of in Croatia. It lies in the fine Secession building of the one-time Trades Hall of 1903. The ample holdings of about 80,000 items cover the ethnographic heritage of Croatia, classified in the three cultural zones: the Pannonian, Dinaric and Adriatic. It is located in a late 19th-century palace. The holdings comprise 3,750 works of art of various techniques and materials, and different cultures and civilisations. The museum holds works of Croatian naďve expression of the 20th century. It is located in the 18th-century Raffay Palace in the. The museum holdings consist of almost 2000 works of art — paintings, sculptures, drawings and prints, mainly by Croatians but also by other well-known world artists. From time to time, the museum organises topics and retrospective exhibitions by naďve artists, expert meetings and educational workshops and playrooms. The was founded in 1954. Its new building hosts a rich collection of Croatian and international contemporary visual art which has been collected throughout the decades from the nineteen-fifties till today. The museum is located in the centre of , opened in 2009. The old location, 2 St. Catherine's Square, is part of the Kulmer Palace in the. Valuable historical collections are also found in the Croatian Museum, the Croatian Museum, the Croatian Museum, the Croatian Post and Museum, the HAZU Glyptotheque collection of monuments , and the HAZU Graphics Cabinet. The 22 King Tomislav Square by Viennese architects Hellmer and Fellmer who were the most famous designers of theatres in Central Europe is a exhibition complex and one of the landmarks of the downtown. The exhibitions are also held in the impressive building on Žrtava Fašizma Square — the Home of Croatian. The Modern Gallery 1 Hebrangova Street comprises all relevant fine artists of the 19th and 20th centuries. The at 2 Ćirilometodska holds people's mementos of past relationships. It is the first private museum in the country. Events Golden Pram award of the Zagreb has been, and is, hosting some of the most popular mainstream artists, in the past few years their concerts held the , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , as well as some of world most recognised underground artists such as , , , and many more. Zagreb is also a home of the , one of the biggest open air festivals in Croatia which is being held every year, usually at the end of June. There are also many jazz festivals like Zagreb Jazz Festival which was the host for some of the most popular artists from world jazz scene like or just to name a few. Zagreb is also home of many others club festivals like Žedno uho where many of indie, rock, metal and electronica artists like , , , , , , , , etc. This is mostly recognised because of the city's location, and its good traffic relations with other neighbouring European capital cities such as Vienna and Budapest. This is the effort of Zagreb community to increase the percentage of tourist visits during the summer time, as Croatia, in generally, is a popular destination for many people around the globe during the vacation period. Performing arts There are about 20 permanent or seasonal theatres and stages. The was built in 1895 and opened by emperor. Animafest, the World Festival of , takes place every even-numbered year, and the Music Biennale, the international festival of , every odd-numbered year. It also hosts the annual festival. The Festival of the Zagreb and the flowers exhibition Floraart end of May or beginning of June , the Old-timer Rally annual events. In the summer, theatre performances and concerts, mostly in the Upper Town, are organised either indoors or outdoors. The stage on Opatovina hosts the Zagreb Histrionic Summer theatre events. Zagreb is also the host of Zagrebfest, the oldest Croatian , as well as of several traditional international sports events and tournaments. The Day of the City of Zagreb on 16 November is celebrated every year with special festivities, especially on the lake in the southwestern part of the city. Recreation and sports Zagreb is home to numerous sports and recreational centres. Recreational Jarun, situated on in the southwest of the city, has fine shingle beaches, a world-class course, a lane around the lake, several restaurants, many and a. Its sports and recreation opportunities include swimming, sunbathing, waterskiing, angling and other , but also , football, basketball, handball, table tennis, and. The largest two have seating capacity of 5,000 and 3,100 people, respectively. This centre is used for basketball, handball, volleyball, hockey, gymnastics, tennis, etc. It also hosts music events. The 16,500-seat arena hosted the. The seats 5,400 people. Alongside the hall is the 94-metre 308 ft high glass. A volleyball sports hall is within the park. Sports and Recreational Center Šalata, located in , only a couple hundred meters from the , is most attractive for tennis players. The centre also has swimming pools, basketball courts, football fields, a gym and fitness centre, and a four-lane alley. Outdoor is a popular winter recreation. There are also several fine restaurants within and near the centre. Maksimir Tennis Center, located in Ravnice east of , consists of two sports blocks. The first comprises a tennis centre situated in a large tennis hall with four courts. There are 22 outdoor tennis courts with lights. The other block offers multipurpose sports facilities: apart from tennis courts, there are handball, basketball and grounds, as well as facilities, a alley and opportunities. Recreational swimmers can enjoy a smaller-size indoor swimming pool in Daničićeva Street, and a newly opened indoor Olympic-size pool at sports centre in Novi Zagreb. Skaters can skate in the on Trg Sportova Sports Square and on the lake Jarun Skaters' park. Zagreb offers recreational opportunities, while are held every weekend during the warmer part of the year. The 38,923 -seat , last 10 years under renovation, is located in in the northeastern part of the city. The stadium is part of the immense Svetice recreational and sports complex ŠRC Svetice , south of the Maksimir Park. The complex covers an area of 276,440 m 2 68 acres. It is part of a significant , which passes from in the north toward the south. ŠRC Svetice, together with Maksimir Park, creates an ideal connection of areas which are assigned to sport, recreation and leisure. The latest larger recreational facility is , a group of two small lakes near the Sava in , surrounded by a partly forested park. The location had been used prior to the 1970s, but then went to neglect until 2006 when it was renovated. Some of the most notable sport clubs in Zagreb are: , , , , , , , and others. The city hosted the final between and. The current Archbishop is. The Catholic Church is the largest religious organisation in Zagreb, Catholicism being the predominant religion of Croatia, with over 1. Zagreb is also the of the of the. Current president is Mufti Aziz Hasanović. There used to be a mosque in the Meštrović Pavilion during World War II at the Žrtava Fašizma Square, but it was relocated to the neighbourhood of Borovje in. Mainstream Protestant churches have also been present in Zagreb — Evangelical Lutheran Church and Reformed Christian Calvinist Church. LDS Church is also present in the Zagreb neighbourhood of whereas Jehovah's Witnesses have their headquarters in Central Zagreb. In total there are around 40 non-Catholic religious organisations and denominations in Zagreb with their headquarters and places of worship across the city making it a large and diverse community. The most important branches of industry are: production of electrical machines and devices, , , , processing. Zagreb is an and business centre, as well as an essential transport hub placed at the crossroads of , the and the. Almost all of the largest Croatian as well as Central European companies and conglomerates such as , , have their headquarters in the city. The only Croatian stock exchange is the Zagreb Stock Exchange : Zagrebačka burza , which is located in , one of the tallest. At the end of 2012, the average rate in Zagreb was around 9. Companies in Zagreb create 52% of total turnover and 60% of total profit of Croatia in 2006 as well as 35% of Croatian export and 57% of Croatian import. Transport The network of daytime tram lines in 2009 Line 5 has since been extended to Maksimir and Kapelska and Hanuševa stops were removed Zagreb is the hub of five major Croatian highways. The highway was upgraded in October 2008 and leads , and forming a part of the Pan-European Corridor Vb. The upgrade coincided with the opening of the on the and the completion of the , which marked the opening of the first freeway corridor between and. The starts at the and with the A6 up to the , connecting Zagreb and As of October 2008. A further extension of the A1 up to is under construction. Both highways are tolled by the Croatian highway authorities and. It is the oldest Croatian highway. A3 forms a part of the. The highway starts at the , bypasses Zagreb forming the southern arch of the and ends at near the Bajakovo border crossing. It continues in in the direction of. This highway is tolled except for the stretch between Bobovica and interchanges. Highway is a part of the. It connects Zagreb and the frequently congested border crossing, forming a near-continuous motorway-level link between Zagreb and. Forming a part of the Corridor Vb, highway starts in Zagreb forming the northeastern wing of the and leads to Hungary until the border crossing. It is often used highway around Zagreb. The railway and the highway along the river that extend to towards , , and are some of the busiest traffic corridors in the country. The railway running along the river and the highway Zagreb- running through , as well as traffic connections with the Pannonian region and the railroad, the roads and railway to — and are linked with truck routes. The southern railway connection to operates on a high-speed line via the region renovated in 2004 to allow for a five-hour journey ; a faster line along the river valley is currently in use only up to the border between and. Roads Roundabout in The city has an extensive network with numerous main arteries up to ten lanes wide and , a congested four-lane encircling most of the city. Traffic jams and daytime parking space are a great problem in the wider city centre area during the. Finding a is supposed to be made somewhat easier by the construction of new underground multi-story Importanne Center, Importanne Gallery, Lang Square, Tuškanac, Kvaternik Square, Klaić Street, etc. The busiest roads are the main east-west arteries, former , consisting of , and ; and the Vukovarska Avenue, the closest bypass of the city centre. The avenues were supposed to alleviate traffic problem, but most of them are today gridlocked at rush hour and others, like Branimirova Avenue and Dubrovnik Avenue which are gridlocked for the whole day. See also: Bridges Zagreb has seven road traffic bridges across the , and they all span both the river and the , making them all by and large longer than 200 m 660 ft. In downstream order, these are: Name English Name Croatian Year Finished Type of bridge Road that goes over Other Information Podsusedski most 1982 Two-lane road bridge with a commuter train line not yet completed Connects Zagreb to its close by a road to , the fastest route to Bestovje, Sveta Nedelja and Strmec. Jankomirski most 1958, 2006 upgrade Four lane road bridge Connects Ljubljanska Avenue to the and. Jadranski most 1981 Six lane road bridge also carries tracks The most famous bridge in Zagreb. The bridge spans from Savska Street in the north to the in the south. Savski most 1938 Pedestrian since the construction of the Adriatic Bridge The official name at the time of building was New Sava bridge, but it is the oldest still standing bridge over. The bridge is known among experts due to some construction details. Most slobode 1959 Four lane road bridge It used to hold a pair of , but due to the increasing individual traffic and better tram connections across the river, those were converted to normal lanes. Most mladosti 1974 Six lane road bridge also carries tram tracks Connects eastern to the districts of , , and. Domovinski most 2007 Four-lane road bridge also carries two bicycle and two pedestrian lanes; has space reserved for light railroad tracks This bridge is the last bridge built on Sava to date; it links via Radnička street to the at Kosnica. It is planned to continue towards at and , and on to state road D31 going to the south. There are also two rail traffic bridges across the Sava, one near the Sava bridge and one near , as well as two bridges that are part of the , one near west , and the other near east. Two additional bridges across the river are proposed: Jarun Bridge and Bundek Bridge. Public transportation of the Zagreb city trains system in the city is organised in several layers: the inner parts of the city are mostly covered by , the outer city areas and closer suburbs are linked with and rapid transit. The public transportation company Zagrebački električni tramvaj, Zagreb Electric Tram operates trams, all inner bus lines, and the most of the suburban bus lines, and it is subsidised by the city council. The national rail operator Hrvatske željeznice, HŽ runs a network of urban and suburban train lines in the metropolitan Zagreb area, and is a. The uspinjača in the historic part of the city is a. In early 2010, numerous transport companies have been allowed to enter the market; consequently the prices significantly dropped whereas the service was immensely improved so the popularity of taxis in Zagreb has been increasing from then onwards. Tram network Main article: Zagreb has an extensive network with 15 day and 4 night lines covering much of the inner- and middle-suburbs of the city. The first tram line was opened on 5 September 1891 and trams have been serving as a vital component of Zagreb mass transit ever since. Trams usually travel at speeds of 30—50 kilometres per hour 19—31 miles per hour , but slow considerably during. The network operates at the whereas on larger avenues its tracks are situated inside the green belts. An ambitious program, which entailed replacing old trams with the new and modern ones built mostly in Zagreb by companies and, to a lesser extent, by , has recently been finished. Suburban rail network Main article: The commuter rail network in Zagreb has existed since 1992. In 2005, suburban rail services were increased to a 15-minute frequency serving the middle and outer suburbs of Zagreb, primarily in the east-west direction and to the southern districts. This has enhanced the commuting opportunities across the city. A new link to the nearby town of has been announced and is due to start construction in 2014. This link will be and tie in with normal operations. The previous narrow-gauge line to Samobor called was closed in the 1970s. Air traffic New terminal of the : ZAG, : LDZA is the main Croatian international airport, a 17 km 11 mi drive southeast of Zagreb in the city of. The airport is also the main Croatian airbase featuring a fighter squadron, helicopters, as well as military and freight. The airport had 2,77 millions of passengers in 2016 with a new passenger terminal being opened in late March 2017 that can accommodate up to 5,5 million passengers. Zagreb also has a second, smaller airport, : LDZL. It is home to sports aeroplanes and a Croatian special police unit, as well as being a military helicopter airbase. Lučko used to be the main airport of Zagreb from 1947 to 1959. A third, small grass airfield, Buševec, is located just outside. It is primarily used for sports purposes. Further information: Founded in 1669, the University of Zagreb is the oldest continuously operating university in Croatia and one of the largest and oldest universities in the Southeastern Europe. Ever since its foundation, the university has been continually growing and developing and now consists of 29 faculties, three art academies and the Croatian Studies Centre. More than 200,000 students have attained the at the university, which has also assigned 18,000 and 8,000. As of 2011 , the University of Zagreb is ranked among 500 Best Universities of the world by the. Zagreb is also the seat of two private universities: the and the Libertas International University; as well as numerous public and private polytehnics, colleges and higher professional schools. City of Zagreb, Statistics Department. Archived from on 11 October 2007. Retrieved 25 January 2008. 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In , the neighbourhoods of and expanded significantly, including the and the adjoining business centre. The official counted 792,325 residents, although due to a influx the number of people residing in the city is much higher. Retrieved 20 June 2017. Jadranski most 1981 Six lane road bridge also carries tracks The most famous bridge in Zagreb. Retrieved 20 June 2017. Transport The network of daytime tram lines in 2009 Line 5 has since been extended to Maksimir and Kapelska and Hanuševa stops were removed Zagreb is the hub of five major Croatian highways. Retrieved 18 July 2011. Retrieved 2 July 2006. Archived from PDF on 17 December 2008.

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