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Zašto nema anđela ovdje? Zato što su tu samo slike, prividi anđela, ali ne i oni sami... Samo vizija o njima...

izjava tjedna:

"dođi simo da popričamo u osam oka" (razrednik hribaru, oboje nose naočale)

harryeva izjava:

"šerif je dobio curicu" (umjesto šofer!)

dva najgluplja pitanja koja me netko može pitati:

šta slušaš?

ZAŠTO nemaš dečka?

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o meni:

inače o meni:

zovem se Cady... Ustvari ne zovem se tako ali to je moje blog i chat ime, za sve tu iza ekrana ja sam Cady...

inače, imam 17 godina...

opsjednuta sam horrorimacerekcerekcerek

moj myspace

moj msn je horrorfrick@hotmail.com

nemojte me stavljat na kontakt listu bezveze

ne slušam cajkenamcornamcornamcornamcor

slušam evo trenutno fall out boy, weezer, modest mouse, greenday, good charlotte, jimmy eat world....thumbupthumbuppjevapjevapjevapjeva

I Don't Wanna Be I...

kako me kad uhavti...

trenutno nisam zaljubljena.... dosta mi je patnje za dečika koji su BUDALE i nije ih briga....

najdraži filmovi su mi: halloween ( jedva čekam rob zombiev remake!!!), friday the 13th, nightmare at elm street (prvi djelovi od svih), hills have eyes ( dvojka mi nije baš neš...) , final destination 1,2 i 3, urban legends, carrie(org), hause of wax, wron turn ( vidjet čemo dvojku...), cube, joy ride, the hitcher...cerekcerekcerekcerekcerekcerek

stavljat ću trailere i isječke iz filmova...

osim horrora volim i : mean girls ( od tuda cady ;))

volim svoje frendice : * harry



*barby (iako to ne zaslužuje)




*kog nisam spomenula sorry

burninmadburninmadburninmadmrzim: *super maria!!!!madmadmadmadmad

*dvolične ljude

*ljude koji te gledaju svisoka

*big brother


*gužvu u tramu

* lažljivce ( male laži su ok)


cerekcerekvolim: *pizzunjaminjaminjaminjaminjami







*svoju obitelj


*crtati i slikati

*ima toga još... ;)









blogić sa curkama

barbykin blogić

aurora i tara šibenik

malo slikica i rečenica iz filmova

Leona Lewis Lyrics

Leona Lewis Lyrics

dečki su poput kave: volimo ih vruče, bogate, jake i kad te drže budnom cijelu noć!

lucky one die first

halloween, the night he came home

how much blood would you shed to stay alive?

have you checkd the children?

if you are not home by midnight, you won't be comming home at all!

welcome to my world bitch!

It was the boogeyman!

Once the door is locked, there is no way out. The windows have bars a jail would be proud of, and the only door to the outside locks like a vault.

We all go a little mad sometimes.

I thought YOU was in a hurry?

I met him fifteen years ago. I was told there was nothing left, no conscience, no reason, no understanding, in even the most rudimentary sense, of life or death or right or wrong. I met this six-year-old boy with a blank, cold emotionless face and the blackest of eyes, the devil's eyes. I spent eight years trying to reach him and another seven trying to keep
him locked away when I realized what was living behind that boy's eyes was purely and simply evil.

Get away from her you BITCH!

We're friends 'til the end, remember?
This is the end, friend.

Laurie, what's the boogeyman?
There's no such thing.

When Michael Myers was six years old, he stabbed hs sister to death. He was locked up for years in Smith's Grove Sanitarium, but he escaped. Soon after, Halloween became another word for mayhem! One by one, he killed his entire family, until his nine-year-old niece, Jamie Lloyd, was the only one left alive. Six years ago - Halloween night - Michael and Jamie vanished. Most people believed them dead but I believe someone hid them away. Someone who keeps Michael, protects him... tries to control him. If there's one thing I know, you can't control evil. You can lock it up, burn it, and bury it, and pray that it dies, but it never will. It just... rests awhile. You can lock your doors, and say your prayers, but the evil is out there... waiting. And maybe, just maybe... it's closer than you think!

It just occured to me today that I've never celebrated Halloween before.
And why's that?
Oh, we've got a psychotic serial killer in the family who loves to butcher people on Halloween, and I just thought it in bad taste to celebrate.

RockYou FXText - Get Your Own

RockYou FunNote - Get Your Own

RockYou FunNote - Get Your Own

RockYou FunNote - Get Your Own

13 ženskih pravila

1.Cure uvijek stvaraju PRAVILA

2.PRAVILA se mogu mijenjati bez ikakve najave

3. Nijedan muškarac ne zna sva PRAVILA

4. Ako cura posumnja da neki dečko zna sva PRAVILA, on amora odmah promijeniti barem neko pravilo

5.Cura je uvijek u pravu

6. Ako se pokaže da cura nije u pravu, razlog je sigurno u nesporazumu koji je prouzročiodečko nečim što je napravio ili rekao

7. Ako se dogodi broj 6, dečko se mora odmah ispričati zato što je prouzročio nesporazumm

8. Cura se može predomisliti u svakom trenutku

9. Dečko se ne smije nikad predomisliti bez izričitog pismenog dopuštenja djevojke

10. Očekuje se da dečko stalno čita misli djevojke

11. U svakom trenu važno je ono što je djevojka mislila, ne ono što je rekla

12. Ako se dečko nepridržava pravila, to je zato što ne može podnijeti obaveze, nema kičmu i papak je

13. Ako dečko, u bilo kojem trenutku, pomisli da je on u pravu, mora se vratiti na točku 5.

(bez uvrede dečkimawavewavewavewavewave)


petak, 05.10.2007.

Boulevard Of Broken Dreams

I walk a lonely road
The only one that I have ever known
Don't know where it goes
But it's home to me and I walk alone

I walk this empty street
On the Boulevard of Broken Dreams
Where the city sleeps
and I'm the only one and I walk alone

I walk alone
I walk alone

I walk alone
I walk a...

My shadow's the only one that walks beside me
My shallow heart's the only thing that's beating
Sometimes I wish someone out there will find me
'Til then I walk alone

Ah-ah, Ah-ah, Ah-ah, Aaah-ah,
Ah-ah, Ah-ah, Ah-ah

I'm walking down the line
That divides me somewhere in my mind
On the border line
Of the edge and where I walk alone

Read between the lines
What's fucked up and everything's alright
Check my vital signs
To know I'm still alive and I walk alone

I walk alone
I walk alone

I walk alone
I walk a...

My shadow's the only one that walks beside me
My shallow heart's the only thing that's beating
Sometimes I wish someone out there will find me
'Til then I walk alone

Ah-ah, Ah-ah, Ah-ah, Aaah-ah
Ah-ah, Ah-ah

I walk alone
I walk a...

I walk this empty street
On the Boulevard of Broken Dreams
Where the city sleeps
And I'm the only one and I walk a...

My shadow's the only one that walks beside me
My shallow heart's the only thing that's beating
Sometimes I wish someone out there will find me
'Til then I walk alone...

Greenday - Bouleva...

evo nekih pjesmica šta ja trenutno slušam osim scottya pjevapjevapjevapjevapjevapjeva

Good Charlotte- Th...

Good Charlotte - The River

As I walk through the valley
of the shadow of LA
The footsteps that were next to me
have gone their separate ways
I've seen enough now
to know that beautiful things
don't always stay that way
I've done enough now
to know this beautiful place
isn't everything they say

I heard that evil comes disguised
Like a city of angels
I'm walking towards the light

Baptized in the river
I've seen a vision of my life
And I wanna be delivered
In the city was a sinner
I've done a lot of things wrong
But I swear I'm a believer
Like the prodigal son
I was out on my own
The River Lyrics on http://www.lyricsmania.com
Now I'm trying to find my way back home
Baptized in the river
I'm delivered
I'm delivered

(M. Shadows)
You're from a small town
you're gonna grow up fast
underneath these lights
Down in Hollywood on the boulevard
the dead come back to life
To the praying Mother
The worried Father
Let your children go
If they come back they'll come home stronger
and if they don't you'll know

They sing that evil comes disguised
Like a city of angels
I'm walking towards the light

Baptized in the river
I've seen a vision of my life
And I wanna be delivered
In the city was a sinner
I've done a lot of things wrong
But I swear I'm a believer
Like the prodigal son
I was out on my own
Now I'm trying to find my way back home
Baptized in the river
I'm delivered
I'm delivered

Baptized in the river (on my own)
Baptized in the river (on my own)
I wanna be delivered
(on my own)
(on my own)
Baptized in the river (on my own)
I wanna be delivered
Baptized in the river (on my own)
I wanna be delivered
Baptized in the river (on my own)
I wanna be delivered

I confess I'm a sinner
I've seen a vision of my life
And I wanna be delivered

imam pitanje: dali je netko lud kao ja za horrorima i želite li da stavim halloween 6: the curse of michael myers tu na blog? ako želite samo recite u komentarima, ili ako želite neki drugi filmić samo javite!!!!sretansretansretansretanthumbupthumbupthumbup

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