New Music Lists

ponedjeljak, 31.08.2009.

New Found Land - We All die (2009) (Indie) (Rapidshare)

01 It Would Mean The World To Me
02 Rooftops
03 Leave It Behind
04 In Colour
05 Come To Me
06 By Your Side
07 All The Nights
08 We're All Alone
09 Life's In Your Sight

The title of New Found Land’s debut album, ‘We All Die’ hints at the melancholy contained within but this is by no means a miserable record. The songs are wistfully sad but beautifully presented and almost instantly familiar.

There’s a strong folky feel to the album but nowhere does the influence take over and even on ‘Come To Me’, complete with hand claps and banjo, there isn’t a hint of hey-nonny-nonny to be found. In fact, there’s even the odd bit of well placed jazz in there with the haunting vibes on the opening track ‘It Would Mean The World To Me’ and the saxophone with ends the album on ‘Life’s In Your Site’, a song which trails out sounding like something off Nick Drake’s ‘Bryter Layter’, and that’s not a comparison it’s often possible to make.

As a collection of pretty songs about longing and doomed love affairs, ‘We All Die’ is a beautifully understated record. You really should own it.


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