New Music Lists

srijeda, 26.08.2009.

Robert Pollard - Elephant Jokes (2009) (Indie) (Rapidshare)

01. Things Have Changed (Down In Mexico City) ( 1:57)
02. Johnny Optimist ( 2:54)
03. When A Man Walks Away ( 1:49)
04. Parts Of Your World ( 1:45)
05. Symbols And Heads ( 2:08)
06. I Felt Revolved ( 1:44)
07. Epic Heads ( 1:37)
08. Stiff Me ( 2:16)
09. Compound X ( 1:36)
10. Accident Hero ( 1:38)
11. Tattered Lily ( 3:37)
12. Hippsville (Where The Frisbees Fly Forever) ( 1:11)
13. Newly Selected Dirt Spots ( 1:17)
14. Jimmy ( 1:53)
15. Pigeon Tipping ( 1:36)
16. Spectrum Factory ( 1:53)
17. Perverted Eyelash ( 1:36)
18. Cosmic Yellow Children ( 2:20)
19. Blown Out Man ( 2:31)
20. Desiring ( 2:31)
21. (All You Need) To Know ( 3:44)
22. Architectural Nightmare Man ( 2:33)

Brand new album from the brilliant singer of Guided By Voices

I'm sick and tired of all you backward-looking crybabies. You know who you
are: "If only it were 1994..." 1994? Were you even alive then? How alive?
"Not as alive as Robert Pollard is right now - working the boards, finding
the words still jump when he says jump and the guitar chimes when he forms
the chords on the six-string with his honest-to-God DIY, home-made calluses
A clutch of these songs started out live in the studio, with Mr. Pollard on
guitar, and they buzz with the charge of on-the-spot generation. All the
secret ingredients go into the mix - even Mr. P's brother, the estimable
outside shooter Jimmy Pollard, returns to tweak a few knobs - and the result
is music that comes alive with that sui generis Dayton grit and sparkle
Check out the needling, obsessive riff on the intro to "When a Man Walks
Away" - no mistaking the Pollard touch there-- or the distortion-drenched
start of "Epic Heads" where one can just about smell the heat rise from the
solid state circuit board


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