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dIzajN bY: x¤...zWjeZdica...¤x

.x..Ja niSaM kaO ti,Ja Se boJiM OdraSti..x.

*da Sam praZzan LiSt,pOtpunO ChiSt kOriSstiO bih punO punO debLji kiSst i SaMo jaRke sharene bOje Da naPisheM iMe twOje i Moje*
°°iZzGubLjen u SwOmE swiJetu pOstaO saM Opet niShta, oSjeChaM Se SaDa KaO neKi sLikaR bEzZ swOg kiSta°°
.kakO neBi okoLo gLedaLi,niZ uLiCe su naM poredaLi weLike sLike u bOji,na kojiMa jasnO stOji kakO izZgLeda sreCha,kaD se uweCha.Image Hosted by ImageShack.us

#..i dOn't ever waNNa feeL Like i did that day
Take me tO the pLaCe i Love, take me aLL the way.#

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Ja SaM jednO dOsta kOmpLiCiranO i neObiChnO biChe.
naZzwaLi Su Me dOra.
ZiwiM u rijeCi,iMaM 15 gOd.
iDeM u prhG.
treniraM pLiwanje Par gOdiNa.
twrdOgLawa SaM,aL trudiM Se bit Sha Manje.
pOnekaD SaM jako zLa i CheStO SaM u nekOm SwOm Swijetu.
Ljudi Me Chesto pitaju Za Sawjete,a ja ih OboZzawaM dawat.
a jOsh wiShe woLiM akO iM ti Sawjeti poMognu,)
hmm,i uwijek kaSniM:/
najwiShe na Swijetu woLiM Swoje frendiCe&frenDowe i Swe bi Za njih NaprawiLa.kiss
Ljubaw je kOd Mene SuPercerek
etO,toLikO Za Sad.x.

~a OwO SaM jaheadbang/neMojte gLedat akO waS je Strah/~
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.yOu OnLy have One Life Live it WithOut reGreteS.

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o---x.aLwaYs Look On the briGht SiDe Of Life.x---o

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Hladno Pivo

Opet ti drhte ramena moja malena
opet sam ti nesto kriv
zasto skrivas lice zbog masnice
koja se i ne vidi

Ti znas kad sam nervozan planem
pa mi ruka poleti
ali te moje tamne strane
ne znace da te ne volim

Kada psovke ti se guse u suzama
i kad ti padne glupost na pamet
ti se sjeti nasih malih curica
i tko ovdje zaradjuje

Pa se pitam da l' te boli bas toliko
moja mala glumice
kako je meni kad te volim ovoliko
trpiti tvoje ocijukanje

Kako te slijede pogledi
kako se lijepe po tebi
a ti ih zeljno upijas
mislis da ne vidim

Kako te slijede pogledi
kako se lijepe po tebi
cijelim tijelom uzivas
mislis da ne vidim

Tvoj me poljubac davi, tiho pomice
zatvara vrata i prozore
tvoje suze me drze u opsadi
strazare nervozni pogledi

Mislis da ne vidim


Kako te slijede pogledi
kako se lijepe po tebi
cijelim tijelom uzivas
mislis da ne vidim


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---x.beZz rijeChi i pOneki uzdah...
beZz rijeChi,a toLiko smo rekLi jedan drugOme...
Chemu baCati rijeChi u praZzninu
kada ti tiShinOm kaZzem swe Shto OsjeCham prema tebi...
i moLim te nemOj niShta reChi...
neka Owa tiShina traje wjeChnO..
moZzeSh samO pOgLedOm i pOkOjim dOdirOm
trgnuti me iZz OwOg sna,
Chuti u tiShini Onu preLijepu gLazbu twOga diSanja
i beZz rijeChi,Oteti siwiLu Owu weCher...
u TiShini Osjetiti Swe Shto mi kaZzeSh uZzdahOm
i otkuCajima srCa twOga kOji tuChe iStim ritmOm uwijek..
u tiShini sLuShati prediwnu simfOniju OsjeChaja
u TiShini,beZz rijeChi,samO pOgLedi puni Ljubawi..
u TIŠINI...x---

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Hladno Pivo

Obeć'o sam ti bio brda i doline
Kad sam kleknuo pred tebe na rizol.
Rekoh, pokaži zvijezdu koju da ti skinem
S dvadeset se život činio kao švedski stol

A na nama je samo da odlučimo kamo
Sve će se drugo već nekako naći
Tvoj Superman s fudbalerkom će se
Već nekako snać

Dao bih sve te noći da,da ostanem taj čovjek u tvojim očima

Sad nas gledam u tom crno bijelom spotu
Što ga farovi auta vrte na stropu
Pokušavam u sebi posložiti stvari
Ne znam da l' im je mjesto u srcu il' glavi.

I dalje smo tu ti, ja i moj tata
Naša velika ljubav na premalo kvadrata
I dalje moja draga spava
U sobi gdje sam lijepio slike iz Brava

Dao bih sve te noći da,da ostanem taj čovjek u tvojim očima

Pun mi je kurac više praznih priča
I malog macchiata i velikih Hrvata
Večeras me pred zgradom čeka ekipa
I sutra ćemo zauvijek zalupiti vrata

Ako što krene po zlu, pitat ćeš me sigurno
Molim te, reci mi, što ti je to trebalo?
Shvati me, strah me je da tebi ne potonem
Moram znati da sam probao dati
sve te noći da,da ostanem taj čovjek u
tvojim očima

Dao sam sve te noći da,da ostanem taj čovjek u tvojim očima

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Led Zeppelin
Baby I'm gonna leave you

Babe, baby, baby, Im gonna leave you.
I said baby, you know Im gonna leave you.
Ill leave you when the summertime,
Leave you when the summer comes arollin
Leave you when the summer comes along.

Baby, baby, I dont wanna leave you,
I aint jokin woman, I got to ramble.
Oh, yeah, baby, baby, I wont be there,
Really got to ramble.
I can hear it callin me the way it used to do,
I can hear it callin me back home.

I know, I never leave you, baby.
But I got to go away from this place, Ive got to quit you.
Ooh, baby,
Baby, ooh dont you hear it callin?
Woman, woman, I know, I know its good to have you back again
And I know that one day baby, its really gonna grow, yes it is.
We gonna go walkin through the park every day.
Hear what I say, every day.
Baby, its really growin, you made me happy when the skies were grey.
But now Ive got to go away
Baby, baby, baby, baby
Thats when its callin me
Thats when its callin me back home...

.prijateLjStwO Je Suhi PrOLaz,izmeDju kapLjiCa kiShe.

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.BuBiCh&ZabiCa 4ever.
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.Opet SariCa &ja.
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.Ljubaw Moja&ja.
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.Opet niniCa&jakiss.
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.iMa naS punO.smijeh
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.Na LjetO.kiss
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Hladno Pivo

Draga ljubavi jedina
S koje si planete?
Dopusti mi da malo i ja
S tobom budem dijete

Ajde daj mi jedan đir u svom svemirskom brodu
Da vidim tu zvijezdu s koje dolaziš ti
Kad budem u stanju da ti shvatim putanju
Bit ću mjesec tvoj i suputnik

Draga ljubavi jedina
S koje si planete?
Dopusti mi da malo i ja
S tobom budem dijete

Ajde daj mi jedan đir u svome svemirskom brodu
Da promolim glavu malo iznad ozona
Gore gdje ti nisi ti i gdje ja nisam ja
Mi ćemo možda i biti savršen par

Draga ljubavi jedina
S koje si planete?
Dopusti mi da malo i ja
S tobom budem dijete

Gore gdje ti nisi ti i gdje ja nisam ja
Mi ćemo možda i biti savršen par

Draga ljubavi jedina
S koje si planete?

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*dOLaZim Ti kaO FaNtOm sLobOde.i ZatO pOkaZzi Sha ZnaSh..dOLaZim Ti KaO fantOm sLObOde..da te wOdiM RawnO Dna.!*
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This is the place

This is the place where all
The junkies go
Where time gets fast
But everything gets slow

Can I get some vaseline
Step into a modern scene
Take a chance of that
Which seems to be
The making of a dream

I don't want to do it
Like my daddy did
I don't want to give it
To my baby's kid

This is my calling...

This is the place where all
The devils plead
Their case to take from you
What they need
Can I isolate your gene
Can I kiss your dopamine
In a way I wonder
If she's living in a magazine

I don't want to say it
If it isn't so
I don't want to weigh it
But i've got to know

This is my calling...

I saw you out there yesterday
What did you want to say
A perfect piece of DNA
Caught in a flashing ray
I caught you out there in the fray
What did you want to say
A master piece of DNA
Caught in a flashing ray

Can I smell your gasoline
Can I pet your wolverine
On the day my best friend died
I could not get my copper clean

I don't want to take it up
With little Joe
I don't want to fake it
But i've gotta know

This is my calling...

I am a misfit
I'm born with all of it
The fucking ultimate
Of love inside the atom split

I'm in a flash ray
A mash of DNA
Another poppin' Jay
Who thinks he's got
Something to say

.x.Let uS Die yOung,Or Let uS Live fOrever.x.

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SoMe are Like water,SoMe are Like the heat,
SoMe are a meLody and SoMe, are the beat,
Sooner Or Later they aLL wiLL be gOne,
Why dOnt they stay yOung..?
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#.ne Daj Mi Da wiDiM
OwO nije Swijet Zza naS,
ne Daj mi Da ZznaM
OwO nije Swijet Zza nasS.#

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.DreaMing Of sCreaMing,
SoMeOne kiCk Me Out Of My MinD,
i hate theSe thOughtS i Can't Deny,
DreaMing Of sCreaMing.

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.After a whiLe yOu LeaRn the DifferenCe between hoLding a HanD & faLLinG in Love.
yOu beGin tO LeaRn that the kiSSeS dOn t aLLwayS Meen SoMething.
AnD proMiSeS Can Be BrOken juSt aS QuiCkLy aS they are MaDe
AnD SoMetiMeS gOOdByes reaLLy are fOrever.

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.>*<.Love iS nOt wantinG tO gO To sLeep,BeCauSe ReaLity iS BetteR than A DreaM.>*<.
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*ne MiSLi Da je tenutak SreChe neShtO MaLenO,SreCha i pOstOji SaMo u kratkiM trenuCiMa.*
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°~It's OnLy when we truLy knOw and underStand that we have a LiMited tiMe On earth and that we have nO way Of knOwing when Our tiMe iS up, we wiLL begin tO Live eaCh Day tO the fuLLest,as it were the OnLy one we haD~°
GNR-CiviL war

"What we've got here is failure to communicate.
Some men you just can't reach...
So, you get what we had here last week,
which is the way he wants it!
Well, he gets it!
N' I don't like it any more than you men." *

Look at your young men fighting
Look at your women crying
Look at your young men dying
The way they've always done before

Look at the hate we're breeding
Look at the fear we're feeding
Look at the lives we're leading
The way we've always done before

My hands are tied
The billions shift from side to side
And the wars go on with brainwashed pride
For the love of God and our human rights
And all these things are swept aside
By bloody hands time can't deny
And are washed away by your genocide
And history hides the lies of our civil wars

D'you wear a black armband
When they shot the man
Who said "Peace could last forever"
And in my first memories
They shot Kennedy
I went numb when I learned to see
So I never fell for Vietnam
We got the wall of D.C. to remind us all
That you can't trust freedom
When it's not in your hands
When everybody's fightin'
For their promised land

I don't need your civil war
It feeds the rich while it buries the poor
Your power hungry sellin' soldiers
In a human grocery store
Ain't that fresh
I don't need your civil war

Look at the shoes your filling
Look at the blood we're spilling
Look at the world we're killing
The way we've always done before
Look in the doubt we've wallowed
Look at the leaders we've followed
Look at the lies we've swallowed
And I don't want to hear no more

My hands are tied
For all I've seen has changed my mind
But still the wars go on as the years go by
With no love of God or human rights
'Cause all these dreams are swept aside
By bloody hands of the hypnotized
Who carry the cross of homicide
And history bears the scars of our civil wars

"We practice selective annihilation of mayors
And government officials
For example to create a vacuum
Then we fill that vacuum
As popular war advances
Peace is closer" **

I don't need your civil war
It feeds the rich while it buries the poor
Your power hungry sellin' soldiers
In a human grocery store
Ain't that fresh
And I don't need your civil war
I don't need your civil war
I don't need your civil war
Your power hungry sellin' soldiers
In a human grocery store
Ain't that fresh
I don't need your civil war
I don't need one more war

© ---x.MagiC Of the MoMent.x---

.Look aT The haTe we're breeDing,Look aT The fear we're feeDing,Look aT The Lives we're LeaDing,The way we've aLways Done before.

Bash redOwiTo piSheM Owe posTowee.
Ma,neDa Mi se,a i neaM ni wreMena.
ugLw,ZnaChii,prOshLa su 2Mj.Odkad NiSsaM nish pisaLa.
e,pa u ta 2Mj.Se jaaakO punO sTwari dOgodiLo.
Od Ljubawicerek,prijaTeLjsTwa,pLiwanja pa Do shkoLe.
ugLw.i Dobre i LoShe sTwari,aL ne zaLiM za niChiM.
wjerowaTno sTe widjeLi nash prOswjeD,
neChu Se uFurawaT prewiShe u To,aL Moram reCh da je biO odLichan osjeChaj dObiT ono Sha zeLiSh.belj
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.baSh Mi jesTrawa Owa sLikiCa,iakO nea weZze sa posToM.
x.posTaLa SaM sLawna prSaShiCa,hahaha.
iLi ne..?
x.Swaki wikenD Se iDe wanrofl,predObrO zadnjih par wikenDa.
Lijepo je kad su MaTuraLne iLi parTiji,heh.
x.ShkoLa me jebe u Zdraw MoZzak,aL OnO,preZziwjeT chu.
x.na baZzenu,wiShe manje Okej,ZajebanCija i To.
x.a,Ljubaw.i tu je Swe za 10.cerek
hmm,piShem bash duge i ZzaniMLjiwe posTowe.
kakO da ne,aL jbg.
neZznaM sha da wiShe kaZzeM.
PoZz SwiMa.


24.04.2008. u 21:40

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