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Blind Man

I took a course in Hallelujah
I went to night school for de blues
I took some stuff they said would cool ya
But nothing seemed to light my fuse

But it's all in the past
Like a check that's in the mail
She was a tall whiskey glass
I was an old hound dog that just loved to chase his tail

Until I met a Blind Man
Who taught me how to see
A Blind Man
Who could charge night into the day
And if-a I can
I'm gonna make you come with me
Because a here comes the sun and we'll be chasing all the clouds away

I've had some lovers like a joy ride
Some things are never what they seem
My heaven's turned into a landslide
I thank God I woke up from that dream

I met a Blind Man
Who taught me how to see
A Blind Man
Who could change right into the day
And if-a I can
I'm gonna make you come with me
Because here comes the sun and we'll be chasing all the clouds the way that
some bees chase honey
And drink all the flowers dry
We'll be saving us a little money
And if that don't do it, yeah, I know the reason why

Don't make no sense lightin' candles
There's too much moonlight in our eyes

I met a Blind Man
Who taught me how to see
Blind Man
Who could change night into day
And if-a I can
I'm gonna make you come with me
Because a here comes the sun
Ain't no surprise
Ain't no doubt about it
Gonna open up your eyes


13.03.2006., ponedjeljak

.....kad žene uzmu stvar (vrat) u svoje ruke.....

Ove subote dogodila se zanimljiva stvar, naime bia sam tu večer sa super ekipom u Malog kafea, kad je moja prijateljica ni 5, ni 6 čapala lika za vrat i dobro ga promučkala prije upotrebe, lik joj se nešto bahatia, bia san totalka u šoku vau! Bravo Medić!!!!!!! To je dokaz da žene više nisu ono što su nekad bile i da nema više s njima zajebancije, zato ekipa molim odsad radi samih sebe tj. radi svog zdravlja pazite šta radite ženama inače dobijete po piiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii.......................... Sad malo ozbiljnije, od malena mi je usađen u glavu respekt prema ženama, iako ni sam nisam svjestan kada ni kako?,ne mogu skužit da je današnji tzv."moderni svijet" još toliko uvučen u diskriminaciju žena, na način da teže nalaze posao, da se u većini slučajeva moraju truditi više od nas muškaraca i da ih se gleda kao ljude nižeg ranga. Zato ipak danas postoje društva koja služe za zaštitu od diskriminacije, e tada žene uzimaju stvar u svoje ruke. Preko ovog primjera htio sam prikazati koliko se danas kod dosta muškaraca malo žene poštivaju i uopće dolazi u pitanje jesu li za njih one živa bića ili obični predmet.

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Paradise City

Just a urchin livin under the street
I m a hard case that s tough to beat
I m your charity case
So buy me something to eat
I ll pay you at another time
Take it to the end of the line

Ragz to richez or so they say
Ya gotta-keep pushing for the fortune and fame
It s all a gamble
When it s just a game
Ya treat it like a capital crime
Everybody is doing their time

Take me down
To the paradise city
Where the grass is green
And the girls are pretty
Take me home

Strapped in the chair of the city is gas chamber
Why I m here I cant quite remember
The surgeon general says it s hazardous to breathe
I d have another cigarette but I cant see
Tell me who ya gonna believe

So far away
So far away
So far away
So far away

Captain America s been torn apart
Now he is a court jester with a broken hart
He said
Turn me around and take me back to the start
I must be losing my mind - "Are you blind"
I ve
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