ponedjeljak, 28.05.2007.

Time to walk with me the last mile...

Kiša je padala,baš kao i onaj dan kada prvi puta ugledah tvoje tamne oči.....iz parka čulo se samo cviljenje ljuljačke.....ljuljačke ogrnute trnovitim ružama.....njihala se....njihala,ali na njoj se nitko nije nalazio......
jedna slomljena duša lutala je pustim,crnim ulicama....ulicama samoće.....
tražila sam utjehu u kapi kiše koja mi se nježno spustila niz obraz....sve je u meni samo čekalo onaj trenutak kad će se sve slomiti...
ne...ne mogu više hodati....srce mi se polako slomilo na tisuću malih komadića koji su mi pali pod noge....pokušavam se sagnuti da podignem.......ali ne ide....
u tom svom naivnom pokušaju padam....padam,po već tko zna koji put....
ali,ovaj put nisam mogla ustati....
ostala sam sjediti nasred napuštene ulice....zahvaljivala sam Bogu što je padala kiša...tako nitko nije mogao vidjeti da plačem.....
i dalje sam sjedila dok je krv tekla iz onih komadića mog slomljenog srca.....pogled mi je zastao na crnoj ruži koja se nalazila tik do moje ruke....već je odavno bila uvenula....jedino što joj je davalo bar neku živost bila je krv mog srca što ju je zamrljala....
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moja crna ružo.......odavno umrla......tako se osjeća i sve u meni.......mrtvo...........
kiša je napravila do mene rijeku na čijoj su površini bezbrižno plivali crni labudovi.....gledali su me nekim čudnim pogledom....kao da mi nešto govore.....kao da se u njima krije neka tajna....
kiša je prestala, a s neba se spustila još jedna crna ruža....ali sada je nešto drugačije....ova je ruža puna života....upravo ubrana sa groblja ljepote.........
labudovi su poletjeli,ljuljačka je prestala cviljeti,srce je prestalo krvariti.........
osjetih topli dodir.....tvoja ruka u mojoj......dignula me i nježno obrisala suze..........
anđele,zar si opet tu.....zašto se stalno pojavljuješ???stalno te vidim......tvoj odraz bljeska se u mojim očima......a kad ih otvorim,ti nestaješ.......
ovo je još jedan san u kojem me zarobljuješ i ne....ne želim se probuditi.....želim zauvijek ostati tu s tobom.........ovdje..........ovdje gdje moje rane zacijeljuješ....gdje moje suze brišeš i od njih stvaraš osmijeh.....ne želim otići.........

vrisak.......otvorih oči.........a ti?..............nema te...............nestao si....................

28.05.2007. u 22:48 • 27 Take my heart......and set it free#

utorak, 22.05.2007.

A reflected dream of a captured time...


mrak...jedino što osjećam je hladnoća...sve što vidim je ovo beskrajno crnilo...
otvorim oči...nalazim se usred ničega...oko mene jedino beživotna tijela crnih drveća....tako je pusto.....i što da radim....
hodam...i hodam....kopam sve dublje,tražim......tražim,ali ne nalazim.....gdje sam?ne vidim,samo čujem.....vrana.......glasnica smrti......zove me.....ne,ne želim otići....ne sada.......
hodam....beskrajno lutam ovim pustim mjestom.......čujem neki glas između drveća......zove moje ime......sve dublje ulazim,lutam ovim tajnama........
stala sam.......ispred mene.........močvara.......
njezine dubine me zovu........sjaj punog mjeseca bljeska na njenoj površini.........ne.......
ako već postoji dubina u kojoj želim nestati,to je dubina tvojih očiju............
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mrak....ne želim da me proguta........noć......tišina........sve je crno,sve je pusto.......crno......
polako poteče krv iz mojih očiju........krv kojom pokušavam unijeti bar malo boje u sve ovo.......ali i ona je crna......sve je crno.......
padam.....tonem u ovaj zaborav.......još malo i dubine ove močvare će me zauvijek izbrisati.........
u trenutku se okrenuh i moj zadnji pogled uhvati tebe,anđele....
Ti,moja balado.......zašto si tu?
zadnjim snagama života,molim te da mi sjaj tvojih očiju prosvijetli put.......
put kojim ću se vratiti natrag.......
molim te,ne ostavljaj me anđele....samo daj da moja ruka dotakne tvoju i sve će ovo crnilo nestati.......vrijeme će stati,a moje krvave usne će i dalje zazivati tvoje ime.......
samo mi obećaj jedno........
da onog dana kada svojim krilima dotaknemo nebo,iza nas ostanu dvije ruže........
jedna crvena kao krv što prolih ovih dana,a druga crna kao noć iz koje si me jednom izvukao.......
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ah da.....sad još moram dodat i ovo.....dakle blacken mi je dao štafetu,koju sad moram napisat....pa evo pet rečenica o meni.....
1.imam neku čudnu opsesiju crnim ružama,svijećama,krilima,karamelom i još nekim stvarima koje neću nabrajat sad......mislit ćete da sam previše opsjednuta,hehe.....
2.htjela bi bit vampir......jel to normalno?
3.ja sam vam jedna umjetnički raspoložena duša i volim sve što ima veze s umjetnošću.....dakle muzika,pisanje i najviše crtanje.....ipak crtam još od malih nogu i time se najbolje mogu izraziti.....
4.jako sam zaljubljiv tip,iako nikak da pronađem srodnu dušu........to mi je već normala...........
5.jako sam vezana za neke osobe koje volim najviše na svijetu i bez kojih nebi mogla živjet......to su uglavnom članovi obitelji,prijatelji,pa čak i neki ljudi s blogova koje zapravo ni ne znam......al ih volim jer su po nekim načinima razmišljanja slični meni....pa eto....znam da je čudno,al jebiga...ja sam čudna,hehe...........
a sad ili/ili.......
ljeto ili zima-zima
toplo ili hladno-toplo
crno ili rozo-crno!!!!!!!!!!
narodnjaci ili metal-metal!!!!!!!!!!!!!
motor ili auto-biram auto,pošto sam motore zamrzila otkad je sestrin frend poginuo zbog jebenog motora.......

ok,a sad.....štafeta ide dalje ovim ljudima:
I'm not crazy cuz i take the right pills-anica
moja empress of the underworld žena
i malac zuky

to bi bilo to........
pozz svimamah

22.05.2007. u 15:12 • 37 Take my heart......and set it free#

petak, 18.05.2007.

I stand alone...

pa evo da i ja napokon napišem novi post.ne znam uopće šta da vam kažem....nemam inspiracije više za bilo kaj......ful se čudno osjećam, ne znam ni kako da to opišem.....ne znam ni jel taj osjećaj nešto dobro ili loše......
znam da si sad svi mislite kakve to gluposti baljezgam, da se nemam na šta žalit.....zapravo i nemam....okružena sam ljudima koje volim i koji mene vole....ali i dalje nešto fali.....ovdje je neka praznina.....
ponekad se pitam dal me ti ljudi uopće vole ili je i to neka vrsta pretvaranja.....možda samo trebaju nešto od mene,al ono što oni osjećaju nije ljubav.....ne znam.....
znam da sam ovo već negdje napisala, ali ljudi se zaista mijenjaju....više nisam sigurna jel nekog znam ili ne...........i to me strašno boli...........
mislila sam da se na te ljude mogu oslonit.........zvala sam ih prijateljima..........
a sad se sve više pitam jel to stvarno jesu...........
ni to ne znam.........zapravo puno stvari ne znamo,a htjeli bi znati.........
i zapravo se pitam kad će doći taj dan kad će sve napokon biti jasno.........
kada će svi znati ono što bi trebali znati???????
ajoj.......hoće li taj dan uopće doći?

18.05.2007. u 12:03 • 19 Take my heart......and set it free#

utorak, 08.05.2007.

nothing is ever the way it should be...

Sve se mijenja.....uopće više ne poznajem ovaj svijet.....ove ljude oko mene koji me navodno vole i koji su tu za mene.........
Zašto se uvijek nameće isto pitanje? Pitanje bez odgovora;ZAŠTO???možda ništa nije onako kako je bilo......hoće li ikada više biti tako?zar se ništa više ne može vratiti na staro?očito ne......
Izgubila sam ključ koji je otvarao ona vrata........vrata iza kojih je sve bilo onako kako i treba biti.........I kako da se sad vratim?kako da se prilagodim svim ovim promjenama?
Opet sjedim u kutu svoje sobe i slušam one iste riječi.......riječi djeve koja je uvijek tu.....i znam da nisam sama..........
A možda ovo što pišem i ne vrijedi.........uvijek će ovako biti i ja tu ništa ne mogu promijeniti.....nitko ne može............
Zašto onda ovo uopće pišem?nema smisla..............
I danas je ovako,a sutra već drugačije..............
Ne mogu se vratit na staro, ne može sve biti isto, ne mogu početi ispočetka...................

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08.05.2007. u 18:40 • 18 Take my heart......and set it free#

četvrtak, 03.05.2007.

You're poison's running through my veins...

Evo javljam vam se sad na brzinu,tek tolko da znate da sam još uvijek živa,ak ikog uopće zanima...........rolleyesda,vratih se iz umaga bilo je zakon........mislim,jest da sam došla tam u 3 ujutro i skužila da sam uzela iz busa krivi,tj.tuđi kofer....al nema beda.........sve je sredila moja draga seka dok sam ja spavala,hehe........smijehpartysmokinthumbuproflroflroflroflwinkyes
Anyway,na mom blogu trenutno vidite novi dizajn....hehe........inače nebi mijenjala,al pošto se radi o mojoj najdražoj pjesmi,uffffffffff..............dakle dio ovog famoznog posta posvećujem alice cooperu i pjesmi poison..............cerek
Ajde,nema veze kaj mi lik nije najbolji izvođač,ali bome ga volim i poštujem........dakle,ova pjesma mi je trenutno najbolja,najdraža,fakat nemam riječi...........ova pjesma trenutno opisuje moje osjećaje i stvarno ju volim........cerekvolim ju odkad znam za sebe i uvijek ću je voljet...........cerekmislim,svaka čast cooperu........taj se čovjek fakat zna izrazit......zna opisat one najdublje osjećaje riječima........naravno,osim ove meni najdraže,postoji još dosta njegovih pjesma koje jako volim i s kojima se mogu poistovijetiti.......npr.jedna jako lijepa die for you ili recimo bed of nails............pa eto vjerojatno ga zato tak jako volim......i zapravo već sam dugo planirala pisat post o njemu pa evo ga..........napokon.............dakle,zahvaljujem mu na najljepšem mogućem opisivanju osjećaja...................thumbup
i za kraj,onima koji još ne znaju za ovu pjesmu,evo vam riječi iako su i u boxu,hehe.............
I sam da se zna da ću vjerojatno kasnije vratit stari dizajn......yes
Pusa svima..................kisskisskisskiss

Your cruel device
Your blood, like ice
One look could kill
My pain, your thrill

I wanna love you but I better not touch (Don't touch)
I wanna hold you but my senses tell me to stop
I wanna kiss you but I want it too much (Too much)
I wanna taste you but your lips are venomous poison
You're poison running through my veins
You're poison, I don't wanna break these chains

Your mouth, so hot
Your web, I'm caught
Your skin, so wet
Black lace on sweat

I hear you calling and it's needles and pins (And pins)
I wanna hurt you just to hear you screaming my name
Don't wanna touch you but you're under my skin (Deep in)
I wanna kiss you but your lips are venomous poison
You're poison running through my veins
You're poison, I don't wanna break these chains

One look could kill
My pain, your thrill
I wanna love you but I better not touch (Don't touch)
I wanna hold you but my senses tell me to stop
I wanna kiss you but I want it too much (Too much)
I wanna taste you but your lips are venomous poison
You're poison running through my veins
You're poison, I don't wanna break these chains

I wanna love you but I better not touch (Don't touch)
I wanna hold you but my senses tell me to stop
I wanna to kiss you but I want it too much (Too much)
I wanna taste you but your lips are venomous poison, yeah
I don't wanna break these chains
Poison, oh no
Runnin' deep inside my veins,
Burnin' deep inside my veins
It's poison
I don't wanna break these chains
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03.05.2007. u 21:02 • 11 Take my heart......and set it free#

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Welcome to my paradise...

odazivam se na ime Anja.
volim.svoju muziku.svoje prijatelje.
pije.s vremena na vrijeme.
smije se.stalno.trudi se.
marte.starke.iron maiden.sesvete.
umjetnost.zakk wylde.dimebag.
kinder bueno XD.ljubav.sve.

možete me naći...
na spejsu
na vf-u
emesen također...ako nekome treba...slobodno traži =)

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Ana Banana :)
Miceki moi...alen i vanya
Misek :)
Seka :)
Gothic Puppet
Hoti :)
Ayla :)

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my music...my life...

†Iron Maiden†
†In flames†
†Black label society†
†Dark Tranquility†
†Iced Earth†
†Machine Head†
†Rotting christ†
†Sonata arctica†
†Opcha opasnost†
†System of a down†
†Hladno pivo†
†Dimmu Borgir†
†London After Midnight†
†Trail Of Tears†
†Children Of Bodom†
†Deep Inside†
†The Sins Of Thy Beloved†
†Theatres Des Vampires†
†Marilyn Manson†


I could take your breath away,
I could make this feel so right
out of the blackest shadows
into your burning light

your touch would enthrall my heart,
my touch could release your soul
lying warm and dark in your arms,
come close to me now and take control
riding through endless nights,
bury the nameless dead
the stars will rain down in the night
cast out of Heaven by jealous angels of death

together we'll rule our world
together we'll rule theirs too
lightning and thunder collide
at the edge of the world for me and you

In this Paradise you'll find just what your looking for,
beauty right before you eyes,
how could you ask for more?
Here behind these eyes,
here inside my soul
hear the screams of a crucifixion ring through the dark,
ring through the cold
reach up and pull me down
into your hallowed ground
I'll lead you into temptation,
buried in passion I'll lead you down...

IN FLAMES-come clarity

Rushing through 30, getting older every day
By two, drawing pictures of innocent times
Can you add.. colour.. inside these lines?!

I want you to lead me
Take me somewhere
Don’t want to live in a dream one more day

I want you to lead me
Take me somewhere
Don’t want to live in a dream one more day

Sure, if we change our perspective
I'm certain, I would change today
I'm certain, it will change our ways
Will things fall into place?

I want you to lead me
Take me somewhere
Don’t want to live in a dream one more day

I want you to lead me
Take me somewhere
Don’t want to live in a dream one more day

I want you to lead me
Take me somewhere
Don’t want to live in a dream one more day

I want you to lead me
Take me somewhere
Don’t want to live in a dream one more day

Take me somewhere
Don’t want to live in a dream one more day

Take me somewhere
Don’t want to live in a dream one more day


Another dream that will never come true
Just to compliment your sorrow
Another life that I've taken from you
A gift to add on to your pain and suffering
Another truth you can never believe
Has crippled you completely
All the cries you're beginning to hear
Trapped in your mind, and the sound is deafening

Let me enlighten you
This is the way I pray

Livin just isn't hard enough
Burn me alive, inside
Livin my life's not hard enough
Take everything away

Another nightmare about to come true
Will manifest tomorrow
Another love that I've taken from you
Lost in time, on the edge of suffering
Another taste of the evil I breed
Will level you completely
Bring to life everything that you fear
Live in the dark, and the world is threatening

Let me enlighten you
This is the way i pray


Return to me
Leave me no one
Turn to me
Return to me
Cast aside

You make me turn away

LED ZEPPELIN-all my lovecerek

Should I fall out of love, my fire in the night
To chase a feather in the wind
Within the glow that weaves a cloak of delight
There moves a thread that has no end.

For many hours and days that pass ever soon
the tides have caused the flame to dim
At last the arm is straight, the hand to the loom
Is this to end or just begin?

All of my love,
all of my love,
all of my love to you now. X2

The cup is raised, the toast is made yet again
One voice is clear above the din
Proud Arianne, one word, my will to sustain
For me, the cloth once more to spin


Yours is the cloth, mine is the hand that sews time
his is the force that lies within
Ours is the fire, all the warmth we can find
He is a feather in the wind



Thumbing through the pages of my fantasies
Pushing all the mercy down, down, down
I wanna see you try to take a swing at me
Come on, gonna put you on the ground, ground, ground

Why are you trying to make fun of me?
You think it's funny?
What the fuck you think it's doing to me?
You take your turn lashing out at me
I want you crying with your dirty ass in front of me

All of my hate cannot be bound (hate cannot be bound)
I will not be drowned (i will not be drowned)
by your thoughtless scheming
So you can try to tear me down (try to tear me down)
Beat me to the ground (beat me to the ground)
I will see you screaming

Thumbing through the pages of my fantasies
I'm above you, smiling as you, drown, drown, drown
I wanna kill and rape you the way you raped me
And I'll pull the trigger
And you're down, down, down

Why are you trying to make fun of me?
You think it's funny?
What the fuck you think it's doing to me?
You take your turn lashing out at me
I want you crying with your dirty ass in front of me

All of my hate cannot be bound (hate cannot be bound)
I will not be drowned (i will not be drowned)
by your thoughtless scheming
So you can try to tear me down (try to tear me down)
Beat me to the ground (beat me to the gorund)
I will see you screaming

All my friends are gone, they died (gonna take you down)
They all screamed, and cried (gonna take you down)

I never forget
Never forget
I can't get no where,
I never forget
Never forget
I can't getttt... [x4]
(Gonna take you down!!!) (4x)

All of my hate cannot be bound (hate cannot be bound)
I will not be drowned by (i will not be drowned)
your thoughtless scheming
So you can try to tear me down (try to tear me down)
Beat me to the ground (beat me to the ground)
I will see you screaming
All of my hate cannot be bound (hate cannnot be bound)
I will not be drowned (I will not be drowned)
by your thoughtless scheming
So you can try to tear me down (try to tear me down)
Beat me to the ground (beat me to the ground)
I will see you screaming

WASP-wild childyes

I ride, I ride the winds that bring the rain
A creature of
love and I can't be tamed
I want you, cause I'm
gonna take your love from him
And I'll touch your face
and hot burning skin
No, he'll never ever touch you
like I do
So look in my eyes and burn alive the truth

I'm a wild child, come and love me
I want
My heart's in exile I need you to touch me
'Cause I want what you do
I'm a wild child,
come and love me
I want you
My heart's in exile I
need you to touch me
'Cause I want what you do
want you

Tell me, tell me the lies you're
telling him when you
Run away 'cause I wanna know
Cause I, I'm sure it's killing him to find
you run to me when he lets you go
'Cause I'm
burning, burning, burning up with fire
So - come turn me on
and turn the flames up higher

I'm a wild child,
come and love me
I want you
My heart's in exile I
need you to touch me
Cause I want what you do

I'm a wild child, come and love me
I want you
My heart's in exile I need you to touch me
Cause I
want what you do
I want you

A naked heat
machine, I want your love
When the moons arise we'll
feel just what it does

I'm a wild child, come
and love me
I want you
My heart's in exile I need
you to touch me
'Cause I want what you do
I'm a wild child, come and love me
I want you
My heart's in exile I need you to touch me
'Cause I want what you do
I want you


Decisions made from desperation
No way to go
Internal instincts craving isolation
For me to grow

My fears come alive
In this place where I once died
Demons dreaming
Knowing I...I just needed to realign

Fell in a river of illusion
And apathy
Drowning in a self-induced confusion
I'd rather be

My fears come alive
In this place where I once died
Demons dreaming
Knowing I...I just needed to realign

My fears come alive
In this place where I once died
Demons dreaming
Knowing I...I just needed to realign


Yeah! [4x]

My fears come alive
In this place where I once died
Demons dreaming
Knowing I...I just needed to realign

My fears come alive
In this place where I once died
Demons dreaming
Knowing I...I just needed to realign


"Ladies and Gentlemen"
We are the thing of shapes to come
Your freedom's not free and dumb
This Depression is Great
The Deformation Age, they know my name
Waltzing to scum and base and
Married to the pain

Bang we want it
Bang we want it
Bang bang bang bang bang
You came to see the mobscene
I know it isn't your scene
It's better than a sex scene and it's
So fucking obscene, obscene yeah.

Be obscene, be be obscene
Be obscene, baby, and not heard.

The day that love opened our eyes
We watched the world end
We have "high" places but we have no friends
They told us sin's not good but we know it's great
War-time full-frontal drugs, sex-tank armor plate

Bang we want it
Bang we want it
Bang bang bang bang bang
You came to see the mobscene
I know it isn't your scene
It's better than a sex scene and it's
So fucking obscene, obscene yeah.

You want commitment?
Put on your best suit, get your arms around me
Now we're going down down down
You want commitment?
Put on your best suit, get your arms around me
Now we're going down down down

Be obscene, be be obscene
Be obscene, baby, and not heard.

You came to see the mobscene
I know it isn't your scene
It's better than a sex scene and it's
So fucking obscene, obscene yeah.

You want commitment?
Put on your best suit, get your arms around me
Now we're going down down down
You want commitment?
Put on your best suit, get your arms around me
Now we're going down down down

"Ladies and gentlemen, be obscene! Be be obscene!"
Be obscene, be be obscene
Be obscene, baby, and not heard.

Bang bang bang bang bang.

CRADLE OF FILTH-nymphetamine

Lead to the river
Midsummer I wave
A "V" of black swans
On with hope to the grave
And through Red September
With skies fire-paved
I begged you appear
Like a thorn for the holy ones

Cold was my soul
Untold was the pain
I faced, when you left me
A rose in the rain...
So I swore to the razor
That never, enchained
Would your dark nails of faith
Be pushed through my veins again

Bared on your tomb
I'm a prayer for your loneliness
And would you ever soon
Come above unto me?
For once upon a time
From the binds of your lowliness
I could always find
The right slot for your sacred key

Six feet deep is the incision
In my heart that barless prison
Discolours all with tunnel vision
Sick and weak from my condition
This lust, this vampiric addiction
To her alone in full submission
None better...

Nymphetamine, nymphetamine
Nymphetamine girl
Nymphetamine, nymphetamine
My nymphetamine girl

Wracked with your charm
I'm circled like prey
Back in the forest
Where whispers persuade
More sugar trails
More white lady laid
Than pillars of salt

Fold to my arms
Hold their mesmeric sway
And dance out to the moon
As we did in those golden days

Christening stars
I remember the way
We were needle and spoon
Mislaid in the burning hay

Bared on your tomb
I'm a prayer for your loneliness
And would you ever soon
Come above unto me?
For once upon a time
From the bind of your holiness
I could always find
The right slot for your sacred key

Six feet deep is the incision
In my heart that barless prison
Discolours all with tunnel vision
Sick and weak from my condition
This lust, this vampiric addiction
To her alone in full submission
None better...

None better...

Nymphetamine, nymphetamine
Nymphetamine girl
Nymphetamine, nymphetamine
My nymphetamine girl

IRON MAIDEN-blood brothers

And if you're taking a walk through the garden of life
What do you think you'd expect you would see?
Just like a mirror reflecting the moves of your life
And in the river reflections of me

Just for a second a glimpse of my father I see
And in a movement he beckons to me
And in a moment the memories are all that remain
And all the wounds are reopening again

We're blood brothers, we're blood brothers
We're blood brothers, we're blood brothers

And as you look all around at the world in dismay
What do you see, do you think we have learned
Not if you're taking a look at the war-torn affray
Out in the streets where the babies are burned

We're blood brothers, we're blood brothers
We're blood brothers, we're blood brothers

There are time when I feel I'm afraid for the world
There are times I'm ashamed of us all
When you're floating on all the emotion you feel
And reflecting the good and the bad

Will we ever know what the answer to life really is?
Can you really tell me what life is?
Maybe all the things that you know that are precious to you
Could be swept away by fate's own hand

We're blood brothers, we're blood brothers
We're blood brothers, we're blood brothers

When you think that we've used all our chances
And the chance to make everything right
Keep on making the same old mistakes
Makes untipping the balance so easy
When we're living our lives on the edge
Say a prayer on the book of the dead

We're blood brothers, we're blood brothers
We're blood brothers, we're blood brothers

And if you're taking a walk through the garden of life....

SINERGY-written in stone

I dwell on the times I've had
I can't seem to leave the past
I've lost who I am inside
My spirit has long since died
My eyes, they no longer see
My ears, they don't hear a sound
My lips, they have lost the taste
My hands, they no longer feel
Broken and torn am I withered and worm through time
So where do I go from here? Contunie to breathe this fear?
Your eyes, never see me grieve
Yor ears, never hear my cries
Your lips, never speak the truth
Your hands, never hold me tight
This isn't living, I'm only existing
I refuse to stay here and continue to live out this lie
So I shatter the hourglass, hoping my time will pass
Because I'll only be noticed when my name is written in stone
My soul is made of glass
Weakend from sorrows past
I've lost all the will to try
So I slowly wait to die
How long should I will regret? Why me? I have paid my dues
So lost, how can I be found? I wish time would heal my wounds
This isn't living, I'm only existing
I refuse to stay here and continue to live out this lie
So I shatter the hourglass, hoping my time will pass
Because I'll only be noticed when my name is written in stone
This isn't living, I'm only existing
I refuse to stay here and continue to live out this lie
So I shatter the hourglass, hoping my time will pass
Because I'll only be noticed when my name is written in stone

PANTERA-cemetery gates

Reverend, Reverend,
Is this a conspiracy?
Crucified for no sins
No revenge beneath me
Lost within my plans for life
It all seems so unreal
I'm a man cut in half in this world
Left in my misery
The reverend he turned to me
Without a tear in his eyes
It's nothing new for him to see
I didn't ask him why
I will remember
The love our souls had
Sworn to make
Now I watch the falling rain
All my mind can see
Now is your (face)
Well I guess
You took my youth
I gave it all away
Like the birth of a
New-found joy
This love would end in rage
And when she died
I couldn't cry
The pride within my soul
You left me incomplete
All alone as the
Memories now unfold.
Believe the word
I will unlock my door
And pass the
Cemetery gates
Sometimes when I'm alone
I wonder aloud
If you're watching over me
Some place far abound
I must reverse my life
I can't live in the past
Then set my soul free
Belong to me at last
Through all those
Complex years I thought
I was alone
I didn't care to look around
And make this world my own
And when she died
I should've cried and spared myself some pain...
You left me incomplete
All alone as the memories still remain
The way we were
The chance to save my soul
And my concern is now in vain
Believe the word
I will unlock my door
And pass the cemetery gates


I want to live in fire
with all the taste I desire
it's all good if you let me dive
with some sharks on the ground

You lose your routine
you lose your routine
you lose your routine
cause I found my path

What the hell are you trying
now I know there is something more
what happened to you
still staying on my path
are you still denying
now I know there is something more
that this is the truth
it's all in you

What do you came for
what did you expect to find
what's your life for
what did you expect to find
what's your life for
what did you expect to find
what's your life for
what did you expect to find

So boundless I feel
and boundless all my fears
stop running back to old times
stop running back to old times

You loose your routine
cause I found my path

What the hell are you trying
now I know there is something more
what happened to you
still staying on my path
are you still denying
now I know there is something more
that this is the truth
it's all in you

What the hell are you trying
now I know there is something more
what happened to you
still staying on my path
are you still denying
now I know there is something more
that this is the truth
it's all in you

IRON MAIDEN-dream of mirrors

Have you ever felt the future is the past, but you don't know how...?
A reflected dream of a captured time, is it really now, is it really happening?

Don't know why I feel this way, have I dreamt this time, this place?
Something vivid comes again into my mind
And I think I've seen your face, seen this room, been in this place
Something vivid comes again into my mind

All my hopes and expectations, looking for an explanation
Have I found my destination? I just can't take no more

The dream is true, the dream is true
The dream is true, the dream is true

Think I've heard your voice before, think I've said these words before
Something makes me feel I just might lose my mind
Am I still inside my dream? Is this a new reality
Something makes me feel that I have lost my mind

All my hopes and expectations, looking for an explanation
Coming to the realization that I can't see for sure

I only dream in black and white, I only dream cause I'm alive
I only dream in black and white, to save me from myself
I only dream in black and white, I only dream cause I'm alive
I only dream in black and white, please save me from myself

The dream is true, the dream is true
The dream is true, the dream is true

I get up put on the light, dreading the oncoming night
Scared to fall asleep and dream the dream again
Nothing that I contemplate, nothing that I can compare
To letting loose the demons deep inside my head

Dread to think what might be stirring, that my dream is reoccurring
Got to keep away from drifting, saving me from myself

I only dream in black and white, I only dream cause I'm alive
I only dream in black and white, to save me from myself
I only dream in black and white, I only dream cause I'm alive
I only dream in black and white, to save me from myself

Lost in a dream of mirrors, lost in a paradox
Lost and time is spinning, lost a nightmare I retrace
Lost a hell that I revisit, lost another time and place
Lost a parallel existence, lost a nightmare I retrace

I only dream in black and white, I only dream cause I'm alive
I only dream in black and white, to save me from myself
I only dream in black and white, I only dream cause I'm alive
I only dream in black and white, to save me from myself

I only dream in black and white, I only dream cause I'm alive
I only dream in black and white, to save me from myself
I only dream in black and white, I only dream cause I'm alive
I only dream in black and white, to save me from myself

The dream is true, the dream is true
The dream is true, the dream is true

ENSIFERUM-token of time

Harvest the field of time
with the old man's scythe
The narrow path of the chosen one
reaches beyond life
I set sails for the ageless winds
No fear of dying or a thought of surrender
I threaten every barrier on my way
I am bound forever with Token of Time
Among the humble people
Everything is torn apart
but I'm blessed with faith
and bravely I shall go on
Are thou the bringer of hope and joy
that I've waited for years
I shall fight to restore the moon
Wisdoms of time are carved on the sacred wood
Do thou possess spiritual powers
that would dispel all my fears
I shall not die until the seal is broken
Token of Time is trusted in the hands of the chosen one

DARK TRANQUILITY-of melancholy burning

Jackal, aches for pain beyond me
Bestiality beacons -the anger set free
For there is no pain greather than tine
For there is no gain but the fury inside
Desolated since derived
Torn screaming from the gaping wound

Always be cherished
The grandeur of melancholy
outward reprisal
Swear by your throne

Fallen words shall grieve thee
the grandeur of melancholy

Frailty, thy name is weakness
vengeance, thy name is pain
Storm through the still glowing night
Ember eyes beyond reason shall see

Flee from the safety of
the sheltering sky
See all but logic, sovengeance shall be
The grandeur of melancholy

Change into
uncertainty's promised

Always and never
you are the nail

Cursed, cursed
Oh essence of the night guide me
Cursed, cursed
oh sweet revenge heal me
Frailty, thy name is weakness
Vengeance, thy name is pain
the nail

Jackal, aches for pain beyond me
the storm that now grabs me
is the storm of my soul
For there is no pain
greater than thine

For there is no gain but
the fury inside

Once so bereaved
and ever so suppressed
Charge and split up the anger
Wake up the jackal
Let out his wrath

Always and neverhe spoke of his pain
Always and neveryou are the nail

Always be cherished
The grandeur of melancholy
Always and never
you are the nail

GODSMACK-make me believe

Throw away my dreams
This fight for my life isn't getting behind me
And I've been told to scream
Where no one can hear me, it doesn't mean nothing

So make me believe
Just take me away from this hell I've created
And I'm afraid
I'm breaking my own vows knowing I'll go down in flames

I know this can't be right
There's got to be something more that I can live for
And I can only hide
Inside of this sickness for so long again

So make me believe
Just take me away from this hell I've created
And I'm afraid
I'm breaking my own vows knowing I'll go down

Make me believe
Just take me away from temptation that's calling me
And I'm afraid
I'm breaking my own vows knowing I'll go down in flames

Running in circles
Confusion is calling my name
Hiding inside of this poisoning madness again
I'm tired, I'm broken
I'm walking along with the dead
Will I ever feel like I once did?

So make me...

Make me believe
Just take me away from this hell I've created
And I'm afraid
I'm breaking my own vows knowing I'll go down

Make me believe
Make me believe
Make me believe
I'm breaking my own vows, knowing I'll go down in flames

HAMMERFALL-[if]dreams come true

Never thought I'd feel again, feel the darkness
fade and see the morning sun arise
Never thought I'd feel alive again, senses dull
and blunt from all the lies

Now, when I hold your face so close to mine I
see a place where the sun will shine, with you
it is divine

Looking down into those eyes, I know, I'll be
lost and never found again. Kiss me once and
I will surely melt and die, kiss me twice and I
will never leave your side...(if) Dreams Come True

Do I dare to trust this time? Ooh, the Bells of
Fortune, will I ever hear them chime?
Only those who have been burned before truly
know the meaning of Hell's flaming core

I was the brooding night and you were dawn.
Saving me, for I was forlorn, in your light I am

Looking down into those eyes, I know, I'll be
lost and never found again. Kiss me once and
I will surely melt and die, kiss me twice and I
will never leave your side...(if) Dreams Come True

[Lead: Oscar]

Then, when the walls are breaking down on us, when all
we see is misery
will you still believe in me?

Looking down into those eyes, I know, I'll be
lost and never found again. Kiss me once and
I will surely melt and die, kiss me twice and I
will never leave your side, until the sign of winter,
always by your side....(Dreams Come True)

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