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You know you are in love when you see the world in her eyes and her eyes everywhere in the world.
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This is all I want, it's all I need.
This is all I am, it's everything.
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Life’s not about waiting for the storm to pass. Its about learning how to dance in the rain.
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Tell me all your secrets
and i'll tell you all of mine
tell me only lies
you're not that kind.
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To be yourself is all that you can do
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Ti si jednostavno čovjek.
I zato si - velik.
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Music gives a soul to the universe, wings to the mind, flight to the imagination, and life to everything.

subota, 20.10.2007.

Life you lived

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Saw my ID and it wasn't me
It was someone else's identity
Why do I need to prove myself
And who is the judge of my sanity
Roaming through my old emotions
I find new feelings of misery
I bet with my soul to get back the truth
Where I would face reality

Walking around with some thoughts on my mind
I search for a place where I'll be free
From all that I said and all that's been done
It'll be hard to find it inside of me

I know that I've gotta try
No one can see me cry
I can't take it anymore
Imust find a way to let myself go

Life is a book and you gotta read it
Life is a story and you gotta tell it
Life is a song and you gotta sing it
You got to know how to live it

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