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You know you are in love when you see the world in her eyes and her eyes everywhere in the world.
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Image Hosted by ImageShack.us
This is all I want, it's all I need.
This is all I am, it's everything.
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Image Hosted by ImageShack.us
Life’s not about waiting for the storm to pass. Its about learning how to dance in the rain.
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Image Hosted by ImageShack.us
Tell me all your secrets
and i'll tell you all of mine
tell me only lies
you're not that kind.
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To be yourself is all that you can do
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Image Hosted by ImageShack.us
Ti si jednostavno čovjek.
I zato si - velik.
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Music gives a soul to the universe, wings to the mind, flight to the imagination, and life to everything.

srijeda, 11.04.2007.


tebe sam čekala
da ukradeš mi srce
i da dođe moje vrijeme
pusti me da uđem
otključaj mi vrata
nikada se prije nisam
ovako osjećala

i svijet sa nastavlja okretati
i glazba još uvijek traje
neznam kuda idem i
neznam gdje ću doći

primi mi ruku i vodi me
trebam nekoga tko me razumije
trebam nekoga tko čuje
tebe sam čekala svo ovo vrijeme
zbog tebe bi čekala da
kraljevstvo nebesko dođe
i sve dok moji dani ne završe
reci da ćeš doći i osloboditi me
samo reci da ćeš me čekati

u tvojim suzama
u tvojoj krvi
u vatri u tvojim očima
u tvojem tijelu

čula sam tvoj smijeh
čula sam tvoj glas
i nebi promjenila ništa

i svijet sa nastavlja okretati
i glazba još uvijek traje
neznam kuda idem i
neznam što će od mene postati

tebe sam čekala
da ukradeš mi srce
i da prođe moje vrijeme
reci da ćeš se vratiti
i osloboditi me
reci samo reci
da ćeš me čekati

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