Dream called Tokio Hotel https://blog.dnevnik.hr/nessa11

petak, 24.08.2007.

Hey peoplesi!!!! ;-)

Hey ljudi moji pa kak zivot??!!!! Evo ja se nisam javljala par mjeseci... ma mislim stvarno... a sta cete kad je ljeto pa svi totalno polude... (ukljucujuci i mene)....
No da prestanemo sa mnom i prebacimo se na Tokio Hotel...
O njima u biti nist posebno novo...
osim sto su izdali album na engleskom :-) pa mislim to dosad vec zna svaka budala
Dakle album se u Njemackoj i Austriji prodaje pod imenom Room 483, a u ostalim zemljama (gdje mi spadamo) pod imenom Scream :-) Inace ja taj album nemam i poludit cu zbog tog... al zato mogu jamcit da su pjesme legendarne... dosad sam cula samo ready, set, go i ta mi je ORIGINALNA!!! Ma predobra je... Nadalje...



Dakle ja sam to otkrila tek prejucer i nisam mogla vjerovat!!! No nije vazno sad da napisem sta znam ;-)
Ovako... Tetovaza je Freiheit 89 (Sloboda 89) i istetovirana je preko cijele unutrasnje strane Billove podlaktice... Ma ludnica... A tetovaza nije losa... meni je bas cool... Mogli bi sad diskutirati o tome zasto se zove Freiheit 89... Pa mozemo pretpostaviti da je to zbog toga sto ce nasi twinsici uskoro napuniti 18 godina i biti potpuno slobodni :-)
Uglavnom skinula sam jedan intervjus jednog bloga... i sad me mozete ubiti ali ne znam s kojeg... no bar sam rekla :-) (velika stvar) Intervju je na enlgeskom a pretpostavljam da svi vi znate engleski pa necu prevoditi :-) Ma zapravo prevest cu al u iducem postu sad mi se ne da (bravo za mene)... pa si malo procitajte sta to Bill kaze za svoju tetovazu i opcenito za tetovaze :-) koma je intervju... ma mislim kad njihovi intervjui nisu koma :-)


Bravo: What does "Freiheit 89"mean?
Bill: On 1 September 1989 where Tom and I born.
That means that soon we will finally be 18.
We have been looking forward to that for a while.
After that you are truly free.

Bravo: What do you mean?
Bill: In Germany you are finally an adult at 18.
That means I can finally drive a car and can decide things for yourself.
That is just freedom to me.
I don't have to listen to people anymore and can finally do what I want.

Bravo: And why this tattoo?
Bill: It is a birthday present for me - surprise! (laughs)

Bravo: Why before your birthday?
Bill: We have a break from concerts at the moment.
A tattoo needs some time to heal so it fits perfectly.

Bravo: Did you design it yourself?
Bill: No, the idea is from the guy that did the tattoo.
He also did my star.
We have talked about the design for some time now,
we had contact through email. And finally it is ready -
and I am super happy with it. I really like the way it is written.

Bravo: But it turned out really big, don't you think?
Bill: Yes, a little. But I wanted it to cover the whole arm.

Bravo: Didn't it hurt?
Bill: Yes, a lot. Really weird was that last time I got
this intoxicating crème to put on it - but I couldn't use
that this time. The crème opens the pores and then it could have got stained.
It didn't hurt as much as the Tokio Hotel logo in my neck though.
That was the most intense one.

Bravo: It sounds like your getting used to getting
tattoos done even though they hurt….
Bill: Yes, it is really cool. I was very nervous though.
A new tattoo is always very exciting.

Bravo: With the star you got into trouble with your mother,
did she get mad this time?
Bill: No, in 10 days I will become 18.
Nevertheless, she thought it was ok.
That is just the freedom I am talking about.

Bravo: In 1989 the wall fell that separated Germany.
Has your tattoo also a political meaning?
Bill: No, it hasn't got anything to do with that.
After the tattoo already was done someone pointed
that out to me, but when that wall fell I was born -
I only know Germany as one country.

Bravo: What will be your next tattoo?
Bill: I don't know yet, but I really wanna get more done.
And they will always have a certain meaning.
A pointless picture is nothing for me. But don't worry,
I won't tattoo my entire body or anything like that.
Some places are just off limits.
I would never tattoo my "you know what". (laughs)

Bravo: How about Tom, doesn't he like tattoo's?
Bill: No, he doesn't do things like that but he
was there when I got mine. He was really convulsive. (laughs)

Bravo: But a twins-tattoo, that should really be something for you?
Bill: I proposed that too, but Tom didn't want it.
He thinks we are already connected enough already.

Bravo: What have you planned for your 18th birthday?
Bill: We haven't planned anything really.
But it is sure that it will be big with all our friends and family,
we'll just have to see.


I jos jedna mala vijest : Georg se malo šišnuo ;-) Malo si je skratio kosu nist starsno ...

Pa onda uzivajte mi i zabavljajte se dok nema skole... Nemamo jos puno vremena :-)
Usput rado bih vam stavila slike Billa s tetovazom al tu imam neke blokade pa ne mogu stavljat nikakve slike :-(


24.08.2007. u 13:50 • 29 KomentaraPrint#^

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Rođena sam 11.06.1991., imam 16 godina idem u drugi razred (osnovne škole, naravno)
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