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Moj život, događanja u njemu, i moja razmišljanja...

Every song ends! Is there any reason not to enjoy music?

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If you are the luckiest
person on this planet,
the person you love
decides to
love you back..

Jesus:"You are my friends.
There is no greater love
than for a man to lay down
his life for his friends.."

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Light from inside forum
Parvus Gollum
Italian Stallion
Mali Tuljani
Bike blog
Blog o Chucku

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Želite li samo časak biti sretni?
Osvećujte se!
Želite li uvijek biti sretni?
(H. Lacordaire)

Nikad se mržnja ne uklanja mržnjom.
Samo blagost briše svaku mržnju.
Taj je zakon vječan i nepromjenjiv.

Samo istinito je lijepo.

Tko mnogo priča
Ili mnogo zna
Ili mnogo laže.

Neispunjenje želje je patnja
Mudro je: ne željeti.

Ako nekoga mrzi mnogo ljudi
Mora da je dobar čovjek.
(W. Shakespeare)

Ništa nije samo po sebi
dobro, ni loše,
ovisi samo
što o tome mislimo.
(W. Shakespeare)

Sve je lako
kad te vodi ljubav!
(R. Bach)


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The sun'll come out
Bet your bottom dollar
That tomorrow
There'll be sun!

Just thinkin' about
Clears away the cobwebs,
And the sorrow
'Til there's none!

When I'm stuck a day
That's gray,
And lonely,
I just stick out my chin
And Grin,
And Say,

The sun'll come out
So ya gotta hang on
'Til tomorrow
Come what may
Tomorrow! Tomorrow!
I love ya Tomorrow!
You're always
A day
A way!

Sick Puppies
All the same

I don't mind where you come from
As long as you come to me
I don't like illusions I can't see
Them clearly

I don't care no I wouldn't dare
To fix the twist in you
You've shown me eventually
What you'll do

I don't mind...
I don't care...
As long as you're here

Go ahead tell me you'll leave again
You'll just come back running
Holding your scarred heart in hand
It's all the same

And I'll take you for who you are
If you take me for everything
Do it all over again
It's all the same

Hours slide and days go by
Till you decide to come
And in between it always seems too long
All of a sudden

And I have the skill, yeah I have the will
To breathe you in while I can
However long you stay
Is all that I am

I don't mind...
I don't care...
As long as you're here

Go ahead tell me you'll leave again
You'll just come back running
Holding your scarred heart in hand
It's all the same

And I'll take you for who you are
If you take me for everything
Do it all over again
It's always the same

Wrong or right
Black or white
If I close my eyes
It's all the same

In my life
The compromise
I close my eyes
It's all the same

Go ahead say it you're leaving
You'll just come back running
Holding your scarred heart in hand
It's all the same

And I'll take you for who you are
If you take me for everything
Do it all over again
It's all the same

Pink Floyd
Wish you were here

So, so you think you can tell
Heaven from Hell,
Blue skys from pain.
Can you tell a green field
From a cold steel rail?
A smile from a veil?
Do you think you can tell?

And did they get you to trade
Your heros for ghosts?
Hot ashes for trees?
Hot air for a cool breeze?
Cold comfort for change?
And did you exchange
A walk on part in the war
For a lead role in a cage?

How I wish, how I wish you were here.
We're just two lost souls
Swimming in a fish bowl,
Year after year,
Running over the same old ground.
What have we found?
The same old fears.
Wish you were here.

Bigoo.ws All for your blog


Design : Morrigan.
Stock image and brushes: Deviant Art.

utorak, 27.02.2007.

Bright side of the life

Ljudi u današnjem svijetu zapravo se često pitaju: Postoji li još to u opće? Odgovor je jasan i glasan.. DA, to postoji.. Pa naravno. Samo je svjetliju stranu života nekima teže vidjeti zbog silne užurbanosti, jurnjave čas amo, čas tamo.. Nedostatak vremena za sebe, za druge, težnja za materijalnim- sve su to najčešći problemi današnjice koji obuhvaćaju velik dio čovječanstva. Normalno da je nekome dan tmuran i tužan ako tako juri na posao da niti ne stigne pogledati u nebo i vidjeti sunce, oblake, zelene grane drveća. Sve to postoji još uvijek (i nadam se da će još dugo postojati), samo se više ne zamjećuje i ne pridaje se tome važnost. Svima se nekuda žuri. To nije baš dobro, ali naravno to već svi dobro znamo ako ne sami od sebe onda nam to u glave tupe oglasi u novinama i reklame na televiziji. Previše smo okrenuti materijalnim 'dobrima' da bi vidjeli ona prava dobra, koja su u nama i drugim ljudima. Veću vrijednost ima nečiji lijep pogled upućen baš vama, ili neka lijepa i topla riječ izašla iz ustiju osobe do koje vam je stalo, ili malo vremena poklonjeno vama od neke osobe koju volite, nego bilokakav novac svijeta, makar danas to zapravo i nije tako nažalost. Neki ljudi bi prodali i sebe i sve što imaju samo za novac i bogatstvo i slavu. Ali to nisu istinski bitne stvari.. Bitne stvari su neopipljive i vidljive su samo srcem. Da, treba gledati srcem a ne očima (mozgom), jer ono najljepše se otkriva srcem i u srcu ostaje :)

„Always look at the bright side of the life..“

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